"A Faith That Doesn't Hold on to Hurt" with Pastor Rick Warren

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thank you guys for joining me on principles for living through a pandemic and we're using the book of james from the bible as our text because james was writing to people who were experiencing severe stress and that's what a lot of you are going through right now i've told you many times that while the health and the medical profession are trying to find a cure and a vaccine for the disease the virus it's my job as your pastor to help you cope with the dis ease or the personal stress created by this pandemic now today we're in part 22 of a faith that works when life doesn't we're going to look at how to develop a faith that doesn't hold on to hurt a faith that doesn't hold on to hurt now the fact is because we live on a planet where everything is broken by sin and we're all sinners we're all imperfect people you're going to be hurt a lot in life in fact you've undoubtedly already been hurt many many times in life but the real question is what do you do with that hurt do you hold on to it in your heart do you let it fester and grow and multiply or have you learned the wisdom and the skill of letting it go now i'm teaching on this today because i received a letter uh this week that i'd like to begin with by reading to you it says this dear pastor rick i can honestly say that listening to the daily hope broadcast every day and watching the daily uh the weekly saddleback service each weekend has saved both my life and my sanity during covet 19. i don't know how i would have made it otherwise i'm a new follower of jesus i put my trust in him when you started the james series online so i'm one of those 10 000 new believers your very first message was about trusting god while walking through the valley of virus now i i had been to a few churches off and on in my life but i never really understood what it was about and i didn't know it was possible to have a friendship with god then when coveted hit i had this desire to get some spiritual input just about the time all the churches were asked to stop meeting because of the virus but a member of saddleback is a friend and he told me to check out your online service i haven't missed a week in 25 weeks and i've listened to several of the messages multiple times but as a new christian i have a question about forgiving people who've hurt you i know we're supposed to forgive people who hurt us but i'm not sure why i'm supposed to do this or even how i'm supposed to do this it seems like our world is getting more and more divided and polarized and angry and bitter and on social media as well as tv news it just seems like a lot of people just enjoy calling each other names arguing and yelling hateful things and nobody really listens to anybody now since jesus saved me about five months ago my attitude has really changed i'm a lot less angry and i'm much more at peace but what confuses me is that a lot of people who say they're christians really get mean and they get cranky when they talk about the things like having to wear a mask during covid or the issue of racial equality and justice and especially the upcoming election honestly i've been shocked at how resentful and mean some people are who say they're dedicated christians as a minority i've been deeply hurt several times by insensitive statements from people who really have no idea what it feels like to be a minority and the fears that we have to deal with every day and when they defensively deny that equality inequality still exists or they blame all the non-violent grieving protesters for the action of rioting criminals it just shows a lack of understanding too i also have a couple of personal wounds with family members that i won't go into the details but i'll just say this that i'm hoping that you can teach us soon about what god says about forgiving people who hurt us again thank you for all your teaching saddleback is now my church home and i'm very happy to be a part well today is your lucky day let me first congratulate you on your new relationship to jesus christ and welcome to our family we're we're glad you're here we love you and we're here to help you and today is your lucky day as i said because we're going to look at a faith that doesn't hold on to hurt now you're right today we're living in a culture that's filled with anger and slander and arguing and bitterness and bias and most of us will probably agree that the divisiveness and the polarization in our world right now is probably the worst we've ever seen in our lifetime but you know it's not new it's not new at all human beings have always been self-centered this week i was reading through the book of romans from the bible and the book of romans was written during the roman empire a couple thousand years ago and as i read saint paul's description of roman culture you know what it just struck me it sounds an awful like the kind of culture we're living in today the first century and the 21st century really have a lot in common in that sense let me read to you what paul said about his culture 2000 years ago romans 3 12-17 he said this everyone is turned from god and is going in the wrong direction nobody is living right people tell lies about each other that stink like an open grave they verbally attack each other with poisonous words like the venom of a deadly snake their speech is filled with vicious curses and bitter resentment and they're quick to react violently with anyone who disagrees sound familiar he says so wherever they go they leave division and misery because they've never learned how to live in peace sounds a lot like today doesn't it but just about the same time that paul was writing those words about roman culture this guy that we've been studying james was writing to christians who were spread out all through the roman empire and we're experiencing great persecution and while paul is talking about the roman empire and a lot of non-believers