A Fake Friend Tortured A Saint For Her Magic, But She Surpassed Everyone / Manhwa recap

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The Story begins the Duke has arrived at the Saints in the temple and they are now discussing his adopted daughter the Elder of them stated that he will speak clearly and briefly on the matter here so he wants the man to return the saint Dena the interlocutor in turn looked at him and stated that he did not know what the man was talking about suddenly the priest stood up and shouted out whether Arch duuk Davin had taken her from the temple anyway it turns out that this lowly woman is a saint and her place is definitely there this man is in great difficulty because of him the arch dukee in turn became very angry and asked if he was calling her a low woman the interlocutor in turn said that he was not sure what he knew but almost awakened Saint is worth literally a million Aaron and so it turns out that if the man gives them back St Dena they will pretend that none of this ever happened the Duke all these words made him very angry and he immediately got up and kicked the chair where the man was from this St Patrick fell down and wondered with incomprehension what he was doing he did not understand why the Grand Duke was doing this Patrick with incomprehension continued to ask how he could even do such a thing in their Temple but the interlocutor in turn coldly told him that he was no longer going to tolerate all this he then began to strike his sword and asked if he was still asking what he was doing in consequence he pointed his sword at his interlocutor and put it to his throat he also said that he was simply saving his daughter Patrick was stunned by what he saw because he did not expect that everything would turn out this way after that Devon wondered how they dared to talk to him in such a tone he also wondered if they had hoped that he would let them get away with it the interlocutor tried to stop him and asked him to think again about the whole situation after all he was committing a crime against God himself it turns out that this is literally a declaration of war on the entire Temple of the Lord the Duke sighed sadly and remarked that indeed he recognized that he was wrong Patrick rejoiced and declared that as he thought he was indeed wise but literally at the very moment when he did not have time to finish this sentence then the Duke swung his sword and cut off his hand for a few seconds fall didn't realize what had happened and then looking at his hand he felt a huge pain because of this it turns out that he started screaming really hard Devon on the other hand noticed that he was wrong only because it was necessary to start their conversation with that the subordinates immediately ran up to Mr Patrick and began to give him medical attention the Duke put his sword away and stated for them to listen to everything carefully it turns out that they should develop the girl not Dean but Esther and also to all this first of all she is not a saint but his daughter and if only they talk about her in the same way again he will start a real war his words were very serious at this time and a tense atmosphere began to rain in the room somewhere in the arch Duke's estate at this very time was the protagonist the maid ran to where she was and turned to miss Esther she remarked that it was getting colder after all and should return home the heroine for her part was sitting and minding her own business next she turned towards her interlocutor and noticed that she had picked up and was on her way until the very moment when the protagonist got to the archduke's estate she was in the temple and then on one of the days that she was there then St rafian arrived there the people there immediately welcomed her the guy who saw her off remarked that he couldn't even believe she was there he also said that she didn't have to pray for the girl rafan for her part smiled sweetly and remarked that even though she had become a saint she could not pray it turns out that this child is very dear to her heart the interlocutor thought this very sweet and remarked that Mrs rafian was indeed so kind after that they together did make their way to the place where the protagonist was the man who escorted them stated that she was even kind to this monster the girl for her part was bound by some sort of power and suspended in a Cell the saint walked in on her and remarked that it had finally come to her further inquired as to how it was here alone the guy who escorted them out with the saint was not allowed into the cell he looked at the whole situation and thought that the saint was really kind RAF approached the girl and noticed that she has a lot of work to do these days it also turns out that her voice is weakening very quickly that was the reason she had come as she really needed the girl's help then she looked at the flask that was on the table and it was almost empty as a consequence she turned to Dena and noticed what a bad girl she was after all but still she didn't understand how it happened that this time there was less magic power than in the previous ones she then moved even closer to the girl and wondered if she was trying to set her up perhaps it turns out that they should cut a little deeper after all suddenly the subordinate turned to the lady saint and asked what he wanted the fellow knelt before her and remarked that it was not worth it to defile his Noble hand with her own that is why he asked her to do it for him she smiled at him and said that she would gladly accept khaled's help the heroine looked carefully at everything that was going on and thought is the guy going to help her the saint also stated for him to gather this energy properly for she needed a little more this time the guy walked up to the heroin and swung his sword the girl looked at the whole thing and thought it was a holy sword enhanced and divine blessing at the same time the very holy power that was in her body began to be pulled out of her the girl was in a lot of pain from this and she thought that she couldn't take it all anymore after a while finally the guy finally gathered the very substance that was needed in the Holy next he made his way to the mistress and gave it to her she took this flask in her hands and was very happy about it after the woman scrutinized this liquid that was in the flask then she began to drink it pouring the contents into her mouth she enjoyed the process then when she finished she smiled sweetly and remarked to the girl that as always her holy power was magnificent the girl in turn looked at her very angrily for she didn't like all this at all rafan noticed her angry look and and wondered if the girl thought it was unfair after all it turns out that she should be angry with her now and not the other way around then she asked if the girl in her dream knew why she went down to the dungeon every day and drank her blood then came close to the girl and took her by the neck as a consequence said that all this was happening because she had taken something that should belong to her alone it turns out that somehow she had dared to be born after that the saint asked if the girl understood all this and hit her she then remarked that if she thought it was so unfair why didn't she pray to the goddess herself after all who knows perhaps she will have mercy and forgive her sins the main character's eyes were already closing and the saint wished her well At Last the girl thought that she would still come back after all the place in which the protagonist was located is called the Austin Empire in this place the divine power of a saint and the influence of a monarch are roughly equivalent it turns out that before the empire was blessed from God it was completely chaotic at that time there was an era of disease and hardship monsters were literally killing people every day the streets were completely strewn with corpses and there seemed to be no more hope for a better future then a few Knights who were still alive tried to fight the monster that was approaching them some of them tried to drive it away While others said that everything was over and nothing would help them but suddenly one of them declared to all the others to look at the light that was near them and that's when the ruler of their mistress appeared she illuminated everything with her light and the people did not despair so much the knights were immediately encouraged afterward and cried out that they should not despair after all it turns out that the ruler of light is now with them in the midst of Despair St espo descended from Heaven to all these people as a consequence of all this it so happened that the saint helped the people of the Empire to drive away the darkness all the people were very happy and wished the lady long life and thanked her her arrival marked the beginning of a century of prosperity the revived Empire entered a golden age and the emperor ordered to erect a temple in honor of their savior as a consequence an era of light and joy began for all the inhabitants of the Empire all this was indeed true not all people rejoiced but all this Joy was for all people except for one person this person was the protagonist who was sitting in a dungeon and was bound with the help of magical power and one day several women came to the place where the protagonist was they were a little frightened and wondered if in all someone was there but suddenly one of them said that it should be quieter to talk believe it's time for this girl to eat the heroine opened her eyes and looked at the people who had come to see her one of the women when she saw her wondered why she was chained the neighbor stated that she should not shout like that because it turns out Annie is new so she is not yet aware of everything that is going on she is not a human being but a monster and she has been locked up for a reason Annie wanted to say something else but was told to shut up so it turns out that they are going to hold her so that the Beast doesn't bite off her tongue and she has to pour soup down her throat then this woman looked at the girl and was shocked because their views at this time converged and the protagonist at the same time realized that she was new and that's why she should try something after that she turned to Annie mentally and asked if she could hear her voice if she did then she should release her now strangely enough she started to listen to her and the heroine told her to get closer to her next she began to slowly approach the bound girl and her interlocutor asked her what she was doing Annie in turn did not listen to anyone and immediately opened her mouth to the heroine Dena rejoiced at what was happening from stated to her savior that she was really a good girl she also thanked her for everything she had done for her the women who were nearby immediately caught on and told them to get away from her sooner they further shouted that they should urgently call for the priestess as well and after that they noticed that the monster had bitten off its tongue and she now appeared to be dead it was a story of a lonely pathetic death for a true Saint it also turns out that this was already the 14 th death of the protagonist after the protagonist died then some time passed and she felt herself waking up again after she opened her eyes you could hear someone addressing her by name the voice was very familiar to her and she immediately looked at her interlocutor Rafia was sitting there wondering if Dena was all right at that time both girls were not yet adults and the heroine looking at her thought whether indeed in front of her now sat rafan she also realized that this place they were at was a home classroom but immediately she thought that it just couldn't be the girl that was sitting next to her at this time was worried about her friend and noticed that she was really kind of pale she immediately tried to touch the girl but she turned away she hesitated a little and then noticed that she just felt a little bad still she forced herself to thank rafon for taking care of her after her own words the heroine thought she was very bitter to say it all rafan in turn sold for saying that they were were friends after all and friends should take care of each other further she smiled sweetly and wondered if what she was saying was correct then the heroine thought that at that moment she still believed it was her unobtrusive sweet smile but some time passed after that and everything changed at that moment the heroine was lying on the ground and begging rafen to let her go it's still turns out that they are friends and she doesn't understand why she is doing this to her her companion smiled because of this and wondered if she thought they were friends because it was really funny further asked that the girl listen to her carefully now after all it comes out that she didn't even think she was her own friend for a second then called her a naive orphan not noticing how she didn't realize they were from different worlds still she should simply know her place in her own the heroine could not believe her own ears and was stunned at what was happening now then she looked carefully at the girl she thought was her friend seeing her hoty look she remembered that look of young rafon who was worried about her own friend and now the evil heroine was once again sitting with young rafan who was worried about her while doing so telling the girl that perhaps she should ask the Priestess to let her go and take a little break the girl agreed and remarked that she would do so and then got up to run away from there in consequence of this she ran through the room in which they were there she heard other people talking and discussing about her her some of the children in the sample did not understand why rfen was talking to this girl she is so dirty and if you look at her hands and feet you can see why there's literally a gulf between them but rafian just likes her that's all still whatever it is she's not going to be the next Saint the girl was spotted by one of the women and asked Dina why she was here she wondered what the girl had happened this time the heroine noticed that she simply had a headache and needed medicine the interlocutor noticed that she had told her that she was untalented and all this is because she needs to be twice as hard as the other kids she in turn does nothing but complain about everything one of the children in the room remarked that this orphan is not good at anything so there is no point in even trying the woman remarked to that person not to say such words the heroine apologized for that but the woman still gave her the medicine next the girl went to some other room and closed the door behind her after that she immediately fell to the ground from helplessness and thought that she was reborn again but why all these torments she just does not understand the girl did not understand why she simply could not die that's all after a few seconds however she thought that now is not the time for all this what to begin with it is necessary to see what number it is next she walked down the same familiar room as she always did realized that no matter how many times she was reborn this place does not change at all in any way the heroine then walked over to the table that held her belongings opening the top box the girl noticed that her diary was there after that she immediately opened it to see what she wrote there when she read that information she was shocked at what she saw she saw that the date on there was the 4th of August 381st year she thought that it couldn't be is it really the 81st year or even the 82nd year she was shocked because of the 12th and 13th times she had gone back to April in the 82nd year before the death of the present saint but now was a very different time and she wondered if it had really changed then she also thought what if everything that was happening now was her last rebirth but after a few seconds she realized that it was unlikely after all putting down her diary she thought that she shouldn't expect anything because she would simply be disappointed at the end anyway it doesn't really matter what time she comes back after all it was still simply impossible for her to escape from the temple no matter how many attempts she makes to escape from this hell she still finds herself here again this is very much painful for her and she just begs to let it all end now at this time the girl took a knife and tried to end all these rebirths but when she made the cut once again nothing happened the girl looked carefully at her deep cut which with her own hands had left us with her hand but it literally healed instantly because of her holy power that flowed through her veins she realized that it would not be easy for her to end it all because the holy power would literally heal all her wounds in the blink of an eye she sat down and thought that she could only herself if she lost some of her strength she's under strict surveillance at the temple so she can't do anything like that the only way she can do it is if someone kills her there's only one way she can end her life and it is the very moment when she is restrained and weakened from constant torture the protagonist sat in her room for a while wondering how long she would ever have to live this nightmarish life over and over again after a while she got up and started to leave her own room next the girl came to the place where the sacred statue of the overlord stood the heroine stood and scrutinized it while doing so she thought that she used to really love this place now she remembered those moments when she used to run through the streets of this little town and ask for alms to give to poor orphans all this she had done only because she simply had nothing to eat but one such day she was stopped by a Holy Father who turned to the girl then the heroine stopped and looked at him carefully not understanding what is happening now the man smiled sweetly at her and remarked that she did indeed have holy power the priest the girl had met by chance