A FREE Multi-Day CLEANUP Left This Family SPEECHLESS But I Suprised Them With Even MORE

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I tell you what my emotions were stirred on this one so the other day I was driving by and I noticed this property and I decided to follow up the next day and knock on the door knocked on the door and the homeowner answered and I told her that I'm a local lawn care company but I don't charge for my work I create Lawn Care content around the work I do and I upload it to social media that's how I get paid and she was in complete shock she's seen some of those videos before but she never realized that there was a local lawn care provider that did that in the area so she said I thought those guys were only down south so I told her that we're going to make her yard look like gold after and it's a complete mess there's so much to do while talking to her she did get a bit emotional which stirred my emotions a little bit she did tell me how with her recent back injuries and back surgeries she was unable to uh upkeep with the property she was doing as best as she could her daughter had a special request to not move this certain uh piece of wood because there's slugs under it and she likes the Slugs so we're going to see what we can do with that because it's right on the sidewalk we need to begin working there's a lot to do hope you stick around to the end for the amazing before and after pictures if you are new to the channel consider subscribing only after you've seen my work and you approve it always hit the like button and comment down below let me know where you're watching from and your favorite part thank you again let's begin working he for for [Music] I guys has been looping around I don't know always got to be careful I'm moving my tripod for for for for for he for [Music] [Music] okay so I asked her about the bikes and scooter the Scooter's completely shot this is all busted and cracked and uh they don't want to keep this both of them are like completely shot she said to toss everyone except the green one but the green one's shot as well so what I'm thinking of doing is keeping these for now she doesn't know this yet but I'm going to purchase them two brand new bicycles okay so that's what we're going to do for for is for for is I for for [Music] for e [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] two of the worst things you can have in your lawn Glass and Metal if you find any of these in your yard and you want to do a walk through prior to trimming as you could see these were buried I couldn't even see them glass can cut you open while you're trimming you won't even know it until you start noticing red or blood on your shirt or whatever this this can go directly Through Your Skin can puncture you send you directly to the hospital throw these away and do the best thorough initial walkthrough you can when you're mowing like overgrown grass or anything like that get rid of these out of your yard ASAP e [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] the for [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] for e [Music] oh [Music] [Music] h [Music] [Music] the [Music] is [Music] this [Music] [Music] w for all right guys trailer is full ready to be dumped at the Waste Management Center we got all of the shrubs and trees trimmed up we did all of the trimming around all of the perimeters I kind of stacked all of these right here because when I start mowing I want to clear out out a section so we can move all the slides and little playhouses here progress on the sidewalk little Pathway to the back I cleaned up the bed and I want to do mulch in here as well however this whole area kind of needs to be shot with some weat killer first so I don't know we'll see what we do but some concrete visible but but that's a work in progress this is very dangerous right here it's all rotted away I found out that the home is actually being rented so the owner of this home is responsible for that I honestly wanted to myself hire a contractor a local guy I know my friend to do and cre uh to create them new steps but when I asked she she was the owner she said no the owner was supposed to fix that so we'll let the owner fix it that's kind of irresponsible of him got to clean up this back section that's where we're going to park some of the bigger items like the bicycles and shovels we put back here other than that trimmed up all the perimeter we just need to blow the perimeter as well I need to go take that low to the to the dump go home get my earbuds because I forgot I'm at home and eat and drink plenty of water and come back for round two so we disposed of 840 lb I believe of waste and it took us 23 minutes to unload it all pretty crazy we paid $18.90 that's just round one now it's time to go get the mowers and finish the job oh [Music] [Applause] he [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] all [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] w oh [Music] [Applause] oh for [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] know [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh oh [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] think you can solve the flash riddle let me know in the comments down below got to think hard on this one oh [Music] [Music] [Music] w [Music] [Music] [Music] oh for no oh [Music] all all [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] what a windy day wind picked up all right let me show you an update got it all bagged up we also cleaned up those tree branches a lot of them were sticking out and I didn't notice they were sticking out because they were caked with leaves so as soon as I blew everything out I cut them back so now you know kids won't trip on them or anything like that it's much more safer oh that's going to the no also this and this put everything back what we got left is the sidewalk and walkway I need to stop saying sidewalk walkway that's all overgrown I mean look how much overgrowth and how thick it is that's going to be a really tough job I've been here since like 10 or 9 or 10 it's currently 3:17 so good what five six hour job still not done uh some of you have asked me to use like a step counter see how many steps I took 11,181 not bad so there you go my highest was like 22,000 one time and I I was gassed but I was trimming a lot too but anyways video's not done I still need to do the edging we'll see you guys in another day w [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh m [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] is [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] for hi there how you doing good how are you good um I this is my property oh yeah yeah are they did they ask you to come and clean this up no uh I offered to do it for free for you did yeah why did you do that I have a YouTube channel uhhuh and I go in and make before and after makeovers and I saw this place it needed a real deep cleaning all right this is your business yeah this is Phil Phil yeah my name is Phil yeah um well that's IC see I don't expect you to do this for nothing uh my card and uh do you have a card as well yeah I can give you a card talk oh yeah okay hi hi is everything okay yeah yep everything fine I just drove by and saw all this nice work being done and I called the office and asked if they knew anything about it and they didn't so I just been visiting with him about what's going on yeah he just saw how the yard was and was he offered to do it as long as he could record himself and I'm like that would be a miracle with how bad my back is and my neck is and go for it yeah yeah he's doing a great job he really has appreciate it guys thank you the that for I was informed one likes green and the other likes purple so we got a mint green one and a lilac purple bicycle time to build them and surprise them there was a guy who was helping me take care of the lawn and he found out that the bikes that were in the back were kind of Fred and Rusty and so was more than uh it was feeling extra generous and on top of taking care of the lawn he actually got us my bik so didn't have to do with the rest of it so there is a purple bike there I think I think I think I still have to pay no you don't you don't have to pay nothing oh how did you do it so Co oh you like the the yard work yeah it's that's my profession does it feel like we're here I didn't even know that we had feel like it's the house anywhere uh uh walkway yeah sidewalk I know I didn't know how wide it was until I started to like peel the sod back wow that's actually coming far back thank you so much oh no problem incred no problem at all I hope you guys enjoy your new bikes thank you so much you're welcome you guys have fun this summer oh we will it's about here the older sister's already teach teaching her how to ride her new bike so that's awesome off to the next one guys just passing through it's all I am in this world hope you appreciated that one it was a lengthy one I got to go home and I actually have to find somebody else I can be a blessing to anyways take care of your neighbors take care of yourself God bless you we'll see you in the next one and enjoy these before and after pictures [Music] [Music] for
Channel: Fill's Lawn Care
Views: 377,762
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: free cleanup, lawn cleanup, lawn makeover, lawncare, fills lawn care, lawn, cleanup, cleaning, blessing, free lawn, free lawn mow, free lawn mowing, leaf cleanup, property cleaning, property makeover, property cleanup, lawn transformation, grass, tall grass, tall grass mowing, fills, fills lawn, lawn service, relaxing, satisfying, satisfying lawn cleaning, satisfying cleanup, fyp, for you, for you page, viral, viral video, surprise, surprise family, family surprise
Id: EQkJ-kYhK9k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 50sec (3950 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 28 2024
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