A Dummy Reloads 9mm With Berrys 115gr Plated Bullets Using Hodgdon Longshot And Unis Ginex Primers

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welcome back my friends for another fun reloaded video today we're just playing with some nine millimeter just loading up some rounds to have on hand you know for practice or whatever we've got the berries 115 grain round nose today it's a plated bullet and it weighs you know 115 grams i've had these laying around for a while now so i figured it was time to use them up if i use them up i mean you know load them up and have them sitting around oh here's a nato head stamp get that out of here i don't want to be playing with any of them crimps going to be playing with the crimp because screw that that one felt real tight though that was aguila uncrimped there's an smb get out of here there we go i usually try and sort most of them out but you know can't find them all and it doesn't hurt to be inspecting them right now anyways because you know i've found a couple with some cracks and i found some other questionable ones i found a 380 case so even if you think you sorted your brass earlier it still always needs inspected every time you pick up a new piece always gotta check it out because you know if you're looking at thousands of pieces at a time you're not gonna catch every imperfection ever every single time so multiple inspections well you guys know that you're a smart crowd right as we can see everything's running nice and smooth we are using our the eunice genix primers here the bosnian ones so i got a couple hundred of those out and we're also using our long shot we're using uh 5.9 grains of long shot which is just under the max i believe there's six grains but we've shot this load a bunch in the past and my guns love it it's a little snappy but it's not bad it helps you focus getting back on target and your grip and all that fun stuff but i've never run these over the chronograph so that'll be kind of fun to uh collect some of that data and see how it's actually been performing [Music] if you remember a while way back when i first started playing with this load we're having a little bit of blow-by on the side of the cases with some of those gases so we tightened up the crimp a little bit and it seemed to help but it could just be how long shot acts really because i've never used it in any other loads before i don't think but with this being near max and a fairly heavy crimp i would say we should be preventing any of that blow by and such but yeah whatever whatever it's all good because they shoot real good like and as you can see we can do this pretty efficiently pretty quick but it's not a race you know like i said i'm inspecting each case before we even size it i've checked our overall length we've checked our powder measure every time we refill the primer tube just to keep everything consistent and it's running real smooth today real good uh-huh so i've got my lee sizer die in the front and station number one damn it there we go and then that moves over here to the powder funnel and powdered medull powder measure and then we turn to stage three where we're seating it we have our rcbs taper [ __ ] cedar die combo but i don't have it wow i don't have it engaging the crimp here on stage three because on stage four from the lead die set i took that seating and taper crimp combo and i'm having that one only taper crimp and not seat bullets so i like to do it in separate stages seems like you have more control and it also seems like it'd be hard to both crimp while this you know crimp and seat at the same time it seems like you're moving a lot of material around for one step when we could have it seated perfectly first and then squeeze around it later i don't know maybe that's what the die is already doing could be my ignorance on the subject who knows that's probably it like normal but anyways that's my setup lee sizing die dillon powder funnel through adapter and all that our cvs cedar and lee crimping works pretty well enough for my purposes rather yeah so it's uh you know it's raining all weekend like today it's friday it's uh pouring already thunderstorms all day let's give that another little there we go crappy weather not gonna get any range time all weekend because of the crappy weather so why not just load up a bunch of ammo instead all right never hurt anybody to have too much ammo on hand but in my recent uh reloading chores videos where i've been just sizing mountains of bullets i need to do the work ups and developments for those before i load up you know a big pile of those so we need to do that i've got several powders to test several of them i think would do great you know and from the mp mold i did some of those with the solid points with that r tech plus p that looks like crap this thing's all beat up we're going to load it anyways huh anyways yeah i got several powders i want to try and that mp mold with the solid flat nose instead of the hollow points those came out at 143 grains so that's going to be a lot of fun to have some big heavy hitting subsonic loads come on now i wonder if i can you know dial in right at 10.50 or wherever that subsonic threshold is and that way if they don't hit 1100 or 1150 out at 25 yards or wherever they're not passing through that uh transonic threshold there so that's not going to disrupt their flight so if it's already going under that threshold it can't pass back through it so that's why we need to find a load again maybe a thousand or a thousand fifty with those big heavy bullets and that could be a lot of fun but conversely you know if you're doing a 120 grain 115 grain bullet like these we're gonna really try and push them hard but these you know this is like i said is almost a max load with long shot which is a fairly slow burning powder which should be giving us some higher velocities than say tight group or tight wad or any of those faster burning powders if my barrel is the proper length so that's the key thing so i can't wait to try these on the chrono like i said should be cool should be good and it should be fun to dial in those subs like do a ladder and oh gosh do a ladder and see