A Firsthand Account of Killing Osama Bin Laden with Rob O'Neill

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bin laden yep we've changed our beautiful screens back here right there and that's the house yes or hole that's the house what do you call it that's a compound so the compound would be every building inside of the walls and uh that's actually the walls are part of the re one of the reasons that the the woman that found bin laden was so convinced he was there because you couldn't see into anything there were walls outside there were walls on the balconies there were walls where you i mean you couldn't place a camera somewhere in that mountain and cn because they put the walls up someone knew what they were doing so that compound um that compound that's it and that we they showed it to us um the there was a team that was working bin laden but it was a woman in particular that they made that movie zero dark 30 about i saw that movie yeah good movie they did a good job um and that girls i'm gonna go watch all these movies oh yeah yeah these are they're good movies they did a good job um they called her maya and she was played by jessica chastain and she [ __ ] killed it she was so good in that movie and the woman that she played is one of if not the toughest person i've ever met emotionally ever like just how does it come to all and her and her role in this was she cia and she she was the uh she's the person that found him and like when she was asked i think by the the bosses like the secretary panetta uh of the cia like what else do you do for the cia and she's like this is it i do this i found him and that's what i do and when she got done too she she was pissy didn't get a parking spot wow but yeah so so she uh she and a team in their defense um they brought us to them um we had finished another deployment to afghanistan i was actually a senior enlisted guy running a few different stations in afghanistan for cross-border intelligence to try to find people but i i at that point thought bin laden was gone i thought he was a ghost uh he's a myth and he's going to go down to history as a as a al qaeda saint and we finished that deployment and we came back and i was actually on a trip to miami uh dive diving and a you know good deal chip you've done with ward let's you know see the family let's go diving miami's a blast and they called some of us back to virginia you're always having a good time hey morale if you if you keep your people happy they're going to work harder you keep morale if you little things like if you can say for normal work occasionally say please and thank you let them know they're appreciated it's gonna go i was in the airport today if you start start your conversation with the tsa off with a smile you're gonna get through a lot better and they're gonna have a better day compliment something legit like hey those shoes are cool mm-hmm you're gonna they'll have a better day i agree you know you don't know what someone else is going through so yeah so miami having a bad day go to miami i'm with that okay so they called us back and this they they brought 28 of us in to a back room at our place so we got our team room and then there's a conference room they brought us in lock the doors and the way it started was we didn't see any of this yet they said and this is a good story they said we found a thing and this thing this is real this is not a drill they found a thing this thing is in a house and this house is in a bowl in these mountains and you guys are gonna go get this thing and bring it back to us and we said okay what's the thing he said we can't tell you okay um what mountains can't tell where's which country is it can't tell you how are we getting there can't tell you how much air support do we have and they said none like okay that's that's all we got so you're so you the task was to get them go go get something bring them we didn't know what to do bring something something you're going to go in this house and they sort of said it's a house and they wouldn't really they said but you're not you can't bring your air force guys it's only seals just because we need this i mean air force guys are shooters too but they specialize like one of them's a paramedic one of them's a radio guy but we we're bringing we're minimizing the weight because of these whatever's going to bring you so our brains are spinning so we thought it was going to be gaddafi in in libya because the arab spring had just started this is april 2011. and the the people were uprising in tunisia and then and egypt and in libya and we as soon as before they killed them we assume we're going to go get qaddafi and bring him out and we're going to go off like a navy ship on like an osprey which is a helicopter airplane okay they just don't want to tell us and so we're getting ready for we're getting our gear ready for libya and all week long no one knows other seals are coming up so what do you guys do like i don't [ __ ] know and it was a friday and they the bosses had been up they're working everyone from there up to the president and they're tired they said okay let's go home and be with your