A Gift From Heaven - [Unintentional ASMR] With JOHN BUTLER

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well we're in my flat in uh bakell there's a surprisingly for 29th of November there a blue sky lovely sunny day out there the lovely Hillside clear silhouetted against the Blue Sky everyone's smiling today for a change after two after cold wet most of the month as a farmer Christmas always meant another 100 hungry days until the spring when you thought of the animals and the stock of hay getting less and less day by day and how you couldn't afford to run out of winter fodder before the grass grew in the spring for me Jesus has always been such a a a a constant presence I suppose yes of course the the growth of grass in the spring and the dying down in the Autumn has always been for me the sort the uh yes the natural cycles have always been all significant to me than those than those of man but as I I've got these little window boxes outside my window and I've cut down the um last year's flowers now but look just there's a little a tiny little sort of pale Bud popping up through the earth now that little spring bulb is already pushing its head up towards the light there we are that's Advent that no sooner does winter settle in that the signs of spring appear new life so when I look at this world you know people get upset about this world it's it's all coming to an end and it's all terrible but but you see there's always signs of hope there's always rebirth in the end is my beginning it's all Cycles it's all happened before it comes Round and Round One Life succeeds another the cycle of birth and and uh birth and death I've never related it so much to the church calendar but it's as old as it's as old as Human Experience goes isn't it yes the days the days soon start what what are we November the 29th you see in another 3 weeks the days will start lengthening again weren't they it's extraordinary isn't it takes a long time doesn't it for the new life to [Applause] emerge you get the first signs in before December's finished and yet got to wait till April or May before the spring really gets going the first swallows appear the cucko we don't get many cucko now but they used to come about middle of April didn't they one of the things I write about in Africa I was thrilled once I was in a part of Namibia in a very in a very very far far away from any other living Soul remember there was a lot of elephant droppings there where I stopped and and uh looked all around I not a sign of it anything just a few animals and uh then blessed my soul I heard a cucko I thought this is where our little friend comes to spend the winter I wonder if the same cuckoo comes and sings near my farm at home marvelous isn't it and not only cus you see the swallows there uh sitting on the wi just like they do here same swallows I suppose I know where they go now in the winter you may know that uh I published a book on Russia I called it o Russia which I personally I like that title very much but um I felt uh it didn't really convey fully what I wanted to convey and as uh I'm using a common theme Mystic as the title for my books there will in fact be been another nine books I hope all with the sort of title Mystic something Mystic Beginnings Mystic approaches Mystic Apprentice um uh uh Mystic expansion Mystic burning mystic love Mystic Union and if you want another one that's why I'm really changing the name of O Russia to Mystic forbearance I like the word forbearance because one of the great uh um uh problems that beset anybody who Ventures onto the spiritual path is how on Earth do you cope with the world um as you feel yourself being drawn out of the world you'll find that the world clings to you and you can't just uh get in the balloon and sail away I'm afraid we still have our bodies we still have our human life to live so forbearance is is very very uh is a very relevant theme how do we cope with it it's particularly the Less Pleasant sides of life and uh that's really why I've called this I've changed the title of Russia to Mystic forbearance in Russia and personally I I think this is a this is a very important and and valuable book and probably one of my well one of my I don't would call it the best but I they're all good but certainly one of my very valuable books because Russia is a much misunderstood country in the west but it's an intensely interesting country it had the first um really fullscale socialist Revolution so it knows better than anyone the consequences of socialism for better and worse for better for worse um and really for the Century the the Russian Revolution broke just over 100 years ago so um for over a century the Russian Society has been grappling with the consequences of of it um which varied from you could say the the wonderful to the absolutely terrible yes my mother was was in the middle of it cuz she was born she was uh strangely enough she was at school and she was looking out of the classroom window when the old Russian imperial flag which was flying over the college where she was at school was hauled down was replaced by the red flag of Communism and uh she remembers the teacher say to the children look at look out of the window children watch what's happening this is a moment of history and my God it was anyway mom a few years later her family displaced and and uh in the process of being destroyed was was sent out a a little Refugee to the west where she um eventually produced me and I went back to Russia and lived there for several years which was a very very very uh eye openening experience for me not only to discover where my own personality came from but uh to learn about to learn in depth about Russia and in particular this great great lesson