one of the things that james is concerned about is he didn't want christians to be infected by that negative culture that paul just described he didn't want them picking up he didn't want the believers picking up on bad habits and the attitudes of the world he wanted christians to be different in their attitude so different that everybody noticed it so with great boldness and great clarity james points out the hypocrisy in christians of that day and he says this you know you guys you're acting no different than the non-believers in the world but he says you know that's one thing but what makes it even worse is you know better you know better and you don't have to live that way and you're living a double life and he says you know it's critical or it's hypocritical to be all sweet and loving and nice at a worship service and then to be mean and nasty and demeaning to the people that you disagree with in the world this is the passage we're going to look at today here's what james says to believers james 3 verses 9 and 10. here's what he says he says in worship we praise our lord and father but then in the world he says we curse the people that god himself created in his own image out of the same mouth comes blessing and bitterness if you're taking notes i'd circle blessing and bitterness he says brothers and sisters this is not right there is no way that sweet water and bitter water can flow out of the same spring as i said if you're taking notes i would encourage you to circle blessing and bitterness because james says this is a contradiction for both of these things to be coming out in your speech if you claim to be a follower of jesus he says just as a spring cannot give fresh water and salt water from the same source he said if words of blessing are coming out at church but words of bitterness are coming out at home or at work or with people you disagree with politically he says you know what you got a problem with your heart he says evidently you're holding on to some hidden hurt that's made you bitter and you have stored up that hurt inside of you and it's creating this bitterness now what i want to do in our session together today is simply ask two questions about this text in the bible first why should i never hold on to a hurt never hold on to it we'll look at the cost of bitterness because there's a price tag for everything and we're going to look at seven very expensive costs to holding onto a hurt then we'll ask the question how do i let go of it how do i let go of hurt in my life you know from experience that's not always easy it's not easy offering forgiveness to people who've hurt you now i have no doubt that many of you who are watching or you're listening this message are carrying a heavy load of hurt and pain because we hurt each other you may have been hurt very deeply by people in your life and you probably don't feel like forgiving them and letting it go so first you need some motivation to let go of that hurt let me give you seven reasons from the bible why you really should never hold on to any hurt in your heart why should i never hold on to a hurt what these are the cost of bitterness you might write these down number one anytime i harbor a hurt i walk out of god's will anytime i harbor a hurt i walk out of god's will i'm out of the will of god why because bitterness is a sin so it's definitely never god's will for your life when i harbor a herd in my heart i am choosing to disobey god because he says don't be bitter don't be resentful don't hold on to hurt i'm choosing to be out of the will of god i'm choosing to forfeit the blessing of god that's what you do and i'm choosing not to be used by god james tells us this in james chapter 1 verse 20. he says if you're angry you cannot do any of the good things that god once done did you hear that this is such a powerful verse if you're angry you cannot do any of the things god once done such a powerful verse i want to read it to you in several other translations in the icb translation here it says anger will not help you live the good life that god wants in the god's word translation it says an angry person doesn't do what god approves in today's english version they're on your outline it says human anger does not achieve god's righteous purpose how many people think that they're going to change the world by getting angry at something job tells us that resentment reveals a disobedient heart instead of a righteous heart job chapter 36 13 it says this those who have wicked hearts hold on to anger they hold on to anger that's called bitterness when you hold on anger that's resentment so he says first you gotta let it go okay because you're you walk out of the will of god every time you become resentful number two anytime i retain resentment i halt my happiness i halt my happiness he said what do you mean by that my happiness is stopped dead in its tracks the moment that i choose to get upset with somebody the moment i choose to get resentful or bear a grudge or you know have have some kind of uh thing against you is the moment that i choose unhappiness now the fact is happiness is a choice you're as happy as you choose to be uh if you're not happy right now you're choosing not to be happy you're as happy as you choose to be just like you're as close to god as you choose to be and if you choose to focus on something that is unhappy like being hurt you have nobody to blame but yourself because every moment of resentment is a moment of unhappiness that's dumb job 21 verse 23 to 25 says this some men stay happy until the day they die but others have no happiness at all because they live and die with bitter hearts you cannot be bitter and happy at the same time number three anytime i breathe bitterness i suffocate my spirit anytime i breathe bitterness i suffocate my spirit bitterness doesn't just choke out your happiness it doesn't just choke out your emotions it strangles your spirit it suffocates your spirit you know during covet people who get the pandemic disease