A Faith That Works (James 2:14-26) Pastor Daniel Fusco

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[Music] so [Music] so [Music] so you know that they say that the apple doesn't fall too far from the tree right and that idea is that you know whichever tree bears the fruit of your life like you kind of become like them and so you know i always like to joke like i'm all italian from new jersey and as an adult now going to like ball fields where my kids play there's these signs like the the rules for the parents on how you should like treat the coaches and the other players and the umps and stuff and they actually designed those because of my family because kind of growing up we'd play sports now listen part of it is cultural because like how many of you ever been to new york or new jersey okay all of you are people quiet there they think they are but they're not really and so like i grew up in this in this environment where everybody was loud and everybody was opinionated so i would be playing sports growing up whether it was soccer or baseball or you know football i even played basketball a little bit and and literally there'd be like a whole section of my people from my family who would just be yelling at everybody yelling at me yelling at the refs yelling at the coaches and i remember just like and that was just normal i mean there was a time when my dad and my grandfather got thrown off of the complex of a baseball game and my grandfather was like the most mild-mannered person ever but you know it's just kind of how it was and so i remember like when we started having kids and when our kids started growing like because i'm a follower of jesus i realized i couldn't really be like my the way i was raised at the ball field can you imagine if you go to like you know a ball game and pastor daniel's there screaming at the umps but like what's so funny is when i go into the game i remember like i would be standing there and like my like jesus might be in my heart but my grandparents are in my bones you know what i mean like so it's like so it's like i just want to yell at everybody you know what i mean and i remember like as open i remember he was playing soccer and i came up with this plan that i would stand on like the other side of the field and i'd put my hood on i'd close it and so i just stand there and so every once in a while i'd like kind of like go like this and but literally what i was trying to do was i was trying to actually walk out the faith that i held even though i wasn't quite there yet there's an old saying like you gotta fake it till you make it and like there's a part of that that's really real because i didn't want to be the person who yelled at everybody like i didn't want to be the guy who i'm like you know that was a bad call raph even though i might feel that on the inside the way that i was raised was like that just stuff comes out of your mouth right and before you even think about if it's right or wrong it just happens and so you know but what i realized in the journey was that what was happening in my heart and what is still happening in my heart today is that god is inviting us to be changed he doesn't want our faith to be something that is just on the inside like i i hold this disposition or these beliefs on the inside he actually wants it to make its way out into real life like where rubber meets the road at street level on your jobs in school and in a lot of ways so much of life is about allowing god to transform us and change us into the ways that he wants to and really what you find in the in the bible is that god is interested not only in a faith that could save your soul but also in a faith that can change your life and i think what happens sometimes is in the beauty of the scriptures and what the bible teaches we live in a pretty you know kind of sound bite superficial culture and a lot of things of faith are not just superficial there are there's nuance involved and in case anyone hasn't realized our culture really doesn't do nuance at all there's no such thing as nuance anymore it's like it's either like if you got to say you got to say it in like 15 words it has to have everything in it right and so like but so many things of faith actually are about there are different nuances that are involved in what does it look like for us to live this stuff out and so in a lot of ways today we're gonna see the the primary theme of the book of james that we've been studying together where where james now says this is really what i'm trying to unpack for you so open up your bibles to james chapter 2 verses 14 to 26 the second half of the second chapter of the book of james if you brought your bibles with you to church pull those babies out go to the book of james it's towards the end of your bible it's right there between hebrews and then first peter right there at the end chapter two is after chapter one if you didn't bring a bible with you there's bibles on the seats in front of you they got god's word in and if you for some reason you don't want to hold your bible just pull out your mobile phone go to your favorite browser window bible app whatever it is we all i want you to be able to read along with this because i'm always saying this that um i just said this this morning to someone that you know everyone's entitled to their opinion like that's a good thing like you have an opinion i have an opinion about an opinion but really all that really matters is what god says i wasn't allowed to have an opinion but god says what he says and so we that's why as a church we always ask you to open your bibles to read it in the bible because like if i just give you a bunch of my opinions i can i can give you cool opinions bad opinions silly opinions you know but it's like what does god's word say and then how does this stuff work out in real time where we live and so that's what we're always we want to see what the bible says what does this the word of god say and how does it change our lives so look at what he says in james chapter 2 verse 14 james says but what does it profit my brethren if someone says he has faith but does not have works