kids tonight and tomorrow and then come back sunday and then we're gonna drive you somewhere and we're gonna bring we're gonna tell you we're gonna read you in we're gonna tell you what's happening and so we said okay um who's gonna be there at the read and they said uh secretary of defense secretary of the navy the vice president might be there then they're going this list and what the [ __ ] and then they said ctc pad and then this and this and this and i caught that no one said anything but ctc pad is the cia counter terror pakistan afghanistan and i'm thinking if we're going to libya why is why are they going to be so i went home with this didn't say [ __ ] now we came back and it got kind of funny because we split us into these four dudes per van now we're driving into north carolina somewhere and uh i i'm in the back seat my boss is here my two buddies are driving and i look at my boss i told him exactly that and i said this isn't gaddafi i think they found osama bin laden and he looked at me and he said that's exactly what i was thinking and we're kind of discussing it we're not sharing and it was [ __ ] awesome the guy driving he looked at me in the rearview mirror and he goes oh neil man if we kill osama bin laden i will suck your dick [Laughter] so three weeks to the double win yeah we're standing over him in the house and i said now's a good time his head he's like oh [ __ ] you like you said it but so we get down there um and uh we they came in and they said uh the reason you guys are here this is as close as we've ever been to osama bin laden and they started showing a [ __ ] like this not that close but they had a they had a um a model of the house two scale and they're just you know here's here and we met the woman and she said here he is she's a hundred percent she's he's on the third floor of this she would say right now and i don't understand why we're not leaving he's there right now and then they had an outdoor they had a place kind of like it so we could train and they let us come up with the tactics as the guys on the ground we have tactical man so we will tell you the best way that we can do we came up with the perfect plan and we rehearsed the perfect plan and we're talking like we would rehearse it for 10 minutes we didn't have any information of his people his we had they gave us so much information i wanted to stop them like stop it i i don't care don't even tell me how many men and women are there tell me how many people you've seen and i'll figure out who they are when i get there i don't want to hear about this might [ __ ] you tell me what you know and leave the rest of it out and i don't get i don't even [ __ ] about how you tracked him from karachi blah blah blah i trust you you're smart enough to find him i'm smart enough to carry a sledgehammer and a gun that's what we're gonna do so we came with the perfect plan that we've rehearsed over and over and over and then we did a couple contingencies what was the plan uh the plan was to two helicopters we're gonna fly the first one in between so his house is here in the guesthouse here there's a yard we're gonna fly that here kick ropes out snipers on each end everyone fast ropes out then they cover them the snipers come down my team is gonna drop off snipers outside a dog cairo the dog a handler and an interpreter who speaks the language native like he doesn't have an accent and then we're gonna go to the roof with seven of us we're gonna faster up onto the roof of his house and then we're gonna jump onto the balcony all of that sounds loud oh yeah it's loud but we're gonna we're gonna catch him fast we're gonna be fast because we're gonna beat him with speed we don't have time to be quiet we can't jump in because we have to walk in too big we're gonna get the [ __ ] in and hopefully so how much time do you think you how much time do you need in this plan we want copters uh 90 minute flight in 32 minutes on the ground 90 minutes out 32 minutes on the ground yes so you got 32 minutes 32 minutes and that's and that you got to figure that is because we don't people don't consider that on a lot of missions you stop places to refuel like in iraq we don't have bases like we need to know how much fuel we got uh it might come down to stopping because we're out of gas and [ __ ] running to afghanistan we don't know wow but we're gonna get them so that that's we're going to kill this dude but but you got to figure well so you're going to kill the guy let me let me let me back up a second because we're doing the perfect plan okay and it was crazy we're over the um the model and the boss said what's the worst thing that could happen and the youngest guy in the room said the helicopter could crash in the front yard yeah and we're like what the [ __ ] that's oh [ __ ] and that's exactly what happened so uh we're back there though and uh we can't tell anybody that we're leaving uh i got it like my daughter who was four is now seven and she was always there she was one when we went after latrell she was four for phillips and now she's seven this has bin laden and this is one we're not coming home from and we know it