A Farewell to Arms (1932) GARY COOPER

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[Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes driver right here stop what tab is your name why do you want stuff the man up there he is leading to death can't stop not here breaks won't hold [Music] [Music] orderly orderly and just as guilty as a soldier would be who deserted his post under fire now in making an example of you why i beg your pardon sir i have some wounded outside i'm looking for the oh yes yes yes uh you want the italian unit where the english here you see yes number 207 there in the other wing moved in today yes uh out that way straight ahead thank you major hey what's the girlfriend been doing typical male conceit i think they're going to send her back home that's a dirty shame she'll be disgraced it's regulations lisa mata to have a baby here if they send her back now all her friends will know and her family she's only herself to blame this is war fergie and she loved him shh here they come well is it necessary for us all to be here at one time get back to your posts you will be packed and ready to leave within the hour molly can i help you pack i guess so if you want to why of course i it good girl i beg your father i say she's the only human being in the whole lot of us i'm sorry miss barclay appears to sympathize with one who has disgraced the uniform we all [Applause] [Applause] wear you're filthy you want those saxons you not to clean yourself did you bring me some good cases baby did you have trouble finding us no how do you feel is there going to be an offensive were you on the fire matt donovan i worried about you yes i can see how much you've been worrying about seven operations today baby and one of them was beautiful i took the heart out it lay in my hand and it beat like this you should have seen it it was lovely soon rinaldi will be the best surgeon in all the car then in all the army and someday in all of italy why not in all the world why not [Laughter] you will like it here baby what sort of a town is this any girls many beautiful english nurses no i mean girls girls too a house full of them another villa rosa some of them have never been to the front before perhaps but the nurses are much nicer the most beautiful is miss barkley i am in love with her does she know it not yet have you any money yes lendy 50 leader what for i want to make on miss barkley the impression of a man of sufficient wealth thank you you are my great and good friend and financial protector you're an ass and now we will eat and drink and i will take you to meet miss barkley but you must make for me a good impression upon her no listen but you must and you can have a nurse too there is another one named miss ferguson she is also very very nice no no first we will eat and drink and then we'll go and see the girls who have never been to the front before yes yes you know what an american is yes what is it she doesn't know well i'm an american then what are you doing here drinking mostly he liked the uniform i like the language then what were you doing in italy studying studying what architecture you know what that is yes what you see she doesn't know neither do i oh you've got too much wine it's filthy wine it takes the enamel off your teeth and leaves it on the roof of your mouth where was i architecture oh yes look i'll explain [Music] this my dear is called an arch [Music] oh [Music] the arch my dear is perhaps the oldest of architectural devices arch architecture the very word will tell you how inextricably the two are one in a word my dear architecture is the most ancient of the arts just as yours is the most ancient of the profession you better put your shoe on you'll get cold feet if you please i'd like to go now the air raid seems to be over i worry oh you think i've been blown away i didn't know what to think nobody saw where you went who's that man well i don't know some lunatic come on [Music] what if we take the mountains to the north behind them are more mountains and behind those more yet and we take them all only if the austrians stop fighting one side the most stop stop [Music] no no it is not true but you don't want us to attack if we must have war i suppose we have to attack so many die that way but what is death to a christian don't encourage him fergie frederico oh you are back safe hello father i am so glad i praised prayed for you federico every time you go up he does the same oh i pray for you all you are late baby how is it up there quiet you nearly missed the party but it is very dull but miss barkley is here and her friend miss ferguson the one you will like come miss barkley uh permit to present to you my friend and war brother lieutenant henry he has just a return of actually front how do you do how do you do and this is miss ferguson how do you do how do you do that quick [Music] foreign now you stay here i will find something for us to drink asti grappa vermouth which do you like all of them then you shall have all of them [Music] [Music] nice out here isn't it we seem fated to bump into each other in the dark i'm sorry about that i mistook you for someone else so i gathered i'd been drinking i gathered that too mad yeah you're an american aren't you yes well then what are you doing in the italian army well it's not really the army it's very odd though why'd you do it i don't know why did you oh i joined up in england besides the boy i was engaged to had gone across where is miss ferguson why