was not particularly kind to her but she went along with him at least she didn't have to starve anymore as she was constantly given food at the temple also one of the women took her to her room and noticed that it was her room the girl was shocked that she was allotted an entire room the girl was then told to live here but not to make noise and she in turn was very grateful to them for that and all this because for the first time she learned what warmth and coziness is but literally after a while all this she lost and now the heroine stood near the statue of the saint and wondered why she gave her this power and also it was unclear to her why she was sent to Earth the girl is simply tired of being some kind of bargaining chip she asks soon even begs to take her with her all this is because she can no longer tolerate any of this and no longer wants to live thinking about all this Maine the heroine for some reason remembered about the holiday that is to be held in the temple as a consequence she realized that she had an idea after all and she knows how she should die then the girl went to the temple and after a while the feast was to begin everyone in the temple fussed a lot and did not know where to put what things and what should be done it turns out that the heroine also fussed and helped in everything now she was walking with a basket of apples and thought that the Temple Festival was once a year so it turns out standing there the heads of the four greatest families in the Empire must attend it turns out that the arch dukee whose name is Devon Teresa is to appear this is a man who has not lost a single war and in the past his troops did not leave behind even the classic grass he was simply a deranged assassin who was completely obsessed with war the girl realized that if she attacked him during the holiday she would definitely die and that was the plan the heroine was thinking about all this and did not notice the person in front of her and because of this collided with her then the Apple she was carrying immediately fell to the floor the girl she bumped into immediately wondered what was going on also asked if she did not realize that it is necessary to look around the heroine in turn changed for what happened after that she began to pick apples on suddenly saw how her power began to heal her hand and here she thought again that because of this healing with this energy she simply cannot die on her own it is because of this that somehow it appears that she needs to run into the arch dukee to die by his hand then the girl went back to her business and walked around the territory of the temple but suddenly when she was walking quietly on her business someone addressed her by name the girl immediately looked up and saw that Khaled was there the boy smiled sweetly at her and asked where she was going the girl knew that this man's name was khed demoy and he was the son of a powerful Aristocrat and everyone's favorite it also turns out that he was also her favorite because she liked him for his caring nature but after a while things changed for he became the Holy Knight rafon then too he did not Dain to help even her get out of that very hell the girl remembers the last time before she died the one helped constantly rafian and pulled blood out of the protagonist in order for her to drink it it was from this that the heroine realized that he simply is a common hypocrite the guy noticed that the girl's face had become somehow glum and he wondered what had happened to her because she looked depressed in some way the heroine turned away from him and remarked that she was all right she then stated that she simply had to help with the holiday preparations so she should leave the boy hesitated for a moment and then stated that she was as a consequence the girl simply walked away from him khed looked at her strange behavior and didn't understand what had really happened after all he thought that perhaps indeed he had done something wrong at this very time the archduke's placement was also very noisy and it was all because the Duke also had to go to the temple several Maids noticed Mr Ben and wished him good morning the man in turn noticed them and saw that it was Camila and Ella he then smiled sweetly at him and wished him good morning in return as well the girls were happy that the man also wished them good morning then they continued to watch him walk and one of them said that he was always dressed as if with a needle it was incomprehensible to her how he even manages to be such a perfect person the interlocutor remarked that it is indeed so and understandable eight has kept him around for the 10th year after all his majesty realizes that every bird literally counts in the Empire as all other people say Ben Teresa knows literally everything now he was on his way to the archduke's room for an audience but the moment he entered the room he immediately turned pale because he saw what the man was wearing then he turned to his being and inquired whether the man was at all sure that he wanted to wear this particular garment Devon theresia noticed that he really wanted to dress that way and asked if something was wrong the interlocutor remarked that there was nothing wrong at the same time he thought that the man was already in trouble with the temple and now he would come dressed in black on a holiday where he should have worn something white the whole thing literally looks childish then Ben turned to His Highness again and said that if he wanted to dress so much he should trust him with his closet it would appear that he would simply pick him something appropriate for the occasion suddenly the man turned to him and looked at him with his cold gaze as a consequence the interlocutor remarked that perhaps he should not do that after some minor preparations the arch Duke and his subordinate began to descend the stairs at the bottom sat the Man's children who noticed their father and turned to him one of the boys inquired of the father if he was really leaving already the man noticed that he was and looked intently at his own son he further asked Judy who he had gotten into another fight with in the video not seeing the abrasion on his cheek the boy smiled and casually stated that he was just running a race and it was no no big deal this boy's name was Judy theresia his father inquired as to how he running a race at all could have accomplished such a thing after moments he remarked that it didn't matter and he was just begging him not to do anything while he was away from the estate suddenly another son joined the conversation and stated not to let his father worry about anything he would see to Judy this boy's name was Danny theresia the Archduke looked at him and remarked but after a moment he remembered that he definitely wanted to shop for one that's why guys should be told what they need now let me think for a while and then declared his father to buy him the voice of The Sovereign Arch preser crisper it turns out after all that this book will only be sold at this Festival the man did agree to it and then turned to his second son and asked what Judy wanted the kid was immediately enthusiastic and then stated that he wanted a baby sister for himself everyone in the room was stunned at the young boy's request the father inquired in surprise in what sense he wanted a baby sister at all the boy immediately pointed out that Hans and Sebastian had a little sister but he was the only one who did not the arch Duke further stated that he understood what his son was talking about he sighed sadly and asked Judy how long he would be fooling around like this the boy for his part just looked at him but said nothing after a moment he turned the other way and remarked that he was clear for he wanted nothing more then at the end he only stated that he knew he would not listen to him at all and all of this only works out because daddy only loves Danny after all the man hearing this immediately walked over to his son and took him by the shoulders at the same time he remarked to him that he knew that was not true at all after all if he wants a girlfriend he'll find a maid his own age but it turns out he won't have a sister anyway the boy looked at his father in Surprise and wondered why that was so the father was a little little confused and then said that all this because he does not have a mom the boy continued to inquire but why is that so the man was embarrassed by this question and he wondered how he could explain all this next he did ask Dany if he even understood why a baby sister was out of the question right now the boy hesitated and then stated that it wasn't that it couldn't be done the father in turn stood up and inquired as to what he was even saying the boy in turn smiled and then said that it was possible to adopt someone and then they would have a little sister the man was simply shocked at what his son offered him sometime later after all this conversation The archduke's Carriage left the estate where they were the man drove and on the way looked out of the window thinking about the whole situation that had occurred opposite sat Ben who turned to his majesty and noticed what he saw the man pondered but there was no need to it turns out after all that Judy is always making up strange things the man noticed that at first he also thought that his son was really joking but decided to take into account his wishes it turns out that he buys his children everything to somehow compensate for the mother's love but still it turns out that it seems that his generosity has negative consequences after all most likely it turns out that the children are tired of material goods and they lack sincere love and attention at the same time still if you look at it all they have no need for toys and other things but he simply cannot give them neither a sibling nor the much- needed care still it turns out that to him the boys have grown up without knowing family and affection now the man said that if he brings a good girl into the house then maybe the twins will finally realize what a real family is the interlocutor after hearing these words thought that after all adoption is not an easy decision at all however his intuition never deceived him he further stated that he would find a place where he could take the child after a while the man did arrive at the event and there were already representatives of the four families sitting there they sat in their seats and at this time the head priest was speaking he was saying that the future Empire was under the protection of the lordess of holy then this speech of his went on for some time and the Archduke did not want to listen to all this at all he sat very thoughtful and pondered over the whole situation that had happened recently literally at the same time time and the main game was not in this Hall and was looking at the place where the arch dukee was sitting at that she thought that it was quite unexpected because she didn't think that getting close to him would be so easy true she still wasn't sure if she would be allowed to get close enough to him to make an assassination attempt suddenly the girl heard someone call out to her by name and immediately turned around to go there several girls were there and one of them announced that she should bring some more chairs from the warehouse it turns out that the Priestess had said there weren't enough seats and she was a bit busy the girl wondered if she really had to do that her companion looked at her face and wondered what the expression was on her face right now at that she remarked that whatever she said she was going to contradict her now the heroine in turn thought that in the past she would have obeyed without a word and went to fulfill it but that wasn't the case now and she stated to the girl that because the Priestess candidate Sierra had ordered her to do it the interlock was stunned at such words the girl and wondered what she had just said at the same time called her an impudent orphan and noticed where she uh where the girl is for it turns out that she comes from a noble family that is why the girl is shorter than her from birth most likely she came out of some slums and she does not understand how she can argue with her when she has no parents at all the girl in turn was very sad at her words and she thought that she also wanted to have a family and and not to be a pathetic orphan next the heroine raised her head to look the side of the place where the arch dukee was but suddenly when she looked there you saw that that place was empty it was because of this that she was surprised and thought whether indeed he had gone the heroine in a panic began to look at the whole place which were in this case trying to find a man the girl did not understand where he could have gone and whether she missed her chance to attack him but after some time of searching the girl did notice that he was walking towards the exit then she tried to head in his Direction but her companion did not want to let her go she grabbed the girl's arm and asked if she was completely pissed off it was unclear to the girl Where She Went because she did not agree with her at all now suddenly there was an older woman who saw that something was going on and wondered what was going on here after all no altercations should be happening during the festival right now the girl who grabbed the heroine's arm immediately recovered and smiling noticed that Dena suddenly popped up she in turn in height tried to sit her back down and nothing more happened next she leaned over to the girl and noticed to tell her that she was telling the truth in doing so quietly whispered to her to quickly agree to all of this the woman remarked for Dena to explain where she had packed now the girl hesitated for a bit then stated that she simply wanted to go and get more more chairs the woman remarked for her then to go quickly and not without any conversation the heroin agreed and immediately headed over there at the same time thought about what she should do because she simply like this will miss the arch Duke now that the heroine distinguished herself there could quietly follow him to carry out her plan at the same time the girl thought that she hoped that the arch dukee had not yet come out of the temple but most likely this did not happen still she can't see him anywhere and that's too bad and at this time the girl had a knife up her sleeve with which she was going to make her attack when the heroine left the room she was in she saw that the arch dukee was walking along the road so she realized that she had finally found him it turns out to be Mr theresia himself after all the man entered surrounded by several of his subordinates and the girl consequently followed them at the same time she was a little frightened and wondered if she could handle it hesitating with her actions further after a moment she realized that it was not the time for her to hesitate after all she should simply seize the moment because she would not find a better moment as a consequence she could not give him a treat now the girl moved a little closer to the man and immediately addressed his majesty the man in turn immediately stopped and his subordinates and he turned around to see who was addressing him the knights with their own weapons blocked the girl's path preventing her from getting any closer to the arch dukee the girl turned to his majesty again and remarked that she simply had something to say to him the man turned fully towards her and began to listen attentively to everything she said the girl for her part continued to state that she needed to talk to him that was why she was asking him not to leave as she would only be taking up a moment of his time the Knighthood looked at her for a few seconds and then told his subordinates to immediately lower their swords the knights did so and the girl was overjoyed because of this for the plan could still come to fruition right now his majesty stated that the judge of the robes she is a candidate Saint that's why he wondered what she wanted from him in the first place the girl thought that she should stab him right now but needed to get closer first and began to do so little by little gradually she got closer to him and at the same time she mumbled trying to avert suspicion from herself after a while she got closer to the place where she could make a blow as she did so she thought that now she could really try to attack him at this point she began to pull her weapon out of her sleeve grabbing it with both hands she immediately ran towards the arch Duke attempting to strike him the man was a bit shocked at what he saw in front of him now however he easily repelled the girl's blow and grabbed her by both hands at the same time he noticed that he thought that the girl was strange and it turns out that it means that because she simply wanted to kill him and she turns out to be some kind of rude girl the arch duuk wondered if she was going to kill him with this weapon he then presented the blade before her neck and demanded that she answer him now who had sent her at that moment the protagonist thought that her age was simply endless life full of torment is repeated time after time and she is constantly in this hell now the moment when she will die has finally come the man with a gun pointed at her told her to answer who sent her and if she didn't answer she would lose her life from what she heard the girl was only joyful and thought that at last her death had come the arch Duke seeing the joyful face of the girl thought that it was suspicious the girl in her turn thought that at last her time had come and her torment would soon be over as a consequence she ran up to the man and grabbed his hand so that he could finish with her quickly the man had not expected such a turn of events and was shocked at what was happening the tip of the blade did touch the girl's neck but the man at the last moment managed to throw it away after that the heroine immediately dropped to the ground and knelt there the man in turn said that she was such a strange