A Full 10 Hour Shift on the Farm - VLOG | Barn Cats | Duck Pond | Gardening | Goslings

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just starting the day going to have fun on the farm today got a lot of work to do on the pond it's going to be a lot of fun so stay tuned [Music] come [Music] here right here this is where we're doing the [Music] corn hey buddy you catch anything [Music] so there was this barn swallow that made a nest up there you know under the rafter they they're protected from the wind I'll remove it once they've already had their babies and they've flown the nest and all that I just checked these babies and they hatched cool eh I can't remember but it's the third or the fourth day that these barn swallow chicks and you can see them they're getting a lot bigger already hi Birds next day let's check on these babies oh they're getting fuzzy they're getting fuzzy but their eyes aren't open yet look how fuzzy they are Peach fuzzz that's got to peek this morning ooh see they're getting little feathers pretty soon they're going to be begging Mama for food you can see their beaks There You Go Guys 1 two 3 4 five they're still all five there so they're doing okay hey horsey how are you I'm petting him where you going come here I don't have any food for you you coming over come on [Music] Percy come here no you're done I'm always a little bit timid around the horse horses I obviously have zero experience with horses so I've you know getting my courage enough to pet them and whatnot and they come to me and sometimes I give them apples when I have some but come here hor come here it's okay this white one's not very big like it's not like the top of the head is just up to my neck beautiful thing so okay you're a little scared eh you're beautiful white though go check in with the Blueberry Patch I got a little bit of gosling update for you guys because the goslings are getting big and I want to start figuring out what exactly is going to be my approach to make them nice A and B to make them guard geese we'll also check back in with my darling in the garden to see what she's done in there and I want to spend a little bit of time in the orchard area where the Ducks and the geese are I want to get some grass seed done in the orchard to cover up all that dirt so that's going to be fun [Music] [Music] you okay mango where you going where you going Chango Maggie you okay Maggie fuzzy how you doing buddy you okay buddy fuzzy It's a beautiful morning on the farm it's actually 16° right now but it's supposed to to get up to 21° C I'll put the fahrenheit up on the screen of course and let's have a great day on the farm hey buddy how are you you okay [Music] just decided to spend a few minutes in the Blueberry Patch here this entire little fenced in area is our Blueberry Patch and over the past few years we've planted 40 blueberry bushes some of them are doing very well like this one is basically up to my hips that one is very short but you can see it has loads and loads of the flowers have already fallen off and it's going to turn into Fruit just loads of it that's a weed right there lots of weeds in there you can see this one here it's very small it's like it's not really doing that great compared with that one and that one it's doing amazing I mean just look at all the little tiny fruits I think we're going to let Elvis and his crew out into the chicken yard today give them some time getting the bugs and the weeds and the grass and such oh there's Maggie Maggy how you doing [Music] this hunah hunka burning love right here is Mr Elvis Presley [Music] bgie you want to go see the rabbits oh that's Dexter you're so fast you're so fast [Music] Dexter hey buddy how are [Music] you Dexter what are you doing [Music] [Music] got my special knife out I am going to go and harvest some emesia for the rabbits because we have a boatload of wild artemesia growing on the property and it's really good for the rabbits and the rabbits absolutely love it see this stuff here is ardesia there there there all of that once it starts to get a bit too Woody and you know by Woody I mean like the stem itself is very hard and Woody then it's no good to the rabbits but the rabbits will eat all these leaves so I like getting huge Bunches of this stuff and it's just free food for the bunnies let's face it I don't even have to buy feed cuz we got grass we got dandelion we got weeds we got emesia and that just feeds the rabbits all throughout the summer months you guys don't want no aresia what are you doing hello rabbit bit [Music] [Music] [Music] all the flowers in front of the barn are starting to look good we got panies we got Iris we got lies there's focks it's looking really good we planted all this a few years ago and it's looking really really good right now bubbles here is extra skittish and I stay in here every now and then to just chill out with her relax with her let her get used to me let her know that I'm a nice guy [Music] d [Music] the front entrance to our chicken yard's coming in really nice we've had some really good success using guard geese to protect our ducks it's been several years now that we've had four emden geese that Freer range with our ducks in the orchard pretty well every day through the non-winter months anyway I've tried to duplicate that same setup in our chicken yard and it was a little bit of a failure last year the geese turned out to be too aggressive I think I didn't bond with them properly so this year I'm trying to make sure that I spend enough time bonding with them making them understand that I'm the daddy and hopefully they won't be as nasty now in addition to that I'm not going to keep all four of these guys in the chicken yard I'm probably just going to select one of them and keep that one in the chicken yard rather than keeping them together because I have this thought that possibly why they become so aggressive is because they have a mate and if the gander and the goose get together and they love each other there's a lot of people that believe that geese mate for life and if it turns out that they love each other and that's their mate that they've chosen and then they want to have eggs and hopefully hatch their own goslings that's definitely where the problem lies because they become very protective and very aggressive towards anybody that wants to get close to their eggs [Music] [Music] [Music] for [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] goslings goslings got some fresh grass over here guys yeah got some fresh grass I'm just giving these little critters some free space right now and I'm monitoring the situation I'm also 100% confident that my sheep dogs will not harm these birds the cats I think I think these birds are a little bit too big for the cats if they were young young or chicks like chicken chicks the cats will take them and eat them but I also don't think that I want to put these guys in the chicken yard you know and cuz the chicken yard's all fenced in but that guy right there Elvis he's not going to take no Guff and he'll think that it's a stranger in the chicken yard and he'll Peck them and attack them so I don't really want that until they get a little bit bigger so I'm just going to monitor the situation for today I'm giving them a little bit of free time out here to get the grass and it's nice Molly there's [Laughter] Molly come here bud [Applause] this is what I mean when the goslings are following me around