don't you go see yes do bring her out captain rinaldi have some thanks he's sore what for because i'm here with you women prefer him as a rule shall we take a walk yes where is he now who the boy you're engaged to he's dead oh he was killed in the psalm were you engaged long eight years we grew up together why didn't you marry i didn't know what the war was like then if i had it to do over again i'd marry him or anything when i joined up i remember having this silly idea that he might come to the hospital where i was for the saber-cut i suppose in a bandage around his head shot through the shoulder something picturesque this is the picturesque front not france he didn't have a saber-cut that blew him to bits so [Music] what are you thinking about now about whiskey what about whiskey about how nice it is and you're nice too no why not no don't yeah no please i'm sorry did i hurt you it's all right i'm dreadfully sorry really i just couldn't bear the nurses evening off aspect of it it's quite all right i don't mind at all poor man you see i've been leading a funny sort of life besides you're so very beautiful you don't have to talk a lot of nonsense i said i'm sorry we could get along couldn't we you're sweet no i'm not yes you're a dear i'd be very glad to have you kiss me now if you don't mind [Music] you are looking for someone have you seen miss barkley miss barkley didn't she go out there with you with me no no no but just a little while ago i thought i saw her go out to the garden again with the lieutenant henry she went out with an officer alone well uh perhaps i was mistaken you know it is quite dark out there oh she wouldn't do that no no i am sure i was mistaken where is she then you're a grand girl i'm a crazy girl what to stay out here it's nice isn't that enough it's nice i suppose that has to be enough for people who are living as we live back home i courted you and sent you flowers out here you crowded all into one hour isn't that the way it's got to be out here look tomorrow morning i've got to go up to the front again and if a shell got me and you never saw me again then we'd both be sorry that we'd been so formal and waited besides what's this so fine and putting it off dragging it out giving me your lips tonight your throat tomorrow no no wait no please no catherine catherine thank you good night thanks for the lovely concert hi i hope you are not worried about miss barkley it's not like her to disappear this way perhaps she felt ill and went home alone perhaps good night come on why didn't you tell me it doesn't matter if it had to happen i'd rather like this i couldn't know in a churchyard under the stars well why not why not there's a war on and tonight who cares and tomorrow who knows what did you say your name was stop it [Laughter] if you could if you knew how i was back home you'd see the [ __ ] side of it stop it oh we blame everything on the wall but that's rot it's something in ourselves the lady sat in the public square and warned her lost innocence don't be sorry i'm not i love you oh darling did you have a nice uh time baby you made the progress with her eh we're friends if that's what you mean i mean uh was she nice to you practically speaking shut up i am a man of extreme delicacy but uh was she will you please shut up if you want to be a friend of mine shut up i am your best friend and your war brother then shut up miss barkley prefers you to me that is very clear but miss ferguson is very nice too you like her no [Music] that you of all people a lot of geese that's what you are silly geese stuffed with bunk about woman's part in the war we must bring solace to the men who fight sacrifice ourselves give ourselves if you've known him for a long time i've been in love with him but you only met him tonight how long must you know a man before you can love him are you pretending to be in love with that man i think i am fergie i must be or it couldn't have happened you're just another conquest him one in a hundred you probably never see him again he said if he'd met me back home he'd have courted me sent me flowers but now i suppose i won't ever see him again [Music] oh baby good luck [Music] [Music] [Music] turn back back yes back [Music] i want to see mr buckley she's on duty wait you can't go in there knows what he's doing please what's wrong with don't we ever get started here we got a plenty time hold it i thought you started what are you doing here we come back to senor capitano 10 nt forgot to something oh i you're all right aren't you yes i'm all right i came to i thought you see i i'm going to be away for a while and i didn't want you to think that i'd just gone away no i what i mean is i'd hate to have you feel that that it wasn't important to me about about us i don't exactly know how to say it you said it very nicely dear thank you no i don't mean you mustn't feel will you be gone long no only a few days there's going to be a show above up above plava nothing much i guess a show you'll be careful won't you i won't get hit hold this here it's a saint anthony they say a saint anthony is very useful to guide you from harm i'll take good care of him i wish i could kiss you he is my friend and a good soldier i do not like to see him lose his head over a woman aren't you exaggerating of it i think not couldn't we send her back to the base major no if you could send her away it would simplify everything could perhaps send her to milan excellent my dear major magnificent no wonder the english are