can faith save him if a brother or sister is naked and destitute of daily food and one of you says to them depart and peace be warmed and filled but you do not give them the things that are needed for the body what does it profit thus also faith by itself if it does not have works is dead now really what james is saying here is that he does not want us and you and i we should not let faith stand alone don't let faith stand alone and so really what it's boiling down to is what james is pushing for is what is called biblical faith which is a faith that actually changes the way that you live now right as i say that there are a number of you you've been around church for a while you know your bible you're like wait hold on a second hold on doesn't the apostle paul say that you're saved by faith apart from works right and that was just like i see all these heads going yeah so how does this all work together now what's so beautiful about this i'm going to unpack this for you as we go through this message but this is one of the reasons why some of the early reformers in the protestant reformation wanted to chuck the book of james out of the canon because really what you have is you have paul saying you're saved by faith apart from work so now you have james saying can faith save you we talk about his faith without works right and so the question becomes like are these two guys in disagreement is the holy spirit inspiring things that are in conflict to one another now what i would say to you is the answer is is they are not in conflict and the spirit of god is making a nuanced argument through each one of these writers to show us different aspects of what faith is right now what james is getting at here is he doesn't want faith to stand alone because if you truly believe in jesus who came on a rescue mission to die on a cross to be resurrected from the grave and to ascend into heaven to pour forth the spirit that is going to have a benefit to humanity if you were to believe in that faith and so what james is first saying here is that real biblical faith has a sort of prophet to it there is a fruit that comes from having faith in jesus that now becomes something that is a benefit to somebody else if you think about that idea of being fruitful we know jesus said by this my father is glorified that you bear much fruit and so you'll be my disciples you have to remember that the tree that bears fruit never partakes of its own fruit that fruit is for the benefit of others right have you ever seen like a peach tree being like this is the most delicious peach i've ever made no right it's like somebody else gets to benefit from that fruit and in the same way when we have faith in the lord our faith will bring some tangible benefit to the people around us or it's not biblical faith it's something else now what's powerful here is james uses a very simple example he says what is a prophet my brethren if someone says he has faith but does not have work so we're talking about we're not we're not talking about we're talking about someone who says they believe but their lifestyle has not been impacted in the way that they live by what they say that they believe and then he says can faith this type of faith save him now in the greek it's a question that is demanding the answer no this type of faith can't save a person because he says if a brother or sister is naked and destitute of daily food and one of you says to them depart in peace be warmed and be filled but you do not give them the things which are needed for the body what does it profit so he's using a simple example of just kind of basic charity you see somebody who is starving and then you say yes be blessed be warm to be filled but you don't give them something practically he's saying how has that helped that person they need something tangible you're giving them nothing other than nice thoughts and james concludes this by saying thus also faith by itself if it does not have works it's dead he's saying this is not biblical faith this is not the faith that leads to the abundant life this is some other version of faith and one of the things you're going to find in this passage is that james wants to unpack faith as it is in the kingdom of god and then another type of faith where there is belief divorce from where the rubber meets the road actions that he calls hear dead faith it's faith that doesn't save now i've always heard it said this one i've always loved it and i'll share it with you the issue is not faith or works and it's not faith and works really what the bible is looking for is a faith that works that's good right it's not faith or works it's one or the other it's not faith and works we put them together but it's a faith that works that plays itself on that's why we call the series where the rubber meets the road because what james is interested and what i believe jesus is interested in is how we live in light of who we believe in and the only proof of our faith in jesus is how we choose to live so i look when i look at the example i gave of myself not wanting to scream at the refs at a little league game is proof that i believe in jesus because i don't think jesus would be screaming at the refs even if they made a bad call which everyone saw right there's something else going on and really what i believe god wants to do in all of our lives is he wants to take our faith in jesus and let it make that almost impossible 18-inch journey from our heads to our hearts and then even more from our hearts to our hands from our hearts back up to our mouths from our hearts down to our feet really what we're talking about is what i like to call applied theology it's not head knowledge and listen i love reading if you've ever come to my office like i have a home office i get in trouble for them i lo i read if the book is big i like it even more if the book's got like a whole like a whole book full of footnotes that gets me even more excited but one of the things that i find in all and years and years of lots and lots of reading is that if i let my faith function in my head i'll think i'm really getting somewhere but nobody's life is gonna