A Guide to Phuket Rentals in 2024

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so short-term rentals in pukat Thailand have changed and in this video I'm going to show you exactly how far your money goes we'll tour you through a few different places and we're going to end right back here at the place I'm lucky enough to be staying so if you're a retired couple looking to spend a winter down here maybe you're a family about to book a two-e family vacation or maybe you're one of those digital Nomads that you want to park yourself with your laptop No Matter What by the end of this video You're Going To Know how much things cost so Haley let's go we're not going to show them this place till the end no no this is perfect I'm not going we can't drag Haley out of the place we're staying in but don't worry we will end the video back here with a full tour this one's spectacular we're on our way to tour a new project nearing completion that's completely redefining the needs of the digital Nomad it's beyond impressive and we get an exclusive First Look of h a project that's literally Reinventing media medum term rentals my host for the day is my friend Bob and he knows more about rentals on this island than anyone today we got a really exciting day for you we're going to start off the location right next to where you guys staying it's a new condominum product it's only for rental it's about 5 minutes away from where we are staying it's about 70% completed we're going to sew it here right in the back after that we're going to go to puka Town we're going to see the finished product which going to be amazing in the middle of that we're going to show you something on millionaires miles that think explains the rest and then we're going to finish on this beautiful place you're staying I can't wait to see that but let's go check this place out put on your head and goats let's go oh D the backstory to it all is we were trying to create kind of a different residential experience yeah that the I mean renting is quite a miserable situation when you're in Thailand right have to deal with a property agents you might get a good landlord you might not get a good landlord cuz it's all condominium ASE an individual and in this case we own everything so it's mostly longterm um we operate under Hotel licenses yeah so we can do down to daily rental but really we're trying to create community and I think it's very difficult in a in a very shortterm [Music] environment good so let's take a look at one of the typical units um this one although it's not quite finished yet will be pretty typical of what we've got kind of in the building what is the SI about 34 M so there's probably 250 apartments that look just like this all the furniture and everything in the property comes from Italy so it's really durable and again we're building for the really long-term durability cuz we don't sell anything as you know so we need this to look just as good now as it does today as in 5 years this building start to get occupied uh end of the year so here we are up on level seven which is really the amenities deck uh we've got restaurant indoor outdoor dining we've got a very big gym one of the things that's really important that we found so then if scan by pool on the top of building C what we've done is uh put in a paddle tennis court uh it's really starting to take off in Thailand and we had some extra space so we decided to put that in uh we've got 30 m LP pool um as well as a kids area we've got a pool bar and it's really Resort like living [Music] tell me about this location so we're in just on the edge of puket town which is really kind of the commercial heart of of puket Island we've got about 500 Apartments here 505 catering more towards that digital no ad crowd 25 to 35 year olds and I think you'll see that a lot of them kind of live and work and play here yeah I'm surrounded by digital Nomads already let's go see what they do in the co-working space like we saw in the other property you see these soundproof rooms that we've got all along here a little private offices almost yeah you can do little Zoom calls or you can just work in general uh but yeah this is one of our most popular amenities for sure if you're here and you wanted to book one of the meeting rooms you would just click on there you want to book a small one or a big one just click on it then you can reserve it for yourself for a couple hours so we're in the first unit here this one is how big yeah this one is actually our smallest or most affordable unit is about 27 Square met probably makes up about a third of the inventory but it's complete I mean one of the things that everybody talked about was they want privacy when they want it but they also want that community that we've been talking about so here you can get a very affordable space but it's got a complete kitchen you know good airon pretty fridge microwave everything else you could you could live in here and cook your dinner and everything else and how much does this one rent for about1 18,000 all the rooms have the same facilities so they have super high-speed Wi-Fi super efficient appliances and and lighting and everything else and of course access to the gym and the co-working space and all that's included as well so this is a little bigger this is would be our one-bedroom units it's about 35 M what's the deal how do people get units cleaned in here so we have weekly housekeeping's included in in their rent and how much is this one this this size this is about 22 23,000 a month oh well this is the nicest one yet so now we're up to a two bedroom two bath unit this is about 72 square m nice little living room and then behind me what would be the master bedroom master bathroom but but check this view out this is absolutely incredible we're in a corner unit now so so I got a couple of questions first off how much for this unit this is crazy in here two bedrooms average 35 to 45,000 depending on the layout and and the size this one would be a little bit more like 45 on an annual basis okay so you've been all the prices we've been given are people looking at 12 month leases but this is a lot of digital Nomads what if people