often say i can't breathe and we heard that phrase uh in in racial context too i can't breathe but when you have bitterness in your heart you can't breathe spiritually it's like you're choosing to carry around a load of garbage it's an unnecessary load it's a heavy weight some reason you choose to do it but bitterness weighs you down it depresses your spirit look at this verse proverbs 27 verse 3 a stone is heavy and sand is weighty but resentment caused by a fool is heavier than both you know sometimes we think that we're actually hurting the person who hurt us by holding on to the hurt and holding a grudge that somehow me being mad long after the event happened that that's somehow making you miserable but bitterness is a worthless weapon it doesn't hurt them it only makes you miserable they may not even be aware that you're thinking about them all the time you're obsessing with them they're out there eating a steak dinner having a good time and partying they're not even thinking about you you're the one that's obsessed with the hurt they've already moved on with their life it's a worthless weapon all right it's like drinking poison and hoping you kill them with it now some of you were hurt by people a long time ago and as your pastor i'm sorry i'm sorry that they hurt you but i will tell you some good news they can't hurt you anymore okay the only way they can continue to hurt you is if you choose to hold on to the hurt and rehearse it over and over in your mind and when you choose to hold on to that hurt and keep going over and over that's dumb they can't hurt you anymore that's why job 18 verse 4 there on your outline says this you're only hurting yourself with your anger so when i harbor hurt i walk out of god's will god stops blessing my life when i retain resentment i halt my happiness okay i i just stopped being happy can't be happy and bitter the same when i breathe bitterness i suffocate my spirit now the fourth cost of holding on to hurt is this anytime i internalize my anger i harm my health i harm my health it's bad for your body many many many studies have shown that resentment is the most physically damaging emotion you can have just as gratitude is the healthiest emotion you can have resentment is the most damaging emotion on your body it's bad for your body it is a source of all kinds of physical ailments it can even shorten your life now doctors discovered this in the last hundred years but thousands of years ago in job 5 2 job 5 2 says this to worry yourself to death with resentment to worry yourself to death with resentment is a foolish senseless thing to do now sometimes we're so careful about what we eat and we're trying to protect our health so we're eating healthy but let me tell you a bigger issue the bigger issue in your life for your health is not what are you eating but what's eating you that has a lot more damage that'll shorten your years a whole lot faster now what are you eating but what's eating you bitterness is a cancer that will eat you up we've all known people who were eaten up by it they shriveled because of the bitterness in their life solomon this several thousand years ago and in ecclesiastes 5 17 he talks about people who are so upset okay by their emotions and he says this ecclesiastes 5 17 all they get are days full of sadness and sorrow and they end up sick defeated and angry you know anybody like that doctors say they could empty the hospital by 50 if they could help people get rid of guilt and resentment because that has put a lot of people in the hospital now the fifth price that you pay when you allow bitterness to stay in your life is this anytime i hold a grudge it's gonna hurt many people it's gonna hurt many people you see unfortunately resentment like coveted 19 is contagious and bitterness is a communicable disease it can be spread verbally and you can give it to other people by the way you talk and it can ruin their lives too it doesn't just ruin your happiness we've all seen this happy happen in families where one bitter person makes everybody miserable hebrews chapter 12 verse 15 says this look after each other okay it says you know pay attention check up on each other look after each other so that you keep living in god's grace being gracious to each other why well he says the next part of it see to it that no root of bitterness grows among you so don't don't let any bitterness grow up in your relationships with your spouse with your kids with your friends with the co-workers he's in your small group your church wherever he says be gracious to each other see to it that no bitterness grows up among you because if you become bitter about anything you'll miss god's grace and that will cause much trouble a bitter person will poison and ruin everyone else whoa that's what the bible says a bitter person will poison and ruin everybody else so let me just ask you a very personal and a very pointed question do you want to be that kind of person do you want to be that kind of known for your resentment for your bitterness for your crankiness who just won't let go of hurt you were hurt so many years ago and you're still living with it so you're willing to cause a ton of relational damage in other people's lives too you want everybody else to be as miserable as you is that what you want this is it's too expensive you can't afford resentment let me give you a couple more a sixth cost of holding on to hurt these are all from the bible is this any time i won't let it go when somebody's hurt me anytime i won't let it go i act like an unbeliever yeah did you know unbelievers obviously can act like unbelievers we often do it's poor testimony of the world when we respond to problems with the same immaturity that unbelievers do we all have as believers the resources for healing that god gives us but we refuse to use them because we want to hold on to some grudge again job has something to teach us in job 36 verse 13 message translation says this angry people without god he's talking about