of forbearance which we in the west tend to we're so sure that we can govern the world as we want we have democracy we have freedom we have all sorts of uh of um o of of scope to express ourselves our individuality but in Russia it was not so at all um the Comm the Communist Revolution became horrifically oppressive to the vast majority of the people in Russia um it's a another world really from the west and um and yet Russia is a a deeply spiritual country it's probably the most spiritual country I've ever been in they call it holy Russia holy Mother Russia and you may recall in the gospels how when the Angels announced Mary that she was to be that she was to be the mother of a Child Jesus Mary gave the answer behold the handmade of the Lord be it unto me according to Thy word and this has been taken very deeply into the Russian heart so there's a certain submissiveness in the Russian character towards the horrors that Authority often unleashes upon it a sort of humility of forbearance and do you know one of the the keys to Spiritual Development is less be more God not my will but thine O Lord be it unto me according to not my will but your will that is the way to Holiness certainly is demonstrated by holy Mother Russia forbearance forbearance also means absence of criticism of Judgment of your neighbor it means acceptance It's really the Forerunner of well in one word spirituality this book I wrote it um now this was one of my later not 20 years ago between 20 and 25 years ago um and and when I was in and Russian Christianity also Russia has the Orthodox Church as compared to the our Western churches which again is rather different to the West it has a different um a different approach um it's a more contemplative a more meditative approach to God a less humanistic um the individual isn't counted for so much as it is in the world West in the west it's all about human rights isn't it and my rights what do you want to do with your life what do you think of the politics or this that and the other R child is encouraged to think for themselves in Russia it's the opposite of that the individual is not counted for much um at least he's given his his natural due rights but it's the community you see it's the country or the village or the school or the it's the group that is more important than the individual the family is more important than the individual so there's a an unselfishness about the country uh uh a sharing which of course was was a natural naturally was was willing open their arms to socialism when it came because the two seemed to two seem to go together um of course until it all goes wrong I think I think I made about 16 times I went to Russia and all I lived there five and a half years I uh well to begin with I went as a as a mature student but just because I spoke English and they were and they didn't have any English went around at that time but uh I got drawn into teaching English which I'd never done before but it wasn't very difficult I just told them about my told the children about my farm and all the animals I've known which which amused them and kep me happy we had some lovely times together and then I became very interested in the Russian church and I learned it was almost like learning Christianity again from a different perspective and I immediately found that that that my own practice of meditation naturally slaughtered in with Christianity I discovered a a contemplative side of Christianity that had that had I had not found in the west and that of course I loved all that so I greatly deepened my understanding of what the faith is all about and the significance of Jesus in fact the significance of almost everything that that has got rather skated over now in our in our sort of politically correct and humanistic West in the new edition there's a new forward actually as always happens when one publishes a book at least when I publish a book you then find papers and things that you'd forgotten that should have been included and uh and so usually the man who who prints my books has learned his lesson he knows not to print too many to start with so I've got a chance to to to look through it the number of times I've been through this book but with 600 pages is it's it's it's quite a job to go through not surprisingly there are a few typos and a few odd mistakes in it but hopefully they get less and less and not too many left now anyway there's another 19 pages in this new edition and there's a forward and there's some other interesting things included I've got another pal who comes to meditate with me who's a who was a university Professor surprisingly but um he kindly wrot the for word so I I hope anyway it'll be a not not only as historical and a social book but I hope it will really help people grappling with this world this problematic world how they can um at least how one person how my my experience what uh how One deals with it really how one how Spirit May strengthen to Bear an unbearable world yes that's how I've you'll see that phrase on on some adverts on the um website how Spirit May strengthen to Bear an unbearable world yes I like that it puts it in a nutshell not only in Russia but in our own lives here in the West which can be pretty unbearable at times how can Spirit strengthen to Bear an unbearable world but I still feel compelled to participate in the world of words not only when people come to see me but uh in producing these books most of which I should point out were written quite a long time ago at more active times of My Life um and most of them have just sat in the cupboard for 30 odd years I'm thinking well that was it really not that I wrote them as books in the first place because they were really just extended letters to to