A Feast for the Senses: Food, Fun, and Culture at the Mai Phiren Temple Festival in Bangkok

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hello again and welcome back to Bangkok and mo today we are at another Temple Festival here in Bangkok inap 29 this is the location of the temple link to Google Maps down below the video description let's have a look at the festival and there's um a lot of street food here at the main road at the itap road before we go into the temple I'll show you the street food stalls here around the street and here we have the the street sign itap 29 very easy to find there is a MRT station not far from here and then you can walk or take the rest by motorbike taxi they bring you here and this is the beginning of a Long Street Food scenery here you can see food stalls food stalls food stalls a lot of food stalls here and even at the other direction this direction to banay and there are a lot of street food stores on the road also but this is the festival side and it starts here with mango sticky rice 35 bu for one mango sticky rice boxes for only 100 B so 100 B are about um they say three us and we have a lot more here we have chicken rice chicken rice cow guy different different types of chicken we have the crispy chicken the deep fried chicken and the steamed chicken very very yummy and look here the prices are insane cheap here 10s if I'm not wrong 10 bar for one of these boxes of kangai this incredible but also sweets cakes brownies we have a lot to cover here this Shop sells um Milo this is um nestler brand of uh chocolate drink and we have different types of of drinks here you can choose from different types and put it into a mug like this very funny for the [Music] children a lot a lot of street food here a lot of sweets also another up with sweets here Chinese pancakes here freshly made in the background by the chef himself different types red bean Black season soybean coconut and a lot of more look here these Mini Eggs very popular on every every Market on every Festival so many different styles and by the way if you have not already subscribed to the channel you can do it now and um if you are a regular subscriber viewer of the channel let me know this new style of B do you like or not let me know it in the comments below here we have 20 bath noodles look here everything freshly made this is the fat style these purple noodles and they are making freshly p in the background you see and everything only 20 bars here yellow noodles and here a lot of noodles sold out now we have the next the next load of Pai is coming here right now look here oh my God more to come every box only 20 [Music] bus of course we have cold drinks here out of the ice water and freshly made dumplings it's a lot of work make these dumplings at this Festival we have every evening well not every evening but mostly on the weekends there is live music live music on stage yo look here different types handmade everything handmade here and here the next food store they are cooking every single portion freshly made look here this noodles with big prawns and this is a very expensive expensive this look here 60 bars it's almost $2 us we it with shrimps with bacon or together 80 bar for shrimps and bacon and it takes a while to cook every single dish that's why it's a little bit little bit more expensive than the neighbor shop with the the noodles for 20 bus CU they make it in a big walk and this is made for every single portion so you think you can see it takes a while until it's finished and then hot serf directly into the box for 60 bucks and here again we have the the Mini Eggs again but now on a stick you can look how much work it is to put every single egg into this uh Hot Plate until it's ready [Music] cooked and every stick 10 bar four eggs and people buy every shop is busy here now you can see how they make it the little eggs to crack every single egg let's wait a second you can hear the monks from inside the temple it's very loud inside so uh be happy that we are here outside for a while inside it's very very loud so now and here by the way whoever shop they are selling bamboo sticky rice it's cooked in the in the bamboo and they have to crack the bamboo to get the sticky rice out of the bamboo different types different colors of rice see purple rice brown rice white [Music] rice so everything prepared the sticks are on the plate and now every single egg oh yeah interesting food here everywhere look how busy the street is so many traffic [Music] here Tuk TS buses cars and motorbikes everywhere and you can see I have my motorbike here in front of the festival parked on the road here the sun goes down now it's time for it's time for Festival here here we have a one entry point to the festival area um but we have more food stores here on the street but let's cover these food stores at the end let's head over the festival inside the temple area here before we go back to the street of course you can hear the monks you can pray you can donate here money donated for the temple and even here of course a lot of food stalls here beef sticks here on the grill barbecue some come ready made 12 for one beef only before you buy your food make round make round the festival before you buy because there there is so much there is so much to cover here so many handmade food [Music] here a lot of work you can see here's a picture 50 BS for fresh spring RADS and now let's have a look how they make [Music] it fresh spring rolls [Music] so one box one box is about 50 bus can see how much is in there is sauce There is chopping chili spring onions this is what it cost 50 [Music] bucks and another