girl and also stupid the heroine in turn touched her neck and felt a small cut there the arch dukee in turn remarked that it turns out that she came here not for his life but for her own at this time the Knight addressed his majesty but the latter did not listen to him and told the girl to answer his question for it was the temple that had ordered her to do all this he wondered what they had done to her and what they had promised in return for such recklessness the girl answered nothing and the man wondered if she was going to keep silent until he killed her the arch dukee then turned around and declared that his subordinates had this girl return to the temple now the girl heard all this and was simply terrified for this was her released opportunity she immediately turned around and asked the man to wait for her and did not leave the heroine was very much frightened and then begged the man to stop because she did not want to go back to the temple she began to beg that the man would simply help her and kill her the man stopped and listened attentively to what the girl was saying and looked at her she in turn continued to scream that she did not want to go back and she simply would not do it with tears in her eyes it was said that she would not even resist and just let him kill her still she would rather die than go back to that Temple it was quite hard for the arch Duke to hear all of this and he immediately declared for the girl to be released after the subordinates let the girl go then he immediately turned to her next he leisurely approached the heroine and asked how old she was at the moment the heroine somewhat apprehensively stated that she was 12 years old now the man hesitated and wondered if it was really 12 he then sat down beside the girl and also touched her head stroking it at the same time the heroin did not expect such a thing from him and was a little shocked and did not understand what was going on he then stated that the girl had told him everything that she did not want to return to the temple and in that case he had an interesting offer for her then he asked if perhaps she wanted to become his daughter the girl wondered with surprise if it was really his daughter after a while the heroine had her neck wound rewound next to her was the arch Duke and she wondered from her if he really really wanted to shelter her also there not far away was Ben who was wondering from His Highness if it was possible to make such decision so easily His Highness remarked to the girl that he was really telling the truth because he was looking for a girl to adopt and she still came to his liking now the heroine still noticed that she is a motherless commoner it was incomprehensible to her whether he would really want to adopt her the interlocutor looked at her carefully and asked her what of being a motherless commoner how is it that if she does become his daughter she will be a noble lady the protagonist was very surprised by this and thought could she really become a noble lady but after moments interrupted herself and noticed that this simply cannot be after all she should not build simply air castles in her head after all it turns out that she simply needs to get out of the shelter and then everything will be fine that's why she asked the man to adopt her he looked at her carefully and thought that this little girl is really interesting after all it turns out that she does not even know how to use a knife but she already wants to live live it should be so that she came and asked to kill herself and that's all a 12-year-old girl asked for when she had such a sincere look the man further stated that he almost forgot to ask and wondered what her name was the girl wondered if he wanted to know her name really still it turns out that no one had ever been so interested in her name before quietly she stated that her name was Dena the interlocutor noticed that he realized that her name was Dena and noticed that she had made a really good choice it turns out that he would later send someone to the temple to finalize the adoption after that he smiled and remarked to the girl simply waiting for him he then saw the surprised looks on the girl's face and realized that he had probably done something wrong he noticed that he apologized is he had scared her because he looked kind of creepy when he smiled the girl in turn with embarrassment noticed that it really is not so easy no one has ever looked at her with such kindness as he the man wondered if she was now speaking for kindness and his face the subordinates standing nearby were also surprised and wondered she thought his face seemed kind to her one of them remarked that he never wanted to see His Highness smile again suddenly the arch Duke turned toward them and remarked that they could hear everything he further inquired if they wanted to run a pen circle around the barracks the girl in turn asked when she would be able to leave the temple the interlocutor told her that as soon as the adoption process was completed she would be informed immediately and then she could go to her new home the girl immediately thought that this would probably take about 5 days as a consequence of all this it turns out that in 5 days she will have already left the temple and will finally get the desired freedom and only then she will no longer be burdened by anything and can simply die sometime later the arch dukee was sitting in the office with the representatives of the temple and they were discussing the whole situation the man asked him if he wanted to take the candidate away from the Saints the arch dukee remarked that this was indeed the case the interlocutor in turn told him that candidates for sainthood are a valuable resource of the temple so it is absolutely impossible however their decision could be changed depending on which candidate he wanted to adopt Devon simply listened attentively to what his interlocutor was saying now the one went on to say that they could probably give him a girl of some low rank he asked if he had even noticed anyone at all the man remarked that he had indeed spotted a girl named Dena the boys in their turn discussed who Dena was because it was the first time they had heard this name at this point they started looking at the documents to find out who the girl was they then stated that he must be talking about the latitude they had picked up on the street also inquired if indeed the arch dukee was sure that this was the child he wanted to pick up still the holy energy coming out of standing is practically zero and you could say it's not there at all also one of the guys said that if he wanted he could present him a more suitable candidate Devon in turn stood up and said do they dare to doubt the correctness of his choice for such a thing he could simply deprive them of their tongues the interlocutors in turn were very much frightened at the sight of him and the arch dukee went on to say that if he had to repeat it twice for them it would be very bad Dad it was then that Ben entered into the conversation and stated that they were simply taking this girl away he then pulled an envelope out of his clothes and remarked that even though there wasn't much here at all he was asking to accept donations for their Temple the guys were shocked to see a million Aaron bill in his hand it turns out that after a while their discussion finally came to an end after all the arch dukee together with his subordinate were about to leave and the latter said that in that case he counts on the guys that he had arranged with him and he hopes that you will help them to deal with the situation the interlocutors were then very happy and remarked that of course certainly certainly with great joy they would do all this they also expressed great gratitude to His Highness and stated that they would spend the donated money for a good cause for he had helped the temple a great deal Devon at this time along with his subordinate were leisurely leaving the temple Ben exhaled lightly and thought it would be much much harder than it turned out to be the men he had negotiated with began to Mellow discussing the whole thing one of them stated to an associate that they weren't going to give it all to the temple after all the interlocutor remarked that if he is crazy of course they will not do that about the money because only he does not know it turns out that they should simply divide half of the sum so it turns out that to give such money for a third rate candidate who has no chance to become a saint money in the wind and only the protagonist for her part was in her room and untied the bandage that had been placed on her neck wound there she saw that the wound she had had was completely healed looking out the window the girl wondered if she could already go outside or not it turns out that before because of the Divine energy she was not allowed to leave the Temple and so strange suddenly she can just take and leave but still it turns out the main there is simply nothing waiting because often the representatives of the sign are quite frivolous who knows perhaps tomorrow everything will turn out as if nothing and was not and to all this so it may be that even if she gets the house of the arch Duke he already has two native son so the girl can't imagine if she will be received there normally also to all this all rich people are pretty much the same and they are no stranger to Prejudice envy and also meanness that's why they probably won't spare the poor orphan for sure after a short thought the girl thought thought that it is no longer so important she just needed to die that's all she sat in her room and thought that this is really true because it is necessary to wait for this moment and now she can be a little patient a small amount of time passed and the protagonist was already leaving the temple along with her on the road was a woman who said that she once again repeats that His Highness did not order her that she should fulfill everything without any objections it also turns out that the girl simply should not count on her return she should forget about the temple once and for all the girl asked what would happen if the arch duuke gave up on her the interlocutor said that this would be her problem it turns out that she no longer belongs to the temple so let her survive as she wants if it happens the girl thought after hearing those words that it was really very nasty she felt pain in her heart and thought that she had once considered this place her home on the way the protagonist noticed rafian who was walking through the temple grounds she noticed the girl and wondered where Dena was going so early in the day when the woman noticed the girl she immediately smiled and told her that she could see she had been on her feet since morning rafan replied that she was simply on her way to pray she asked where they were going because it was a little early for a walk the girl said that if she really meant it then from that day on Dina would live in the house of arch Duke theresia the girl wondered if this was really true II remarked that His Highness really wished to adopt her rafen further inquired if he himself had said so for it was very unexpected she then approached the heroine and asked if she could say goodbye to her as she and Dena were close friends the interlocutor noted that of course he could not do it and should not be in a hurry after that rafian dragged the protagonist by the hand in the direction of the headquarters to talk to her about it the girl in turn did not want to discuss it all at all but she dragged her well after a while they stopped and the interlocutor asked if Dena was really going to live with the arch Duke she wondered if he was her real father the heroine hesitated and then said that he was not rafen then asked but then why would he need her it turns out that it is really strange because why would the arch Duke adopt an orphan with an extremely lowlevel of divine energy the girl immediately thought that rafian had dropped her mask after all the interlocutor wondered why he was doing this after all for it was incomprehensible to her then she apologized to her and said that she had said all this without thinking for she did not mean to convince her with these words she said all this simply because she was very sad that her friend was leaving She also asked they were close friends after all if she thought it was right while doing so made a casual cute look as if she really felt sorry for her friend the heroine looking at her thought what else sad and what kind of friends they were this is what she got angry and thought that it was rafan is the culprit of all her torment in previous lives and now her feigned kindness made her very angry and she wanted to take revenge on her for it so she thought that she really definitely wants to take revenge on her despite all the acting her anger the protagonist remarked that she was also very sorry and she wished rafon all the best the interlocutor wondered if she really does next the heroine took her so-called friend into her own hands at the same time she stated that this was her parting gift because she prays that the next Saint will be rfan she mentally hopes that even after her death she will never become her also told her that may she become a great Saint and her whole life will be full of joy smiles and laughter but at the same time thought that for the pain she had caused her she wished her the same endless suffering she had had in previous lives she hoped that in the future rafon and her life would be filled with so much misery that her lips would not touch even the shadow of a chuckle the interlocutor at this moment snatched her hands from the girl's grasp and stepped aside the heroin afterward remarked that here were her wishes rafon looked at the girl with some strange look and thanked Dena for that also stated that she too hoped that things would work out well for her in the future immediately after that she turned around and started walking away from her as she did so she threw her gaze at the girl and wondered if that was even a thing right now after all today Dena was especially Sullen and that look did not give her peace it was a strange look for her as if the girl already knew everything she thought that her so-called friend was an insolent lousy girl but it was already in the past and all this is because she realizes that anyway most likely they will never meet together again after that they never parted ways one day the arch dukee remembered his beloved with whom he was earlier he remembered the moment when the girl was standing in the street and he addressed her by the name of Irene when he addressed her the girl immediately turned to him and smiled sweetly and she in turn also said the name of her lover devian the latter smiled back at her and remarked that it had indeed gotten colder during the night so he wondered what we had one doing here the girl looked up and noticed that here she was admiring the stars at this she wondered if the night sky was not beautiful at this time of night the man also looked up into the sky and for some time they gazed there the lover further remarked that she had something to say to him just in case after all it turns out that they are going to have a girl after a while it became the time when the protagonist should have already left the temple the girl was already standing outside the door of the territory and the woman to her pointing ahead asked if she could see the path it turns out that at the end of this path they would be waiting for her at last the woman only remarked that she should now step she then immediately closed the door behind her and left the Girl Alone on that path the heroine looked at the door for a while and then turned toward the path and looked ahead for ahead and illuminated bright Sunshine as if to signify freedom and joyful life and for the girl it was quite a pleasant picture ahead at that moment the game did not think that before she had never been able to avoid a sad fate for herself it constantly turned out that she was neglected she was betrayed by all people those moments when she killed herself to stop the suffering everything was repeated again and again but this time the girl hopes that everything will be completely different and it all turns out because of the fact that she was simply not thrown into the dungeon because she managed to escape before that moment and she kept repeating to herself in her head that she was glad because of the fact that she was not thrown into the dungeon after all when the heroine passed some of these stations she saw that there was a carriage standing there next to it stood Ben who noticed that there was a girl there and immediately turned to her he noticed that they were indeed waiting for my lady here the heroine thought that it was indeed a luxurious Carriage now standing in front of her the guy noticed that he would not be returning as his Majesty's personal assistant and he was honored to serve my lady as well for the heroine his smile was very sweet and the girl greeted him too saying that she too was very happy to see them immediately after that they literally ducked towards each other at the same time Ben remarked to the girl that she shouldn't bow to him at all the heroine hesitated and remarked that it was just somehow uncomfortable for her interlocutors and noticed that my lady is now a member of the thean family after all so it turns out that in the entire Empire there is only one Arch dukee and he is her father the girl in turn is his only daughter because of all this it turns out that her behavior also reflects her family status the girl wondered if her behavior really does affect the family the interlocutor went on to say that he realized that the girl had not yet familiarized herself with all the routines but gradually she would really settle in after that he favored her on the carriage house for the girl to go in there the heroine realized that she was now part of the archduke's family when the girl entered the room her future father was indeed