my mother and father my wife at that time when I was abroad um they weren't written with the intention of being a book but um but they they're actually ready made books um particularly uh valuable I think because they they're written from firsthand experience from from the unfolding events of of of the life I was living at that time so it isn't a matter of me sitting down and thinking what I'm going to say which would always be a a warning sign to me I don't trust my thoughts but right from uh the unfolding of everyday experience is a different matter altoe when one's in the present moment and you're just noting down what's there so I have produced um well two new books this year and there is another well there's another four in the pipeline one those nearly done um I'm getting some help now there's a there's a woman that's helping well two women actually who help who are doing some of the typing but because these books were of course written by L hand um the pen and in um and now they got to be put on the computer and I'm so slow doing that that these women than fortunately are are helping with it this book was the first book I had published long time ago now the first book I actually wrote was when I was thir 47 which is how many years ago 35 35 odd years ago go when I went through a crisis time in my life of course over a woman of course and um which really uh turned turned my life upside down and uh endeavoring to understand what had happened to me I started writing and this that is the the the the foundation of what I've eventually got around to publishing this book which I call Mystic Beginnings in which I go back to the very beginnings of my life talking a little about about my childhood my school days um my days in the Army when I went out to Australia to see what the world looked like before men messed it up um um coming back to be a student going farming injuring myself injuring my back having to spend a few years in business and breaking out to go off again to South America to make the world a better place I didn't go in for forbearance in those days I thought I was young and strong I thought I could make the world a better place with the strength of my arm with my Axe and my pla I was going to grow more food to to feed the hungry so I I was uh I was going out to uh take a grant of Virgin land in the Bolivian jungle and uh and and develop it but that didn't quite work out as things happen I met a Peruvian girl whose father persuaded me to go to Peru instead so I went out there anyway I had a year in Peru and shows me up in the Andes where uh I was going to reforest the Andes um well I had to go at that um and then uh a little voice said to me one day to make whole be whole and uh I really saw myself as an immature young man trying to teach life to to people older and wiser than myself so I came home and I learned to meditate and I went I farmed again and um this farming uh really took me over then I uh of course was one of I was one of the first organic farmers was married and then um at 47 another woman appeared and it wasn't really what most of you were probably thinking as you listen to me speak because this woman also meditated and we'd been to a meeting and after the meeting we didn't know each other particularly well we we were sitting in the car together before going home and we just paused like this like we did and meditation closed our eyes and I saw our two Souls rise from our bodies and merge as one gosh can you imagine that well that changed my life nothing like this had ever happened to me before but I saw as it were beyond the person beyond the physical mental personality into what one could call the self the true self the Divine self and I realized that it was two Souls both of ourselves it was both of our divine SS where it were lifted out of our separate bodies into one spiritual Unity well talk about forbearance how having taken that on board do you come back into ordinary life it's not like that at all is it where we're all very very separate so that's really what I've been trying to do ever since anyway in this world of course nothing developed from it we were both married um but as I say that turned my life upside down and this book is really my first attempt to understand it threw me into in for many years I wandered around in a terrible depression but this is really um what happened up to the age of 47 and then we go on to my other books which sort of take the story onwards right up to the present day it's still evolving so there we are but r I really want to tell you is that um it's actually like a gift from Heaven not so long ago probably year ago somebody I suppose he was a young man called Jackson Miller I don't know where he came from in America or where on our YouTube channel on the video called the cycle of life he put a comment and I'll just read you this comment John please write for us an autobiography and your personal timeline of Life events what made you move from here to there to do this or do that begin this and end that include all the lessons you see fit to impart so many of us search for what you have found I think it would be more meaningful to people than you can possibly imagine kind regards for your willingness to assist others in the search for Stillness Jackson Miller well Jackson Miller there you are printed the first paragraph of the introduction and thank you very much my dear for giving me a boost and this is that's exactly what this book is so if only I knew your postal address I'd send you a copy but I hope you'll see this video and remember your posting on YouTube and smile and contact us I'll send you a free copy well the good woman who is typing for me is on page 200 well should be a few more now but last