we're gonna get shot down on the way in because we don't know if these helicopters they're supposed to be stealth we don't know if they work and they have this is not a third world country they have probably russian or chinese-made uh anti-aircraft ship we're gonna get shot down well why don't we have a cool helicopter then i don't have any because the [ __ ] aliens i don't know i don't know how the hell we got him i've never seen him the pilots who flew him and never seen him before the president didn't know about him got it like they they when they were telling president obama about it they and they were going over the options that i think the chief of staff of the air force said there is one more thing and he told but um just the contingencies we're gonna get in a fight as soon as we land if anyone's gonna blow himself up and the entire building it's bin laden and we're gonna get in a fight probably with the police in the pakistan military and we're gonna run out of gas we are not coming home from this guys so get used to it we were so convinced we weren't coming home the guy that inevitably led me up the stairs the last set of stairs and it was never drawn up that way it's life happens around you like you make a plan god laughs at you yeah but he he just sometimes it just happened he came up and said don't take this the wrong way i'm going okay 100 i'm going i need to say this out loud if we know we're going to die why are we going and that's a fair question so i actually went uh shopping for my kids uh i don't know what you buy three girls for daddy's not coming home but i bought stuff and i'm leaving and now i'm at a point where um it's like i said it's okay to be afraid because fear makes you think clearly but i'm not afraid now i'm focused i know but well not too focused because on the way out i'm carrying these things and i bumped into a sunglass hut in the mall and i looked down and there's a pair of prada sunglasses on sale on sale for 240 right and i'm thinking i'm like you know what i'm a chief in the navy i can't afford these but i am going to be dead next week in american express cannon yolo so yeah exactly i carried them in i carried them in bin laden's room i carried him in my pocket because maybe we need to steal a car and drive to the embassy in islamabad the sun's going to be up i carry proud of sunglasses and i thought it'd be good marketing like imagine if you had a navy seal on a billboard with like tattoos and a gun and sunglasses and it says if you only have one day left to live you might as well wear prada man i haven't heard from it but if you know a guy so uh yeah but so we knew that and then uh um we they launched us over to jalalabad afghanistan our team and we already had a team there um but they trained us up because it wouldn't raise any like if the team in afghanistan stopped working and started training for something else someone would notice if the team that's supposed to be ready to do something like captain phillips someone would notice they wouldn't notice us because we're supposed to be training that's how we get picked so we flew over there um and uh hung out with the dudes that knew what we were doing and and talk about professionals you imagine being over there to do doing work and they sent another team in to get bin laden i would have been pretty [ __ ] pissed they were complete pros and they welcomed us in they're like that's the way it works and you know actually they went in the helicopters behind us they rescued us people don't know that i'll get to that one um but then we were there um president obama had a couple um decisions are we gonna bomb them there's there's they just killed recently uh i'm an alzheimer harry with that ninja bomb that sliced you up they were thinking about that for him something similar but what if you miss him you're never ninja bones yes slices you yeah like there was no uh explosives on it just you kill like apparently you it's a missile that you can kill the driver a car and not hurt the passenger that's right that's that's some that's some alien [ __ ] again sounds expensive yeah yeah probably yeah but that's those are the the guys we want our team okay um and but then uh then there was us and then and then they they would give they'd give us the um the call so we just want to be there in case you did and he decided on a friday we had two days of zero percent illumination with the moon we want to go when it's completely dark so we had two days that we could go and we didn't go the first night because the correspondence dinner was that night so the president the cabinet are in dc with all the reporters having that dinner where they roast each other president obama got roasted about bin laden like well we can't some some seth meyers will joke about we can't even find a sunderland ball president obama just kind of sat there with that poker face you imagine knowing we're going to kill him tomorrow and don't say it yeah that's cool isn't it it is and then the next night we uh we he they gave us a green light and then um we uh before we left bill mcraven admiral bill mcraven was the boss uh he was a he's a retired