sitting there she immediately thanked the man for the fact that he personally came to pick her up he in turn looked at the girl carefully and noticed that he always keeps his promise after all the heroine looked at him the answer and thought that it did not seem to be a boast after that she realized that it would be better that way than a smile on her face and a knife in her back and in that moment she remembered her so-called friend who had set her up all this time in all her previous lives the Duke looked to see that the girl was sitting very far away from him and immediately thought about it he realized that the heroine sat even farther away and thought she might be uncomfortable right now he wondered if it was from a bad first impression but he really couldn't do it any other way looking at the girl's bag the man wondered if it was all her stuff the girl in turn remarked that it was because she simply had nothing else he said that then they should buy her a lot of stuff the girl hesitated and then began to say that there was no need to whine everything was really fine at the same time she thought that there was no point in these things and they should not be bought because she was going to die anyway the arch Duke thought that he was just really embarrassed right now it would be so much easier if she just asked for what she wanted like Judy but still he simply doesn't know what she needs in an instant the man wondered if he wanted to give her a name and in that equation he remembered his sweetheart saying that they were having a girl after all that's why she then wanted to give her a name that would be as bright as those stars in the sky then she smiled sweetly and remarked that she wanted the name to encapsulate all her love for her own daughter and after that she called the name Esther next the man called this name of the girl and he looked at us in Surprise the man remarked that let this new name mark for her the beginning of her new life it turns out that she would now be called Esther and that name means bright as a star the girl was surprised to be called by such a name that is why she stated that she had literally lived in darkness all her life remembering all her life which she spent most of it in the dungeon thought that she was never allowed to shine that's exactly why this name doesn't suit her that was what the girl had stated to the man but he wouldn't listen turning to her and smiling sweetly he said that she would still shine as brightly as no one else for she would be a one-of-a-kind lady teresia who will be free to determine her own fate and decide everything herself after these words the heroine pondered whether he could accept a name with such a beautiful meaning for her it was incomprehensible why she is a man who is about to leave this world but still Esther is indeed a beautiful name it is not some random name and it now belongs to her so beautiful and endowed with deep meaning even if only for a short time but she always wants to be this Esther at this time the girl became sad and tears started flowing from her eyes she also thanked His Highness for this beautiful name the carriage continued its movement or the man carefully looked at the heroine who sat quietly he realized that the girl had looked rather anxious before but now she was Carefree dozing this made her look like a really little girl thinking back to that expression on the girl's face when she was trying to kill herself it was unbearable for him to see the despair in her eyes some where other than the battlefield it was completely incomprehensible to him what this little girl had gone through if she had such a thing looking closely at the girl he realized that her clothes were quite tattered come to think of it her clothes were very dirty he had somehow not paid attention to it before and now he saw it he was very angry at the same time he thought that these Temple priests were Scoundrels because they had allowed this to happen to this girl suddenly he turned to his subordinate Ben and the latter inquired about His Highness the man told him to turn the carriage around for they had to go to the Dress store now the subaltern inquired what he was saying and whether he was really sure that they should do so now but the Archduke could not be persuaded and he immediately said that they were going to odar Street the subordinates could no longer change his mind and it turns out that they went there after the girl fell asleep she found herself in some beautiful place and was sitting on a bench with the boy he stated that turns out that means she had a family and he wondered what kind of person this Arch duuk was the girl was sad and remarked that she herself really did not know it yet still he seemed to be different from those she had met before it turns out that he is not hypocritical at all and he also fulfills his promise the boy noticed that this is really good because he was already worried about her but now he will be calm the girl looked at her interlocutor carefully and wondered if he was really worried about her he remarked that that of course he was for he was always watching her and wherever she was then the girl looked at him carefully and wondered but who he was in general at that very instant her sleep was interrupted for the girl began to hear herself being addressed by name when she woke up a little she heard the Duke calling her and asking her to wake up the girl came to her senses a little and then apologized for being a little sleepy the man and remarked that it was no big deal because they had important business to attend to now so they should go they should sit one rather important place here the girl looked at her interlocutor with surprise and the man went on to say that she was here and it is quite famous in these parts this place is Lily odar Street and it is called Christina's Boutique the girl looked carefully at the luxurious building of her and the man remarked that she just needed to diversify her closet after these words the girl was simply shocked together they did not go inside the building and there was a woman waiting for them who greeted his highness and stated that they should rather pass to them she also inquired as to why he had not warned her of his visit since they you had prepared something for him the man remarked that he was indeed at fault and apologized for arriving at their door so suddenly however this young lady with whom he had arrived urgently needed clothes the female interlocutor inquired but who was this young lady then the woman looked ahead and from behind the arch dukee she noticed a little girl the heroine at that moment thought that she was very much embarrassed she was worried that suddenly this woman will say that she is too dirty and refuse to dress her but the woman in turn immediately approached the girl and remarked that they should pick up some new dresses for this young lady she also crouched down beside the girl to be on par with her sweetly smiling at her she asked the young lady what her name was the girl remarked that her name was Dena but the other man interrupted and remarked that her name was Esther the interlocutor further stated for Esther to come with her and here they are taking them dresses the arch dukee remarked that then he would not come up outside and they should not hurry and pick up something pretty when all the others had left the room the woman went inside with the girl she then sat her down on a couch and asked her to sit there while the woman brought her some dress models then she approached the girl again and said that she could look through these cataloges which she threw to her there are casual dresses there and then the weekend and in another part of the outfit from the latest collection the heroine took these cataloges in her hands and sat on the couch very quietly after that she apologized and turned to the woman at the same time asked her about the fact that she was sitting on such an expensive sofa it was quite surprising for the interlocutor to hear such a question and she smiled and remarked that everything was really all right the girl realized that it probably was the reason after after all was not already in the temple thinking back to those days when she was there they were punished for even daring to sit down on a chair that's why she thanked her interlocutor now for allowing her to do so and it turns out that things are very different here now the woman choosing aess looked at the girl out of the corner of her eye at the same time thought that she was very curious where the Duke found her after all it doesn't look like this girl is in her usual place she holds up the cat anog but doesn't open it at all after a short thought she still firmly decided that she would show this girl all her professionalism it turns out she is Lady Christina after all then she approached the girl and noticed that her fair skin would be perfectly suited to delicate colors and pointing to the Dress said that it was the model of the season the girl was embarrassed and remarked that it was quite luxurious the woman noticed her strange reaction and asked if she didn't like the dress the hair hesitated and said that it's not that at all because she has nothing to wear them for but Christina did not stop because of this and began to show other dresses she noticed that to her attention they also have other dresses in the same style pointing to yet another dress she noticed that it was an exclusive style for their Boutique the heroine was dumbfounded by all this and didn't even know what to say to her now at the same time thought that the same all dresses belong to high fashion the woman asked if perhaps the girl wanted to look at the models that are in the cataloges let her choose any dress she liked the girl opened the cataloges and saw some dresses noticed that she didn't like them Christina noticed that she realized what she did like at the same time thought that all the styles that the girl showed her are very aesthetic and discreet and it seems that she really understood her style therefore the interlocutor said that she knew what the girl might like it turns out that such a cute face as she has for her will suit any Styles the heroine wondered if she really thought so Christina said that she did because she likes to dress up pretty ladies more than anything else she smiled sweetly at the girl and held out her hand asking for the heroin to let her help and it turns out now literally magic will happen the heroine for her part wondered if she was really talking about magic then she remembered that she still wants to leave this world but she should probably do it a little later the arch Duke and his subordinate sat in the room next to each other and waited for the dressed up girl to come out to them his majesty wondered how much time had passed and whether it would all take so long suddenly the subordinates announced that the girl had finally appeared the man immediately looked up to see her transformation the heroine leisurely approached and turned to his majesty the arch Duke seeing the girl was simply shocked because she was very much like his beloved the heroine asked if she looked strange in this outfit the man in turn thought that if he and Irene had a daughter she would look like this smiling sweetly at the girl the man declared that she looked just perfect hearing this the girl was very embarrassed and then remarked that it was only from one fitting but she was over the moon with happiness the man noticed that this dress really suits her very well and he was very interested in how she would look in others and so he inquired if they had picked up anything else Christina stated that there was still so much to try on in l and everything suits her the girl remarked that it didn't as she didn't need more and only that would do the man in turn stated that she did not worry and the money will definitely be enough and let her try on a few more and he will wait the heroin in turn stated that she still really did not need that much dress but still they went together with the woman again to try on and she said what a girl after all cute the girl started trying on different outfits and the woman was saying that she really does look good in literally everything and it's very cute the next dress was also just lovely because this color is just perfect for her and the heroine in that dress just shines still it turns out that really the girl to the face was just everything because she in all dresses was just good after all the fitting Christina said that what a girl after all Charming the arch dukee in turn turned to his subordinate and the latter asked what the man wanted the subordinate in turn remarked that they were buying all the dresses Esther had tried on the subordinate remarked To His Highness that it would be all done after that Christina held the dress up for a while longer and asked that the girl try it all on there was no way she wanted to let the girl go and gave her a few more options to try on last hours of trying on after he did not all the same chose the seven most beautiful suitable dresses afterward the girl sat very tired and the man remarked that if anything else was needed let her speak up and not be shy after all she could choose something else if she wanted the girl thanked him for that she stated that she really had enough of that Christina approached the carriage they were in to his highness she inquired of the man as to the disposition of the clothes lady Esther had arrived with the man declared that the war had simply thrown it away for she would never use it again the girl heard all of this and thought she knew that at any moment she could be stabbed in the back and thrown away despite all this right now she felt like she was in some kind of fairy tale she realized that if this was indeed some kind of dream after all she simply did not want to wake up from it the arch dukee along with the girl got into the carriage and finally he did not go to his estate after a while they finally did arrive Ben remarked to the girl that this was Arch duuk theresia's estate and this place was now her home the girl looked at the place carefully and wondered if she would really live here the man in turn inquired where galbert was from his subordinate and the latter remarked that he would seek him out at once still the girl was wary at that very moment because she thought that everything is not so simple and all this is because in this place to which they arrived live the sons of the arch Duke the heroine imagined them as some evil people who will treat her very badly after a while the Duke together with the girl still went inside the estate there was already lined up a whole crowd of maids and butlers who were happy that the man was coming home the head Butler greeted the Lord his majesty inquired as to the whereabouts of his boys the interlocutor remarked that for the moment they were upstairs the girl for her part stood at the entrance and wondered how she should behave after all she had not expected that there would be so many people here the man noticed that the palace and immediately called his sons but literally the moment the butler agreed to do so the sons shrieked to their father that he had finally arrived they were on the second floor and wondered to him when he had arrived the heroine in turn looked carefully at the second floor and noticed several boys there examining them closely they in turn were also looking at the girl and their gazes crossed Judy inquired of the father what it was that such a strange little thing was near him he then turned to the Girl Again referring to her as a little girl and inquired as to who she was the father immediately noticed that you creepily chose your expression before saying anything the girl looked at them and realized that there were two boys the son asked the Duke but what should he call this girl after all if he doesn't even know her name having carefully considered the boys in charge the heroine realized that not all are twins of the arch Duke together with the girl another boy also crossed glances the father in turn turned to his sons and noticed that you they came down and also introduced themselves proper still they should greet their sister properly now Judy wondered with surprise if he had really just stated that she was their sister the heroine was embarrassed by this and thought that to them of yours she was nothing more than a stranger and certainly that they were not welcome the boy immediately came down to her very quickly and inquired about her it only turns out that she is much younger than him if that was so that was just fine the girl was surprised that the boy ran up to her so quickly next Judy turned to her father and wondered when he had time to get them a sibling after all it really was very fast in his opinion Dany took his brother by the cheek and remarked to the fool not to talk nonsense he wondered if he hadn't thought of that since she was a half-sister to them the arch dukee in turn remarked that Dany was indeed right she would be living with them Judy interrupted him from noticing that he then realized how it all happened he ran the girl again and inquired about her name and asked where she was from the girl was a little confused and remarked that her name was Esther and she came from the temple the boy was surprised and remarked that then it would appear that her father had picked her up there the father immediately turned to Judy very sternly he said that if he continued to behave like that he would immediately call a tutor at the same time he was quite angry and the boy was frightened by it he noticed that he should not do that because he really understood everything waving to the girl he noticed that he would not talk later because he had to go the arch dukee in turn declared to his son to stand still the content boy inquired what he wanted the man stated that as had been said before before that Esther was now his sister and he must show the girl the whole house Judy was very surprised and wondered why he should do that