lot I receiv received of her was took us up to page 274 of what I'm calling Mystic expansion in Africa um there part of my Adventures U after this great event which broke my life in pieces I went out to uh to Africa South Africa actually an old girlfriend of mine had a farm out there and and she invited me out and uh but that didn't work out as planned so I found myself just I managed to hire a little broken down old car and I just wandered off anyway for a long time I just wandered through the desert area areas of Africa I had many experiences they were mostly sort of of the desert kind but they were some also some I also got involved in some of the social issues that were that were current in Africa at that time and of course made many comments about it from my developing spiritual point of view which again I hope will be a very interesting read and there's another one in parable because when I came back from Africa again I was faced with this dilemma of not knowing what to do and I then had another Vision of Love um not in a woman this time but uh from a young man who was sort of spiritual teacher I went followed him out to America USA and there had another long series of Adventures which uh which um I'm calling Mystic burning because what this chap said to the people that followed him don't come too near to me unless you're prepared to be burnt well of course fool that I was I went near that's why I'm calling the book Mystic burning but um it was a salutary burning I don't regret it painful at the time terrible actually absolutely terrible I thought I was really going out of my mind at that time really seriously to save my sanity I took a job as a as a cook in a little broken down um motel in the Mojave Desert so I I cooked pancakes and fried eggs for several months which was bit of a change for me interesting experience anyway so that's really what makes this another book which I hope will be a good read a jolly good read as well as a spiritually enlightening read called Mystic burning and then there are there's another two or three books sort of in the process as a companion book to this Mystic Beginnings um from 1972 to 1989 um when I was farming I I uh I wrote quite a number of Articles letters and um there were various uh early interviews made of me um I was I was a bit of an audity at that time I was uh my second father Farm the first one was here in bqu mostly sheep and animals but my second Farm was on a place called The linol chaen rather like Holland flat very fertile country where I grew vegetables and I only had three acres which you know Farmers would just laugh at it it wouldn't be able to turn the tractors around on it but after the last war there was a very no between the two World Wars the first uh there was a there was a movement then of getting people back to the land because the agricultural production had fallen so much then Machinery hadn't come in as like it is now there was still a lot of work for people and uh and the slogan was three acres and a cow which was considered enough to for a man to live on well I had three acres and a cow just that and I made my living from it for 20 odd years of which I'm very very proud one of the great achievements of my life there and I didn't have a tractor and I didn't use any chemicals I had two strong arms there this was my Machinery I love to work by hand and I was one of the first people to sell organic vegetables in London and uh and so uh I wouldn't call myself that right I'm be embarrassed by it but when another kind people say that I was a bit of a Pioneer well I smile I think well maybe I was anyway all these articles and various letters and things that I uh that I wrote at that time I've now collected and it is it is being uh they're being printed in this rather large it's a sort of scrapbook really but of course it I've got four scrapbooks in the corner there where all these things are stuck in but this is they're been taken out now and and reproduced in this book which is a sort of um an anthology you could say of my early writing up to the time of I suppose when I was about my 50s early 50s and here's a one of the photographs taken of taken of my wife Shirley and myself um I think there was a TV program when this Photograph was taken anyway we look rather like like two uh sort of Socialist Workers from the Soviet Union don't we but but there we are in a crop of leaks and uh sweet picture I look at it what I really like that once yes I was so that that is really a a sort of companion volume to to this Mystic approaches and I'd like to think that it'll have a wide circulation I I think we don't quite know what it cost it may I don't know it it's quite a difficult printing job so the printer tells me I don't understand these things oh yes well what we have done this is Phils really who's done this but uh but when was it a long time ago they uh they uh the BBC made a film of me well they made two or three films actually but the best and the longest one was this very very sweet film um made in when is it 1975 John butter and his wife shirely made a living from three acres in the lincolshire F working by hand out of love for the soil they were genuine pioneers of what is now called organic farming but to them it was simply natural it stars John age 38 surely and the essential Pig my darling Pig the mobile compost heap um and then uh then there were a few more recent programs there were three more other videos that were made of me look at me I I was got a long beard again I was an old man then they're rather sweet films I I look at it and well tear comes to my eyes really for good good times and um and so I hope uh that'll give a lot of pleasure and and maybe a bit of serious instruction to those