four-star admiral now he's a three-star admiral in charge the whole thing he's the one that sold it to uh president obama that we you know we could do it and president obama actually said i was never convinced bin laden was there but i was convinced you guys could go find out got it so uh admiral mcraven said to us um i watched my favorite movie last night guys it's called hoosiers and uh there's a team from hickory indiana that went up to indianapolis these boys had never left their city before and now they're in this arena and they're all awestruck and the coach said hey get that tape measure what's the measurement from the the back of the rim to the free-throw line that's it's 15 feet close all right i get on his shoulders what's the measurement from the the rim to the floor it was 10 feet coach he said you'll find that's the exact same measurements at your gym in hickory this is just a bigger audience and he said guys you do this every night this is just a bigger audience and then i remember walking out and i i talked to i talked to adam craven i said you know you're so busy admiral that i doubt you watched hoosiers last night but you were born to give us that speech right now and then we left they got a lot of good speeches and you guys are screwed well yeah i mean these are dudes that like seriously been waiting for this i think i'm assuming um and then we got on the helicopters i'm with the the sniper that that um initiated the fire to rescue phillips he's here he's going on the mission we've got cairo the dog and we uh we get in the helicopters we don't give each other hugs you know take your last picture well captain phyllis was there no no no the guy that the guy that rescued him got it no [ __ ] that would be funny let's see what kind of line of work is he okay yeah so we all got some you all got guys out there yeah well they picked the most experienced guys they could that were available that was us uh uh you know 23 of us and um we got these helicopters and we left and then we we crossed the border and now we have 90 minutes where you can get shot down but there's nothing you can do about it so stop worrying about it so i was counting discount to keep my mind i looked over and um one of my buddies had fallen asleep with his headphones in and i remember looking at my friend i've known him for years and i was like you were asleep on the ride to osama bin laden's house so you have ice in your veins and i see why women find you attractive that's [ __ ] cold uh and so i'm counting and we bank to the south 80 minutes in and i remember i have a tattoo of the words here i was uh 556 557 freedom itself was attacked this morning by a faceless coward and freedom will be defended and i don't know how i remembered it but it's like like a hollywood moment [ __ ] count and i'm gonna say that again then freedom of myself was attacked this morning by a faceless coward and freedom will be defended and starts to sneak in it's like holy [ __ ] i'm on this mission and then we do one more bank uh back on our attack run the the air crew guy come the crew chief who gets no credit there's there's dudes on the plane making sure it flies and opens the what if we couldn't figure the doors out yeah here's a dude that would be me i'm serious what if yeah we're ready to go and i can't get the [ __ ] door that that is that could happen but he opens it and i look down and it's uh there's there's lights there's a city i know there's a golf course like abadabad pakistan is a resort town and i'm just the the one that's kind of going through my mind is some serious navy seal [ __ ] that we're about to do and then the plan was we know we're behind them we're in what's called dash two their dash one they're gonna hover we're gonna drop our guys off we're gonna go to the roof that's how it's supposed to look they came in here and the pilot explained to me later that something with an updraft uh and it was warmer than we thought he couldn't get the lift the the the fences were different here than they were where we trained he said that if he would have powered it up like an inexperienced pilot may have he's gonna roll it and he's killing everyone on board but and this is he thinks this this if he spins it and puts the tail on the fence and buries the nose it'll stop it should stop that's what he thought and he did it boom and then uh so my pilot saw him do that and he realized we have the four best pilots in the world when we're very likely to fly to the land the land the plane like the helicopter oh yeah and he saw him do that so we drop our guys off we're going up he saw that he couldn't hover he's like i bet i can't hover so he put us down and then i remember thinking [ __ ] it i guess we start the war from here and i put my foot out and i look up at milan's house and knowing i'm looking at the side i got the fence here there's been line south i know damn well that's the northeast corner there's a double door i call a breacher who's the methods of entry guy he he will get you in he'll bomb it he'll pick the lock he'll [ __ ] kick it open whatever he went up with a seven foot charge of c6 which is you know two