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[Music] is this much chicken too much chicken am i allowed to eat dessert every day no i ate out twice this week it's that unhealthy i'm hungry but i ate an hour ago but it was how much peanut butter is too much why am i still hungry should i even listen to my body that i want to change am i okay as i am you remind me of the arizona thunder hello everyone welcome back to another week of delightfully it's another video filmed with too many moons and zoom ups of my face while devouring everything in sight except this week we have someone very special controlling my dietary intake someone who knows food inside and out someone who inspires me with a relationship with food and just as a human being this someone is miss abby sharp the most famous dietitian blogger cookbook author youtuber mother bar and yogurt interesting and basically the most superhuman woman i've somehow been lucky enough to talk to it's kind of insane that's a whole new textured dynamic really good why don't people put bars in your hair but dangerous that's what you're supposed to do right she's a registered dietitian who loves built bars and peanut butter so i kind of trust her more than i trust myself tofu i don't know i've never experienced this before either brown cinnamon rude it might actually be delicious or maybe not so yeah this week a dietitian will be controlling everything i eat and you guys are gonna get to watch me enjoy this week a little too much it looks really good it smells really good abby has changed the way that i see food and has healed parts of my relationship with nutrition and my own body with her message in ways that nothing or no one else could she helped me realize i didn't have to live by diet culture's rules she uses real science and studies in her own education and knowledge to break all the fake and taboo diet myths in pseudoscience that has kind of overtaken the internet within the mantra whoa whoa whoa oh really good what do you rate it how easy it is in the fitness industry she's a real light she's real and raw and honest she's debunked literally every single nutrition myth reviewed every major celebrity's diet and she makes nutrition food science healthy living easy to understand respective and fun food should be fun and enjoyed and eaten every day while having a relaxed and healthy relationship with i know sounds a little too good to be true right raw i was like lightning in the microwave now this was something that i had never tried before following someone else's meals and recipes for a whole week sounded kind of scary but of course with abby's strong focus on nourishment and enjoying food actually being full and satisfied i knew she wasn't going to deprive me of my meal time staples peanut butter fruit build bars just everywhere what can i say she understands the peanut butter obsession oh yeah really disgusting salmon's nicely cooked oh fresh i'm not big bad flavors are complex they're correct fist bump ma fist bump fist bump me fist bump me [Applause] wow wow cookie's really moist that's amazing i think this is my favorite ben and jerry's flavor little chunks of surprises little nuggets little nuggets of happiness oh should be illegal for me the goal of this meal plan was just to show me that there is a way to nourish my body with both foods and life same night different ice cream as a way to live life fully and healthily while caring for my body while also being spontaneous and enjoying treats and desserts and burgers as a way to have both to love food and love your body at the same time as a way to live life enjoying food and feeling like the healthiest version of yourself too that's kind of what this meal plan was meant to remind me of that food is a freaking highlight of life and is allowed to be relished and savored and demolished and shared a lot of different people and sources and experiences shaped the relationship that i had with food from instagram telling me the good and the bad from parents teaching me to clear my plate and not eat after eight every single friend bragging about a different diet that they're on and health class drilling into my brain that one muffin would ruin my health and then to youtube guilt tripping me into working out after every single meal out all of these things were what shaped my relationship with food but then what in the world was supposed to fix it i felt as if i was permanently stuck in this toxic loop of restricting and being happy with my body and dreading every single workout and fearing all my favorite foods i thought the way i felt about food in my body was just something i had to live with it was my sad reality this is what it's supposed to look like so i genuinely do not know what happened i thought i would always have to say no to chips and ice cream and second servings of dessert i would always have to stop eating at night and go to bed hungry at six servings of veggies and zero servings of junk food well that was just the highway to a healthy and happy life quiet is actually pretty good it's like eating a cloud i'm calm into it okay i think i whipped the egg whites a little bit too much but it's still freaking amazing it's like protein oats cloud versus all of these sources that were meant to teach me about health and fitness and body appreciation so it taught me that my body and its cravings were wrong and that they knew what was better for me than what my own body knew i think what i needed at that time was someone like abby she made me feel enough she acknowledged and validated my struggles with food and body image as something real when i couldn't even do that myself and she managed to somehow through short entertaining science-backed videos realigned the role food played in my life and taught me that i had the control over food and the ways it affected my happiness and not yet happy birthday okay so good wow wow phenomenal she taught me i deserve food and i deserve to be satisfied and full and that my fullness is not dictated by the size or weight of my body and i think once i learn to see food and exercise is something that i deserve i became in control i deserve to eat out because i'm deserving of actually experiencing life my body deserves to be listened to because all it's trying to do at the end of the day is take care of me [Music] oh my god this looks crazy oh my god what makes life worth