the farm I think they're tired out right now they're all just lying down you know their legs are not that strong yet this is what I mean when I say the goslings are following me around the farm olives hting them a little bit but that's okay so funlings [Laughter] look at the way they waddle it's so cool they're like because you know their little wings are only about that long so it's like these little Tyrannosaurus arms it's not always entirely easy when you're filming animals especially with two freerange dogs and I mean you know you just be patient and I try to get really good footage and it's sometimes you're filming and I got my camera out and I'm taking hours and hours of footage just to get like you know 30 seconds or something but you got to really have a lot of patience when you're dealing with animals goslings goslings let's go guys come on goslings there they go look at them goslings let's go goslings goslings come on guys goslings come on good guys that's a way to be okay Michael Jackson how about you girls you okay [Music] buddy how about you guys you okay whoa you got lots of eggs over there you got lots of eggs okay I'm going to get those eggs you got five one from yesterday and four from today they're so big I can't even hold them in my hand the two surviving turkeys are doing okay I guess [Music] bunch of eggs from Elvis and his girls I forgot my basket but this is today's egg haul so not bad amount of eggs for one day can't complain really h see I want to get this little brown patch all fenced in and then I want to get the rake and rake in some seed you know to get the grass starting to grow here so what I want to do is put up a temporary fence and then I got a bunch of bags of soil and I have a big bag of seed and I want to just spread it around and rake it in you know so I can get the grass started to grow here but I can't have the geese and the Ducks wide webbed feet to stomp on the grass you know so I need to get a temporary fence going the geese don't like the mule Molly staying right there cuz she's scared of the geese olives my protector and My Bodyguard so she don't really worry about it she just defends me against the geese [Music] oh [Music] so as you saw I just scratched the surface of all the soil here I added a bunch of composted manure and I scratched all the grass seed in with the rake and then what I did is I went around with this fencing this is like a temporary pool Tre netting and I wrapped the pool Tre netting right around the front here so it's right on the edge of that dock so even if the ducks or the geese from the water climb out onto the dock they can't access the new seed [Music] oh Fuzzy's here too hey fuzzy you okay brother okay Bobby I hear you bud I hear you I can see you yeah I can see you [Music] hey Dexter everybody's coming to the barn chunk you going to hunt some rats for [Music] me hey Molly you're going to watch the cats for me hey protect them okay you got to protect the [Music] cats what's matter chunk you're done what about you you guys are done you didn't even do you didn't catch nothing this is no good guys [Music] h [Music] you okay chunk why you crying you okay buddy why are you crying you going to be like fuzzy I just found a milk snake it's not too too big there I just scooped it into this bin here for [Music] I was also working in the garden with my darling the other day just trying to get the beginnings of a new trellis I built a couple new beds for her and she's been planting POA which is like an Asian squash and uh she really likes it and use it in a lot of dishes so I haven't yet finished this trellis but at least it's the beginnings of one and I'll of course share it with you once it's completed how it's going to look so my darling's been working hard right here this is where we're doing the corn she's got a whole bunch of corn that she's planted and she's going to be putting in some squash and some beans you know like snow peas not beans snow peas so this is all corn right here this is all stuff that my Darden sewed indoors inside the house and you can see it has many many weeks of growth here now same with those so what she's doing she's cutting little holes in the fabric and she's sticking it in there we're putting a little bit of composted manure down in there and then we're just going to make some rows and then after that's done we have a bunch of seeds that we're going to sew and hopefully this will be a beautiful Field of Corn I think what she's done is like every sixth or seventh hole she's putting a squash you know like a spaghetti squash or a butternut squash and then she's got some snow peas mixed in the corn too so that's going to be you know the corn can just wrap up I've heard people refer to that as the three sisters method and we're just trying something a little bit different this year this is not going to be our longterm corn growing solution because the honest truth is that we've been we've basically failed at growing corn for the past 3 years and it's been kind of frustrating um a lot of it has to do with the shallow root system of corn and you know the weeds and the grasses that seem to take over in these beds that we made so we got the landscape fabric down but this is not a true silage tarp I think a long long-term solution once we actually kill all the weeds under here with this fabric is to remove the fabric sew your seeds grow your whatever your corn in this case and then at the end of your Harvest you cover it again with the silage tarp and that would just require me to invest in a silage tarp I have no idea where to get them I have no idea how much they are but I know that one side is white one side is black and it's very thick plastic and it's a lot different than this geotextile stuff all of this corn that's already been growing for a month inside the house so that's why it's already about 6 in in height there's three of the boys anyway chunk oh there's mango my four boys there's fuzzy chunk Dexter and mango it's always nice to see the four boys hanging out you know and I mean boys Tom Cats sometimes they're called they can be territorial sometimes you know they SWAT each other and whatnot but our guys once in a blue moon that's happened but for the most part they live harmoniously I think we still have a lot more work during this planting season it's buzzing here at the farm so much work so much happening and we're really happy to be able to share it with you folks really do appreciate you watching and just a little shout out to all of our regular viewers and subscribers igh who are really supporting the channel and things are looking up for the Hidden Spring Farm
Channel: Hidden Spring Farm
Views: 9,661
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: homestead, farm, animals, livestock, self reliance, garden, growing, orchard, old english sheepdog, barn cats, cat, dog, custom, building, chickien coop, coop, house, farmhouse, farm stay, vacation rental, homesteading, farming, property, john deere, tractor, permaculture, mini pigs, juliana pigs, chickens, ducks, geese, grass, free range, self sufficiency, canada, canadian wilderness, survival, bushcraft, forestry, logging, sawmill, chainsaw, lumber, equipment, trees, wildlife, rental, airbnb, cabin, lgd, guardian
Id: _GdjiMGGBpI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 36sec (2136 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 06 2024
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