box people lining up here you see there at the be shop here at the spring roll shop and a lot a lot more here this is like a bakery they have some ovens here they make little cakes here but also this is lasagna lasagna style 49 for one lasagna spinach potato and something else up here directly from the oven and here what I like is the yellow Biryani rice with chicken here look here a mountain of rice and chicken look here you can have the seam chicken or the the deep fried chicken seafood look here 20 b for seafood crabs crabs they make a type of crab salad look [Music] here and it's 20 b believe it or not and of course we have the insect shops here deep fried insects look here very popular very popular the big ones the small [Music] ones you can see in the back front buing the [Music] insects there is so much look here people like to come to these festivals because the food is extremely cheap here we have chicken drumsticks for five bucks believe it or not more to come five b only for one of these chicken drumsticks here the bigger ones 20 b 15 B together with sticky rice a lot a lot a lot here you can see five b only for these chicken so here we have a big Bakery they sell they sell um Kong they can sell little cakes and look what big ovens they have here in the back you can see there are the ovens only for the festival here at 270° inside the oven and here hot and freshly made from the oven yeah to the people and here inside we have some restaurants selling selling um noodle soups rice noodle soups every single dish freshly made this is what we like look here oh my God choosing from different types of meat here you have pork you have beef you have the meatballs and you can sit down here in front of the temple area look here the technique to cut the eggs the technique [Music] this is Tha style yeah inside is the stage I can show you the stage also we have on some special evenings we have special Stars here um super stars or not so big stars you can see on the screen this is the stage live music later and here we have the temple area look [Music] here the restaurant [Music] area here's a little bit quieter because it's early enough maybe they start at 8:00 p.m. with the live music here then you cannot here your own world anymore so let's check out the rest of the temple area here this a little bit quieter some random stuff here household gadgets and um clothes for the children here you can feed the pigs here feeding the animals for 20 b you can have fun and even here people people coming to this area to explore the whole Market scenery here sunglasses and much more let's head over to the street again before we head over to another night market for the next video let me leave your comments down below the video give the video a like thumbs up and if you have not already subscribed you can do it right now and look here every Festival this is the big pan oyster omelet right a lot to work here so hot here it's hot outside and he is cooking all night here at the hot plate oh my God it's hot and here for the whole family some kind of gamblings you can win fun for the whole [Music] family oh my God every single one big big prize and here Bingo you can play Bingo here Bingo at the [Music] temple it's really fun for the whole family and you can buy a lottery Lottery two times a month they have big lottery um here in in Thailand and now we are outside of the street again with more food stores some small food stores selling I think this is um chicken and um H some kind I don't know how much it is five bar and 10 bar you look here it's so incredibly cheap 10 bar for one each H barbecue HW barbecue and here is the scenery again a lot of sweet foods and you can see it's dark right now within minutes it's getting dark in Thailand now it's um A4 to 7 A4 to 7 and it's dark outside here we have more more meat sticks they make it hot they make it like a salad with Mama noodle yum mama [Music] mama spicy or not spicy only is it 10 B for each incredible y mama you can open the noodle noodle into hot water and in the meantime collecting the meat sticks [Music] here so bringing all the ingredients together removing the sticks this is nice and into the hot water [Music] together [Music] one minute later it's hot it's coming out of the [Music] [Music] water this is easy and ready [Music] ready to [Music] take yeah of course we have more more stalls here more stalls at 29 Festival more insects and more noodles look here another noodle shop for here more seafood seafood seafood oh my God scraps and raw shrimps here they eat it uncooked it's possible and it's very yummy I can tell you it's yummy with chili and garlic so my friend that's it for today I hope you enjoyed the video here at the Temple Festival itap 29 link to Google maps in the description below and um I wish you a good day stay safe wherever you are see you in one of my next videos bye-bye out
Channel: bangkokandmore
Views: 2,088
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Mai Phiren Temple Festival, Bangkok, Thailand, Itsarapap Road 29, food stalls, Thai cuisine, international dishes, Pad Thai, Som Tam, live music, fun activities, cultural experience, vibrant atmosphere, sensory feast, Bangkokandmore, martin borsetti, street food, thai food, thai street food, temple festival, thailand street food, best street food, bangkok street food, bangkok, thai cuisine, thai cooking, thailand, street food festival, bangkok street food festival, asmr
Id: 8rP5WxNT68w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 47sec (1787 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 04 2024
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