A Dragon's Tale: Part 3 - Justin, Cole and Kieron Williamson

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this is Luda one of the dragons created for break by a young artist with exceptional ability Ciaran Williamson is still only 12 years old yet he created this and his oils and watercolors of the Norfolk landscape have already brought him fame and fortune this dragon is called Luthor jr. anglo-saxon time some blood and people called Adam Luda though we fought be quite fitting Kirin was only seven when he held his first major exhibition in his home county Norfolk outstanding commercial and critical successes followed Kiran is now self-made millionaire and for him to paint a dragon was a real coup for the charity dan said oh you've been asked to do a go-go dragon um so I thought I've been a dragon shake canvas but then we were told it fit in the back of a Land Rover so one of them little one some let it turned out to be this one it was so white um and such and so blank um it was quite hard to then get my head around what I was gonna plan to do on on the dragon any regrets on first sight uh yeah um ignorant um for for me thinking it being easy I based it on all on scenes around Adam or scenes viewed from marshes from wladim um so I fought with the laden dragon it been right to put my favorite scenes on to make it special going up on the bank to where the carp flakes are and you got a really crackin theater a be in the car place with this reflection okay okay look quite nice for them they'll like just down the road from the Williamson's art gallery are the ruins of some Bennett's Abbey a place Kieran knows very well and loves to paint I'll put a tone on that set takes away that awful white background so I got a nice mucky color to start off with some Bennett's Abbey is an instantly recognizable local landmark in this part of Norfolk it's also the site forever associated with a legend of the Ludden dragon there was a dragon who used to torment the village and then there they blocked up but home when it was out one day so it flew to the Abbey where the gatehouse was and it made its way into the dungeons where still life today I think you won't see anything not yet it's not as good quite well still a long way to go so I hope I don't burn up yes really hard to know when to stop because you can play with a picture all the time any just kill it that becomes dead think that's it then come done for a landscape painter like Kieran working on a 3d large-scale dragon has been an interesting challenge but the subject matter painted on Luda is very familiar territory I want in two feet makes Adam feature in it heavily and because of the myth of the dragon and my favorite sort of bits on the boards so it's humans Norfolk is it yeah I think it is my Norfolk on my started on this side we're very good with the love the light weed cutter um it sort of like a goddamn legend stuff what thiiiis a triptych of the poses we send them in the most so him thinking about doing the recut and then carrying the reeds way so I thought it told a nice thought story this wing is fern mill this is on the board's lovely and you can really do Borden and picture of output and the sailing that would be wrong so on the front bit I am a perk Ramnath Church in with some sheep grazing on the field and the buyer now which I regularly walk around the martyrs it means like a lot to me but it all be in Norfolk well been brought up and yes the scenes that I love to paint most I'm glad house turned out because looking at it now I wouldn't change anything another part of the work break do that I love to tell people about is there support for children with special needs and their purpose do residential home for young people with physical and learning difficulties has been described by parents as a lifeline here's my Morni house in Kingsland he's so important to Cole and his family Cole is a little boy he's eight he loves swimming the park Sea Life Center drives in the car television his iPad kisses cuddles and lots of love Kyle was a comic he's a comic he he's a tease in the flat he will he will push your buttons he will test test your and your patience he will he will work things out very quickly on how he can achieve what he wants and if that means if that means being cheeky he'll do that Carl has dravet syndrome it's a severe epileptic disorder he has multiple seizure types so he has what's known as a seizure type called a tonic-clonic which is a convulsive seizure he has non convulsive seizures he has absence seizures which are stare like seizures where he becomes unconscious for a brief amount of time he has my clonic seizures which are jerks of the body and he has severe photosensitivity which is sensitive to light Cole can drop to the floor and have a seizure stops him from doing something that he wants to do so he may be playing and then he'll put his arm over his face and the idea is that the seizures happening in these visual cortex and could be interfering with with his eyesight when it happens we reassure Cole and we pat him on the back and we give him that time to get over that small seizure it's a very small seizure the lasts a few seconds it used to scare us because we didn't think he was going to live to be two years old he's got a thing about theme tunes but you get obsessive about EastEnders binging and SpongeBob SquarePants he goes it's like so pop I don't see Cole as having disabilities I don't see Cole as being an invalid I don't see Cole as being different the government now used a word special and I think that's