that are interested anyway this is this is available now you can you can order it on the website not so much for the money but because of the sharing of Hearts which is what it's all about we haven't been idle considering the number of of not only videos that we've made and and posted on YouTube but number of Retreats we've had with with new friends coming and uh from Hong Kong lot from Europe all over Europe a few from [Laughter] England one of the regular visitors here puts it beautifully she says would I ask her that question what have you come for she says nothing and she calls me Mr nothing I like that very much it actually it'ss the nail on the head it's exactly right isn't it that uh this what we were trying to talk about in our last video the nothingness of God so to have reached a point in my life where people describe me as Mr nothing means I moving in the right direction isn't it we we' got if we really count all the people with whom we're connected now what I might venture to call the spiritual family grows beyond all bounds there just through all these treat one can say the ones we've most closely connected with but but how how many there's a huge number on YouTube number of sub subscribers is amazing and as for the number of views it's it's beyond belief well into the millions now unbelievable some of these comments now come from people that we actually have made contact with and we know them personally and it's It's a Wonderful way of sharing in the way I've written all these books now but I wouldn't say the books are redundant they have their place don't they but but these videos have certainly opened up a new way of communication which is wonderful especially when it's a two-way process we get feedback we do by the way greatly value your comment we we both of us read read them all so they are noticed we don't answer them all but they're all read I have thought of of at least putting thank you on each of them but it would get a bit repetitive wouldn't it you must just take it for granted there that I we read them all in with gratitude appreciation well I I used to ask a Phil what do they come for then maybe this woman who describes me as nothing puts her finger on it what do they come for I I I I I find it hard to believe really that that uh somehow I I I I'm don't quite know I I I feel embarrassed to even just say it really that there's something that that people find useful find uh well of course he is heart to heart because it's instant love and and it's um it's a wonderful meeting really I I never prepare anything I just just sit there in front of them and well of course we meditate together I can always do that cuz I just meditate and if people want to come and meditate with me well God bless them the doors open more the marer um then we have various sessions where I'm with them and uh we just just talk a bit and something seems to happen some magic seems to flow and they go away well I I get uplifted and we all end up as though we've known each other forever an indisoluble Bond well we go up on the Hills or we do something nice outside there lots of lovely things to do but even when the when it was raining we we can we got a few um options we can do something in the church well my old Farm's just down the road there so we go look at my old Farm course now half of it a car park it's a bit of a lesson in Mystic forbearance isn't it but go bit beyond that the lovely Valley much as it always was with sheep and sheep and a Buzzard overhead and it's lovely so they they they have become really very important things these Retreats not only for us for Phil and me but um but hopefully for the people that come and from what they say it's it's something very powerful seems to happen something of deep significance that it's difficult to put into words really but we're having them every month now and details are on the website and um the more we have the the better we are getting it organizing them and we got a string of various accommodations that we can uh draw on so hopefully each one's getting better um and we love to have you really genuinely deeply it's a privilege for us and I hope it is for you too to me meet I know what it is you see we're meeting you know I keep talking and in the videos you must get sick of it I keep on talking about this invisible Oneness this Stillness this presence and course when we meet people face to face in these Retreats or when people just come and see me one to one that's really what happens we meet in that Oneness that spiritual Oneness um that transcends the separate you and me and find what all of us in our hearts long for is that uh perfect Unity the ultimate uh completion that we all long for it's not just Theory it's not just words it's it's a realizable fact and it can be found in experience even if we just Touch the Hem of this blessed State it's something that you never forget here now my dear feet on the floor feet on the [Music] floor total effortless love unfailing and forever
Channel: Unintentional ASMR For Sleep
Views: 20,314
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: unintentional asmr, asmr, john butler, head to toe assessment, dr hollie berry, assessment, awakening, bakewell, christ, christian mystic, farmer, freedom, jesus, meditation, mystic, organic farmer, peace, presence, relaxing, rest, self realisation, sleep, soothing, spirit, spiritual awakening, spiritual healing, spiritual unfoldment, whispering, dr james gill, dr gill, clinical examination, asmr head to toe, head to toe exam asmr, head to toe
Id: FrOot4GkfnU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 50sec (2690 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 30 2023
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