after all his friends were waiting for him then he turned to his brother and said that it was better to let Dany show him everything for he was always at home anyway but when he turned back to his brother he was surprised that he was not there and wondered where he had gone his father turned to him at that moment and asked if he was really going to refuse to fulfill his request right now at that he had a rather angry look on his face to refuse the offer the boy looked at him and realized that it was not at all appropriate to refuse right now it so happened the point after this conversation he made the girl and they went to consider the house conducting the boy's excursions said that on the second floor was the dwelling Papa on the third and fourth floor however are the guest quarters further walking around the estate he noticed that his and Danny's rooms were also on the fourth floor the girl in turn can choed to go to her bedroom on the thir and the protagonist scrutinizing the building thought it was so spacious and bright at that Judy reflected that he was going to go and punch Sebastian in the nose but for some reason his daddy had a sign him such a chore completely incomprehensible looking at the girl he realized his name was Esther but for some reason she reminded him very much of his own mother after a while the girl stopped and looked carefully in the other direction the boy would notice that she was distracted and stopped while looking at something that's why he was surprised to ask the girl what had happened the heroine in turn scrutinized the room near which she was now standing it was quite luxurious and looked beautiful the girl noticed that this room was really very beautiful the companion approached her and asked her if she wanted to say that she wanted this particular room the girl asked if she was not allowed to choose it because if she did she would just choose another one the boy hesitated and remarked that of course she could but that everything was not just that way at the same time he realized that he was simply avoiding through it and therefore would not want the girl to settle there next he looked carefully at her incomprehensive prehensible look and then remarked to take her in after all the girl inquired if that was definitely the case and wanted to say something else but she was interrupted and remarked that it was definitely so for she should only promise that she was taking Sebastian with her the heroine inquired in amazement if he was anyone at all the boy remarked that he was simply one jerk the heroine hesitated a bit and the boy asked that she make up her mind sooner next he raised his pinky finger in front of her and asked if she would promise him that she in turn hesitated a bit but then lifted her finger and remarked that she promised him that too in that moment when he wasn't speaking it was another man who appeared behind their backs this man turned out to be the butler who announced that he had finally found the girl after all he inquired if the girl had chosen her Chambers for his creature already wanted to see her the heroine remarked that she had chosen them and was on her way to the Duke after that together with the butler they headed to the room to him together with her new father the girl sat down at the table which was literally bursting with sweets then she thought that it all looked quite tasty because the table was bursting with treats looking at the man she was surprised and wondered if he was such a sweet tooth he noticed the girl's strange look and asked what was wrong with her thinking that she did not like sweets after all he had been informed that she liked cookies the girl then remarked that there was nothing wrong with her Devon in turn stated that if that was the case he had some important business to attend to and showed her the paperwork stating that it was about the adoption it turns out that all that was left was for the girl to sign this document and the whole procedure would be already completed the girl realized that these papers would be the official proof that she would now become a member of the family theresia and it was left for her to sign them the heroine had the feeling that all this is literally not really happening still she signed the document and noticed that she was already the interlocutor said that it was just wonderful and congratulated her on the fact that she was now his legitimate daughter the girl thanked him for this but she looked a little embarrassed and thoughtful at the same time because of this the arch dukee thought that Esther would Rejoice but he seemed to be a little downcast and that is strange indeed after this some time passed and there was silence between them the man in turn was wondering what was wrong and the girl was worried about whether she could walk already but suddenly Devon sat closer to the girl and handed her a cookie and asked her to try the dessert the heroin was surprised by this and the interlocutor asked that she take at least one bite then the heroine thought but when did he even have time to be near her despite her worries the girl still complied with the archduke's request and took a bite of the cookie it was very tasty and she thought it was Simply Delicious the man noticed her satisfied looks and was happy about it then he told her to eat as much as she wanted and not to be shy because after all she would not need anything else it turns out that today he will give her only happiness every day and all this because she is now his daughter after that some time passed and it was already night a butler came into the man's study and turning to His Highness noticed that lady Esther had already fallen asleep the man remarked that he understood at this very time he was not alone in the room for his sons were sitting with him after he heard the butler's words that the girl had fallen asleep he stated that they could now begin the family meeting the next day the protagonist woke up in her room and saw that it was very bright at the same time for some reason she did not wake up on her bed but next to it wrapped in a blanket trying to open her eyes better the girl thought that it had been a long time since she had slept so well in turn she couldn't even imagine when the morning had ever been as pleasant as it was now it turns out that before every day met her with darkness and greyness of the dungeon because of that she had gotten used to all that Gloom suddenly the girl heard someone addressing her turning her head she saw that it was her personal maid Dorothy she asked the girl how she slept the heroine said that she slept well and asked how the interlocutor slept she in turn a little hesitated and said that she had promised her to be a little more relaxed with her after all because of these questions to eat becomes somehow awkward the girl apologized for that and said that she was just not used to it Dorothy in turn said that she was sure the girl would soon remember everything and now it was time for her to have breakfast She also asked if she should help the girl get ready the heroine smiled and agreed to do so while thanking Dorothy for her kindness next they together began to gather the scale send the girl breakfast after a while she was already packed and went to the place where breakfast was to be held she saw that the table was still being set but when she saw it she realized that there was no room for her that made her feel sad and she wondered what she was expecting in the first place she wasn't here to play family with the arch dukee after all water it was about time she was approached by a boy and asked why she was standing in the aisle because she should sit down at the table the girl turned in his Direction and saw that young Mr Dany was there after that together they exchanged glances and looked into each other's eyes next the heroine went with him and the guy said that she had not yet been allocated a place so they had not yet covered it so she simply should not stand there but should go inside then he walked on and kept grumbling about Judy sleeping late again the girl sat down in the vacant seat and thought it was all clear to her now why she had not been set when they sat down at the table it was an awkward silence and some kind of strange atmosphere Dany decided to make the first move and asked if he understood correctly that her name was Esther the girl remarked that it was indeed so next the lad turned to the butler Gilbert and asked if he could pour water for Esther the man immediately approached the girl to do so Dany continued talking and remarked that it was good to drink a glass of water in the morning because it improved the stomach it turns out that he in turn always starts the day with a glass of water the girl was surprised and asked if it was true because she had never known it before the interlocutor said that she should also have a couple of useful habits for herself in this many heroin looked at the reflection of herself in a glass of water and thought that it does not seem that he likes her it was because of this that she simply did not expect him to speak to her the boy looked at her intently and remembered his father's word that Esther was a little sister to them from this day for forward at the family gathering the father had said that the girl's past was of no importance and the only important thing is that they are now one family he went on to say that no teasing much less bullying should be done to the girl and then he turned his attention to his son and remarked that especially but this is about Judy therefore it appeared that he should not Rob Esther as he had done at the first meeting the boy inquired in surprise but why it was set on him at once the father remarked that it was because there was always some trouble from him he then declared that they should listen carefully for he had not taken Esther in at all at their behest after all they would have to protect her as part of their family in the future smiling he asked that they at least try to get along with her Dany thinking back on the whole conversation thought it was all really strange that a father would care so much about someone else's child it was from this that he was very curious about what kind of girl Esther was and the main character at this time tasted the water and then said that their water is very tasty the boy wondered in amazement if the water had a taste the girl hesitated a bit and noticed that he was indeed right at the same time she thought that they had never been given such clean water in the temple suddenly her father entered the room and wished Dany and Esther a good morning he also remarked that he saw they were having a pretty good start to the day the Sun immediately wished his father good morning the girl did so as well but she did not call the man father but by his title his majesty the man was surprised and thought that again she was addressing him by title still he realizes that he should not force her to call her father in the back of his mind though he expected instant results still one must wait bakana herself will want to open up to him as a consequence he stated that since this was their first breakfast with Esther he had asked asked the cook to work especially hard on the dishes smiling sweetly at the girl he remarked that he hoped the food would be to her liking when the girl thought that there was even a place at the table for her and now there will be a delicious breakfast and this is literally a real Miracle after all after all food that is designed special for her it is quite foreign the girl thought that she simply does not know how to be in this situation anyway because she does not even know how to use Cutlery and if they laugh at her it will be bad that's when she noticed Dany eating with his Cutlery it interested her and she started to scrutinize how he did it then the girl wondered why he suddenly grabbed the fork and knife because does he show how to hold them properly the protagonist realized that most likely Dany wants her to repeat after him all his actions after all he probably really did realize that she didn't know how to do it after all the boy looked at how indeed the girl was repeating everything after him she she in turn thought that Dany seemed to understand her quite well and he was such an observant boy as a consequence she picked up the cutlery as he did and wondered if she was doing it right the Duke in turn sat back and just watched what was going on seeing this situation he smiled happily and thought what he saw about Dany he might not be worried at all immediately after breakfast the girl went to her room where her maid was and did her hair at this time she was visited by the Butler who stated that he was Mr Judy it was then that she inquired what he had handed her the man from there remarked that he asked to remind the girl of yesterday's promise and said that she should understand it and also to all this he invites her to meet at half 3 in the garden at the same time the girl stated that she understood everything while thinking that he was not serious and it turns out that he was really serious the protagonist further remarked that if that was the case then let the man tell him that she was coming and let him expect her in the garden the man remarked that he would convey that the maid smiled sweetly and turned to the girl inquiring if she was so pleased to see Judy the girl looked at her in Surprise and her interlock her went on to say that she just looked very happy afterward then she wondered if it was really that noticeable it was simply the first time she had made an appointment with someone and she was nervous after that Dorothy just laughed sweetly and then said that they should not waste time and should get the girl ready to go out she further inquired if he could accompany her for she would pack her a picnic basket the girl remarked that of course she could do that and thanked her for everything after a while of preparation they were already outside the heroine seeing the place noticed that she thought the garden would be like a dense Grove and here it was quite spacious the maid noticed that of course it is because they are now in one of the most beautiful places at all he estate this Garden is literally his pride because the best gardeners and botanists of the Empire worked on it and even now they are all serving his majesty she then opened the box and noticed that she had prepared a snack for the girl she then noticed that the young Lord would indeed be coming soon and so she offers a seat to the girl the heroine heard this offer and immediately agreed to it after she sat down it immediately occurred to her that when she lived in the temple no one one wanted to socialize with her it was because of this that the first promise seemed like something incredibly important and truly inviable to her the heroine thought of Judy son and felt a little embarrassed at that she also hoped that he would literally come to them soon but after that a sufficient amount of time passed and he did not come in any way the maid that was sitting next to the girl couldn't find her place and thought that Mr Judy was doing a bit of a bad thing she did not understand where he could even be walking and whether he could have forgotten his promise turning her head toward the girl she thought that she urgently needed to do something because Judy is so unpredictable and obviously he had forgotten his own Arrangement the girl did not understand how she should go about it for perhaps he should just be driven home by Mrs Esther because of this she wanted to turn to Esther but the girl remarked to Dorthy that it was no big deal it appeared that they should wait a little longer after all Judy said that he had some business so perhaps he is simply late but he promised in the rivers the heroine still wants to wait for him a little bit after all this is their first walk the maid was a little shocked it was she who thought where did this little lady get so much discretion suddenly they heard some boy coming up to the place and complaining that Judy's Rascal had called him to the place for some reason at this this boy was pretty much out of breath and was saying that his friend said he had a little sister but what a nonsense but he didn't understand where you would get them from because it turned out that Judy was probably just jealous of him the ma notice this boy and said that she probably knew this young man and the boy seeing the protagonist inquired who she was in view of not having met before after that he asked if she was Judy's younger sister the girl hesitated a little and only wanted to say who she was but the kid kept on inquiring who she was in general and in truth he was interested his look was kind of strange and the girl looked at him with surprise at this point this kid rudely approached the girl and grabbed her arm then stated that so his friend was desperate enough to send some random girl up to him he probably just had his pride and wasn't left to do such a thing once he then threw the girl's hand away and noticed that she didn't even have anything to grab on to the maid at this time turned to Mr Sebastian and told him to stop doing all this the heroine upon hearing this thought that this is who this Sebastian is he approached her again and asked how much Judy had paid her at this she should not be shy and let her tell after all if she tells and confesses everything he will double that amount looking at this boy the girl remembered that she was called a motherless wench and that she was like the furniture in the temple because she was an orphan all these memories alarmed her and made her sick at heart Sebastian further remarked that as he might understand there would be no answer at this time the maid turned to the boy and remarked that if he continued to behave to Lady Esther in this manner she would have nothing to do but to go and address His Highness the lad immediately wondered if she was going to call on the Archduke himself if that was really the case then this girl was really Judy's sister