be profited by all the thoughts that i think i'm thinking all these deep thoughts and we've all probably met people who they went i'm gonna think deep theological thoughts and they become kind of judgmental they're looking down at they're the only one who knows the right way you've almost met people like that if you're that kind of person stop it right now because at the basic level god is interested in a life that gets transformed by what we believe we like to say here crosses we believe in jesus and we actually believe in all the social implications that come from that belief it's not just i believe in jesus and i'm going to eat the pie and then i'm going to die and the world's going to hell in a hand basket so who cares about it man we're going to go to heaven and say no no god wants us to be a place of heaven on earth where we're ushering in light into the darkness heaven on earth here and we know that when he returns then we get to be with him but until then there is heaven on earth ushering in that jesus wants to do he's looking for partners and we believe as a church family that's who we are because we don't want faith to stand alone we want a faith that becomes embodied in us in who we are now as it relates to this idea of charity listen to the apostle john first john chapter 3 verses 17 and 18. he says and john doesn't means words here but whoever has this world's goods and sees his brother in need and shuts up his heart from him how does the love of god abide in him my little children let us not love in word and tongue but in deed and in what and in truth i love that he's saying if you say you love god and you see someone in need and your heart is hardened to that need how can you say that the love of god is within you and what john is saying is the same thing as what james is saying he's saying the faith that can save our souls should also change people's lives that we should live in such a way that what we believe in has weightiness and impact on the world around us and what that means is that for the people of god true saving biblical faith is something that not only changes us but changes others around us and it's interesting because what we have in our day and age is we have primarily and it is interesting that people always kind of have a tendency to live on the on the on the poles on on on on the the the how far apart can we get right like so people either say as a church the church should be so much like the culture that we don't see anything different or so much unlike the culture that we actually have no dealings with it so either either have faith that is to use the to use the theological language either synchronistic where we synchronize the church with the world in which we live or we have a church that is so separate from it that we don't interact with it which becomes almost you know we would call it cultish where you're like we live in a commune we grow our own food we stock up the guns and we wait for the rapture you know and that stuff pla like there's a lot i i'm enjoying the the stereotypes on the edge okay and i really believe what the bible is is not for us to be so distinct from the world that we don't interact with it or so like the world that we can't impact it but there is this for lack of a better word there's this middle way where our faith in jesus plays itself out in real time rubber meets the road street level living that now heaven begins to touch down because jesus is at work in us and through us into the world so you have to ask yourself a simple question do you have a faith right now that is standing alone where your belief in jesus is not changing the way that you live it's not causing like when you do something you're not convicted by the spirit of god that hey this is not like jesus because really when we start reading this stuff and we start interacting with it we start saying god what do you want to do here you begin to realize that god wants to transform all of us so let's go on a little bit more because james unpacks some other things here look what he says in verse 17 thus faith by itself if it does not have works is dead verse 17 verse 18 but someone will say you have faith and i have works show me your faith without your works and i will show you my faith by my works you believe that there is one god you do well even the demons believe and tremble but do you want to know a foolish man or that faith without works is dead now really what he's saying here and and he sums up his argument at the end of verse 18 where he says that me and you we should show our faith by our works you should show your faith by your works see what he's saying here is that in the time of james now don't forget james is writing to jewish people right he's writing to the 12 tribes that were scattered so he was writing to a jewish audience who believed in jesus what you had is that you had a very strong kind of workspace religion that they had come out of and this is where really where james and paul are pushing towards different things when paul is saying things i'll just read it to you this is ephesians chapter 2 verses 8 to 10. paul says for by grace you have been saved through faith it is not of yourselves it is the gift of god not of works lest anyone should boast for we or his workmanship created in christ jesus for good works which god prepared beforehand that we would walk in these now you see how paul says we're saved by faith not works what paul was fighting against was legalism everyone say legalism legalism is the belief that because i did this now god owes me right now paul writing to a jewish audience they were very steeped in listen i keep the sabbath so god should bless me i give tithes so god should bless me i do this so god should bless me i keep the feast of tabernacles so god should bless me and what's amazing is is paul is saying listen you're not saved by the things that you do you're saved by the grace of god so paul is combating legalism but what is james combatting james is combating superficialism where it says i believe but my life is not changed i have this thought in my mind that i believe in god but my life is not