A Major Reason Why Disneyland Gave Up On Tomorrowland

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friends what could the recent project over at the Haunted Mansion have to possibly do with Tomorrowland and what do new main gates at the front of Disneyland have to do with tomorrow land how can we look at all the recent announcements and Disneyland's activity over the last couple of years and predict that Disneyland has officially officially given up on tomorrow land bricky here showing you what all of the years of Western end development has taught me about the future of tomorrow land and what I was able to take from this newly announced project of the Haunted Mansion that showed me the last bit of evidence that I needed to see that Tomorrowland is a complete tear down and do over everything here eventually will be ripped down to the dirt and Disney will attempt to rebuild back this land as a better version of tomorrow or something else when the idea comes to them let's get started on an update special this is a topic I've wanted to break down for a long time and I'm so excited to show up to break this down with with me starting with Disneyland's Western end this stretch is the most Flawless stretch of theme park design that Disney is ever created as well as any of their competition it is absolutely Flawless the way each land each attraction just Falls right into the next one it's all killer no filler and yet this is where they have put a lot of their extra time and effort while ignoring tomorrow land but friends let's take a tour of all the projects that have recently happened in the last handful of years on Disneyland's beloved Western end stretch we had the tropical Hideaway fully get built this wasn't here it was the Aladdin weird meet and greet area it was a dead space and now there's a fullon restaurant where you can sit next to the jungle cruise up next the jungle cruise had a lot of new scenes put in was massaged it was plused and made much better just last year Indiana Jones was taken down for a while went through methodically each scene was reworked new lighting they made it so much better even worked on its massive queue that basically walks you out into a parking lot to go on this adventure with Indiana Jones and then there's the Tarzan's Treehouse which is now just the adventur land Treehouse where they removed the piece that was in the middle of the walkway redid the entire attraction and mind you they took their sweet time doing it but the end product is pretty damn good and even though it's a part of the rivers of America we even saw them take the Mark Twain and fully I mean fully go all the way down to basically the the studs on this boat and completely rebuild so many parts of it new windows new paint new light bulbs new Paddle Wheel on the back they went through this thing with a fine tooth comb and made the best version of The Mark Twain the guests are going to see for quite some time and who could forget the addition of Tiana land with Tiana's store inside of New Orleans Square proper Tiana's Palace on the outer edge of New Orleans square and Tiana's Bayou Adventure coming where Splash Mountain used to be Tiana land has come in the last recent years and uh she's everywhere she's the most popular G in New Orleans square but there's also been infrastructure projects over here like remember when they redid All of the sidewalks around me and they also put in the new Pelican Landing the new dining area that sits right on the banks of the rivers of America America this area has been a complete land of transformation and it's wild because it was perfect the way that it was and then there's also the massive Haunted Mansion project that's happening right now where they're resculpting Magnolia Park making that part of the queue for the Haunted Mansion making the other side an area to sit and eat for guests that are overflowing from Tas The Haunted Mansion is getting a new elevator system put in it new projections a complete utter tear down on the Eastern end of the Haunted Mansion but that's not it we're also getting a brand new shop on the exit point of the Haunted Mansion themed after Madame Leota this is to clean up some of the sight lines of Tiana's Bou Adventure that'll be coming on the other side of this shop but friends there is new things happening nearly everywhere in New Orleans square and if it hasn't already been touched it's being worked on right now le poor poor Pirates of the Caribbean the only major attraction that hasn't received any significant TLC in the last couple of years which makes me wonder what are they going to do next to Pirates when they're done with the Mansion because Disney is hellbent on massaging every nook and cranny of its most successful stretch of the park while leaving the other end completely abandoned of new projects of new ideas or anything relatively that looks like a promising sign of a better tomorrow now that we've seen everything that's happening on the busy Western end let's jump over to Tomorrowland where the contrast couldn't be any more different even though Disney may be giving up on Tomorrowland there's no reason to give up on hey bricky what do you say subscribe to the channel where each week I'm working hard to put up three wellth thought out and curated Disneyland videos to bring you into the past future and present of everything that's happening with Disneyland on a business design sort of the thanking man's Channel if you will about how all these different pieces on the chessboard are getting moved around to create a future of Disneyland based on its Rich history and past what do you say subscribe to hey bricky and join me on this 3-day a week adventure I appreciate you when we look at Star Tours we see a ride that was great for that moment in time but that moment has passed it feels Antiquated it feels outdated and let's be honest the new Ahsoka Adventure that is coming to the attraction is really only happening because when Disney updates onear tours they have the ability to update all the Star Tours globally if there was only one in Disneyland no way would they be putting the money and time into updating this single attraction if we look at the front of the building it's obviously dented up where a work truck came by and slammed it overnight when they were doing some sort of refurbishments around the park this attraction has served the Disney fans very very well but the time for this Chuck-E-Cheese attraction to move on is officially about a year or two behind us when Star Wars Galaxy's Edge and Smuggler run opened up giving guest a different version of a Star Wars experience in a land fully dedicated to this intellectual property Buzz Lightyear this attraction is an amazing people eater when it's open it sucks in large amounts of people giving families the ability to do a gameplay ride is very important to younger citizens of Disneyland interaction is the Keystone of this generation's experiences and with the world that being said there is really no reason to leave Buzz here it hasn't had any sort of updates or major refurbishments in quite quite some time Astro Orbiter what can you say about an attraction that can physically be removed from the park taken offsite to get its maintenance and then brought back could you ever see them actually just stand well we're just going to haul off the Haunted Mansion and when we're done we'll bring it back to Disneyland this is a carnival style ride with a light Disneyland wrapping around it I don't think anybody would miss it when it's gone and most people don't when it is gone and we have the atopia subs lagoon area this plot of land is about the same size of all of Toontown or all of Main Street USA if you do not visit this land on your visit that means that you have completely ignored an entire land's worth of land think about how much money on your last trip you spent in the Main Street USA