non-believers angry people without god pile grievance upon grievance always blaming others for their troubles now there are literally a lot of examples of that in the news every day bitter people blaming other bitter people accepting no responsibility piling one complaint upon another uh you know playing gotcha building a mountain of misery and a pile of pain sadly we're in election season right now politicians do it to get votes but the bible says this in the living translation of job 36 13 the godless are full of resentment that's a mark of godlessness they're full of resentment now if i'm full of resentment i can't be full of god if i'm full of resentment i can't be full of happiness if i'm full of resentment i can't be full of love only one thing is going to fill you up now if you're taking notes circle that word full any time you're full of resentment you can't be full of the holy spirit you you can't if i'm full of bitterness i can't be full of god's presence in my life and finally there's a seventh cost of bitterness and unforgiveness and it's the most expensive price tag of all and it's this anytime i won't forgive i won't let it go i block god's forgiveness in my own life anytime i won't forgive you for some hurt you've done i block god's forgiveness in my life now look at this verse in matthew 6 15 jesus says this if you refuse to forgive others your father will not forgive your sins whoa whoa whoa whoa he's saying i block god's forgiveness when i'm unforgiving because i burn the bridge that i have to walk across to get into heaven in other words i cannot expect to receive from god what i am unwilling to offer and give to others this is a very important statement here it's a high price if i am unforgiving i will be unforgiven now when we look at this list of the seven cost of holding on to a hurt that i just gave you all those seven things let me ask you this is it worth it is it worth it holding on to that grudge is it worth it being bitter is it worth it refusing to let that person off the hook when i harbor hurt i walk out of god's will when i retain resentment i halt my happiness when i breathe bitterness i suffocate my spirit when i internalize my anger i harm my health it's bad for my body when i hold a grudge i hurt many people when i refuse to let it go i'm acting like an unbeliever and when i won't forgive i block god's forgiveness in my own life so the bottom line is this bitterness is not worth it resentment is not worth it the price is too high you need to not go one more second without dealing with it right now so you ask okay great how do i do it how do i let go of a hurt that i don't want to let go of well james in the bible tells us to do three things with our hurt now here they are write these down they're very simple but they're profound what do i do with my hurt first thing number one give it to god give it to god let him handle it unload it on the lord well you say it like this god this hurt is too heavy for me to carry and i'm not smart enough to know what's the right thing to do about it and i'll probably make a mess of it so father i'm giving you this hurt that person hurt me and i would like for you to handle it it's now out of my hands i wash my hands of it it's in your hands that's what you say you give it to god now here's the good news the good news is that god has already volunteered and is willing to handle it for you in fact what i just told you to do he tells us to do he commands us to unload it on him jesus said this i love mark chapter 11 verse 25 in the amplified translation listen to this it's pretty strong he says whenever you pray whenever you pray if you have anything against anyone that pretty much covers everything if you have anything against anyone forgive him and listen to this let it drop let it drop just leave it and let it go let it drop just leave it and let it go in order that your father in heaven may also forgive you for your failings and your shortcomings and let them drop he says i'm gonna cut you some slack you cut others of slack and if you do that for them i'm going to do that for you now based on this statement of jesus let me ask you a question he says you should just let it drop and i'll let the stuff in your life drop based on this statement let me ask you this how much energy does it take to drop something how much energy does it take to do nothing you just let it go okay it doesn't take any energy at all you just let it go and all of that energy that you've been putting into hating and resenting and having a grudge and carrying your grudge and nursing your resentment all that energy that you've been wasting on that is now released to be used on more important and constructive projects later in first timothy paul adds these words about what god wants us to do first timothy 2 8 he says what is needed everywhere is for people to lift up their holy hands in prayer look at this what is needed everywhere is for people to lift up their holy hands in prayer instead of having angry disputes and resentment what is he saying here he's saying okay instead of being out there and commiserating with all the others and all the things that you think are unfair in your life instead of commiserating with others communicate to god and he says lift up your holy hands in prayer instead of being angry and resentful i love the way the message translation says it look at this on the screen first timothy 2 8 god says i want you not shaking angry fist at enemies but raising holy hands to god you see the difference here stop shaking your angry fist at all the people you're upset with that you disagree with and start raising holy hands to god in prayer praying for them let me ask you have you been wasting too much time shaking your fists at your cultural enemies your political enemies your personal enemies why don't you start trying to raise your hands in prayer instead you get a whole lot better results in fact today i want to give you a challenge for the next 60 days now i i know that some