A DIY with a Little Help

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[Music] engineer 775 I'm at a site I was at years and years ago we did a water system for this customer he's been in touch with us ever since great family we've enjoyed working with them and I know we've been talking about a solar system for his place for years and recently we decided to do it this way different than we normally do um basically because the site is a difficult site and I couldn't get my driver on this side Hill this is kind of the best place for this ground Mount um it's not obstructing any view taking advantage of this Bank in the angle of the array is mimicking the bank so it's nice so he did a 28 panel sing player with some KB by facials on it and we're going to bring that in to the inverter so this project is kind of a DIY with us coming in at the end so all everything was built by the customer he hung the inverter as you'll see built the ground mount with the help of a friend or two and uh he said he'd never want to do that again so uh so I don't think he's going to go into business and compete with us but this was really nice to roll up on a job and the ground Mount was already built so we do work this way too we can get you the equipment you can build the ground Mount then we can show up and wire it all up so we got to dress everything get this four strings of seven land it in the pull box pull the wire in and then meter base is down there we've got a utility disconnect here here he also got it approved and um with his utility I ahead of time so and then he kind of did a we did a layout back and forth with some pictures of how we wanted to do this he got the 15K mounted he came and got the the gutter from us I went ahead and punched the holes for him and got him these parts I think some of this he did some of it I did and we talked about how to do it that's the solar coming in and so he did a great job got our bypass so we've never really showed up to a job where everything was kind of hanging in place so we got to do some tricky grid runs in and out of the disconnect still figuring that out and then we're going to run this is's entire house and then we'll have a back and forth with grid and load to our bypass like we usually do we'll have grid on one side solark on the other we'll have two stacks that's what James is working on now is getting to our our Giga stack Stacks we've been using these batteries recently really loving them so this thing sits on a obviously a movable castered base and this will be six High we're going to do two stacks of six so that will be a 60 KW hour stack of batteries and uh they'll be closed loop they they they are closed loop with the um 15K I did the 205s at my house these are the 100 amp hour batteries and you can do six high on this so super easy to build and the hardest part is getting them out of the crate but um that's what we're working on now so we'll build these two stacks they're going to sit here in front of the window and after we get our piping in and that's why I really like the casters so you don't have to take this heavy battery system and scrape it across the floor just move it out of the way build it and then when you're done with your other piping and all your other configurations just roll that baby in place so all right so we just got here on this job in an undisclosed location and we're putting together the all new Rubik's you've seen AR lithium in my videos the blue batteries this is the same company same chemistry same BMS just in a different form factor in a stackable version everything um simple there's no dip switches uh you basically select a master and this will be 0 1 2 3 and then you close loop that Master to the to the um solar or whatever inverter protocol you want to use you have lots of choices okay and we'll talk about wiring this thing up later but for now we're just going to build the stacks okay we're back day two and uh just had the power company come got in trouble yesterday we pulled meters when we're in South Carolina but Tennessee we got a wrist slap yesterday so we're uh we're repenting and I think we're okay the meter same meter Tech came back so we're good so I'm just pulling out pulling out the feeders out of this panel we're going to rework this we've got to take this which is grid and get it into our grid disconnect and then pipe that over to our bypass here which we have double step plugged I might still put a pdb in here to handle all the to tile the neutrals together and uh so we got to get some junction boxes in and then we call the utility back to get this thing turned back on now Willis is adding the microware to the customer's condensing unit and fortunately which was nice of them they have the stons and wios already put on the wires so we didn't have to go hunting for connectors so we have recently stocked up on them so that's kind of cool that there is you only going to make one butt splice that is that all did they provide that too so the the harm wire comes with the female this goes on the opposite side here contactor yeah so pretty straightforward did they give you a butt SP connector too oh using away goes duh nice so you just cut that run wire in half it's pretty cool and then they gave you a strain relief to go through the mhm it's just the machine so nice zip ties last day it's a wrap this array is 12.6 Kow and we saw 14.2 coming down from it today so those bif facials really do work put out a lot of extra power we got the uh utility put the meter back in for us we got everything buttoned up so the customer can now finish his drywall and uh clean this corner it's been open for we've been talking about this for several years these are the new gig stack they're 5 kilowatt hours each and this is a 60 KW hour battery Bank low voltage 48 volt and these are sitting on a castered base so you can move it out um there's a lot we've installed several of these now and they're working really well and they're paralleled in this 15K solarc are standard bypass and we added a generator I had one on the truck and the customer had a 6,500 watt generator that we went ahead and tested it so we're able to charge the batteries on the generator and we talked about future expansion we could run another house if we need to he's in time of use settings now so he'll be able to you can see what we're doing we're not using the grid and that is the goal so we'll see I think he's going to be able to do it without a problem with this amount of battery uh because they've got several Gas Appliances so that's a a good thing all right if we can help you the nice thing about this this was another thing I will share this customer we worked uh we've known him for a long time and he tackled this ground Mount by himself and he had a Helper and so I got to show up for the first time having the ground Mount already built all we had to do was wire it up so that was that was a blessing that was awesome and we talked through getting the wiring Troth built ahead punched I think didn't I punch those holes I punched those ahead of time for him and just did a quick lay out and a little schematic little drawing so when I got here the inverter was mounted bypass was up gutter was up the solar conduit was on in there and he put a string in there for me it was amazing I feel I feel I feel really spoiled and uh so we were able to do everything we need to do he had the holes this the disconnect was actually mounted and the only thing we did wrong cuz we were not in our usual state is we pulled that meter we got our wrist slap by pulling that meter and um we're in Tennessee and we shouldn't have done that so anyway if you need help you want to help put a you want to put a system in you want to do a lot of the work yourself we can help you do that too you can do a complete DIY you can do a partial DIY we'll H be happy to do a turnkey or if you're an installer or wanting to be an installer we can help you with getting you materials and permit packages drawings you name it so all right if you got any questions let me know engineer 775 signing out from an un Clos location [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Engineer775
Views: 6,505
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: tRPrpvLGbuc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 52sec (592 seconds)
Published: Wed May 22 2024
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