A Firefighter, a Postal Worker, a Veteran, and an Educator Have Dinner with Barack

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I am so excited to meet the president hope I don't like my knees and pass-outs President Obama really has given me hope as a single mom as a middle class person I can tell that he really does care knowing that tomorrow I get to eat lunch with the president it's gonna be bragging rights for the rest of my life the fact that I'm here someone who's very ordinary that makes you really feel like this is an important thing to the president to be connected to the people when I donated to the campaign I won with my two dogs to a bumper sticker and I would have never thought so now I'm fortunate enough to actually have lunch with the President Barack Obama it's been so exciting to meet everybody how amazing is this ladies here we go what are you gonna sit we were sitting there and you saw the Secret Service moving around we got excited then all of a sudden her rumble and we saw the presidential car through the window we thought okay this is happening the Secret Service is getting really appeared and in making their last final adjustments for the president Watson's amazing hello everybody miss prison good luck bill it's when the president walked in everybody just shut up out of their seats and you know it was I was all smiles so you must be the firefighter sir good to see you hey mr. president I'm healing good to see you Cathy all right I don't know about you guys but I have a lot of fun doing this because the usually I'm having lunch and I'm reading some briefing book even with my staff to actually have lunch outside with some real folks this is a big treat for me sitting with the president it was almost like like being with a friend you guys asked me any questions you want and if you could work for anybody else besides yourself who would it be yeah I'd be a starting point guard for the Chicago Bulls but I think you know that bed ship is sailing I have a question for you - hi did you ever imagine that you would have the whole Republican Party decide that their policy would be to lock every piece of legislation you try to pass I gotta admit I did not and that was their strategy it wasn't a good strategy for the country it wasn't good strategy for middle-class families the thing that's surprising to me is that some of these things that people are opposing now they originally were in favor of he looks directly at you he's very genuine and very interested in making us all feel comfortable if anybody wants some prize by the way you know i'm recommenders during that time when you were in a community organizer were there any particular lessons learned and it benefited you now I was actually working with churches one lesson I learned was if you want to get people working together the first thing you should be doing is listening to them and not just telling them what they should be doing you know another lesson was just being persistent and patient when you're young you're 23 you're thinking man by next year I'm going to have all this thing fixed and a year passed and a few things it got a little better but it was still you know neighborhood was still poor kids were still having problems and so you realized you know what you got to be in this thing for the law you know and and that obviously I still use now as president that's a hard thing to keeping on keeping on it's the hard thing but you know when I was campaigning and going and we're talking about hope hope is that you still believe even when it's hard if it's easy you know it's the rewards are right there and front you need hope because it's because these things are hard hard to do what I'm going to talk about over the next year is just because of our work here's some things we've already gotten done if we keep on working hard here's some more that we can get done and it will look back eight years after my first election and we'll be able to say this country is in a much better place I definitely have lots of hope after this meal well I was wonderful to see you guys I hope you had a good time this was one of the best meals my life I don't even think it's really sunk in it's kind of like we're all in shock a little bit you don't have to be multi millionaire you don't have to be a corporate interest you can just be a citizen of the United States and your viewpoint is valued this presidential race is more than just a race it's survival although middle-class working people I'm a stand up and fight for this president which ever way I can help I'm going to do it this is our fight for the future
Channel: BarackObamadotcom
Views: 537,554
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: postal worker, veteran, firefighter, educator, community, organizing, dinner with barack, dinner, donate, barack obama, 2012, video, ad, 2012 obama, 2012 campaign, president obama, obama2012, 2012 video, obama for america 2012, election, re-election, news, pictures, reelection, obama pictures, president barack obama, barack obama for president, barack obama president, obama speech, obama approval rating, obamaforamerica, change, 2012 election, change2012
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 13sec (313 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 02 2012
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