appropriate and I think you cannot define a child by what he can or can't do and the most important thing that we can give Cole is love Cole can spend up to 28 nights a year a Mauli house it takes planning and preparation to help him take the change in his routine in his stride Oh what are we gonna do if he knows that there's routine in his daily life then that can help him with the control he knows what's coming next where are they going so we showed Nicole a four laminated picture of the front of Morley house with a big big blue door and we would keep emphasizing Morley house and Molly house journey from school is different so that's another indicator that he's there something's different and then he will only truly know 100% what's going on when we're at Morley house I see the pictures is just the idea to concept how much of that he understands where I'm sure the look of Molly house is a home last thing I would want is rich be a clinical environment so as it's a home we pay great attention to being visually pleasing and have a friendly caring and fun environment I'm just setting up Kohl's books here that he has at home so that he feels at home in Morley house it just makes it easier for him that he knows that you know the things he has a homer I hear as well I think as long as you know that you've done as much as you can I think that's the most important thing I think it's something that I would want if I was calm I hope that they feel safe they feel loved and they feel that they're in an environment they can grow and reach their potential and so it's like a home from home the process for cold coming here took about a year off from visits and talking and meetings we wanted to know from Molly house how they were going to support Kyle and the training that they were going to do and the questions that they asked us as parents and how they were go know how they were going to facilitate cos care was really important that we listen to them and they listened to us I first started to trust Molly house when Cole had his first sleepover on the reassurance came from calm his happiness when I came to pick him up if he was happy and I could see that he had enjoyed himself then we were happy that things were going right I know that they loved Molly house because they show it they come running through the doors the Paris tell us that they're looking forward to coming parents more than once in fact quite often say that we're a lifeline when cars at Molly house the family are able to do things with my 14 year old son who could we could normally do with wood coal because of course hi care needs but as long as he goes to places where he's going to have fun playing and laughing and exploring then he's happy so go into someone's house for a cup of tea or for dinner or for going to a restaurant to have something to eat he wouldn't be interested in any of those and so we it's not that we don't do those things we don't do those things with cold Molly house is needed in Norfolk by demand of parents and demand of young people this is our staff notice board and you can see that we have a good age range with our staff which is really important it's important to have young bubbly energetic staff and it's important to have maturer slightly calmer staff and there's lots of different reasons for that one of the reasons is we like to have a family environment and in a family you have different ages so you'd have brothers sisters aunts uncles parents so that works well but also the young people that come here are all very different and we treat them all as individuals some of them really love the lively staff running up and down the corridor playing football etc others like to snuggle up next to a granny type figure and have a story read and asked that's how we work out our staff team this is our magic carpet which we fundraised for last year very proud of it and it's very very popular it has a variety of programs this particular one as you can see it's interactive so young person can either jump on it and the flowers will move or they can lay on it and they'll move around them it's used for fun but is also used to post emulation so we have some young people who might be in a wheelchair and able to to walk and they can come and lie on this and watch all the flowers etc come around them it's a brilliant addition to Morley house and they all love it this is called our sensory room and it's a room that we're very very proud of we fundraised for this room and it was updated last year and now it is very very well used it's used for a variety of reasons the first reason it's used for is for stimulation so if we have a young person who has quite severe learning disabilities maybe in a wheelchair they could may become an Lionel a water bed which is warm and be stimulated by the environment that they're in the other reason that we'd use it for is de-escalation if you have a young person who's exhibiting quite challenging behavior it's quite very heightened you can come in here with them and it just naturally calming and they can chill out we say that this is called second home and that's how mall you want it to be they do a great job with understanding Colton Cole's needs
Channel: Break
Views: 11,526
Rating: 4.8571429 out of 5
Keywords: Break Charity, GoGoDragons!, Children's Charity, Kieron Williamson, KW15, Painting (Visual Art Form)
Id: FGcH1Pvs5Ic
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 57sec (957 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 25 2015
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