living this cheesecake right here i deserve to eat and eat until i feel satisfied at any time of the day after or before any meal whenever and wherever because i can only live my life fully when i am full and fueled with the right mindset and the right foods that make me feel my best happy birthday diet yeah we've all been tricked before we've all at one point or another have been sucked into those clickbait titles or the miracle foods or the fad diets that are supposed to help us lose 10 pounds in two hours or get shredded abs in two days i don't know we can't escape this diet culture trust me i've tried there's just nowhere to hide your best friend is over there swearing never eating carbs again your mom is practicing keto and influencers are everywhere you know reverse dieting dieting intermittent fasting i see and hear i swear every single day people labeling foods as good and bad healthier and healthy the evil foods the clean foods my nails looking sexy first of all donuts are not evil okay they are incredibly delicious actually and what abby does is clarify why all that stuff is complete bs and that if we really listened and trusted every headline and influencer telling us what not to eat we would literally be left with nothing everyone yes is entitled to an opinion but those opinions shouldn't be taken as fact i've said it before and i will say it again there is no such thing as bad foods or anything you can eat that will ruin or sabotage your health or progress when you eat it in melbourne one two three dad you didn't wait three one two three dieting restricting banning foods and fasting yup been there done that but the thing is all of those methods of weight loss or dieting only last for so long your body and your mind can only handle so much you can only deprive and fight against your body for so long until your body takes over and usually we end up exactly where we started is it okay adding a little bit of like sriracha mayo and cheese what i didn't realize is that the only diet or way of eating that's going to work is one that i can comfortably pleasurably sustain for the rest of my life and that's not one where i restrict myself to three apples four potatoes and a chicken breast a day damn [Music] that's really good i don't know how this would turn out with tofu though wow in the past my food mentality was that i needed discipline self-control or willpower when meal time rolls around to be slightly uncomfortable oh my god it's like looks like a balls lots of ice cream and you have to stop i'm strong enough to not order the pasta i'm weak if i eat the cookies even though i thought i was making healthier decisions it was still just diet cultures little ways of sneaking into my life i think it was good i think i'm not sure [Music] not good at this oh no i broke it freaking myself or an apple [Music] oh my god this is unfortunate a little waste of an apple oh my gosh wow this is bad guys you don't earn the right to eat because you restrict it you don't earn the right to eat because you need to gain weight or you worked out for hours or you finally fasted long enough you earned the right to eat every minute of every day of your existence simply because you exist simply because you're human the thing is we give food so much power over us if we give in to the foods we're supposed to restrict we failed and so we basically are labeling ourselves as failures for eating yummy food and what a sad life that is guys the food you do or do not eat has absolutely no correlation with who you are or your worth it's good the ice cream is important you're right kind of tastes like apple crisp healthy apple crisp our bodies absolutely brilliant seriously so smart i used to set up extremely strict food and exercise rules and completely ignored anything my body was trying to tell me whenever i try to fight against my body whenever i think i'm stronger my body proves me wrong because when we say no to our bodies our bodies want it more than anything these as humans we don't like limitations we want what we can't have i find that when i crave something and i let myself enjoy it and satisfy those cravings it's always better than denying myself to the foods i love to only end up not being able to stop eating it once i finally do allow myself to have it as soon as you restrict food you place it on a pedestal and yeah we can go a while without it but when the peanut butter consumes my mind all day basically half the jar will be gone when i finally have it i realize maybe listening to my body and giving myself permission may actually make accepting my body and my needs easier now i decide and my body gets to set the rules in conclusion you have permission to eat whatever you want whenever you want while listening to how your body feels too much of anything won't make our bodies happy but enough of the right things will and don't worry our bodies they'll tell us what's right i've always asked myself is the reason i choose healthier or healthified versions of brownies and muffins and ice cream because i actually want to eat them or is it because i'm being coerced by diet culture do i want to or do i feel like i have to happy food no matter if it's made with oat flour or normal flour banana or butter protein powder nutella they're all allowed and welcome into my diet it just depends on me that day what my body wants and the internal intuitive cues my body is sending me i know it's hard not to be influenced by which option is sugar-free or healthier or more diet friendly but i want the option that will make me feel better both physically and emotionally no matter how much it looks like a cookie a cookie made with oats banana and baking powder is just not a cookie there are too many times where i opted for the healthier option the lower calorie option the less yummy but close enough option to try to satisfy my cravings to fool my body into thinking that the cookie had been consumed but that's right body is too smart for its own good and then i'll go and munch in all the real cookies in the kitchen sometimes if we had just given ourselves the permission to eat and enjoy the cookie in the first place we could have just enjoyed it and moved it so i think it's important to ask yourself when you do go for the fat free ice cream or banana cookies or pb2 if it's actually what you want or if it's just you trying to trick your body remember there's