are looking to stay for just a couple of months or even a couple of weeks what what how would do the r this would be about 50 to 55 for the two bedrooms if you were staying for if staying 1 two 3 months something like that okay yeah and then what about on a daily basis on a daily basis is going to be about 2500 to 3,000 okay uh for the two-bedroom size we think one bedroom is about 1500 someone shows up looking for a room they just walk up to the front desk they walk up to the front desk with their luggage and they say I'm here for the day I'm here for the month I'm here for the year they can check in five minutes later and are most people staying here for how long 10 months is the average stay oh wow and I we heard I don't know if you guys heard but we heard some dogs barking in the last unit so there it pet friendly yeah we're one of the only buildings that's pet friendly we have about 150 or almost like a third of the inventory the residents have have pets whether they're dogs or [Music] cats that was the gym the games room where we headed now up to the pool the largest rooftop Po and puket 80 M [Music] long so the car park structure down below is all uh covered in solar and then we've covered the roof of uh the other building all in solar as well too and that generates about 15% of our energy needs bumped into what's your name here Vladimir Vlad where are you from uh we came from South Korea oh oh and you you do you live here oh we lived here we stayed here for months and a half almost we chose it mainly because of the co-working yeah uh coor it's very convenient living here so we would work and then enjoy the pool in the evening beautiful a nice Community lots of lots of cool people yes we just met Andrew here yeah nice nice to meet you Andrew this is what it's like and and he just pulled up the channel we got it we got it you watch the channel yeah oh nice man we really want to go to the bioluminescence store oh yeah there you go hey Sean we got we got someone who wants to join you Alex these guys already and so you'd recommend this building I think it's the like the best it's very convenient living here like you don't need anything this is our restaurant it's all day starts at 6:00 in the morning and finishes up about 11:00 at night breakfast lunch dinner breakfast lunch and dinner cocktails wine I do what makes home different is the fact that we actually own the whole inventory and the whole building and whereas in a condominium building you're extremely fractionalized Chris and that causes 100 owners with 100 opinions on what we should be doing so you can't really drive that Community which we really feel is the kind of a binder that holds everybody together at H and that binder really creates sticky tenants that don't want to leave so they become friends whether it's playing football on Wednesday nights or whether it's watching movies or watching champions league on the weekends all of those kind of things create these opportunities for people who are naturally social just before leaving the hom team told me that they wanted to offer my viewers a 5% discount on short stays here so for all you digital Nomads out there just follow the link in the description and use the code rw4 you and get a reduced rate at either of their puket locations now let's go see where the millionaires stay so we've left the world of the digital Nomad and we're entering the world of the Ultra Luxury Seeker get ready to be wowed Bob we were just in Oldtown pukat where are we now so we are here in the development of samsara it is between Kamal and Paton and it's on the road called millionaires mile this place has wow factor what is this project this is a five bedroomroom SE View Villa in the samsara project it is one of the 14 Villas so there's lots to see in this Villa so let's start in the kitchen as you can see this is a villa that is made for entertaining let me just set this down here for a second I don't know if you can see their kitchen has just a small little island this thing's just tiny I don't know if it's big enough for me Bob there's even a challenge I don't know if this is the kitchen you like because there's three more so we'll check out the other kitchens in a minute but first Bob what type of people rent this place so this is the ultra high netw individual so like one of the Villas up there was rented by Rihanna we had a couple of Chinese movie stars staying over here the price rid from these Villas are between 1 and a half and $2,000 a night okay so pretty expensive so it's people looking for Ultra Luxury and what's this story here down in the swimming pool I got to ask so downstairs you have the movie room the next kitchen and all five bedrooms all right so if I went skinny dipping the people down below get a show they don't want it could be interesting for sure the view is insane this is why you take this real so you have C front property on the right and side you have a beautiful view on the left you have baton and if you look at the price wise understand you know it is it is a highend price but if you look at it you're here with five families you come with with five people five couples if you then calculate per night it's about $300 to $400 per night if you would go they in one of the hotels around you you have the knock a hotel next door you'll pay for a one-bedroom room you pay about $350 a night so so if the table in the dining room wasn't enough for you we still have an incredible outdoor dining area you got your grills and yeah so you can sit here nice enjoy the outdoor Breeze and yeah eat again with a view so the deck wraps all the way around that a-framed Mass massive living room and the kitchen we were in is back over there what's downstairs uh we're going to go and have a look right now so Kitchen number one so Kitchen number two is the staff kitchen this is where they prepare all the food and they'll they'll serve it in the real kitchen so Kitchen number three is for the Grill Master wet Kitchen Number Four Kitchen number four for the bartender the games room where's that swimming pool come down there it is Haley take your clothes off and jump in the pool we got movies to make wow look at