A Long-Haired NYC Waiter Gets One of Our Sexiest Man Makeovers Ever

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Joe started drawing his hair out of rebellion because his parents never wanted him to have long hair so of course what do we all right of course the opposite of what you brought all you would you do so he's been growing his hair for like almost six years it's longer than his beautiful girlfriend Angie's or it was an hour ago it was yeah gee when when we first cut the hair off when kyon pulled the scissors out he's dirty to cry why I don't know I guess it's overwhelming to like the end of an era yeah I've never met him with short hair I've never seen him with short hair before so but you said they were happy to yours right they were happy tears I think he's gonna be good to go so you might want or if you just tuned in at home this is what he looked like dang Madison whoa that's Amer that's some sweet flow yeah that's crazy can I just say I'm super nervous because I really like chicken wings haha and it's his favorite place oh boy I go back to have chicken wings at Beck's Brenner I do okay well let's keep our fingers crossed then has he seen himself he has seen himself was okay with it yes Joe come on out [Applause] yeah fine but you looked a little dated you looked a little mmm hippy dues but [Applause] [Laughter] [Applause] [Laughter] don't touch' ter it's very sexy I know it's old I told you don't touch it you have a grade four camera can I go have chicken wings though [Laughter] [Applause]
Channel: Rachael Ray Show
Views: 6,487,062
Rating: 4.6297269 out of 5
Keywords: a long-haired nyc waiter gets one of our sexiest man makeovers ever, makeover, fashion, hair, clothes, long haired nyc waiter gets makeover, haircut, rachael ray, clothing, sexiest man, long hair, nyc, man makeover, style, Rachael Ray Show, after, make over, before, rachaelray, new look, amazing, rachel ray, transformation, man bun, nyc waiter makeover
Id: Vqa8k3jUBus
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 20sec (140 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 27 2017
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