area or how much time you spent in Toontown if you ride atopia or the subs that is the equivalent to using the same amount of space this is a huge huge parcel of land that Disney could fully turn into its own separate land if they were willing to give up on this and I know a lot of people will say but autopia opening day attraction not this version this is not the original version yes it is named after Walt's Vision that was before we had our highway system in America but the highway system is here and etopia still is as well think about it one whole land three or two different attractions restaurants and shops Disney could make so much more money off of this land than what they're currently doing which is about zero and then we get into Disneyland's famous broken attraction the People Mover that literally goes through nearly every single Building inside of tomorrow land and in some of those buildings where the people mover goes through it it is connected to loadbearing parts of those buildings the People Mover can't be torn down because it is integrated through every single part of tomorrow land making removing it nearly impossible and that's why we've had the relic of an attraction going all through the land creating disturbances and how guests are able to walk through this land for several decades and not one indication that it's going to change in the next decade and tomorrow land happens to be the home to empty buildings buildings that are not being used whatsoever for the guest experience the back end of starcade only gets opened up for sign ings and photo ops for after hours events the Magic Eye theater where Captain eio was at for years is been closed since Tomorrowland the movie came out or maybe the first Guardians of the Galaxy either way it's been an extremely long time since that's been used for guests and let's talk about the latest big Improvement to Tomorrowland there it is right there a DVC Lounge that's the newest and greatest best thing that has come to Tomorrowland and probably only about 5% of the visitors of Disneyland or less get to use this brand new thing that came to Tomorrowland a lounge for a level of the Disney Elite but that's it that is the newest thing that tomorrow land has a lounge for only a small sector of the audience base the biggest thing that has kept tomorrow land on life support for such a long time is the tremendous success of space base Mountain this is by far a pral favorite it gets ranked nearly every single year in the Southern California best theme park attractions as one of the top 10 attractions for people to visit when they come to Southern California Space Mountain is an absolute Disneyland OG Legend and most folks will tell you that this is one of their favorite rides if not possibly their favorite attraction but there's a problem with Space Mountain it is located in the dead center of this land this was the anchor to draw people further into the tomorrow land experience and because it's dead center they've had a hard time of figuring out how do we redo this land when the one part we want to save is in the center if Space Mountain had been built all the way over to the South or all the way over to the north it would have been a no-brainer but it's not it's in the middle it's extremely successful and there has lied the most major problem on redoing Tomorrowland is a success of his icon and its icon is is in a location that it makes it nearly impossible to figure out how to reshape all of this without committing to the old look the old aesthetic and the old way of thinking Space Mountain has been tomorrowland's biggest success but also probably one of its biggest problems and I believe everything that we're seeing over on the West End is proof that Tomorrowland is a complete ter out it will be ripped down to dirt and something new will be born in this space behind us and I look at it this way when you are done living in your home and you know that you're going to sell it in the next couple of years what do you start doing you start patching holes putting a new coat of paint on things but you stop doing any significant improvements to the house because why you know that you're going to move you spend all of your time shopping looking at other homes daydreaming about what you want next next what's wrong with this place and how do you want to fix it in your next investment and your family's future Tomorrowland is the exact same way zero significant improvements over the last set of years just keeping a coat of paint on it patching the leaks and hoping that it can just keep running until they get to that next moment because just like you in this scenario Disney is already thinking about what's next where do they want to move next where do they want to take this land next and I think that there is another big play at hand here that's going to help make that decision for the future of Tomorrowland and that part of the story is Tethered into Disneyland Ford and the land that exists way behind Space Mountain as part of the future of the resort Disney definitely wants to try to blow out the Eastern end of Disneyland all of that wasted space that's currently used for loading and unloading infrastructure for guests they want all of that to exist on the other side of Harbor therefore allowing that plot of land to not be used for infrastructure but theme park entertainment space so why would you want to do anything to tomorrow land today when you think in the tomorrow you'll have even more land to sculpt out your vision and possibly with getting rid of atopia and the submarines where I'm standing right now make one to three different lands where one broken land land sits today and I believe once they have finally secured all that land and have all the different pieces in play that is when Tomorrowland will get bulldozed something new will come and I honestly believe one of those new things will be the new version of Space Mountain that we've seen them already start to build over in Tokyo that attraction has already been built there's already a working game plan to replicate it out here would be a very affordable and calculated win because they already know that people love Space Mountain now recently Disneyland applied for permits to put new gates in the front of Disneyland and of DCA but they have not put in any permits to fix the main problem on getting into the parks is the outdated Antiquated slow to go through security system why is that well I'll tell you why I believe that everything behind us is on pause as they want to move all of this over to Harbor where security would be moved over there and all of this land could get annexed into tomorrow land and also into Hollywood land the two most problematic parks of the Disneyland Resort their Futures depend on how much land they will actually have to expand so both of them will be completely on pause until this land this permit this plan has been laid out expect them both to stay in a state of pause as the future lies right behind me and if you want to learn more about this make sure you check out this video right here in my Disneyland forward series and make sure you hang out with me on Tuesday when I will break down all the news that I've been able to discover from the new main gates coming and trust me it's a lot more than you think
Channel: Hey Brickey!
Views: 27,222
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: space mountain, tomorrowland, belgium, disneyland, disneyland 2024, anaheim, disney, space mountain disneyland, space mountain ride, disneyland park, space mountain update, tomorrowland 2024, disneyland future, disney news, disneyland forward, disneyland expansion, disneyland news, disneyland forward expansion
Id: TJTpCo7x7S0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 16sec (976 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 03 2024
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