Sebastian declared that he thought it was really a lie for she did not look like him at all it was completely unclear to him where she even came from regardless all this scrawny little girl was no match for his sister the maid tried to tell him not to say such terrible things about the girl but the man bent the heroine and remarked that did she really think that the arch duuk would save her from everything after all she should be sure that he would simply not let her down after that he turned around to leave thinking that he felt better for having spoken out the girl then apologized to Dorothy and remarked that she needed to sit down the maid turned to my lady and asked her not to take Mr sebasti question's words to heart but the heroine remarked that there was nothing wrong with that for he was really right she sat down on the bench and immediately thought that she just did not want to seem to the aristocrats as a beggar adopted by the arch dukee still it was terrible that she simply could not answer this guy the maid continued to look at the sad girl and did not understand what there is to do after a while the heroine heard some top dog barking because of this she raised her head to see who it was at this very time in front of her the girl saw a dog that sat and smiled at her she was surprised for she did not understand why he was right in front of her Dorothy saw the girl's surprise her turning to her remarked that she must really be seeing him for the first time it turns out that this dog's name is smiley and he is Judy's dog the girl immediately reached out her hand and stroked his head he sees at this even more up and starts licking her happily the girl looking at him thought that he was really so cute that being said she was already a little more relieved than she had been earlier before then the maid asked if they should already go home but the heroine noticed that not yet at the same time she thought that indeed it is almost over and the smiley is next to her of course Judy she is no longer waiting at all but she just wants to sit on the bench a little longer in this beautiful sunshine at this very time the boy was coming out of the manor and saying that it was all over at last he had been promised a talking bird but it was not at the auction and he had waited in vain then he turned to Gilbert and asked what time it was the interlocutor remarked to the gentleman that it was already 13 minutes 6 the boy remarked that so much time had already passed at that she wondered if estr was already thinking still he should apologize to her for not coming still she wasn't stupid enough to wait for him all this time after that he thought about what he should do next and remembered about his dog as a consequence he headed in the direction where the main character was because his dog should have been there after a while he took his time and almost got there but he saw someone there looking carefully there he saw that the girl's maid was there as well as herself because of the fact that he saw the girl there he was shocked because it was already so late in the day the main character in turn heard someone approaching and immediately looked there at the same time with surprise she asked if it was Mr Judy after all he came but suddenly the boy began to shout and called her a fool wondering what she was doing here it was quite incomprehensible to him why she had given him up all this time after all he was several hours late already the sun was setting she still wasn't home yet the heroine looked at him in Surprise and wondered why he was yelling at her the boy further hesitated a little and thought that he didn't mean to snap at her at all but suddenly he turned his attention to the side and noticed that his dog was there the girl in turn said that she was not expecting anyone at all the boy inquired what she meant now she went on to say that she just liked it here that's why she was sitting there so it was no big deal she further stated that if he was here it was a good thing suddenly she noticed something on him and tried to remove it the kid was surprised and asked what else meant it was no big deal the heroine hesitated and stated that that was what it meant the boy then stated for her to forget about the whole situation and they should take her home he further crouched down indicating for the girl to sit on his back she was shy and remarked that she could walk home on her own after all but the boy was persistent and told her to get on his back because he was waiting all this time in the end the girl obeyed him and climbed on his back the boy climbed up and the heroine asked Mr Judy if he was not heavy because she could get off she asked if he would carry his back if he went out to do such things Judy in turn turned to her and wondered how long it was okay to call him Mr Judy the girl hesitated and the guy went on to tell her not to call him that but to call him brother because they are already a family the heroine was still very much uncomfortable and she noticed that she did not even know if she could but still after a few seconds she still managed to call him brother the kid really liked that he further stated that if we talk about today he wanted to apologize for being so late as a consequence of this the girl noticed that he did show up after all so it was really okay Judy noticed that everything is not really okay because he no longer promises not to break his word the heroine in turn remarked that really she had a good time while she waited for him the boy stated that after all she had spoken out and it turned out that she had been waiting for him he further stated that the war had simply forgotten all this and no longer told people that she liked to wait for them after all it turns out that he would make anyone who made her wait sorry she and the heroine were embarrassed and thought that his words really made her believe in his kindness immediately she felt very comfortable being together with him the boy noticed that the girl was doing nothing and was silent and so he asked Esther if she had fallen asleep the maid who was nearby said that she was simply tired during the day and probably fell asleep Judy for his part thought that at least now he felt like a real brother come to think of it Esther really is a bit of a flake but if he'd known he'd have to carry someone he would have at least started practicing Esther of course is easy to lift but his stamina leaves a lot to be desired after a while they were already reaching the manor and there the butler came out he stated to Mr Judy to give him the girl the boy declared that it was all right for he did not need any help at all at that he thought that the very promises he would make to Esther would be his priority as they approached the manor house Dany looked out of the window to see what was going on downstairs there he saw his brother froling with his little sister and thought that Esther and his sister too at the very moment when the protagonist fell asleep then she felt that literally someone touched her the girl did not understand who it was because it was such a warm and touch to her when she opened her eyes she saw an unfamiliar boy who addressed her he inquired if she was finally awake the heroin scrutinized him thought it was that boy again because she had already seen him in a dream the same boy touched her arm and noticed that so far the fever had gone down but he asked her not to be sick anymore and all this because his heart breaks every time she feels sick the girl began to fall asleep again and felt very warm but it was unclear who it was it was completely incomprehensive sensible to her who could be so kind to her after the girl felt it then she is very much already in the real world opening her eyes to see that there was a Manor and there were other people near her the maid seeing that the girl woke up turned to his majesty and announced it next to the very bed on which she was lying were the arch dukee along with his son Judy the boy was frightened and turning to Esther inquired how she was feeling and whether she would recognize him the heroine in turn looked at them with surprise eyes and inquired as to the side doing here the boy asked how it was that she was sick after all it turns out that after the walk she went down with a fever and lay like this for 2 days when she heard this she was shocked and thought that it could be an Awakening of her Holiness after all after all even if that was the case two whole days was too long for her even after she thought about it she looked at her father and brother and apologized for causing them any inconvenience those in turn also looked with surprise at her for they didn't expect an apology the man touched her head and stroked it while doing so he smiled sweetly and stated that she shouldn't apologize for such things at all for thank goodness the fever had broken he then stated that she was probably some kind of sickly person from birth the girl was embarrassed and remarked that this was not true for she was indeed rarely sick the Duke remarked that perhaps she had caught a cold on the way for it was not a long journey after all but still it is necessary to show her to the doctor the girl in turn agreed to this sometime after that Judy brought the girl a soft toy in the form of a rabbit with embarrassment on his face he stated that it was nothing special as he was just giving it to her because they looked so much alike then the girl wondered in Wonder in what sense are they alike with Judy's rabbit so original looking at the soft toy the girl thought that she had definitely experienced similar symptoms once before as a consequence it turns out that she is sure that the Awakening of divine energy will happen to her oh so soon she also wondered if all this was related to her moving to the arch Duke's Place because it was unclear why it had happened so early she also remembered the stake guy in Her Dream who told her not to get sick anymore because his heartbreaks every time she feels sick the protagonist did not understand at all the same can be this boy who dreams all this time but even though she did not realize it that still this warmth that she feels from him she cannot forget while the girl was thinking about all this someone knocked on the door of the room there was Dorothy who said that it was her and asked if she could come in the heroine in turn remarked that of course she could come in the maid immediately entered and apologized for disturbing the girl the heroine looked with surprise at the people who were there and she inquired who these people were the interlocutor remarked that his majesty the arch Duke had commanded that she should be shown to a physician after all it was indeed necessary to do so for the girl might have been poison during the journey the maid asked the doctor to be a little more careful but noted that he is after all a professional and should not worry he in turn would literally do everything possible to help the girl after a fair amount of examination time the girl stated that she had already recovered and asked to call it a day it was evident from her that she was quite tired and didn't did not want to continue with all of this the arch dukee for his part came in to observe the examination after work he noticed that he thought the girl seemed more lethargic afterward and there was clearly something wrong with her the heroine in turn was frightened and noticed that this is not true because she is perfectly fine just the examination of her very much tired the doctor at this time stated that no external signs of disease is really not found but still to be sure he would have to continue the examination then the girl thought that it feels he will easily find a sar from nowhere in her but it is simply impossible after that the girl raised her head at the doctor and looked carefully into his eyes he in turn also looked at her and they did not look at each other for a while his gaze was with some strange and the girl thought that his eyes were also some strange after a while the man turned to his majesty and noticed that my lady's body was perfectly fine thankfully however her body is weakened in endurance she is inferior to her peers he also simply cannot ignore the obvious dehydration it is because of this that he advises paying special attention to her health the doctor then stated that he had finished his examination and then he could leave the Duke in turn thanked him for his visit and the girl remembering his look realized that he was very familiar to her remember never she arrived at the temple then she realized ized that this look carries undisguised contempt it turns out that only the other Temple dwellers looked at her that way but she does not understand why he is so with her because perhaps they do not get along with the arch Duke after the girl turned to her new father and hesitating noticed that she said that she was fine he asked what she meant because there was nothing shameful about illness and she should not apologize next the heroine wanted to say something but the man interrupted her and remarked that he understood how Esther was tempted the doctor was worth calling if only to make sure she was healthy and already that had calmed them all down he then smiled at me and remarked that it wasn't her fault at all so she shouldn't worry that smile seemed very sweet to the girl and she thought those were warm and caring words the tension that was floating in the air at this time evaporated together with anxiety and self oppression and all of this was because the girl felt warm again that was why she thanked His Highness for all those words at that her eyes were full of gratitude towards him sometime after that the weather was very overcast and the Duke was in his room again he looked out the window and thought it was literally pouring rain like a bucket he also hoped that the children there were doing well it turns out that he would love to go and visit them but alas he has a lot of work to do at this time Ben who was sitting next to him thought that you could tell by the look on his face that he was thinking about the children and this man is also called a monster but he is actually a kindly man he turned to the Duke and remarked that it had indeed been a long time since there had been such a heavy downpour at the same time the man thought about the fact that the girl seemed very nervous at the temple after that he wanted to turn to Ben and talk to him about Esther's situation but suddenly there was a knock on their room and they immediately turned their attention there inquiring after such a thing there was a frightened maid there who stated To His Highness that the lady had suddenly become violently ill hearing this the man immediately ran to the room at which was in the main character opening the door he saw that it was very dark and at the same time the girl was sitting on the ground wrapped in a blanket surprised he turned to the girl and the heroine immediately turned her head at him her appearance was quite strange and she wondered if it was his highness the frightened man stated that it was indeed him and asked her to calm down now he also asked her to tell him what had happened to her the girl immediately went up to him and bowed to him and asked him to kill her already all this because she is not even able to breathe and is unable to just live that's why she begs the man to put her out of all this suffering the man at this time was just shocked at what he heard from his own daughter the main character had memories from the temple popping up in her head at this time when it was raining she was constantly visited by rafon who said that it was raining like a bucket at the same time time she said that she was in a very bad mood on such days that's why she wants Dena to help her relax a little after that again and again she drank her blood saturating her body with her divine power it was excruciatingly painful for the girl always afterward the girl screamed that she was wrong and so she begged rafian that she shouldn't do this for she felt very bad tears flowed from her eyes in streams and she begged to be spared for she was wrong suddenly the girl heard someone calling her by name and immediately she woke up she was very much surprised and wondered if it was His Highness who was now in front of her the man noticed that the girls had recovered a bit and stated that everything was fine as they were safe so she should calm down he further inquired if she remembered where she was now at all the girl was very scared and asked if they were in the temple now the interlocutor stated that they were for it was indeed not a temple but the arch Duke's estate the heroine remarked that if it was indeed the archduke's estate she apologized for making noise all this time all of this only happened because when she was locked up to every time it rained then rafen would come to her next she stopped for she realized that it was impossible to tell all this information to him the girl then remarked that it was all just a nightmare so she shouldn't worry the man heard the name rafon and wondered what was going on in that Temple remembering the words about the girl begging in and in to kill her he came further into confusion he then took the girl into his arms and remarked that he would be with her until the rain stopped he further inquired if he understood correctly that her view was scary the heroin remarked that he could not be with her for he had business to attend to but the man remarked that he could work here after all the Duke laid the girl on the bed and covered her with a blanket as he did so he asked Esther if anyone in the temple had hurt her the girl hesitating declared that no such thing had happened but her phrase was indistinct he then inquired then when she had begun to be afraid of thunder the girl remarked that it was indeed a long time ago the man remarked that he did not know at all what had happened in the temple but no one would harm her in his estate it turns out that he will simply constantly protect