A Forgetful First Day

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hey everybody it's Marlo and Hannah and it's time for our next camping trip woo here is what happened so far packing up some last minute items the boys are harnessed need getting this last dry food and then we'll get the fridge food yes and uh we'll be ready to start hooking up go oh yeah you got to move your truck over there and the grass is all wet all [Laughter] wet oh shoot we need to go turn off the air in the fridge mhm why because are you acting like that not you [Music] [Music] so you'll need to go that way that way a little bit okay come sometimes when she stops she goes backwards a little bit and sometimes when she stops she goes forwards a little bit that look about perfect faction yeah great job Marlo I was telling the camera you know how sometimes when you stop you roll forward or backward so you were like almost under it and I told you to stop thinking it might go back and it went forward [Applause] twice yeeha woo like where is it hide and seek I can't see I can't see what is happening oh yeah is that normal it's like that on the other side too I think so we'll find out not high enough it's raining somebody said that it would do that I know I for that away from me I forget huh the day just got away from me are you okay okay all right all the way down all the way down all the way down we have lift offo just going to grab oh my God ew ew where it belongs also it's been here a little bit so there's like grass growing over the equipment hey I got it I thought it was going to be all settled in there and I would have to wait I find it really satisfying when you have to really like pull it out because that means it's doing something it's doing something yes yay wooo okay all right closed locked locked Step Up step up okay I think we're good to go all right hey hey so we just finished hooking up and we are about to head out but Hannah just told me that when she was backing the truck up she had to kind of go over the curb from the road the curb and um her Wheels were spinning because it's rainy and the grass is like mildly wet which is the worst hopefully I pull the camper out here who's ready to find out leave the camera on I was going to start stop okay oh hang on press the button that says I'm towing let me get my seat belt on okay also the boys have their seat bels on yes I my seat Bel hey what happening I think we good it's happening yay we're good see you we'll see you when we get there oh my God God what you threw me in the floorboard that's not fact well I can't even see it well the sky is G so crazy right now look how pretty the clouds are over there can't I have to look the Ah that's some character development you're crazy right now we're having the best time already Mar has had her second wind of the day suddenly I didn't even take my midday pills uhoh well don't do it now guess what's [Music] coming this is gorgeous what a beautiful view they're going to say that they want you to talk that loud all the time wow we can finally hear Marlo did you guys hear that who was that can't be Marlo cuz we heard it all right we're here at our site and Hannah's about to attempt to back the trailer back or the camper back so we're backed in and it's a little bit uneven so we're going to pull Hannah's going to pull up into onto these blocks to help it be more stable little okay Park and it's good all right so we just finished setting up and we're going to have to go right back home because we left so many things that we need including DS food um which I could just go to a pet store nearby and get him some more but then we also forgot some other things that we need so also his food is really expensive and it only comes in giant bags um and I just bought one so I don't want another one floating around so anyway we're going to go all the way back home cue pants and Mr cutie crazy crazy cutie oh what in the heck that had to have been something on my phone but nothing happened that I saw but I'm on the video yeah did y'all hear that it's haunted anyway we just got all the things we forgot maybe um I told Hannah that I'm Pro like 99% sure that we're going to get back to the camp and not have everything so we were like okay we need Daryl's food Daryl's dish the we need the milk that we spilled the milk that we spilled I don't know if I told you about that and then we bought a canopy to put over the table and a new outdoor table and so we were like okay going through all these things that we need those were the those were the things those five things and then I get inside and there on the kitchen table is the air fryer that we we set out to yeah and it was still just sitting there and then I got all the way back up about how bumpy this is I got back out to the truck and I sat down and uh my dad helped me put the the table and the canopy in the back of the truck and Marlo said back there um milk and I had forgotten the milk I got so distracted because I saw the air fryers in so then he sat with us for about 10 minutes just kidding it was more like three and ran through a quick list of stuff and it's the list that we check every time so the things that we end up forgetting are things that like are miscellaneous they're not like our clothes or our medicine or the dog's food for me see my problem is is I wait till the last minute to pack Daryl's stuff because I don't want him to start panicking you could just start doing like one thing at a time yeah anyway anyway I for we're going now back to the camp and we're both tired and we'll catch yeah oh my God hungry thirsty tired sleepy Dopey dock grumpy okay bye all right so we were back at the campsite for literally I think 2 minutes and we realized that um we were out of toilet paper we knew that we knew and then we meant to get some I thought the paper towels we got were toilet paper when I was straightening up the camper today so I literally threw them in the bathroom under the sink and then Hannah was like wait we don't have toilet paper and I was like yeah we do it's under the sink and I was like what anyway um so when you've got a camper you have to have a specific kind of toilet paper um so we weren't sure that the camp store was going to have some but they did so anyway hopefully well I don't care what else we forgot got at this point I'm getting my bed ready and I'm laying down but enough I was like when we realized I was like Marlo will you drive because I've driven to Harrison Bay and back and then back to Harrison Bay and Hannah's driven for like a total of 3 hours today to the same place um anyway hopefully that's all we're going to eat and put our stuff away and go to bed oh yeah about having to put stuff away e all right that's all we're doing for right now we're going to put the dry goods away and organize this tomorrow we are exhausted from all our forgetting things so we're going to relax and eventually work on D in hey guys it's us oh that was weird the angle that I was holding my head you could see all of my wrinkles um anyway we eating dinner are eating dinner it's 6:51 we finally finished with having to run around everywhere we didn't discover anything else yet that we forgot have we well I think we're Too Delirious to think of anything that's true my favorite part of our camping trip is organizing the little pantry and I just can't yeah um my oh 3:30 3 my dinner is in the microwave and it has about 3 minutes and 30 seconds left we're filming dinner it's over on Facebook if you don't follow us there go follow go go all right we are outside for our last walk of the evening we're exhausted it's 7:26 so we're going to get started on our nighttime routine um we will be more fun and interesting tomorrow oh by the way this time we're doing daily Vlogs we're going to do a different video every single day um that we're here anyway we're going to sorry I'm so distracted um we're going to do a different video every day that we're here so be on the lookout for those we try to post here on YouTube twice a week on Wednesdays and Fridays so make sure in the lookout for that we'll see you tomorrow
Channel: Do Stuff Go Places
Views: 3,989
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: do stuff go places, do stuff, go places, self-care, self care, caregiver, mental health, ordinary, caring for the caregiver, anxiety, social anxiety, anxiety disorder, introvert, introverts, simple joys, happy, fun, funny, independent women
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 7sec (1027 seconds)
Published: Wed May 08 2024
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