A lesson from Facebook -- avoid IPOs - MoneyWeek Investment Tutorials
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: MoneyWeek
Views: 46,845
Rating: 4.8986354 out of 5
Keywords: IPO, Share, issues, Underwriting, Facebook, Google, Investment, banks, placement, Offer, for, sale, Cheap, investing, Mark-to-market, JP, Morgan, Chase, Portfolio, valuation, Fund, successful, investor, Investing, tips, Dividend, stocks/shares, Working, Cashflow, Overtrading, market, firms, profit, loss, trading, Bid, offer, spreads, MoneyWeek, Tutorial, Currency, bank, credit, 'stock, market', investments, tutorials, Trading, Stocks, Analysis, Trade, Tim, Bennett, Economy, whiteboard, white, board, explained, Financial, Bloomberg
Id: 2wigPibiX_g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 54sec (894 seconds)
Published: Thu May 31 2012
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