the girl that's why she should not be afraid of anything the heroin was happy to hear all these words because they were very warm to her suddenly Judy entered the room they were in and asked his father what he was doing here the man turned in his Direction and was surprised that he was here that's why he inquired as to what had happened and why he was still not in bed the boy yawning and wiping his eyes remarked that he had just heard thunder and decided to check on Esther the father wondered if he was worried about the girl too and the boy remarked that he was indeed he then began to bridge to the girl and wondered what was wrong since her eyes were red and so she was probably crying it turns out that it was good that he had come rather than sleep together and he would guard the girl after that he asked for the girl to move over and lay down beside her the man remarked that it would be nice if he slept in her room on rainy days the boy excitedly inquired if it was really possible the father stated that as long as the girl didn't stop being afraid then anything was possible the girl turned to the Duke and asked if he would stay the night or leave when they fell asleep together he remarked that he wasn't going anywhere so she should just go to sleep Judy at this time had already fallen asleep slowly they forced themselves to sleep the girl remarked that it would be nice if his majesty was here in the morning too the man looked at the girl carefully and thought about these words at that time the door of the room opened and Ben quietly came in he turned to his majesty and asked how the young Lord and Lady were the man whispered that they were already asleep so there was no need to worry about about them the sharp eyed ones seem to have some bad memories associated with her and may have been bullied in the temple the subordinate inquired but how was that bullying since he hadn't found anything like that when he'd been Gathering files on her the Duke remarked that he had to dig a little further then he asked Ben to try to find out about the life in the temple and the girl named rafen the interlocutor further asked if he was talking about the girl rafen who is the daughter of the Duke as well the man remarked that her origin was quite unimportant after all it turns out that if she tortured Esther she will have to answer for her actions anyway after this conversation time passed and it was morning the main character woke up in her bed and immediately looked around at the same time she noticed that her brother as well as her father was still in her room she looked at her in Surprise and realized that they were still here that being said she didn't think that His Highness would stay until morning but it was most likely due to her anxiety attack yesterday the girl from that was embarrassed she was rather pleased as a consequence she thought that it was as if they were really her family after a while everyone woke up and began to go about their business the heroine together with the maid also cleaned herself up and was now walking down the corridor as she did so she thought that his hinness as well as Judy's brothers did not mention yesterday anymore still perhaps they were simply afraid that their questioning would bring up bad memories from the past as she passed by one of the rooms the girl turned her head there and saw another brother there after that she wished Dany a good morning the boy looked at her carefully and the same greeting back the girl noticed that he was always reading something though then the boy stated that don't they say that books are food for the mind and also knowledge is power then he asked what the girl was doing now she looked a little embarrassed and then stated that she was just wandering around Dany asked but then perhaps she would like to walk with him for he wanted to walk in the garden the girl asked if she could do that he said that of course she could because he was bored alone immediately after that they went for a walk together the girl walked right behind her brother and thought that it was the first time she was in this part of the garden and all this was because last time she walked on a completely different path the boy stopped and noticed that the first thing he wanted to do was to apologized to her the girl looked at him with surprise and he went on to say that he simply lied about the garden because they are going to another place all this is because it turns out just at home ironed maids and he did not want to reveal to them his plans he also lied that it was all right for her to go with him the girl wondered in amazement but why would she do that Dany stated that he would explain it to her now he noticed that Judy was simple-minded that's why he accepted her very easily but he for his part doesn't consider her his little sister at all yet and that's because he needs to find out a little more about stubble than he knows now the girl was a little surprised at what her interlocutor was telling her the boy remembered what had happened last night he as always was sitting and reading books and it was quite late so he was going to bed suddenly he heard some Footsteps in the hallway and immediately looked over there there he noticed his brother who was sleepily walking somewhere at that time immediately he wondered where this Judy could be going at such a late hour that's why he headed along with him to follow where he was going then he saw that the boy had gone to the girl's room and his father was there and all this because the boy then asked his father what he was doing here and said that he had just come to see Esther the boy stopped at the door and heard all the conversation that had taken place the previous night as he did so he realized that the similar father as well as Judy would be with her all night looking out from behind the door at their joyful faces it was quite incomprehensible to the boy why first dad and now him were coming to see her it was quite incomprehensible to him what it was that they found so special about her still it did seem to him that the girl was quite intelligent that was why he didn't understand what kind of person Esther was in general he was more and more curious to know more about her now the heroin together with the boy got to the wall and there they saw a small hole in the wall the heroine looked at it with surprise and wondered what it was the boy asked if she didn't know where the dog hole was too the heroine thought that she did know it after all but he said he didn't recognize her as a sister so that's why he was leading her somewhere she wondered if he was going to chase her out of the manor through the manhole but suddenly the boy crouched down near that place and remarked that they should climb outside the girl was surprised by this and certainly hadn't expected such a thing Dany went on to say that no one would notice their escape and he had things to do in the village so they should go the girl wondered if it was through the loophole that they should go there so she asked him if he wanted her to go with him the interlocutor said that he did not insist at all so she could not go if she did not want to the heroine hesitated and remarked that she would go after all next she climbed through and thought it was worse than she thought the boy waited for her all this time and finally the heroin climbed up and after that the boy noticed that she did after all the heroine looked at him with surprise and said that he himself leads in this all asked for a while they stood together and looked at each other and then after a moment's lull the boy declared that this was correct and now they should go and all this because they still had much to catch up on the streets of the place they had come to were quite noisy and crowded the heroine looking at the whole area was shocked because she had not seen such a large number of people for a long time the girl thought that it was really wonderful here and the boy said that there were a lot of people the boy heard the word of the companion a little surprised and thought that his father told him that he met the girl in the temple but it was not clear to him what he liked about her next Dany noticed that he remembered something that he needed to go somewhere else the heroine remarked that if that was the case then they should go but the kid waved his hand and remarked that that wasn't the case as he 'd rather go alone pointing with his hand in the direction he remarked for the girl to wait for him just there the heroine agreed to this but remarked is it really required for her to stand alone the interlocutor stated that he would be back very soon and wondered if she minded the heroine didn't particularly like it but stated that she would wait nonetheless Denny turned around and remarked that was fine then he would be back soon the girl stayed in the same spot and only watched the boy leave blending in with the crowd after not leaving the girl quite a large amount of time had passed and the heroin continued to wait for him at the specified place after realizing that a large amount of time had already passed the girl realized everything she thought that most likely he simply decided to leave her it turns out that he suddenly called her with him and she knew that something was wrong he probably wasn't happy with her appearance but that was okay she was going to be leaving them soon anyway but remembering how the arch dukee and Judy treated her she thought that it was a Pity she didn't get along with that boy at the same time the heroine saw several men approaching her one of them noticed what a little girl like her was doing here alone also noticed that he had not seen her here before and judging by her dress she is a noble lady the man who was there with him inquired as to whether she was definitely alone in case there was still her bodyguard somewhere nearby his interlocutor smiled and remarked only that money was tight lately so they were very lucky looking at these men the girl thought that these people are not good the man went on to say that if you look at it you can make a little money at the expense of the parents of this little girl still it looks very expensive and her family definitely has money the main thing is that she is not teresia next the man turned to the young lady and asked what they will do but the heroine in turn interrupted him and asked if he could killer the interlocutors were shocked and asked what the girl was carrying the protagonist in turn said that there is simply no point in her kidnapping as she was already abandoned as a result they simply cannot sell her so it would be better to kill her after that the girl noticed that if they want she can even find a knife for them suddenly the heroine heard Dany addressing her by name she immediately turned her head around and was shocked to see a boy appear he in turn came closer and remarked that the case was temporarily costly so he apologized for the long delay he further inquired as to who these people were that were near her and if she even knew them the heroine was a bit confused by this and didn't know what to say to her the man looked at the boy who came up and noticed what a glorious day it was his interlocutor noticed the noble Offspring walking down the street unsupervised the one stated that they were kind of strange and not scared at all Denny in turn turn looked at them and then smiling asked if they realized who they dared to threaten the man looked at him carefully wondering what he was carrying and then paid attention to his eyes and hair one of the men whispered to the other that they were teresia for the boy really looked very much like the arch Duke the latter was very surprised and asked in a whisper if they were really his children the boy turned to them again and asked if they were going to keep them for a long time or if they still had something to say it turns out that they should only try to lay a finger on him they would see what would happen to them then the men realized who they were dealing with and then declared that they were joking after all one of them remarked to the other that they should run away from here faster on the way they discussed that it was definitely theresia but isn't the arch Duke's daughter the interlocutor remarked that he didn't know that but they were pompus looked ahead of the hero and realized that they finally left suddenly I was approached by a boy and asked what she was even thinking about now well after that there was a momentary lull and he did state that to be honest he left her here on purpose all this happened because he wondered how she would behave when left alone it turns out that in such a situation it is easier to see the true nature of a person the girl looked at him carefully and noticed that she understood at the same time she began to think that she thought that he had decided to put her and get rid of her because he did not like her her and this is how it turns out the boy went on to say that despite all of this he in no way meant to hurt her it turns out that they are family after all as he was saying all this to her he thought about what was wrong with her and he thought about it because he heard the girl and the men talking he was struck by the fact that the girl asked them to kill her because of this he did not understand how she could so nonchalantly ask for something so terrible as if her life was not expensive at all Danny further apologized for such a harsh check and remarked that he would never perform like that again still he by no means wanted to make her alone and yet he wants the girl to stop asking people to kill her these words instantly struck the protagonist and she was surprised at the same time she remembered the words of rafan who kept telling her that her sin was the fact that she had been born and was still living the boy went on to ask her to learn to appreciate her life no matter what the heroine because of these words thought it was really strange because everyone said that her mere existence made her guilty Dany noticed that on top of all this her family definitely needed her so they should go home already the girl was surprised again and noticed that he had said that he didn't consider her a sister the interlocutor notes that he does know that dialing his words back at the same time he asks that she should just stop looking for her doom and should not talk about death with such carelessness as she always says the girl was embarrassed by this and even glad that he had stated such a thing to her after that they held out their hands to each other and walked home together and the girl promised him that she would not say such things again after all these events a day passed and here again the whole family gathered around the table the arch dukee turned to Dany during the meal and the latter looked at him carefully the man asked if he wanted to tell him something about yesterday the kid remarked that he had been really careless and it had come out wrong so he apologized for everything that had happened the father smiled and remarked that this one is great because he appreciates his privacy it turns out that they haven't had time to get to know each other but Esther is not a stranger to them she is part of their family after all Judy who didn't know what they were talking about was shocked and asked what they were talking about but no one listened to him the man went on to say that he hoped there would be no misunderstandings between them from now on he went on to say that he wanted to know their opinion on this one more time the Children looked at him attentively but did not understand what he was talking about the man noticed that Dany and Judy's birthday was approaching after all Judy immediately became talkative and was the first to start saying that he wanted a party and a masquerade still if it happens it will be fun and it will be interesting to give away who's who Dany stated that it still wouldn't be the same as it would be very boring still he would like to have some sort of literary discussion and they would have a great time and at the same time broaden each other's Horizons watching them the girl wondered what kind of birthday party this was the father noticed the misunderstandings on the girl's face and turned to the children he remarked that he had planned to do something special for their birthday this year they in turn were surprised and wondered what this special thing he was talking about the Duke remarked that he really wanted to do something special and he would not ruce Esther to the entire public at the upcoming party the girl was surprised and wondered what else he meant by introducing her the man remarked that birthday celebrations are perfect for this all because all their people would be in attendance at that time Judy remarked that it was a really good idea because that's when Sebastian would see everything the man remarked that it still wouldn't be a good idea to use their externa for some sort of argument the boy in turn said that he does not do anything like that the girl in turn thought but how she should act in this situation it turns out that she was planning to quietly disappear and after this she will not be able to quietly disappear suddenly the girl's thoughts were interrupted by a man who addressed her by name he said that the birthday party would only be in 3 months but before that he was going to take care of her education at the same time he stated that it would be a good idea to start with etiquette first he also hopes that the celebration will leave her with fond memories in her soul the girl remarked that it would and thanked him for it after a while the arch dukee was getting dressed and Ben approached him the man turned to his majesty and remarked that the cacti had ordered he had found experienced teachers for the young lady still the people he had found were the best teachers in the academy that being said he could point out the fact that they only accept one student per year the Duke inquired if this was really true the interlocutor stated that they