changing now what's amazing is if you notice what james says here james says if you believe you say there's one god you do well and he says even who believes the demons believe and tremble so he's saying look the fallen angels that we call demons they have faith but not saving faith the demons know that there is one god the god of the bible they believe but they are not following that one god so he's saying you can believe in god and not have a transformed life and he's saying that is not saving faith so he's saying listen you say show me your faith i say show me your works he said i'll show you my faith by my works he's saying look my life should reflect the beliefs that i hold now here's the deal my friends imagine if after church today if you know you're pulling out of the crossroads parking lot or for those of you online you go to leave your house you know whatever and and and obviously you look in your rearview mirror and i'm in the car behind you and you're like oh how cool pastor daniel's behind me hey pastor daniel you know but then you start driving you start driving home and every time you make a right i make a right and every time you make a left i make a left that'd be kind of creepy right you'd be like is pastor daniel a stalker and then you pull into your driveway but instead i drive past your driveway and i pull into your neighbor's driveway right go up the door knock knock knock now you have to imagine this before a time of ring because if i was knocking on someone's door they didn't know me i wouldn't answer the door for me either with all the video doorbells but imagine knock on the door knock knock knock what i do like oh someone we know you know right and they open door like hey so hey my name is daniel i'm one of the pastors over at crossroads do you know your neighbor right next door they're christians would they be like no way they're christians how you would never know from that raging kegger they threw last night look i guess i got beer bottles in my backyard or maybe they say oh it's good that they go to church they need jesus they've been suing me for my property line since the 60s or like like is it would your neighbors know that you are followers of jesus and if the answer is no i would tell you that's not a good thing now i'm not saying that they should know that you're a follower of jesus because you bang them over the head with the bible right but they should know by who you are because of who you follow that your life is different because of your faith in jesus because faith in jesus is not a workless faith it is a faith that works now because of my faith in jesus i have different things that i am interested in i have different values and there's nothing worse than a faith i believe in god but it doesn't change my life because the demons have that kind of faith and last time i checked we should not be modeling our faith after the demonic that's a pretty good one isn't it it's like it's like as they talk about like this is like such low-hanging fruit right it's like don't have faith like the demons have faith because the demons never stopped believing in god they just didn't want to follow him and if you don't believe me read the gospels when jesus runs into all these demons they're like what have you to do with us the son of man have you come to torment us before the time like they know jesus is coming to completely judge evil and they're just like is it are you here early like they know judgment is coming there's like this wasn't supposed to be the sun and in a lot of ways god wants us to have a faith that we show our faith in the way that we live now what i love about this is that this is actionable for all of us you have to ask yourself a simple question what in my life that i do on a regular basis or a semi-regular basis what do i do that does not show the faith that i have i'll never forget when i first got here to crossroads it's now almost a decade ago we used to have these wednesday nights i used to i would teach and i do a q a after the teaching now listen we don't do that now because our wednesday night programming is awesome so you guys need to come on wednesdays be a part of men's women's celebrate recovery grief shared it's like what we're doing on wednesday has been a dream of mine for a long time as a pastor because i'm like you know people don't need more teaching they need to connect with each other they need to hear the word and how do we apply the words that's why our wednesday nights are designed the way that it is because it's like it's actually better for you to work through your faith with other people but at this time we were doing this q a and somebody asked me there was a question that came through it was it was anonymous to text her like what would you tell a believer who drinks every day i said oh you need to quit i need to get accountability because jesus doesn't want us to be alcoholics and at that time somebody in the church had been struggling with this not really strong just not thinking about it just kind of the way that they lived for like 20 years and that day they're like man i got to stop drinking right now and now 10 years later clean and sober for 10 years because his faith and his drinking were incompatible but one of the things that i've learned is that it's easy to look at someone else and what they're doing but it's a whole other thing to say lord what am i doing and bro says i want you to say lord what do i do that is incompatible with the faith that i hold that is an awesome prayer question and whatever that is whatever that is you need to write that thing down you need to invite people into it because god wants our faith to be shown by the way that we live who we are people should know that we're followers of jesus by the way that we move through the world by the way that we live and that's what james is saying here he's saying listen faith without a changed life it's a dead faith he says listen i will show you my faith by my works the apostle paul said imitate me as i would imitate jesus that's what he told the church in corinth i mean i remember the first time i read that i'm like wow like