A Lesson From Four Lepers

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second Kings chapter 7 second Kings chapter seven who want to start reading at verse three I pray you get home that you would do your study in chapter seven the entire Parikh opee there in Chapter seven but for the conservation of time and the clarity of the text let me start reading at verse three King James Version sinned and there were four leprous men at the entering in of the gate and they said one to another wise said we here until we die if we say we will enter into the city then the famine is in the city and we shall die there and if we set steel here where we are we will die also now therefore come and let us fall into the host of the Syrians if they save us alive we shall live and if they kill us we shall but die I want to talk about a lesson from four lepers a lesson from for leprosy Oh keep your Bible open a lesson from from for lepers because we are given in their experience some hope within their text every character that we see for the most part in Scripture that's going through something we see ourselves going through something and even though we don't want to identify with them per se we have to identify with them because we see their start and they in and in this start and end we see I'll say up but it gives us some hope so we identify with characters we readily go out and get characters that we can identify gyruss malaria would be one that we could identify with forge iris had a daughter that was at the point of death he had a situation at home and if you've lived long enough all of us have some home situations I don't know who all gyruss had tried but he got worried about Jesus and he goes looking for Jesus even though we see the way it starts for the black whether he goes looking for Jesus he before he could get Jesus to his house seemed like the worst has happened all of us can I identify with that we're gonna take Jesus home but before we can get home seem like all hell breaks a little cheap Jesus is interrupted and iris is interrupted by a servant from gyruss house and says why trouble you the master anymore he can't help us now your daughter is dead there are some situations in our lives that we feel are dead and done but but the Bible tells us there's hope even in the midst of that despair because the same hands job to see if you can just come lay your hands on she's gonna be healed but the same hands that could healer could also raise her there's some hope when we look at the character gyruss we can identify we can identify with the woman with the issue of blood even though that may not be I applied she had a condition that she could not control she had a condition where the Bible says she sought help for her condition she went to the best medical doctors that was around in those time you know how it is when you got money you try to find the best doctor you can find and you start talking to folks and all somebody always knows somebody come on talk to me some of their ways no sub doctor if you got a problem there's always somebody oh I had a friend who had the same problem and he tried that doctor you went to but he ended up going to this doctor and if you can go to this doctor and the truth of the matter if you spent all your money instead of getting better you get worse so somebody can identify with that you have spend money on trying to fix this and trying to fix that and instead of things getting better they how they have some witnesses but we tried to straighten it out we've gone to all of the experts but instead of your life getting back on track seem like you have gotten off track and even in another field come on talk to me but but she said there's some hope in the mist that even though Julia's she had spent all the money she had and even though she had gone to doctor after doctor and instead of getting better she got worse there's some hope in the text and that's why I hope comes in even though we've been wrestling with something for years and it hadn't got no better the hope was that if I can just but touch the hem of it some folks said like this if I can just get the church Sunday yeah y'all ain't talking to me old folks know what I'm talking about young folks don't know nothing about that but those of us who live long enough gotten over 50 years of age we don't care what happened during the week they cannot mitt down on Monday throw me will choose to read my own wins to talk to me on thirst and fight me on Friday scare me somebody ought to talk to me get the church on Sunday morning yeah be alright ai-ai-ai-aight I'm that way I don't care what happens to me brother Marie if I can just get to the church if I can just hear them sing that song get up if I can just him say stand up and look up here I can just see him say the Lord will make away some yeah we can identify we can identify she said if I can just but touch the hem of is gone I said be me hold and we see being made home we can identify with even a nobleman in the scriptures that talks about a servant at his house who was sick and he entreated Jesus to come to his house and after you thought about he said wait a minute you ain't got to make no special trip I'm a man of authority I speak the word and folks start moving and and if you're really the Son of God you ain't gonna come to my house just send the word come over talk to you I can identify with it cuz sometimes when you can't get to the house if you can just get a word back that's all right yes sir for you seem like it makes you feel alright we can identify with just about every character in scripture as they go and deal with their adversity because they are adversity in some way is like our adversity we can identify with them because even though we haven't gotten our breakthrough yet we still have hope because those characters even though they started out one way they ended up a better way so you'd have to agree with me there are some characters in Scripture we can identify with there are some experiences in Scripture that we can identify with
Channel: Jordan Grove
Views: 16,723
Rating: 4.483871 out of 5
Keywords: rev, danny, davis, jordan, grove
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 46sec (526 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 24 2008
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