A few things to know from Google I/O 2021 in under 9 minutes.

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I'm most excited about TPU v4, unified WearOS with Samsung, Project Starlight, and the Quantum computing project.

Would love to get more updates from the Quantum team, I would imagine there are plenty of real-life use cases and scientific breakthroughs that can be done before the million qubit milestone in 2030.

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/EndersInfinite 📅︎︎ May 19 2021 🗫︎ replies

This is needed. I watched the whole thing and it was SO BORING!

👍︎︎ 13 👤︎︎ u/rservello 📅︎︎ May 19 2021 🗫︎ replies
Good morning, everyone. It's great to  be back at I/O. At Google, the past year   has given renewed purpose to our mission, to  organize the world's information and make it   universally accessible and useful. We continue  to approach that mission with a singular goal,   building a more helpful Google for everyone. For over a decade, we've been pushing documents   toward collaborative, linked content  inspired by the web. Smart canvas   is our next big step. And this fall, we're  excited to bring Meet directly into Docs,   Sheets, and Slides for the first time. Today I'm excited to share our latest breakthrough   in natural language understanding, LaMDA. It's a  language model for dialogue applications. Natural   conversations are generative and they never take  the same path twice. LaMDA is able to carry a   conversation, no matter what we talk about. Let’s see what happened when we   talked to a paper airplane. What’s the worst place you’ve ever landed?   That would have to be in a puddle. I was just  barely still intact, so I was stuck there for   a few minutes. It was quite annoying. But it is still trained only on text. So we need   to build models that allow people to naturally ask  questions across different types of information.   These are called multimodal models. For  example, when you say, show me the part   where the lion roars at sunset, we will get  you to that exact moment in a video.   Two years ago at I/O, I announced auto-delete.  We've since made auto-delete the default for   all new Google accounts. Now after 18 months  we automatically delete your activity data.   And this is now active for  over two billion accounts.   We want to free everyone from password pain.  Password alerts will let you know if   we detect any of your saved passwords have become  compromised in a third-party breach. And a quick   fix feature in Chrome, the assistant will help  you navigate directly to your compromised accounts   and change your passwords in seconds. Today, I'm excited to announce the TPU V4.   A single V4 pod contains 4096 V4 chips.  And each part has 10x the interconnect   bandwidth per chip at scale compared  to any other networking technology.   Achieving our quantum milestone  was a tremendous accomplishment,   but we are still at the very beginning of a  multi-year journey. We hope to one day create   an error-corrected quantum computer. And success  could mean everything from increasing battery   efficiency to creating more sustainable energy  to improved drug discovery and so much more.   You might ask, I've hiked Mount Adams. Now, I  want to hike Mount Fuji next fall. What should   I do differently to prepare? But search engines  today can't answer it directly because it's so   conversational and nuanced. MUM is changing the  game with its language understanding capabilities,   it's highlighting that Mount Fuji is  roughly the same elevation as Mount Adams,   but fall is the rainy season in Mount Fuji,  so you might need a waterproof jacket.   You’ve gotta scan the floor. So let's scan  the area. Whoa, and she's here. Yes!   And she goes for the triple double. This is very accurate. Nails it.   Around the world, people use Lens to translate  over a billion words every day. So now, we're   rolling out a new capability that combines visual  translation with educational content from the web.   For instance, you can easily snap a photo of a  science problem and Lens will provide learning   resources in your preferred language. Advances in AI are helping us reimagine what a map   can be. This year alone we're on track to release  more than a hundred AI driven improvements.   We're adding prominent virtual street signs  to help you navigate complex intersections.   We're bringing it indoors to help you get around  some of the hardest to navigate buildings.   Google Maps will soon give you the option  to take the most fuel-efficient route.   At scale this has potential to significantly  reduce emissions and fuel consumption. More than   a billion times a day, people are shopping across  Google. Shopping inspiration often strikes when   we see something we like in the world around us.  When you view any screenshots in Google Photos,   there will be a suggestion to search the  photo with Lens. You'll see organic search   results that can help you find that pair  of shoes or browse similar styles.   Today, there are more than four trillion photos  and videos stored in Google Photos.   Soon, we're launching Little Patterns. Little Patterns show the magic in   everyday moments, by identifying not so  obvious patterns in the photos you take   and resurfacing them to you. Beauty is personal. To face this challenge,   we imagined Material You – a new design that includes you   as a co-creator. Letting you transform the   look and feel of all your apps. Just this week, we crossed an amazing   milestone. There are now three billion active  Android devices around the world.   So let's start by taking a look  at our new UI for Android.   We've overhauled everything, revamping the  way we use color, shapes, light, and motion,   inspired by Material You. We've got something new planned for Google Pixel   using what we call color extraction. The system creates a custom palette based   on the colors in my photo. The result is a  one-of-a-kind design, just for you.   Samsung and Google have a long  history of collaborating   and now we're combining the best of our two  operating systems into a unified platform   focused on faster performance, longer battery  life and a thriving developer community.   To make smartphone photography truly for everyone,   we've been working with a group  of industry experts to build a   more accurate and inclusive camera. We're making auto white balance adjustments   and algorithmically reducing stray  light to bring out natural brown tones   and prevent the over brightening and  desaturation of darker skin tones.   We've been working to make mammography better  and now we're collaborating with Northwestern   Medicine on an investigative  device research study   to better understand how AI can apply to  the breast cancer screening process.   Technology can and should help  close the equity gap.   We were all grateful to have video conferencing  over the last year, but there is no substitute   for being together in the room with someone. So several years ago, we kicked off a project to   use technology to explore what's possible. We call it Project Starline.   It's early, and currently available  in just a few of our offices,   but we thought it'd be fun to give you a look at  people experiencing it for the first time.   Using high-resolution cameras  and custom-built depth sensors,   we capture your shape and appearance  from multiple perspectives.   And we have developed a breakthrough light  field display that shows you the realistic   representation of someone sitting right  in front of you in three dimensions.   By 2030, we aim to operate on  carbon-free energy, 24/7.   And today I'm excited to announce we  are the first company to implement   carbon intelligent load shifting across both time  and place within our data center network.   Investments like these are needed to get to  24/7 carbon-free energy, and it's happening   right here in Mountain View too. We are building our new campus   to the highest sustainability standards.   Over the past year, we have seen how technology  can be used to help billions of people   through the most difficult of times. It’s made us more committed than ever to   our goal of building a more helpful Google for  everyone. I hope to see you in person next year.
Channel: Google
Views: 1,312,688
Rating: 4.8662901 out of 5
Id: L7c4wS7T_T8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 40sec (520 seconds)
Published: Tue May 18 2021
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