A house CAT became the foster DAD of an abandoned SQUIRREL!

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For many years, this cheeky little squirrel  and this beautiful black-and-white cat,   have been best friends. But their story got  off to a rocky start, and the cat was even   a little hostile at first. Later it turned  into a beautiful and unique relationship.   It all started one April afternoon in 2014 when  Decan Andersen, a single father from Denmark,   saw a baby squirrel fall from the fourth floor of  his apartment building. The little guy had been   badly injured in the fall and was bleeding  on the ground in the middle of his yard.   As an animal lover, Decan wanted to run and  help the baby squirrel. But he knew that if   the mother squirrel caught the human scent,  she would not approach. So, with a heavy heart,   Decan waited. A short time later, the mother  squirrel did come down, but she decided that   the baby was beyond saving and ran away. With no other options, Decan gently lifted   the baby squirrel from the wet grass and  rushed him to the vet. The tiny squirrel   was no more than 4 weeks old and he had a nasty  cut on his chest. The injuries were so bad that   the vet even suggested euthanizing him. But  Decan decided to give him a chance and tried   to nurse the tiny creature back to health. The vets stitched up the wound, and Decan took   the little guy home and named him Tintin, after  a character from his kids' favorite cartoon,   The Adventures of Tintin. He already had  two rescued cats, a brother named Tiger   and a sister Coco. And he was afraid of what  their reaction would be. He expected anything,   but what happened was truly amazing. Coco immediately started taking care of the baby   squirrel, washing him with her tongue and keeping  him warm. Decan gave the squirrel milk from a   bottle and cleaned his wound every four hours. He  even made sweaters out of his son's socks to keep   the squirrel from scratching the wound. With this  care, Tintin recovered quickly. All the while,   Tiger chose to simply ignore the little squirrel. And soon it was time to release the squirrel back   into the wild. But Tintin didn't want to  go. He was afraid of the outside world   and wouldn't even go for a walk in the backyard.  Then Decan made a leash to make Tintin feel safe,   and it worked! With the leash, the squirrel  became quite adventurous and enjoyed exploring the   outside world, knowing he could always come back  quickly and safely. And Coco was always watching   him from a distance, ready to protect her baby. Until one sad day Coco didn't wake up. She went   over the Rainbow Bridge in her sleep. It was  a tragedy for all members of Decan's family,   but her brother Tiger felt it the most. He  searched the house for her, not understanding   where she had gone. And when he couldn't find  her, he began to protect what his sister loved,   the squirrel Tintin. And soon it was Tiger who  began to look after Tintin during his daily   walks. Their bond grew stronger every day. They  became inseparable. They ate and slept together,   played together, and during their  walks, Tintin loved to ride on Tiger.   Tiger became like an older brother  or even a foster father to Tintin,   always looking out for his little friend. If  he saw a danger like a hawk, another cat or   even a dog, Tiger always protected his little  friend, no matter how big the opponent was.   And did you know that it is illegal to keep  a squirrel as a pet in Denmark? Decan had   to convince the special committee that he  could keep Tintin. The authorities made an   exception because of the special bond  Tintin has with his owner and Tiger.   But they forbade the use of the leash during the  walks, seeing it as a "captivity of wildlife",   even though Tintin really loved his leash.  Fortunately, with Tiger watching, Tintin   became more confident and began to enjoy walks  without his beloved leash. The squirrel was not   tethered and could run away whenever he wanted,  but he always chose to come home to his friend.   In 2020 there was a new addition to the  family! A stray cat had just wandered up   to the back door and started scratching  at it. She was about 7 months old and   very small. She had lost her kittens, was  covered in fleas, and looked like she had   never been properly fed in her life. Of  course, Decan, a man with a big heart,   could not leave this poor creature without  help. He named her Miss Marble and she is   a very gentle and polite kitty who loves to be  petted. She is not out of the woods yet, she was   injured during her time as a stray and is still  recovering, I am praying for her well-being.   Sadly, Tiger died of old age 2 years  ago, but we will always remember their   incredible friendship with Tintin. Although Tintin has also formed a   lovely bond with Miss Marble and they  enjoy each other's company very much,   he still misses his best friend. As do we all.  It was such a joy to watch them play together.
Channel: Pawsome Tales
Views: 908,455
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pets, animal, animal stories, pets tales, pets stories, animal rescue, animal friendship, cat rescue, kitten rescue, puppy rescue, cat stories, rescue tales, cat lost, pet friend, animal friend, squirrel, squirrels, mom cat adopts baby squirrel, cat adopts squirrel, baby squirrel
Id: Mab77ZWyExc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 50sec (290 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 08 2024
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