but you would imagine that for the apostle paul he would only say that if he was confident that his life the testimony and the story and the habits of the holiness of his life in christ would be something that he's like man someone come do a full-on investigation into my life imitate me as i imitate jesus now isn't this where the rubber meets the road my friends would your online banking have the testimony that you're a follower of jesus would your calendar have the testimony that i am a follower of jesus would your screen time say i am a follower of jesus would your browser history say i am a follower of jesus would your netflix hulu disney plus discovery plus hbo extra whatever it's called would that prove that you're a follower of jesus i don't even need a mic to drop it right now like i just realized it's like but this is what he's talking about and this has been in the bible for 2000 years and god wants by his spirit not in judgment but god wants our lives to be living epistles of the gospel that people would see our lives and they would say that's what it looks like to follow jesus and it doesn't mean that we're better than people it doesn't mean that we look down on people it doesn't mean that we're so holy i can't believe you would watch disney plus or whatever you know what i mean i'm just picking on disney just because it's disney you know and i have nothing if you work for disney i'm nothing against disney you know what i mean it's out of all the ones i named before that was the most like vanilla or it used to be i should say because the world we live in but here's the deal it's like people should know that we're followers of jesus by the way that we live so we want a faith that works paul is fighting against legalism and listen brothers and sisters i don't want you to think that if you i want my testimony the testimony of my browser history the testimony of what i watch on tv the testimony of my checkbook when you do those things god does not owe you you do those things because god is leading you to do those things so it's not like well lord i started serving now where's my spouse no that's like not making a business transaction with the lord like bartering you know what i mean like i go to church every week and you bring me a spouse or something it's not that's legalism it's like i do for god now god owes me and legalism is alive and well in the body of christ many of us struggle with this we struggle with these feelings that because i did this god owes me this so legalism is a problem but superficiality of faith is also a major problem where we believe but our life is not being changed now here's what i want to remind you before i move on from this section is that fruit is born in its time so you have to get like the key is that you have to be looking at your life and saying i am changing albeit maybe slower than i would like because i realize that when i share a message like this that many of you can automatically feel condemnation you're like man i got all these issues in my life there's this and i gotta get rid of this i gotta get off drugs i gotta get off of this i gotta stop looking at the junk on the internet and yeah there's a whole laundry list and here's what i wanna tell you you do need to do those things but also fruit gets born in time so you have to make a plan like this is what i'm going to start i have to work on this now here's what i'll tell you as somebody's been walking with jesus for a long time and i talked about like you know drugs and alcohol that was my background you know discipleship in jesus growing in jesus is the peeling back of an onion once you get one thing done there's a whole other layer of stuff that gets worked on so like for me like when i got off of drugs that was just like the first step and that was a like a miraculous thing that god did in my life but then it's like oh there's all this other stuff that like that stuff was covering up and then he starts working on all that stuff and then once that stuff gets cleared up he's like oh here you go and here's what i want to tell you and anyone who's been walking with jesus a long time will tell you it never ends man the heart surgery is a lifelong heart surgery it's like man he gets into one layer he's like oh man even you i i didn't realize what was underneath that lord totally knew what was underneath there and part of walking with jesus is continually saying god will you do a work and sometimes what he does is he changes the outward stuff but then the really dirty work of really the inward stuff goes on when you when you when you walk with jesus long enough and you ca you have a verse for everything but your motivations are wrong where you do the right thing for the wrong reason and even though you did the right thing the spirit of god convicts you because your heart is wrong no one sees that except for the lord and who you confess that stuff to and what god wants for all of us is to be up for the journey up for this journey of being formed into the image of jesus at street level where we live but it begins with what does our works teach us because in a lot of ways what you really believe is actually what you know what your faith is made of by what you do like there's nothing worse and i've seen this in my own life there's nothing worse than when somebody asks like god will you grow my faith because you know the only way to grow your faith is to have to be put in a situation that's going to totally freak you out right it's like when someone says i want god to humble me it always freaks me out when someone wants i'm like you really want me to pray for this now i know they do but i know that humbling only comes through rough situation no one really ever got humbled when everything went perfect it's like humbling happens when everything goes wrong and you're humbled and so in a lot of these ways the work that god wants to do it takes time but we want to make sure that we're in that journey because god wants to make our faith actionable not just like as i said earlier you know it's not just a faith that can save our souls eternally it's a faith that can change our lives