bigger than c4 put it down and backed off clacked it it cracked open and it was like a tin can with a brick wall behind it but we're making all the noise in the world oh we're not stuck now yes and that's why the people started waking up they didn't know who we were so um he turns around and he said failed breach this is bad meaning the door didn't open there's a brick wall and i said no this is good that's a fake door nobody does that he's [ __ ] in there so i know there's another door over here that does open where the cars have been coming in and out i didn't know they crashed so i i heard them saying over the radio dash one going around dash one going around meaning gas one going around like they took fire and they're gonna re-attack what they were saying was dash one going down so i said a courtesy i said in my call sign hey we're gonna blast the carport meaning i'm gonna put a bomb on it and they said no no don't blow it we'll open it and the door opened and the thumb came out with a glove that i recognized like someone i know that [ __ ] y'all figured out and and i i didn't know what i realized right there are points in life where it doesn't matter why you're here you just are and this is one of them i don't need to know how you got there man you're just there [ __ ] it clock's moving so we go in i didn't know that crash didn't make sense we get guys have been in a gunfight they already killed two in this house one in that house my guys are made entry in in lunch so i'm like i'm gonna follow these dudes in and i uh when we're going down the hallway you don't want to stand in a hallway whenever someone's shooting and i hope no one's ever in that situation but if someone starts shooting in your apartment building get out of the hallway good advice so thanks you're welcome watch me save a life because of that so i'm back into a room and and my thought is i'm i'm looking for bombs because they're going to blow the house up i don't see any but then i'm watching my i'm behind so i'm watching guys work and they are not affected by the fact that they could blow up at any minute their lives could be over everything that matters to them could be over right now but they're not letting that affect them because it doesn't matter i'm not going to stop it so slow is smooth smooth is fast if you want to be really fast at something slow down so i'm watching i'm like this is i'm watching dudes run across where we've been in a gunfight to grab kids to put them with their parents because they don't want this kid to be any more afraid than he already is and that's what the good guys do and i'm just proud of my guys and this dude next to me who was in the helicopter the crash he whispered helicopter grass now we have two helicopters behind us that aren't stealth 45 minutes behind us i thought they got shot down and i go oh my god what helicopter crashed he goes bro our helicopter crashed you walked right past it i'm like i was looking [ __ ] as we're talking the sniper his job with cairo the dog and and she's the handler was to run around the whole place twice to make sure no one left he got to the part where he the pilot put the helicopter and he didn't know that they crashed so he came over the radio and i'm not kidding and said uh guys inside be on alert they're ready for us they have a training mock-up of our super secret helicopter in the front yard boss the boss came over and said no jackass that's ours we crashed and the sniper said that makes a lot more sense than the [ __ ] i was just saying definitely yeah so then we the guy's doing stuff the woman that found bin laden said um i don't know what it looks like inside and i know you you don't want me to tell you what you we think it looks like inside but you will run into a stairwell somewhere and on that stairwell you will run into khalid bin laden and that's osama bin laden's 20 year old son and he will be armed and that's his last line of defense and she was so cool she said if you can ace him you get a shot at the big guy that's the way she said it i thought that was [ __ ] cool so when they ran into him i'm about i'm about eight dudes back watching the guys in front of me go upstairs and the stairwell came back and khalid was there and he hopped behind his banister and normally if we're fighting going up i'm going to grab guys and move them out of the way like keep four dudes there but if he starts throwing grenades or whatever i want the limited amount but now i know i'm going to die today so i'm just like i got to see what happens i don't know how like are they going to turn and try to kill i'm just going to watch i got a front row seat and we're quiet now i mentioned we don't talk so he's confused and so the point man whispering confused yeah where's all these guys men well we killed them we just were on top of them they shot back but then so they're in here and khalid had shot he's waiting on the stairwell for us to come around and the appointment whispered to him whispered his name twice and said come here come here in two different languages that khalid spoke and the point man knew he spoke these and so khalid was confused and he went