A Life Jacket that will ACTUALLY SAVE YOUR LIFE! — Sailing Uma

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[Music] [Applause] we just got these new life jackets from company called Timo out of the UK they even branded them for us which is pretty sweet the main difference between these jackets and other similar deck vests is that these ones have a technology built in that's kind of like ripcord called back toe and when you fall in the water and you're attached to your tether you can pull this ripcord and it whips it around and chose you from the back which means you won't drown you can comfortably ride getting bobbed along behind the boat and you're not gonna drown in about 60 seconds like you would from getting pulled normally on the front of a lifejacket when you're getting dragged face down you attach it with this buckle that goes through like this and then you're made tether gets attached here which is actually pretty nice you could keep your tether on and take the jacket off separately we've also got neoprene protectors back here to keep these metal buckles away from your paint on your boats you're not going to scratch anything we've got cross straps which go around there automatically inflating with a co2 cartridge and they also have an LED light that's water activated and a spray hood that you can pull over to keep water from going in your mouth today we're going to be adding five crucial accessories to make these lifejackets even better [Applause] first thing is gonna be a good tether back in Norfolk when we had access to a good sewing machine I sewed up these tethers so we've been testing these out they work really really well we made three of them so one for me one for and one for a guest if we have somebody on board we did a more detailed video about building these tethers and we'll leave a link in the description or add a card on the video here so if you're interested go check that out second crucial piece of kit is a really good knife these ones are made by Spyderco they're h1 steel so that they're not gonna rust at all in salt water we've had these ones for a little over a year and you can see that there's no rust on them at all so we got the full serrated blade and they stay SuperDuper sharp because we don't use them for like an everyday knife these ones just right on our harnesses and the only thing we'd ever use them for is to like cut a line if it's wrapped around your foot some sort of an emergency situation the third piece of kit is a really good headlamp we loop these around the lifejacket kind of up by the shoulder so you can turn it on it's kind of like a chest light or you can pop it off and put it on your head if we're putting on the jackets it's probably dark and having a good head length is really really useful these ones from Black Diamond also have a lot of different features if you press and hold it'll go to red and each light is dimmable so the red you can dim down and then when you push it on and off it just goes back to the original setting if you push it on again goes back to bright white this is also dimmable push it three times oops and you've got a strobe these have also been in our life jackets for almost a year and they've survived really really well I like that they have a battery indicator light on the side so you can tell if your batteries are getting low if you also push and hold for a long time it will lock see that blue blinking light that means they're locked so they're not going to accidentally turn on these headlamps are also waterproof and we've had them on our jackets for almost a year and they've survived really really well we just kind of keep them here for storage we actually use them here because of the life jacket inflates you lose your headlamp but it's good to know that when you grab your jacket the tethers already attached you already have a headlamp and a knife everything's already there and then you can just pop it off and put it on your head and you know that you have a headlamp with a charged battery and everything's good fourth piece of crucial kit are these LED illuminating patches from spinlock these actually ride on the inflatable part of the life jacket itself and they stroke and illuminate the inside of the lifejacket so it turns the whole thing into sort of a light more like the better when it comes to a life jacket because if you fall off at night lights are very very important it just helps to make an even larger light target to a map in the middle of the night and the fifth and final piece of crucial kit are these Man Overboard beacons these are pretty expensive but as far as we're concerned they're one of the only pieces of safety gear that'll actually help save your life they're activated when your lifejacket goes off because if you fall overboard and you have to cut your tether for some reason or you're not wearing each other this sends an AIS signal back to the boat and illuminates a Man Overboard alarm on the chart plotter so you can turn and directly steer right back to the person that's in the water [Music] that's to rewind the antenna once it goes off this is to attach the beacon to your manual inflation tube little piece of string to tether it this is a little shield to make sure it doesn't accidentally go off and this is the actual tether that goes around the tube so when it inflates it activates the beacon alright that's it once these two tethers are attached it's ready to be installed the inflation tube here and then this is the tether that goes around the bladder and then gets threaded onto this side so when the jacket inflates it pulls on this and pops this open the antenna comes out LED starts flashing and it's activated [Music] [Applause] and while I'm in here I'm gonna go ahead and attach this little illuminating LED now it illuminates the actual bladder it doesn't flash out so it just makes a a larger light target to see it at night [Music] [Applause] I also like both of these jackets they have this side access so you can open it up and you can check and test your beacon so that you don't have to open up the whole jacket and repack [Music] so today we're gonna demonstrate the back toe technique from the team Oh lifejackets and we can explain a million times but it's probably easiest to show it to you so put the jacket on yep okay I think that's as small as it gets I think girls that are you ready to be our backyard guinea pig yes I'm so those jackets already armed I'm just gonna jump off the boat and hopefully ill inflate it new it nervous I'm nervous I don't know why I'm nervous it's the thing that saves your life but it's gonna feel so weird all right [Music] there it is [Laughter] oh this is good it's gonna close me actually all right you ready for yeah yeah don't go faster you think there you go yep see that's like what a normal life jacket would do [Music] [Music] they work how's the ride I think this looks pretty sweet Kika seems to be having a great time even with no no waves calm water she was still kind of getting some spray in the face I can't imagine would be like it's six knots getting towed behind a boat [Applause] [Music] how was that chica that was a lot of fun that was it worked out so well feel like it's two girls know how to swim [Laughter] what do you think about like being towed forward be versus being towed backwards yeah it definitely makes a difference definitely when I was getting towed forward I could see how if it was a serious situation and there were waves and stuff you could drown yeah I can see that but yeah going backwards it's just yeah it's comfortable and because of the splash in the waves he hurt you you can put the hood on and you're yeah you're protected alright this also says lift here so we can lift you from below if we wanted to oh yeah like you could reach down and grab that it works it works really nicely alright I'll call that a successful mission a successful rescue mission yeah I think you've been rescued you look cold dude I am I am pretty cold it is not warm chilly I think that was pretty successful we're gonna rinse them let them dry repack them and overall I think that was a pretty successful test so I'm glad we did it we'll see you guys next time [Music] [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Sailing Uma
Views: 127,353
Rating: 4.9469419 out of 5
Keywords: steps, one step at a time, travel vlog, minimalism, tiny house, tiny living, travel, off grid, Sailing Uma, sailing around the world, electric motor, solar powered, delos, how to travel, travel cheap, sailing, dan and kika, sv uma, vagabonde, blue water cruising, team o life jacket, survival life jacket, best life jacket, ultimate life jacket, life jacket for sailboat, mob
Id: G91XpamH79Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 26sec (686 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 09 2019
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