A God-Given Idea Becomes a Million Dollar Business

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Steve shives turned his backyard business into a million dollar company in under five years I'm doing something that I love I enjoy the fact that people appreciate it it wasn't always that way when Steve and his wife Deirdre married he was an unpaid associate pastor who earned money as a handyman I just couldn't quite make enough and with that struggle we started using credit cards I would use a credit card to buy groceries put gas in the vehicle and it wasn't just one credit card before long they were carrying $30,000 of debt I think we were just irresponsible in a lot of ways from the ways that we spent money because we still tithe we were you know we were still faithful and our giving in my mind we were being good stewards by giving 10% what I didn't know is that we were being bad stewards of the other ninety when creditors started calling Steve and Deirdre say they knew it was time to take a hard look at their finances I had this anger inside myself you're the pastor of a church and you're teaching people on tithing and you know you know how in the world did you let this happen and I said God I said if you'll help me get out of this debt I will never be in debt again and I'll be faithful to whatever it is you give me Steve says that's when the Lord told him to cut his spending in Greece is giving and to tithe on the amount he needed to support his family God said so if a thousand dollars a week is what you want then a thousand dollars a week is what you have to sow towards I thought well this is gonna help us and this is what God's told you to do then we need to do it Steve began to work with her creditors to pay down their debt several companies gave him the option to settle for far less than you'd with their dead reduced a couple increase their giving again as we just began to prosper you know we give more and more like okay give 150 this week Steve says that's when he learned that good stewardship can mean implementing an idea that comes from God I got the idea for building this little camping trailer I built it and sold it on eBay in a day and a half I started getting messages from people saying would you consider building another one the company runaway campers was born within three months they sold nine more campers the following year they sold 140 today more than 1500 people have bought one of Steve's trailers many weekends Steve and Deirdre attend rallies to meet people who bought the campers and when they do they're quick to tell them about what God has done in their lives and they're like tell me the story and I you know started telling the story and I've told it hundreds of times we can say look at what God has done in our life not because we're living the American dream or we're making lots of money but look at the joy that comes when you really just totally give yourself to God he'll give you more so much more than you could ask or imagine
Channel: The 700 Club
Views: 184,927
Rating: 4.9218187 out of 5
Keywords: 700 club, #lead597, ashley anderson, cbn, debbie white, financial miracles, prayer for success, business success, successful business, business idea, building a business, credit card debt, million-dollar business idea
Id: UT_gR45Z9J8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 9sec (189 seconds)
Published: Mon May 07 2018
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