what that's some cold [ __ ] so we uh stop it stop right there so at that point you gotta block out all of your dad emotions all of your you just gotta that's not helping you at all you gotta cut that out yeah that's that's wrong time i'm thinking about that at the time i'm thinking about the guy in front of me and what's what's in front of us yeah and what's behind us i don't i don't i don't have time to worry about the the credit card bills the product sunglasses bought the guy so khalid pokes his head out yep he's got his arm now too so he's a threat like this is well with not that he's not and he's armed but a face shot doesn't sound fun no witnessing one doesn't now fun for me it's not fun but noise but you uh you um you have to assume this was a very very high threat level and you've got to assume especially around bin laden they're suicide bombers and the only way to deal with the suicide bomber is to shoot him right here right around this area to get him back here because that will drop you if you shoot someone in the chest people have this is [ __ ] up but people have a will to live and it takes them a while to die getting shot in the chest and they can clap all they need to do let's say they have a positive and a negative lead on the and there's a bomb here all they need to do is this so even if they do this number yeah you gotta hit them here and it drops that's this i mean we knew this from i mean we knew this from experience i had a buddy that ran into a teenager in a closet who was wearing a vest and he was looking at him and the kid puts he did that he had put the best the vest on backwards so my buddy got [ __ ] up but he didn't get the ball bearings so he he learned if you want to neutralize him shoot him in the face okay so that's what happened so man down yeah so we're stepping over okay and now we're going to go up to the second floor so i have about six or seven i don't know guys in front of me and they are going to split off now because they need to clear these these there's there's bedrooms and hallways on the second floor so you want to clear the level before you go to another one you don't want to overextend so they clear they're clearing now i turn in i'm the last guy in the line but i turn into the number two man because the number one man his first threat is that cereal right in front of him so he just holds that and i come up behind him and so the way that works is he's not going to move anywhere you look your gun needs to go and when you're looking at a threat i'm not looking away from it i'm keeping it there so a guy comes up behind me and my job is to look back and i will tell him through a squeeze that we have enough so he doesn't need to [ __ ] around i'll squeeze him he'll know that means this means i have a guy with me this means we're going so i got him like this and we're out of guys and i want two more cause he's looking he had already taken a shot before i got there and um you're a man yeah my guy took a shot upstairs yeah and i don't you know that's for him to tell the history of course um um complete badass uh i want he sees people moving and i'm look i want more guys and he what he starts pimping me now he doesn't know it's me he knows one of his guys he's like we gotta go come on we gotta go because what he's saying is that's the suicide bombers but we can beat him but we have to go now and this is this is why i said the story but i'm pretty sure what he said was hey man these [ __ ] is getting truculent chocolate i enjoy humor this is my last joke in my life i went before i squeezed them i whispered as air i don't think that word means what you think it means and then i squeeze it and it's on so we go up the stairs and what there is the top of the stairs there's a curtain not a door it's like a like a shower curtain but it's green so it's uh you can't see through it you sort of see under it so he moves the curtain and there's two people standing there that he thought were suicide bombers so he jumped on him to to like how this guy doesn't have a medal of honor i don't know because he jumped on the grenade like he's absorbing the the blast for me so because i said how simple it is if you go this way i'm going that way because he went here i went here and there's osama bin laden and he's standing up uh he's got his hands on his wife amal's shoulders i'm closer to him than we are right now and uh the way my brain worked was um he's taller than i thought he's a lot skinnier than i thought he would be that's his beard's got some gray in it that's his nose that's his face he's maneuvering he's not surrendering he's a threat he's a suicide shot of so i shot him twice in the face over a maul's shoulder and i shot him again as i'm moving them all so he's down here now and i can hear him exhaling he's he's dead i mean i know what it's like and it's you know i don't give a [ __ ] who we are that i just killed a guy in front of his family that's you i moved his kid i pushed them back and but so i'm moving them out of the way uh because i know other seals are going to be coming in and i and we're the good guys i don't want them getting hurt as i do other