were currently teaching the Count's daughter and it seems they were paid a lot because of it the man in turn remarked that they would pay three times as much for after all the position allowed them it also comes out that it would be a good idea to find a mentor for the twins as well Ben stated that this was indeed true at the same time because of the words about the amount of three times more the man thought that the arch dukee did not spare any money for Ester it turns out that he had not even laid on his own boys as much as he was doing somewhere now he then turned again to the man and remarked that also he had made a deeper investigation as he had requested this information interested the Duke and he at once looked at his interlocutor closely Ben disassembled the documents that were in his hands noticed that no one confirmed the fact of cruel punishments or abuse in the temple because of this it turns out that it really seems that there was nothing of the sort they said that all the candidates are equal and none of them are absolutely never locked up and if there was even some bull bullying the priestesses would definitely notice it and pay attention there His Highness inquired if all of this information was current he thought that however there could have been different types of abuse from the candidates themselves the interlocutor went on to say that he had learned something about the students themselves as a consequence he was able to find information about a girl named rafon it was easy for him to find her because there was only one of her then the man asked if that meant that his guesses were correct the interlocutor remarked that it did indeed for rapon was the daughter of the Duke of braa the Archduke then asked if he was sure of this information the interlocutor said that it was indeed true and that from the very first day in the temple she had been actively trained to become a saint it turns out that if the violence going on in the temple is hidden it will be quite difficult and problematic to find out about her Deeds the Duke remarked that because of this he realized that the task was not easy at all but he should still try to find out something about it the subordinate stated to his majesty that he would try to do something about it he then left the room and the Duke was left alone looking out of the window as he did so he thought according to Ben nothing of the sort had happened in the temple it also turns out that no investigations had uncovered The Bullying but despite all this the man recalls those moments when the protagonist asks simply to kill her and if indeed there was no bullying then what happened to her is completely incomprehensible after a while the protagonist was in the room with a leaf and also with a drawing pencil the girl thought that she could as much as she wanted to draw on quality paper and it was really great thinking back to the temple she knew that it wasn't that there wasn't enough paper but she was simply shamed for her interest in drawing that was the reason why the girl couldn't draw there now she could easily do her favorite thing and for that she felt very good after a while the girl finished drawing and thought about what else to draw literally at this very time next to the heroin was her maid who turned to the young lady the girl in turn handed her the drawing and showed it to her the maid took it in her hands and scrutinized it being surprised very much then she said that it was unbelievable because it was really drawn by her the drawing was quite clear and high quality and all her facial features were visible the main character noticed that it is really Dorothy because she always helps so she decided to draw a gift for her the interlocutor was simply shocked and mortified at such a gift from the girl smiling sweetly Dorothy said that it was just a masterpiece and asked where she got so much talent it turns out that it is urgent to tell his majesty about it the heroine immediately thought that she said such a thing and said that it should not be done all this is because this is how literally everything can be drawn the girl remembered that in the temple everyone always laughed at her so-called masterpieces after all it turns out that when the heroine showed everyone her drawings they immediately said that everyone can draw like that but the girl unknowingly imagined that she was some kind of cool and she had talent but now the maid was saying that the girl was simply brilliant her drawings are literally marvelous and you can't even believe that a 10-year-old girl Drew this the heroine smiled because of this and thought that was definitely flattering her suddenly Dany walked into the room they were in and wondered what was going on here and he only went because Dorothy's exclamations could be heard as far as the hallway the girl also a maid immediately turned her attention to the boy he in turn sat down behind his little sister and asked Esther that it turns out that she calls Judy her brother but he wondered why she did not call him that once the girl was surprised at first but then agreed the boy went on to say that this is what happens as if they were literally strangers but they are family after all so you should call him brother at least once in a while the heroine was a little surprised out of this and thought that even Dany now wanted that the girl remarked that since that was the case then she would call him Danny's little brother the boy heard this and in doing so became a little embarrassed for he liked it very much he coughed further pretending that everything was fine and remarked that it was was fine and let her keep it up for he was her brother the girl stated that she would do that then next the boy asked his sister if she liked to read after all if she really did he could go and look for a book for her but suddenly the boy looked to the side and saw that there were scattered papers because of this he wondered if the girl was drawing the heroine of this hesitated and then said that she really draws and has now made a few sketches seeing the number of these sketches the boy remarked that but he seemed to really enjoy it the little sister remarked that it did next Dany thought for a few seconds and then asked if she could draw it and how hard it would be to do the heroine was embarrassed by this question and then hesitating remarked that she was simply not very good at drawing but suddenly the maid said that this is absolutely not true because the lady is a real artist still it turns out that they should not doubt themselves in any case because of this the boy turned to the heroine and asked if she could do it the girl in turn continued to worry and a little after thinking noticed that she would still draw it the boy rejoiced and thanked her for it after that the heroine took her tools and began the process of drawing while she was painting the boy was sitting behind a neighboring chair and reading a book sometimes he would only glance at the girl and think that she was so focused right now she also had quite an interesting expression on her face looking carefully at the girl he noticed that at one point the color of her eyes changed and became from red to something yellow from what he saw the boy was surprised and continued to look at what was happening but suddenly the girl noticed that he was looking at her and asked him why he was looking at her so intently the boy remarked that there was nothing wrong and let her just carry on so he wondered if he had just imagined it after a while the girl announced that she was done Dany closed the book and noticed that it was pretty quick and further inquired if she would show him the drawing the main character handed him the drawing and with embarrassment stated that she still very rarely Drew so nothing special let him not expect anything special from this drawing at the same time she was very much worried and thought that suddenly he would be disappointed because of it the guy looked at the girl's drawing and immediately turned to Esther and she looked at him carefully waiting for a reaction he wondered what it meant why she had not told him about her gift after all it turns out that she is a marvelous painter he in turn does not understand how a child can draw so well the girl wondered if it was true at the same time she wondered whether everyone could draw so well or not Dany asked if the girl had learned it in the temple the heroine remarked that she hadn't when the boy asked if she did she wanted to say that no one taught her that and she was perfectly fine drawing like that he then patted the girl on the head and remarked that it was incredible for Esther was such a talent it was not a sin to boast he looked embarrassed and then turned around to run out of the room he had his drawing in his hand and immediately ran to helbert to show it to him the girl was left alone in the room and yet was embarrassed at being praised she didn't expect that and thought that she really could draw at least she was good at something she liked the praise and thought she would like to be praised some more sometime later the arch dukee arrived at the Manor he was greeted by the Butler and remarked that he understood that the usual training was not enough this time the man remarked to him that he should not relax because who knows tomorrow there will be a war after all it turns out that the Army is now in a poor State also because of this it turns out that you simply cannot trust anyone then the man asked his interlocutor how Esther was doing he said that the girl was in the garden his majesty asked if she was walking there Gilbert remarked that it was not quite so for there she was painting The Duke inquired if Esther was painting and that the interlocutor stated that it is indeed so for she is even perfectly good at it all then the man also thought about where the is now because he also wants to get a gift from her now the girl for her part was sitting at a table in the garden and drawing after his majesty heard from the butler that the heroine of the newspaper is drawing he immediately went there looking ahead the man noticed that the girl was sitting at the table and very concentrated doing something because of this he smiled and leisurely began to approach that very place on the way he noticed to the attendant that she was so concentrated that she didn't even notice them concentration is really good after all the butler thought after hearing those words that his majesty was crazy about this girl after all the heroine was sitting at the table while thinking about what to draw now but at this very time she felt a glance and thought that someone was really looking at her now because of this she turned her head to the side and noticed that there was an arch Duke this made the girl a little surprised and wondered when he even had time to approach the man with a smile on his face remarked that it was not so long ago for he had heard that the girl was drawing and so he decided to come and see he also stated that he had been told before that she had already managed to draw something so inquired if it was true they said she had done a portrait of Danny the girl hesitated and remarked that she had but it still didn't come out very well then the father stated that still galbert had said it came out quite nicely further smiled sweetly and asked if she could draw it the heroine was surprised and asked if she had to draw his majesty he in turn said that if it is too difficult then do not do it because he does not want to stress her over it the girl in turn said that this was not true at all because it was not that it was just that she was not very good at drawing his majesty smiled and remarked that she should know that his office was rather empty and because of that he would like to hang a portrait on the wall but still if the girl is against the Tim simply will have to find another artist and that is a Pity the heroine at this moment was listening to the man carefully and what he was saying about the drawing caught her attention the butler heard this conversation thought that his majesty was lying without BL using and all this because when he suggested that he hang the portrait in his study he remarked that he didn't need it it turns out that he said that then and now he says something completely different but the girl really doesn't know that the Duke continued talking attracting the girl's attention he remarked that he was going to hang Esther's portrait on the wall and if not he would ask someone else but suddenly the girl interrupted him and remarked that if he really didn't mind she would do it the man wondered if he would paint it for us after all the girl agreed and remarked that she would as long as he was okay with it the father patted her on the head and thanked her for it to all this he remarked that he believed in her next the painting process did begin after a while Ben who had noticed Gilbert began to approach the place unhurriedly he told his interlocutor that he had heard that His Highness was here because he had something to report to him further he wanted to ask where he was at the butler pointing to the side noticed that he was sitting there looking to the side Ben saw that indeed they were sitting there together the butler stated that at the moment lady Esther was painting his portrait the interlocutor was surprised to hear what portrait for his majesty had said that portraits pissed him off the Archduke heard all this and immediately threw his cold glance at him the fellow realized that he had made a mistake and then remarked that he had mistaken it for he had somehow dreamed it but in fact His Highness simply respects portraits the man at that moment looked at him with a cold gaze to shut his mouth for the girl could hear everything the butler remarked to Ben that the young lady had a real talent and they both looked happy at the moment the interlocutor noticed that this was indeed true but thought the whole thing strange what made it strange was the fact that a man who was dubbed a demon could be this nice as he was now with the girl the father turned to the heroine and asked if she really liked drawing the girl remarked that she did indeed then the man asked if perhaps she would be interested in studying art the girl asked about art with surprise His Highness remarked that he was talking about it but not only about it for she could study anything she wanted it also turns out that if she does decide to take up painting seriously he will support her in any case because of these words the girl thought she why is he so good she further thanked the man and he remarked with a smile on his face that you are always welcome finishing her drawing the girl thought that she should not get used to kindness after all she will have to about to leave it turns out that such a short period of time she got too used to it all after a while the protagonist announced that she had finished her drawing after all at that when she held it in her hands she didn't look at it she thought suddenly he wouldn't like it and it would be bad his majesty took the drawing and began to scrutinize it his face ch changed dramatically at that moment and he immediately turned to Ben to come over to him the subordinate looked at him in Surprise and walked over there the man immediately showed him the drawing and asked him to look at it Ben scrutinized the drawing and was shocked at what he saw before him with a pleased smile on his face he inquired but how the drawing had turned out so well for him indeed at that moment the drawing looked very much like the arch Duke the subordinate remarked that it was indeed very good and turning to Majesty remarked that the girl literally had a gift and then he stated that it was not even just good but almost divinely beautiful the interlocutor inquired if this was so but perhaps the influence of the temple was at work here father continued to scrutinize the drawing as well and remarked that Esther had a hidden talent he then asked Gilbert and Ben if they thought so for his daughter was a true genius the interlocutors unanimously told his majesty that he had made a good point the man said that the dinner party would soon be held so he would show the guests this beautiful portrait turning to the butler he inquired about the injury he had won at the auction in Lauren the latter stated that young Mr Denny had already taken it and hung up his painted portrait the interlocutor remarked that he understood for Dany had also gotten a portrait of himself then he asked to find another frame and to make it more luxurious because he would take the portrait to the dinner party the subordinate told his majesty that everything would be done the latter thanked him and remarked that he liked the drawing very much the protagonist carefully looked at the joyful face of the arch dukee and thought that in her memories he really was much stricter than now because of this the girl felt uncomfortable because she thought of the man much worse next she sat there and didn't understand what she should do because she was too shy the man saw her defensiveness and wondered what was wrong the heroine hesitated a little but noticed that everything was fine at the most unexpected time for the girl came the very dinner party it was on it that the arch Duke showed everyone his pride
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Keywords: manhwa recap, anime recap, anicap, the manhwa man, manhwa, webtoon, manhwa recaps, manhwa cap, webtoon recap, high school mercenary, teenage mercenary, mercenary enro, Manga, manga, Manga recap, Manhwa recap, manga summary, manga capped, manga cap, manhwa summary, manga recaps, manga recap, manhwa capped, anime recaps, anicaps, anirecap, anime summary, anime, recap, mangacaps, mangacap, mangas, animecaps, anime plot, movie recap, recap manhwa, recap manga
Id: jT6WkSqbQnY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 142min 0sec (8520 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 02 2024
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