first in diplomacy what did you say her name was we won't get anything else to eat once the attack starts this is all they'd give me starting to eat to then end no we'll all eat together come on sit down to it [Music] [Music] who goes to the attack [Music] nobody would attack the wall would be [Music] over [Music] there was a big one 420 no 300 fives sounded like a scorer to me that's what i say [Music] my legs [Music] [Music] and possible fracture of the skull multiple superficial wounds of the left and right side left and right knee and right foot profound wounds of right knee and foot incurred in line of duty antithetized please [Music] come on lift them up a little more how do you feel baby bernardi what are you doing here bonnello telephone to me the major gave me permission to come no one shall hurt you baby i won't let them no butcher is going to touch my workload only now they can take you and never hurt you you must forgive me baby for for talking so much but i am i'm very moved to see you badly wounded how did it happen i will see you are decorated for bravery perhaps we can get you the medallion argento but surely the bronze one did you carry somebody on your back i didn't carry anybody i couldn't move surely there was something heroic tell me what you did i was blown up eating cheese don't worry baby i will fix you so that you are as good as you you will see every day i learned to do things smoother quicker soon very soon you will be walking again i brought a present for you you will find it under your blanket next to your heart it is a bottle of brandy baby very good brandy the infantry captured it from the austrians on san gabriel i have another surprise for you take a deep breath where do you think you will go from here to the italian hospital where they have the male nurses the witty beards no i will arrange everything with my friend the british major you will go to milan to the beautiful miss barkley that makes you happy huh think of rinaldi left all alone with the war no one to make fun of no one to lend him money while you while you were in milan with the beautiful miss barkley making love in milan to the chaste miss barclay [Applause] look out for the step why do you stop i am the superintendent may i have your medical papers please they're in my coat in the button-down pocket take him up those stairs down the corridor his room is the one at the end you show them julio who are you i'm deported come follow me we must lift you off the bed all right but keep my legs straight wasn't i wounded fighting for the glory of hitler you'll find some money in my pocket as you wish so it's you ferguson is catherine here as if you didn't know i believe that's why you got wounded where is she you're to be still here's your chart i must take your temperature does she know i'm here under the arm please hello darling catherine you're lovely are you badly hurt you're lovely oh my poor darling it's your leg isn't it you're the loveliest thing i ever saw i have to go now and i can't stay you'll come back later but we'll have to be awfully careful you've got to come back i will when i can tonight i'll try somebody's coming tonight i'll take that thermometer now good gracious it's the doctor it's a miracle you're not delirious with such a fever we haven't got any fever stay quiet please it's not what you think [Music] i've brought you a few little things and this is mosquito netting and this is a bottle of remote you like vermouth and these are english papers thank you father it's very good of you to come oh but i mustn't stay long they warned me not to tire you you seem very tired yourself i am tired but i have no right to be you have the war disgust no but i hate the war i don't enjoy it but you do not mind it you do not see it oh you must forgive me i know you are wounded that was an accident still even wounded you do not see it i can tell i do not see it myself but i feel it a little come in cat well don't go yet father still early you are sure the operation in the morning he should rest oh he's strong he has such a lovely temperature it's always normal i'm very proud of his temperature maybe all our children will have fine temperatures too our children will probably have beastly temperatures don't mind us father we're in love i know i could see it in your faces you're approved don't you father you spoke of children this too is the walk without the war you would have married in god's grace is it not so and you well i hadn't thought about it like that but yes i suppose so you realize father that army regulations prevent us from marrying it's in catherine home such a crazy marriage at least i'm in white no orange blossoms i can smell them no organ music i can hear it plainly it was a foolish notion perhaps i have not like to say you are married yet that has made me happy to do this for now from my heart i can say i bless you in his name thank you father goodbye and be happy both of you thank you give my regards to the mess i will and get well soon i will come again the next time i am in milan goodbye my dear goodbye is miss barkley here no no shut the door please darling we mustn't your operation's in the morning it's our wedding night oh darling you'll have to take your oil castor oil no you'll take it from me i'll take anything from you darling if you stay oh darling darling i want what you want there isn't any me anymore just what you want you sweet did i make a lovely wife such a lovely wife [Music] feel a heartbeat no