this what what are you serious yeah time to strip down and go skinny dipping oh yeah I will I heard Haley up here Haley what are you screaming about hello look at this million dooll view come here wow it's unreal look at the to Beach right there and then ocean right there look at the ceiling it's a piece of art look at this holy moly and then nice bathroom bright and [Music] shiny what is this a little built-in bathtub you need a Jacuzzi right right off of the master bathroom so that is is a master suite to behold the property is owned by the architect of the whole samsara so all to the house you have his original design sketches yeah the architecture in here is very very unique often you get places that uh feel a little bit cookie cutter but this place is super unique are there other services people expect when they come into a place like this it's like a villa like this like it it comes with three stuff so you got two helpers and you got one Chef that is full-time included in the property um but everything else you want we can get you of course so you want to have a private driver Airport pickup you want to have a nny when have a yoga instructor or you want to go to see any show everything is available and how much would a place like this cost to buy so like a property in this area would probably run you around 9 million us 9 million us so you know you were saying like split this with five couples 1500 to like 3 400 a couple to get into a crazy crazy $9 million house it suddenly doesn't sound so crazy to me if you really look at it like so you want holiday you want privacy you probably spend a lot on that ticket so what do you do you come here just at five couples five friends you get a chef you don't have to leave this is just your home away from home and it's you know it's it's holiday okay so that place was nuts but so is the place that I'm staying in and we're going to go in and see if Haley is still here oh Haley have you been in the pool all day pretty much oh my God okay so well Haley's frolicking I I got to tour you guys through uh and then I'm jumping in there so this is a four bedroom five bathroom Villa it's magnificent it's got a nice kitchen area here uh big dining table big enough for eight one of the Beauties are Ren in a short-term rental here in puket or all over Thailand is is that you don't always have to do the cooking to enjoy a meal the beauty about staying at a private Villa is one option is definitely to just order in a chef we got Chef ying and her team in from a place called Chef Village and there's a lot of services on puket hers is amazing she came in for dinner last night and she's just prepared this amazing breakfast the prices are quite reasonable I got an omelette Haley got a fried egg Adam's got scrambled eggs there's fresh mango Steen pineapple mango bacon orange juice and it's so cool because you don't have to leave your room and go down to a hotel lobby and eat breakfast with hundreds of other people you're just in your own little Oasis that was yummy you go from there into a big nice living room huge vated ceilings in this place and as you guys know I'm a suck for indoor outdoor living this place has it in Spades I'm Outdoors on a gorgeous kind of L-shaped pool deck with a little sitting area that's almost a hot tub I I like this place because the bedrooms have different bed configurations this one has twin beds for your twins if you got them this bedroom over here two queen siiz beds and then that leads right into the master and this place is glorious it's uh got a raised KingSize bed another vated ceiling you don't often see that as you wake up get out of bed you just walk right out here we still got haly still frolicking in the pool and then the master just keeps on continuing through here to a giant bathroom everything in the master bedroom's unique including this office so if you're a digital Nomad that's making bank on your laptop maybe you're a crypto dude as you leave the gigantic Master you come back out to the other side of the pool and it's got this incredible poolside Salah tie Style with comfy seating all shaded I'm more of a shade Seeker than a Sunseeker and I almost forgot about this this is like a self-contained little Bungalow guest house I haven't been in here this has got a full king-size bed a couch a living area it reminds me of Los Angeles where you have a detached guest house but this is just surrounded in lush pukat jungle the cool thing about this property is that it has a lot of land a lot of higher-end Villas I've stayed in the Villa itself is really nice like this but it doesn't have this Garden area so the big question is how much to park yourself right here well this Villa goes for 30,000 bought a night but that's high season it's low season right now and you can get it for 18,000 bought a night and it's plenty big enough to come with two families couple of kids each bringing in the chef it's an amazing way to spend a vacation here on puket and I've left a link to all of the properties in this video in the description below so you can book any one of them but but if you want to book anything else just reach out to Bob and his team I've also left a direct email so that you could just tell them what you're looking for they got places all over puket in all different price ranges so they make it easy so there's no excuse for you to not get yourself over here and enjoy a dream vacation in puket
Channel: Retired Working For You
Views: 50,677
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: thailand, phuket, thailand real estate, airbnb thailand, phuket rentals, phuket villa, phuket condo, phuket condo tour, phuket house for rent, phuket villa rentals, renting vs buying in phuket, thailand travel, living in thailand, thailand vlog, thailand travel guide, cost of living thailand, condo tour, villa tour, real estate tour, rent a condo in phuket, phuket guide, villa rental thailand, thailand vacation rental, phuket thailand, cost of living in thailand
Id: 3NYnEjA9c0g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 49sec (1189 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 01 2023
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