of you this would be really hard because the truth is you're addicted you're addicted to do this but if you're serious about reducing anger and frustration and bitterness in your life i want to challenge you to do this for 60 days the next 60 days between now and the presidential election will probably be the most divisive period all year there'll be mudslinging there'll be people yelling at each other be people getting in fights families getting in fights because people take all this stuff real seriously and what if you for the next 60 days between now and the election that maybe the best thing you could do to get some perspective in your life is to do a social media and news fast you know i'm not doing any social media right now why because anything i say will be misused misunderstood thought of political and i'm not even talking about that but instead of spending so much time on facebook get your face in this book that'll make a difference all right get your face in this book and talk to god while you're reading stop watching so much news it just upsets you okay stop getting on social media where all those trolls are looking to hook people and get them angry they get their thrills and they're going oh i caught another one got a live one give your hurt to god and go through a media fast and then as romans 12 reminds us trust god to take care of it that's the first step give give it to god and then let god take care of it romans 12 verse 19 says this never never avenge yourself leave that to god for he has said that he will repay those who deserve it now who's got a bigger arsenal you are god who can handle it better you are god never avenge yourselves leave it to god i have tried to live by this principle for my entire life and and ministry i give it to god and i don't hold on to what people people have said some of the meanest things to me about my family when matthew died and all kinds of things that i could have gotten real bitter real hurt over i'm just not gonna i'm gonna let it like water off a duck's back first you give it to god here's the second step how you let go of hurt you heal it with grace heal the hurt with grace you know often the person who hurts you um what they're doing is they they've got guilt in their life hurt people hurt people and why don't you offer them a little bit of grace ephesians 4 32 says this be kind be kind and compassionate to one another forgiving each other just as in christ god forgave you he said you know be forgiving remembering how much god has forgiven you be forgiving other then he says always be kind do you know that today is national kind speech day today so that might be a good thing to to work on but he says just as christ has forgiven you you know the reality is i will never have to forgive anybody more than god has already forgiven me there's just no way one of the reasons why so many people have a hard time letting go have a hard time forgiving is because they've never really felt fully forgiven themselves and maybe that's what you feel and you go well if i i don't feel good about me i certainly don't want you feeling good about you i don't feel forgiven so i'm not going to forgive you well we could remedy that one today we can have every sin in your life forgiven not just the past ones but the ones you haven't even committed yet we can remedy that you just remember how much god has forgiven you and it makes the forgiveness of other people a whole lot easier now i know what some of you thinking he said rick this is all good give it to god okay and and then trust god to handle it um i i i know i know what you're thinking i don't have the strength to do this i don't have the power to do this i don't have the energy to do this i don't have the the ability to forgive this person uh that hurt me so so deeply i'm weak i just don't think i can do it i'm weak and you know what god's response to your weakness is great congratulations congratulations on recognizing your weakness and your own inability because now we can get something done as long as you were trying to do it on your own power you were going to fail but now that you realize you're weak and you can't do it on your own you're going to depend on me now we can actually get something done second corinthians chapter 12 verse 9 says this god says my gracious favor is all you need my gracious favor is all you need because my power works best in your weakness so for you to say i'm weak i don't know that i can forgive them i don't know that i'm gonna let it go that's the step we're talking about right here okay so it means i say god i need your grace i humble myself i need your grace james says god gives grace to the humble now what does it mean in a practical sense to heal a hurt with grace well um it means you not only let them off the hook you forgive them you let them off the hook but you also change the way you talk to them you're more gracious in your speech you stop being so judgmental and you start being more gracious colossians 4 6 says this everything you say should be kind do you hear that that's the word of god colossians 4 6. everything you say should be kind don't say any unkind thing about some political person don't say any unkind thing about some somebody you disagree with about somebody who's different than you everything you say should be kind and well thought out so that you know how to answer everyone now let me just get right to the point if you claim to be a christian you claim to be a follower of christ there is to never be an unkind word spoken out of your mouth never everything you say must be kind i i think the message translation of colossians 4 6 makes it even clearer so let me read that one to you colossians 4 6 the message be gracious in your speech the goal is to bring out the best in others in a conversation not to put them down nor to cut them out let grace heal your hurt i remember in the first year of saddleback church there was a woman who came to saddleback and her name was judy johnson she