today how we live why we live and then james finishes us all up by teaching us that we need to learn from the past we need to learn from the past look what it says verse 21 it says was not abraham or father justified by works when he offered isaac his son on the altar do you see that faith was working together with his works and by works faith shall be made perfect and the scripture says scripture was fulfilled which says verse 23 abraham believed god and it was accounted to him for righteousness and he was called the friend of god you see then that this that a man is justified by works and not by faith only likewise was not rahab the harlot also justified by works when she received the messengers and sent them out another way for as the body without the spirit is dead so faith without works is dead also so as i said you have to learn from the past and really here you have these two examples yeah first the example of abraham and then you have the example of rahab now it's fascinating that both abraham and rahab both of these choices by james were both in the genealogy of jesus abraham the great patriarch of the faith you read him he's one of the one of the main characters of the book of genesis he pops on the scene in genesis 12 right and then of course rahab plays a little bit part in the book of joshua do you remember rahab was she was she was she was they called her a harlot she kept a a a brothel really you know and and the children of israel they came in to spy out the land she hid them and she and because she hid them they protected her she left that little scarlet thread out of her window and when they came to conquer jericho they made sure rahab was saved and so both of these examples are examples of somebody who had faith that worked somebody whose faith now impacted the way that they live so at first it begins with of course abraham was not abraham our father justified by works when he offered isaac his son on the altar do you see that faith was working together with his works and by works faith was made perfect or complete he's saying listen your faith is completed when it changes the way that we live and then he says and the scripture was fulfilled which says abraham believed god it was accounted to him for righteousness which is genesis 15 6. now what's amazing is is this idea right how the just shall live by faith abraham believed and was accounted to him for righteousness is the exact text that paul uses to fight legalism it's faith not works but now james is saying hey listen this is his wor his faith and his works are working together and his works made his faith perfect you see abraham believed god and because he believed god when he thought god wanted him to offer isaac as a sacrifice he was willing to do it believing that even if he went through with it which he didn't god would have been able to raise isaac from the dead because god he was the son of promise he's saying abraham's faith is seen in his ability to take that step and in the same way he's got you know this idea of rahab right was not rahab the harlot also justified by works when she received the messengers and sent them out another way let's say hebrews 11 31 in the hall of faith in the hall of faith rahab shows up by faith the harlot rahab did not perish with those who did not believe when she had received the spies with peace see her faith in god caused her to take the tangible step of protecting the spies and it was a great work of faith but the faith had works associated and look at what he says because and i'll just bring this to a close right here because in verse 24 you see then that a man is justified by works and not by faith only and then look at verse 26 for as the body without the spirit is dead so faith without works is dead also so what james is saying here is that biblical saving faith has feed on it and lives itself out in the real world he's saying that just as the if if you remove the spirit from the body the body's dead if you take works out of faith in jesus it's also dead so we end up landing right where we started in the beginning my friends god does not only want to save your soul for eternity he wants that faith to change your life in the present right here right now right where we live right in this cultural moment with all the stuff that's going on and that happens when we say jesus will you by your spirit help me to live out the very truths that i say that i believe and then every day he invites us to take a step to say lord okay i'm gonna put that down lord lord i'm going to step into this lord god i am going to now begin to do this thing that you told me to do 20 years ago i haven't done but today is the day i'm going to start walking in that and i believe that when we trust the lord and take a step of faith which looks like a very tangible work god meets us on that step and does something extraordinary so let's buy our heads and our hearts as we pray together father i want to thank you so much for such practical instructions and lord forgive us for veering either into legalism where we think that what we do now you owe us like we're you know we're paying something into the bank and we've got to get back from the lord later in the way that we want it the lord james is really pushing us he's fighting combating a superficiality of faith a faith that says hey i believe in jesus but doesn't change the way we live in the here and now lord it's it's a nuance but it's one that we want lord and so we come to you today and we say lord move us from just ideas that we hold in our hearts move us into tangible actions lord we want to show our faith by our works god we desire knowing that it's not our works that save us the work is the evidence of the faith that we have it proves our faith and god we want to live lives that are unique that are distinct that are different
Channel: Crossroads Community Church
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Keywords: Crossroads
Id: ClBhulJtwXk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 30sec (2550 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 03 2021
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