where my velocity is and and then see if we can dial in you know some good deviations with a powder i want to get hung up a little bit there we go and yeah i'm just rambling at this point but it's all good we're up here loading on a friday so yeah we can't complain about that let's do a quick spot check on our powder turn on our crappy crappy scale spot check on the powder beautiful right on the money although i don't really have a whole lot of trust in this scale it's just a quick reference you now but it's good enough it's good enough that's why we go under the max because if it happens to throw a tenth over we're still safe and also if it throws a temp under well it should still function our gun and we'll probably not know the difference while we're actually shooting them so lost another what the hell i need to play with my little ramp there or something where'd he go there she be and we're down to our last few primers here for this tube so i shall refill it plus 100 yay primers now don't be scared there will be more that's not the end of the primers so you know just load them up brother and here we are all that one was toys dang aguila i swear they're not crimped but they're like they're super tight okay this next one is also aguila so let's try it yeah see i want to give a little pop but we can look at them here i guess is that is that totally cramped inside there is it staked into the uh around the uh yeah i bet so but i don't know man whatever they seem to go in they seem to work so should we run out of bullets or run out of primers first i think we'll have a couple of primers left or sorry i think i'll have a couple of bullets left but then we'll have 300 on hand which is my goal because i've got you know i got these three things over here i want to fill up with 100 each to have those on hand and you know oh yeah mm-hmm what were you a blazer you felt toy all righty and whenever we uh go to test these on the chronograph i'm not going to sort them by head stamps right now but you know i can look at the three boxes of 300 and find you know five or ten matching headstands whenever i go to test it so we can see what kind of consistency those have heck i could probably test five or ten different head stamps through this random mess here maybe we'll do that we'll see the different case capacities of our rounds that could be sort of fun right wait who are you ppu okay but that could be fun tests that could be a fun thing to do you know we don't have to sort them right now but again at the range i can probably find five or ten different brands with five or ten of each and we can do some kind of tests right that sounds fun a whole day of nine millimeter oh so do you guys like these videos when i'm just kind of sitting here and loading and rambling cause i did the 300 blackout one a couple weeks ago i did the 38 special like way long ago and i'm just kind of bringing you guys along here rambling about my process without doing a full you know in-depth how-to video but it's kind of fun right maybe i need some music in the background that won't get copy written or stricken or whatever oh you was the tight one blazer why are you gonna be like that blazer this blazer cci spear blazer cci it's all it's all vista outdoors and then you got federal in there as well so who's blazer are they part of that mess i don't know here's another blazer this case is dirty too yeah i had a little ledge on it it felt like going in but there they seem tight which is good there we are federal um i'm gonna have to change my overflow bucket here because we're about to start losing them oh that one was a tight one there's a 380 case we'll get you out of here rws okay yeah whatever that one felt fishy and gross hmm rws that was a gross one and then we got a winchester a good old crappy white box brass it works just fine there we go all right we'll uh change up angles here and i'll meet you on the other side come on gotta get it just perfect under that little springy oh yeah i gotta we're changing views here we gotta mix it up for the people all right leave it there so i can't screw anything up stand by hopefully that's just a great shot of my arm right oh it is it didn't it is well let's uh you know get creative here and move around the arm arm we gotta come in low okay how's that still just a bunch of arm whatever you guys are gonna have to deal with it then we got some thunder going on out there some dang ol thunder going on i actually like the thunderstorms it's nice and cooling and soothing and probably crack the windows and have a nice breeze coming in here and there we have it there's our 300 rounds loaded up i had about 20 extra bullets left over so i'll just keep those to maybe play with and load up one or two here and there just to maybe test a powder or a velocity or something who knows it's you know always good to have a couple spares on hand but anyways yeah we went through some primers but boohoo look at what we have now so you got to trade one thing for another you can't just stack those to the ceiling it doesn't help if you don't have any of the other parts so at the end of the day i have more ammo than i started with and i'll call it a win but uh you know we're just here rambling anyways so thanks for joining me folks i appreciate you spending your time here i know you could be doing like anything else with your time but we like to look at the shiny pretty stuff too anyways if you enjoy this sort of content feel free to subscribe to the channel make sure to follow me on instagram at dummy round official we will see you guys in the next video have a good one
Channel: Dummy Round
Views: 5,681
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dillon, 550, 550c, progressive, press, reloading, hand, load, handloading, how to reload, 9mm, berry, berrys, plated, copper, bullets, hodgdon, longshot, unis, ginex, bosnian, primer, small, pistol, 300, rounds, mtm, ammo, box, case, primers, brick, sleeve, components, reload
Id: aJyVr-vVM9I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 33sec (1413 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 18 2021
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