always sat on the second row in little theater at laguna hills high school and she was blind in one eye and she had gone blind and the doctors told her that it was stress they said there's no physical cause that you're you're blind the the optic nerve is still there everything's there corny is fine it's just got to be stress she had gone through a terrible messy painful divorce and you know leading up to that was probably just as terrible and messy and painful and she was carrying all that stress and she had gone blind in one eye and in one of the messages that i was teaching that first year i was talking about this very idea let it go healing through the grace of god by not holding on to the hurt any longer and at the end of that service judy bowed her head and said god i'm gonna let it go i'm gonna give it to you and i'm going to let you heal it and heal me by your grace and i i'm just not going to i'm not going to hold it against them anymore all the pain that they've done we got up service ended she walked out walked out on the patio and boom her eyesight came back she was healed right there she got her eyesight back she hadn't had it for i think eight or nine months blind in that eye that is the healing power of forgiveness so what do i do with my hurts first i give them to god then i heal him with his grace and finally here's the third thing the bible says to do take your hurts take that hurt and nail it to the cross nail it to the cross what do you mean by that well bitterness is a sin and resentment is a sin they're not just peccadillos they're evil jesus died for our sins including your bitterness and on the cross he took every sin of every human being including all my bitterness all my resentment where does the sin belong it belongs on the cross so here's what you do galatians 5 24 and 25 says to do this those who belong to jesus christ to christ jesus have nailed their sinful attitudes and desires to his cross and crucified them there so now the holy spirit has given us a new life and power let us follow his leading in every part of our lives let us not be pridefully stubborn that causes resentment or irritate each other that causes resentment or be jealous of each other that causes resentment he said let us nail all those sins to the cross in our minds i'm nailing across christ you died for that hurt you died for that sin that has hurt me and you died for my sin of being bitter okay let's wrap this up are you ready to begin a new chapter in your life today with less misery less stress more satisfaction better health stronger relationships and a bucket load of other benefits too here's the secret stop paying the high price of holding on to a hurt take that bitterness and that resentment and give it to god and then heal it with his grace and then nail it to the cross where it belongs let's pray would you bow your head and with your head bowed would you say lord thank you for the lessons i've learned today i i now realize just say this in your mind i realize that when i harbor a hurt every time i do that i walk out of your will that human anger does not achieve god's righteous purpose help me to remember that when i retain resentment i halt my happiness my my heart shrinks and when i breathe bitterness i suffocate my spirit it's like a heavy weight heavier than a heavy rock or sand i'm only hurting myself with my anger and lord i i know that i've probably done some harm to my body by internalizing anger you said to worry myself with resentment is a foolish senseless thing to do and i may have even gotten sick because of some of that lord i realize today that if i hold on to this grudge it's hurting not just me but other people and it's allowing a root of bitterness to grow up that will cause me to miss the grace of god and my bitterness can poison and ruin everybody else around me i don't want that i don't want to act like an unbeliever you said that the godless are full of resentment and lord i certainly don't want to block your forgiveness in my life because i need it to get into heaven and i need it every day of my life and i want to be willing to forgive other people as much as you have forgiven me so i'm asking you to help me start on these steps and today i take that person that event i take that thing that i have thought about a thousand times and i once again i give it to you instead of lifting angry arms and angry hands in in uh in anger i want to lift holy hands in prayer i'm not going to avenge myself i'm going to leave it to you i'm giving this you to you god then i i'm just going to let it drop and let it go so that you let drop and go things in my life where i've hurt others i want you to heal me with your grace i want you to help me be compassionate and forgiving just as christ forgave me and when i feel weak and think i can't do it help me remember that my gracious favor is all you need my power works best in weakness help everything i say to be kind and lord today i symbolically in my mind want to take all my sins including the this grudge and i want to nail it to the cross i don't want to be pridefully stubborn i don't want to irritate other people i don't want to be jealous of others i want to live in peace as much as possible if you've never invited jesus christ into your heart you need to say jesus christ come into my life and replace my hurt with your love say replace my anger with your peace say replace my resentment with your grace heal my heart heal my mind heal my body and save me as much as i know how jesus christ i give my life to you and i pray this humbly in your name amen
Channel: Pastor Rick
Views: 95,329
Rating: 4.8717437 out of 5
Keywords: Pastor Rick Warren, Pastor Rick's Daily Hope, Pastor Rick, Rick Warren sermon, Rick Warren, Saddleback Church, Saddleback, christianity, church, church sermon
Id: zDTX6hopBCE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 24sec (2904 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 31 2020
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