wonder my heart beat i'm mad about you [Music] [Applause] uh [Music] please [Music] yes [Music] [Applause] [Music] that's the opera i made my debut in at the scholar they threw benches at it that's a lie yes they did i threw six benches myself that's not funny oh no he's offended he'll get over it that's his sore spot we always tease him you don't care whom you hurt how don't you get mad too katherine and i were thinking of asking you to our wedding what'd we get you'll never get married we will no you won't you'll fight before you'll marry oh we never fight you've time yet we won't fight ever you'll die then fight or die that's what people do they don't marry my fergie i'm not crying maybe you'll be all right you two watch out you don't get her in trouble i won't get her into trouble you better not or i'll kill you why fred what is the matter with her she doesn't like me that's all oh no she just likes me more are you on night duty tonight yes but you won't care you'll go right off to sleep you wait and see [Music] darling how many other girls have you ever loved none how many really none how many have you um how do you say it love none you're lying to me of course well that's right you just keep right online that's what i want you to do were they pretty i've never been with anyone that's right darling what were they like i don't know anything about it you're just mine that's true you've never belonged to anyone else i don't care if you have though i'm not afraid of them only don't tell me about them you never told them you loved them did you no i knew you wouldn't oh darling i do love you then kiss me right here in the street yes i'll go in first so what is this if i may ask what was in it that's kimmel that's the best kind that comes in those bear-shaped bottles from russia and these that's brandy wine and whiskey and i've been pitying you for being wounded pity is something that is wasted on you thank you if you're so anxious not to go back to the front i should think you'd try something more intelligent not self-inflicted alcoholism what i said alcoholism and i also say but i'll see your convalescent leave is cancelled you'll go back to the front tomorrow night my time for a drink before the train leaves for the front yes about 20 minutes in your capital right [Music] it's a fine room a lovely room it's all right the red plush is just the thing those mirrors are very attractive too people who go in for vice seem to have very good taste about it you're a grand girl no darling i wish you could do something really sinful everything we do seems so innocent and right you're a fine simple girl i am a simple girl nobody but you ever realized it first i thought you were a crazy girl i was a little crazy at first [Music] was that your train maybe it makes up a turin but it stays in the station here till time to leave there's really lots of time but at my back i always hear time's wicked chariot hurrying near i know that permits by marvel only it's about a girl who wouldn't live with a man listen it's only the rain i hate the rain i like it i'm afraid of the rain afraid why i oh well perhaps it's silly what tell me no don't make me tell me all right i'm afraid of the rain because sometimes i see me dead in it no and sometimes i see you dead in it that's more likely well not darling don't say that [Music] that is your train times winged chariot i'll come with you hmm no please i don't want you no not at the station all right darling how often will they write as often as i can do they read your letters they can't read english enough to hurt anything well i'll make them very confusing but not too confusing oh i should have got you a going-away gift a whistle to make you feel better in the dark or a sword i'm sure we could get a u sword very cheap swords aren't very useful at the front oh i see they get in the way of your legs when you're running they might be useful at mess though [Music] i'm afraid i have to start darling i hate to leave our fine house so do i we never stay settled very long in a home do we we will i'll have a fine home for you when you come back say i'll come back to catherine i'll come back to catherine [Applause] i'll always come back maybe this time you'll be hurt just a little in the foot or the lobe of the ear oh no no no i want your ears just the way they are your feet have been hurt already [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hello [Music] [Music] i want to take it to switzerland please to air signal to a town the nearest one to italy that would be brisagos in europe then give me tickets all right oh oh fergie i was afraid you wouldn't come would you mind telling me what this is all about i'm going away so i gathered by this but where why to switzerland to have a baby oh i knew he'd get you in trouble oh no it wasn't his fault really what's he going to do about it he doesn't know it you didn't tell him what would be the good it would only worry him he'd have to go anyway aren't you going to tell him well not yet i may write him from from switzerland you're a fool here senora on track three thank you what's the hurry why tonight couldn't go back to that hospital i couldn't stand it not with him gone but you'll be all alone in switzerland don't worry fergie i'll be all right you're not afraid of anything are you only of going back to that hospital don't scold me fergie [Music] [Music] i've always told you i was a crazy girl i couldn't bear milan without you away so i've checked the war and come to