no shame in eating real ice cream but there's also nothing wrong with getting some halo top and enjoying that too it's your life it's your ice cream and your body you do you just don't give up on the taste and foods you love because the diet world is telling you to i've been called out guilt tripped and hated for wanting to change my body as controversial as this topic is i still believe in health at every side [Music] sweet and salty crunchy soft creamy [Music] weight loss can at times improve certain health conditions and has the ability to make us feel more confident in our bodies we can still be healthy appreciate and love our bodies at every size i think what abby does that makes me feel almost safe and validated along my journey is that whatever my goals are for my own body and my own weight and my own health and fitness journey no matter what part of this journey i'm on my goals are mine and they're right for me weight gain weight loss gaining muscle or strength or focusing on eating more veggies or more intuitively or incorporating more fear foods we are all on such different journeys with our relationship with food and we have to respect each other's differences oh my god there's something in the rice oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh can i go inside but the thing abby other influencers and my own experience with weight change has taught me is that my health and my happiness my overall quality of life is not dependent on the size of my body when i was at my smallest i was the unhealthiest i've ever been and when i was at my biggest i was the happiest and strongest i had ever been size does not determine health and changing the way your body looks won't necessarily bring you the happiness you're looking for it's not bad what are you waiting out tim for ice this intense cream in the background this is like a 6.5 it's really good it's refreshing love and growth can go hand in hand so when the word cheat comes to mind the first things i think about are usually things that are frowned upon or deemed unacceptable like cheating on an exam or in a race the dictionary definition of cheat is to deprive of something valuable by the use of deceit or fraud which is true for many cheating situations but to label eating food something that we need to live something everyone has to do as cheating that's just a little bit messed up everyone cheat day videos were my entire life okay it was a way i could watch someone else eat everything i knew i should never eat myself and over time the term cheat day and i i realize just don't belong in the same sentence or paragraph or world actually it's just another way that deprives my body from its cravings whatever happened to just you know eating what you want in the moment without the pressure to feel guilty from eating certain foods as abby says food does not have emotion oh it doesn't fit it does not have intentions and it definitely does not define you you are you food is food and you are not cheating for tata time never had a frittata before [Music] you're just making a choice by calling certain foods bad or dirty it can create feelings of necessary guilt after eating which almost always leads into a cycle of restriction overeating regretting and repeating that cycle over again if you need a day where you physically make yourself sick from overeating and that feels better than all the other days of the week where you're feeling deprived you probably shouldn't be eating that way chef or something i don't know why i grew up with the intrinsic fear that if i ate after 8 pm i would gain weight that after this randomly very specific chosen time my body would just stop digesting food and that everything eaten would be converted straight into extra weight on my body whoever started this diet myth i would like to personally tell you i hate you for taking away sleepovers nights out with friends and family movie nights that would have been so much better with a bag of chips and pineapple ben and cherries the muffin is really good it's recent research shows your body doesn't process food differently at different times of the day your hunger isn't just fake or your body isn't just lying to you because the time on the clock is a different number and of course everyone's body's different but 801 does not have to prevent you from living life and enjoying food in the weekly meals abby gave me she specifically said to go out and enjoy a restaurant meal and i think the moment i read that i was overwhelmed with too much happiness and honestly a little bit of peace i remember so many times growing up where there would be so much anxiety leading up to eating out getting fast food or restaurant meals restricting before over exercising after so by abby including that and the meal recommendations was such a wave of reassurance for me one meal out maybe even several a week with the right balance won't hurt you or have any noticeable impact on your body and you won't have gained five pounds from one meal but what you will have gained is a great time with friends some good laughs a delicious meal and a lot of memories that are worth so much more than saving a couple calories or having a little more control over the food entering your body tomato this is also i think look at how big this i didn't know food freedom was possible for me i really didn't believe that i could listen to my body and just have one cookie and feel okay i didn't think my life could be filled with all the foods i love while also being able to nourish my body with all the other vitamins and nutrients it needed a little fancy it smells ridiculously good hi doggos i didn't know that it was possible to find balance but it is i am proof my own journey shows me that everyone from any extreme can come to heal and mend their relationship with their bodies [Music] [Music] peace can be found abby reminds me that the answer to this piece is to give yourself a hundred percent unconditional permission to eat no restrictions no rules just pure permission really good oh my gosh working out is a huge part of what makes me who i am i truly do it out of pure love and enjoyment for the sweat strength and confidence and painful happiness it brings into my life i like to incorporate movement into my everyday routine in some way or another whether it be going on a stroll or a lifting session at the gym or an aggressive sweat to caroline