navy seals now in the room and i'm sort of standing there i i know i've been at war a lot but now i'm having a moment and uh one of my guys come to understand that my guy comes up to me the same guy that was in the van the joke and he goes you okay and i said no um what do we do now and he said now we find the computers we do this every night you've done this hundreds of times and i said yeah you're right i'm back and he goes yeah you just killed osama in your life to change you get to [ __ ] work all right so we got to work we took a picture the if they ever released this picture which i wish they would those are my gloves holding his head together like i spilled water on his face and i held his head we got some pictures then uh um they're starting to put him in a body bag i'm going to go downstairs because i know there's now three offices so we go through there uh i'm uh we call it sensitive site exploitation like that's where you find intelligence to get other people uh so i'm looking for any you start here work your way up or whatever and uh i i i'm going to this bed i pull out these huge duffel bags and i open them and speaking of hunting they look like freeze-dried steaks in these zip locks and i'm like man they're in there for the long haul that i real [ __ ] this is opium this is all opium uh that's what they're funding it there's just drugs everywhere and uh then we just find computers we're tearing apart computers getting hard drives anything that has writing or thumb drives we're pulling and then uh it's like all right guys [ __ ] we're le and now outside so we were loud and now there's locals out there there was a dude tweet live tweeting out there you could follow him on twitter like he's still up um he's at the tweet and so they're like they're like come on it's time we gotta roll it's time to go um we had to blow up the helicopter even though the pilot thought he could the pilot thought he could fly it but we're just leaving it we're blowing it up so that means the other two that came in one's gonna come get us you guys are gonna get in this one you're gonna refill if they have extra fuel they're gonna pick us up um so we uh we put the body in the body bag we're kind of rallying everyone up i helped carry me and two other three other guys carry the body bag out we walk it out the door we came in the the double door the sniper from the cat phillips ridge right there and i said hey brother we got him and he goes you're [ __ ] me like no let's get let's let's let's live let's get out of here so they put them in this one we went over here seal team six was on that too so seal team six rescued seal team six uh two more pilots studs uh they came in to get us i saw the guy tweeting right he's over there tweeting his face is lit up by his phone and i was i had a minute i was thinking um in a war zone i'm shooting him because he we just took that house down we just blew much stuff up and he's got he's gonna blow something up i gotta kill him i'm not shooting this guy because i i kind of smile i said they have no idea we're here holy [ __ ] i'm getting goosebumps now um so the helo comes in we hop in there and then now we're leaving and um um the guy that uh that initiated this fire to rescue richard phillips he took a little bit of [ __ ] like i'm sure you've seen it in the music industry someone does really well other guys like [ __ ] him jealous please that's the music yeah and that's us and so and i would tell him every day at work i'm like don't listen to that [ __ ] [ __ ] you were a hero you're a badasser i said here take some of my copenhagen i would give him coach of course that guy's a hero how could you not look at that guy like a hero some guys didn't because they were so close to doing something and they didn't get to do it he did but then i'm sitting on this helicopter next to him the bin laden we're leaving and i'm trying this just happened and uh i see this copenhagen come in front of my eyes and goes hey take one of mine now you know what it's like to be a [ __ ] hero i was like dude this is cool the guy next to me who came in on the um to the rescue he's a seal team six guy that i know well and he asked the question that everyone asks who got him and i said uh [ __ ] i i did and he's from manhattan he goes on behalf of my family thank you and so sinking in now but we're leaving and we're supposed to die but if we can live for 90 minutes that that's the amount of time it'll take to cross the border if we can live for 90 minutes we get 50 years you
Channel: Joe Budden TV
Views: 1,704,956
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: JOE BUDDEN, JOE BUDDEN TV, Slaughterhouse, i'll name this podcast later, podcast, The Joe Budden Podcast, Joe Budden Podcast, state of the culture, revolt, revolt tv, pull up, JBP, joe budden network, see the thing is, bridget kelly, joe budden 2022, girl i guess, olivia dope, mandii b, karen civil, ming lee, mal, rory, Rob O'Neill
Id: 7JN53D1lQKE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 22sec (1882 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 23 2022
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