live in this little swiss town as near as possible to the italian border and you and darling it's an adorable place i'm going to be very happy here i've taken a sweet sweet in the best hotel and unfairly wallowing in luxury the bed is ampere and fit for an empress there's a maroon velvet carpet ankle deep and a bathroom all down in the bathroom it's a black marble with silver fittings i've just dined in state at my sitting room window from which there is a divine view of the lake shimmering in moonlight [Music] i'm an awful liar darling it's not really a nice place at all it's mean cheap and horrible but it doesn't matter where i live because i don't really live at all when i'm not with you i'm darling what i really want to tell you is that that i shall lie awake in the dark and cry because you're not here i'm lonely and frightened and i love you hurry baby why time to go go where but i told you before to the villa rosa new girls everybody's going not me but you must it will be a fine party and besides i said you would go i can't i've got to write some letters oh to that little everyday more letters you might as well be married that's my business oh davey how you ever come back to me serious like a shopkeeper with a liver where is my wart brother who used to get drunk with me and go to the villarosa every night leave me alone william why isn't she just a girl keep her out of this sacred subject believe me baby sacred subjects are not good for soldiers why don't you be like me all fire in the smoke and do nothing inside go on baby you're drunk stop it of course i am drunk you come with me and you will be drunk too come on baby oh i am sorry now you must come there is no more ink get your hands off of me and get out poor baby tomorrow i will get you drunk and i will take out your liver and i will put you in a good italian level and make a man of you again job baby you're going out to senior capitano yes why the email just came to your capitano you censored it senor cabitano the officer mail too anyway aren't you gonna open them in your capitano no i wanna hurry send this one back yes i do not like to see him lose his head over a woman yes [Music] [Music] and today my letters came back everyone i'd ever written came back just marked return to center person unknown that's very strange 32 letters she never got one well that's why she never wrote you no she'd have written me anyway something's happened to her have you tried i can't get any information at all i've got to go and find her myself can you i'm going to milan i'll find her but aren't all leaves of absence forbidden since that battle in the north began i'm going anyway well that's desertion i don't care i'm going you'll be caught oh you mustn't do this federico yes i must that's what i wanted to tell you padre what does this war mean to me anymore what does anything mean but finding her but frederick i can depend on you padre say goodbye to rinaldi and the others for me when are you leaving now while they're at dinner and by morning when they miss me i'll be halfway to milan they ask me what what i say anything you like goodbye buddy goodbye federico may the lord bless and preserve you [Music] hey so so [Music] foreign [Music] oh [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] this [Music] what are you gonna do in the yard looking for stragglers what do you do with them send them back to fight invaders every foot of italian soil must be regained suppose they don't want to go back then you shoot them catherine who's that shh what's catherine what are you doing back here where's katherine i know you've run away you're a deserter where is she i've got to see her you can't she's gone gone where and you'd better get out has she been transferred if you don't get out of here i'll scream and bring the whole hospital down on you why'd she go where tell me no tell me where she is go ahead choke me but i won't tell you you've done her enough home what do you mean i said you'll get her into trouble i hate you hate you understand i won't tell you anything i hope they catch you i hope they shoot you pay you back for what you've done to her making her have a baby baby oh i warned you but you didn't care not about her now she's had to go away where where over pity's safe tell me fergie no no no no and uh get me some clothes a full outfit i can't go around in this uniform as long as i don't get mixed up in it myself you won't i just want you to get some things and put an advertisement in the newspaper for me i really yawned until if i had any sense i know i shall have awful gas pains in the morning as a result of this just say catherine where are you i am free at last meet me palace hotel signed frederick hmm the major made an obituary speech in your memory and the priest he wanted to say mars for your soul but what uh vermouth uh one for you vermouth you see we all thought you were dead it never occurred to us that you might have been shell-shocked wandered away lost your memory how did you find me i saw your advertisements in the paper but as soon as we knew we arranged everything rinaldi will work on you one of his miraculous cures you will go back a hero i'm not going back they will decorate you for bravery they will even promote you no i'm through the war get that straight but you cannot do that you cannot use to stop and say i'm through with the war they wouldn't let you do that two vermours can i pick you a moment sir all right harry he's my friend but i uh he keeps telling