on my porch i like to do it fueled with food and in my gym shark the new mercury collection which is what i'm wearing and along with the speed collection was just released link is in the description to check it out it's just too cute to miss out guys people always like to tell me i overdo it with working out but i do it for me to feel good and i always make sure with exerting my body and sweating a lot and fueling my muscles properly and replenishing my energy stores and providing my body the right nutrients to recover too i am so grateful for creators like abby that make me feel like what i'm eating and how i choose to feel my body is right into this calm and okay and allow that i'm allowed days where i only crave salads i can't have protein powder if i want that oreos and donuts and ice cream are a part of my own balanced and healthy lifestyle after years of fighting and fighting against my own body i feel like i'm finally allowed to listen to my hunger and trust my body again and most importantly abby makes me realize that my food fears are valid my past with food is valid my eating disorder was real and some people won't ever understand it but my relationship and experiences and challenges with food are my own we are all on our own journeys and we all have our own struggles and ways of dealing with diet culture and this toxic culture while it has impacted us all it has impacted us all differently and we all live such different realities and she makes me feel accepted in mind a reminder for us we don't need to defend our food choices to anyone we're allowed to eat the food that we love if they bring joy and happiness and satisfaction into your life why would you ever deprive yourself of that happiness [Music] [Applause] [Music] this so yummy thank you abby no complaints never tried this before [Music] really good moving on honestly the star of this week my actual new go-to snack the yogurt bowl why have i never done this before i can't go a single day without eating this ever again and in the beginning the peanut butter and yogurt mix honestly freaked me out a little bit not a combo that i thought would work but it works trust me it really really works give it a go you'll never know until you try you see abby told me what to eat but she never told me exact measurements or when to eat what there were no rules just delicious recipes i had full autonomy of my own food choices and the flexibility to practice intuitively eating because that's just what it is no boundaries no rules just you and your body [Music] holy damn it smells so good oh damn wow it's really good holy oh my god would you rate out 10 i swear in every abby video she's always saying protein protein protein and i mean fair enough it plays a key role in the creation and maintenance of every cell in our body it helps with recovery after exercise crazy so literally almost all the meals she recommended to me included some type of protein and something i know we both love as a quick easy yummy chocolatey source of protein which is yeah you're right built bars you guys already know this is one of my absolute favorite ways to get in a few extra grams of protein and my chocolate fix in we are both obsessed with the microwaving trick i swear every flavor tastes better microwave for 14 seconds it never gets old ma'am use the link as always in the description to get 15 off your billboard orders seriously the best protein bars out there guys seriously [Music] apparently i'm a coffee person now food is meant to be so many things meant to provide you with life and fullness in so many ways we can love food and be healthy we can eat healthy and still eat all the foods that we love we can be better than diet culture we can fix our relationships with food thank you for teaching me that i deserve to live a full life with fullness in my stomach and in my mind and in my heart that life doesn't have to be filled with worries over my next meal the calories i overrate at the restaurant fear of gaining weight from listening to my body it shouldn't be filled with guilt and hunger and restriction oh my god sandwich is so good it shouldn't be filled with foods i despise eating or hatred towards my body make some cheesecakes should be filled with trust trust in your body and in yourself filled with late-night snacks unplanned cookies and donuts with spontaneous nights out with foods that enrich your life and fuel your soul filled with peanut butter and protein oats filled with food freedom and food adventures it should be filled with appreciation for your strong body and mind that is deserving of the experiences we can only have we feed it because only then do we allow ourselves to focus on filling our lives with more life instead of filling it with more lies from the world around us yeah look how pretty that is everyone dig in it's a winner crazy this is the best thing in our recipes you haven't even tried everything we can't fully focus on any of the worthwhile parts of this life the little moments and the time spent with loved ones and little successes in every day we can't focus on those things if we filled our minds with the fear of overeating and the shame and guilt and weight change and never thinking we are good enough to live fully you have to know you're enough [Music] and whole enough and filled with enough courage and confidence and strength to overcome whatever it is that gets in your way empty that guilt and fear so you can fill your life with more love so feed yourself today whether that's actually eating a bowl of oats or by taking time to do what makes you feel whole like biking or baking or spending time with people you love or spending time with the person you should love most yourself feed yourself today and the way that makes you feel most whole most like you thank you abby for fueling and filling me with so many foods this week and filling me with the right kind of information thank you guys for filling up my life with purpose and hope and a lot of pancakes i'm feeling the fullest i've ever felt and that's a really good feeling i love you guys we'll talk soon and you know what let's live fully together
Channel: Linda Sun
Views: 558,079
Rating: 4.9756665 out of 5
Id: qonUwoBoZFg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 24sec (1584 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 05 2021
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