me that it's dangerous for me to stay here any longer but the policeman was in tonight he spoke of notifying the carabinieri when they come what tonight tomorrow who knows but soon my boat is still ready sir thank you harry if they arrest you no one can save you i know that they will shoot you look get this through your head i'm not going back i've got to wait here and until i can find catherine and how do you expect to do that i've got some people looking for her that is more important than he's going to have a baby my baby so and that means everything to you yes it would it means that i've got to find her and get her out of italy perhaps she is no longer in italy what makes you say that she is in switzerland where brisago prisago [Music] harry [Music] thank you will you do one for me too yes madam step around here no just the head please [Music] [Music] isn't there any mail for me yet ah madam yes yes today there are letters many letters 20 20. that was worth waiting for what so [Music] hmm it is off the lake and about 35 kilometers i'll make it at the frontier there will be centuries i know and you will have to watch out for the patrol boats i will if it grows too hard you i won't drown have you enough money here won't you need it there must be a villarrosa at portland always the same girls until they become like old friends like war comrades take it baby please please you're a good agreement no i am not a good egg i am a fool but if i had understood how you felt about her good luck baby know ciao baby [Music] shall i get a new cylinder doctor that is a new cylinder oh i wanted so to have this baby and not make any trouble and now i'm all done oh god [Music] she is losing strength fast doctor there's no use i'll have to operate that was lovely frederick darling you mustn't worry darling i'm not going to die now i got past the place where i was going to die of course you're not going to die you mustn't think about it it's a cesarean we're lucky to be on time [Music] is she going to be all right are you the husband yes she kept calling for you all night well it's been better if you've been here i'm sorry is she in danger she's very weak you don't suppose i could see her now wait uh later it won't be long [Music] she can't die did you call no i didn't say anything [Music] not yet is he all right i hope so the baby a boy but he was dead before shiva came in here oh but she'll be all right that's not in my hands any longer but uh go across the street and get yourself some breakfast if you need it it will be some time before she can see you there's nothing there dog you've had children what was it like i beg your pardon what did you say nothing some coffee please it's in the papers italy has won thank god it's over this is the beginning of the end but it'll be a long time before they can rebuild what's been destroyed in the early morning hours of november 4th the austro-hungarian supreme command accepted by radiogram the armistice conditions laid down by general fedolio don't let her die oh god please don't let her die i do anything for you if you don't let her die you took the baby that was all right but don't let her die please please dear god don't let her die [Music] her husband's out there might as well let me i knew he was coming when i went under i knew he was here no you won't tell him thank you [Music] doctor don't you see i have to know not long let him come in no way could i could i have my bag first [Music] oh such a myth you never like me to be pale you can go in now okay darling [Music] you're all right i'm fine did you worry about me [Music] i came as soon as i found where you were poor darling let me look at you [Music] you're oh and tired sit down darling here you're gonna be all right cat you want me to do anything cath can i get you just talk to me tell me you haven't stopped loving me you know i couldn't stop i like to hear you say it though i'll never stop loving you never not even if i died you'd never do our things with any other girl or say the same things would you never i want you to have other girls i don't want them that's right [Music] when i get well we'll take a little house in the mountains we always plan the house of our own remember i'll get you a fine house we'll live in it until the war is over and then you'll go back to america and be a splendid architect we'll be married all over again in a church oh darling i'm going to die don't let me die take me in your arms hold me tight don't let me go it's dark out there and lonely i don't want to leave you anymore i've been alone so much you can't die you're too brave to die [Music] you're a fine girl a brave girl yes i am a brave girl whatever happens you'll not be afraid i'll not be afraid we've never been a part really not since we met not since we met and never can be never parted in life and in death say it camp in life and undead will never be parted you do believe that don't you i believe it [Music] and i'm not afraid [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] peace peace [Music] you
Channel: PizzaFlix
Views: 115,746
Rating: 4.8338165 out of 5
Keywords: Frank Borzage, A Farewell to Arms (1932), MOVIES, FREE, Gary Cooper, Helen Hayes, wwi, #classicmovies, CLASSIC, classic movie, world war I, classic movies, Adolphe Menjou, filmstruck
Id: G_4rHTJfEwM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 88min 55sec (5335 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 08 2018
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