A Day Making the Most Popular Pancakes in NYC | On The Line | Bon Appétit

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the Su Chef it's my job to teach the people to making sure every single recipe is really consistent and the texture is good I love e sh my heart is in here I was working in construction in Mexico when I get in this country I saw people cooking and I was say oh I want to be like those guys my first J was a best ches Matan is very very popular for brunch we have the best pankin in New York we Ser over 400 pankins for day today is Friday we have a big weekend ahead hi my name is Fernando I'm a sub Chef a Matan come inside please this is a dining room we can see just 100 people in this night room CH is American restaurant but it's more European style [Music] cooking Alo it's me for the preparation and this is my list so tomorrow I got to be ready for for 300 covers pancake okay so now I got to do pancake we do extra love every single pancak in here as as my [Music] CH so we sell around 400 pancakes for a day just for one brunch I want to start doing this first so have a sugar sugar is helps to making crispy caramelized okay so I want to do so many lemons in here for for flavor and the pancak is different from the other place because we do lemon s in there I think is the secret part we use just exactly the lemon s just the jell one if we use a white part it's more bter so it's not good it's not a flavor what I looking for I have my eggs in here half part normal eggs and half part A we need a Sona egg wise to bring proof but not that over so that's why we level with jols to don't get like over over proof just like that with one hands and open it see easy we use head it through your the egg whites we separate and we use if people asking for egg whites crumble eggs so we don't waste any in here so I have the eggs ready and now it's got to go into the mix machine I Dr the eggs first now I wpp in all this sugar I am from Mexico I get here like 16 years ago my first J was a pastri and then I moved to the Lan but now I love this job and I love this place because I do everything I can do pastries I can do pancakes I can cook and I can prep so okay guys you can see now the mix already proof the egg whse jols and the sugar all this mix comes together the color is like changed so now adding the milk in here so slowly so I want to pour like half now like right so now it's ready to add the flower I got to do like core by cores in here like kind of like mixing slowly but it's got to fit all this flowers got to absorb the liquid so you can see now it right now this a little space cuz as got to fit all this meal too trust me it's a magic technically the pancakes I made in Mexico the on WE bed like and the powder already the mix so my mom is good for me I can cook for her now this is one of those my favorite dishes in here my love in here now I got this clarifier but in here clarifier but is help to the pancakes to make it nice and crispy because remember we bake like over like 400 pumpkins a day so this will help a little bit to get fast cook so you see we have enough space now this mix is ready to go I want this one out and that's it this is for the size of the pancakes it's easy to drop on the pla always we tting cup of piece to make sure it's nice we press it like two times the oil we use is L Fire Bar so this is H to get nice and crispy it's almost there we know how as moment to the flip it because the bubbles is on top I made sure on the bottle it's nice and brown because we're looking for the pr speed power so we flip it so always I flip it to that side because the oil can spill on my arms so you see guys now it's now in brownie this is the kind of pancake we need in here it's really really perfect pancakes so in the maple syum I got to put it right after we take it off the Plancha because this syrup I want it going inside the pancakes when it's hot is the best moment to absorb it all this syrup and size so I want to make sure the flavor is in there that's delicious crunchy on top but when you buy it it's like so and the middle the texture is very well and it's ready for the customers very good okay guys 10:00 so now you want to do ping so I got to grab all the all the condiments okay let's go I just got to grab all the pads on the oven it's too hot got to take it out got to be careful because like so much so let's see it how so we've ran in for two days as we use Sal water pin Sal in here we cook it with regular water so this has been there like for 2 hours and now it's already cooked this dish we have since we open this restaurant this P head we slicing it so we serve it with sun side eggs we serve it with parsley onions lemon s lemon juice and a cup of pipas penas like English and French sky but in ch time we we do like our own style but that's really really simple recipe and delicious is sometimes when the people know about this be head get a little scared but this meat is very delicious because it's a FY nice and soft and the flavor is different than the rest of the POR because the bread cu the egg Tong every single part is different flavor but when we mix together we get just one flavors most people throw away this part pork this P heads use the whole thing it's one of those favorite dishes in here I don't need this ones out the garbage yeah you see this is the Noe here a little marito we use everything we use the braad we use the no we use tongue we use the eyes you see here as the eyes we use the eyes too so that's uh this B that's split so in half and then I take out all the meat see this is the tong I take the part put in my my bow can seea littlea this dish for me is kind of I remember my country because it's like T this dishes name that so that's why I'm happy to service I want to make sure there's no any BS in there so just going to fill it part by part a little cavan here you see I find b b so that's why I'm making sure with my hands now is ready to get a condiment inside here we use a uniper uniper is so strong so we with a little now I do four Spice in here this is the mustard mustard going to do like one full spoon I use Cherry vinegar too Cher is like more acid it's a little strong but for this P head like salted this balances I got to mix [Music] this this KN here is a perfect for Chop juice it's a traditional for Chop Chop so one way so so I went to the other way I got to put it back on the ball one more opinion this is the moment to fix her if something is messing so so say need more they want to do like half a spoon and that's [Music] it now put all the meeting here now this mall is ready to go to the freezer and it's ready to slice in the next 2 hours so almost 11 I got a red meeting with my CC here Oscar CDC from chatan so how is everything going it's good to this is a meeting for making sure what has happened last night and what is happening this morning so we double check the bread list and then we make sure what about for the next day delivery [Music] now I'm making palaos it's really simple recipe nice and crispy we serve it with homos and green tahini sauce with a little cucumber salad so I just wanted straining first the chi pigs Chi we soak in water for one n the reason is because we need a soft and easy to ground in then we put all these Jalapenos in here onions cilantro so this is a flavor too so help to get nice and green parsley so now I got to drop this on the grounding machine the M grounder is helps to get nice texture and nice you can see it's like almost kind of do if we do on the ROC coat it's like too much Mushy and sometimes making like puree this a bigan just vegetable it's a glutenfree it's a perfect dish it's very very delicious I love it because Jalapenos in here see nice and green right this is all the jues coming this is the flavor this is the best part of this want to turn off a little bit this machines now I got to add all the spices the salt that's a CH chippy flour cumin the coriander mix together I think it's all ready to go I just want to taste one piece let's [Music] see so we use this scoop we use peanut oil so this is the [Music] moment [Music] so now we have a perfect BS so you can see inside it's really nice and hot and [Music] cook it's hot and I got to weigh a little bit I burn my tongue but it's nice ohar can you taste this AB neither nether more salt or no good well so this is ffos It's Already Done it's ready to service now is the time to get to do sausage let's follow me I got to do that it's my time it's time to make the sausage this kind of a fenel sausage comes with butter beans kale and also we do butter this is a 2 kilos meat this is the top of the pork shoulder this piece of meat is a perfect for sausage this is the trim from the pork shoulder we have from the dinner so and now we got to grounded on the machine I drop on the freezer like for 1 hours we don't need it really really frosen but we need it half and this part of the POR shoulder is a is enough F we looking for I got it on it on the mixer machine right here so right here is fenel pollen chili flake cronon chili black pepper and final seeds got to measure this I never forget this this a maple syrup this is for flavor because the flavor we're looking at we're looking something spicy and sweet this Maple C made the balance when it sces together you can see it's like almost One Bowl so this is what I'm looking for a board see so now I got a casing this is the machine what I use for casing so now I got to put all the meat inside here and put it here you can see where is the meat because it's cold this part because it's frozen this is a intestino the PCO first of all the water is held to bring out the Sal and it's help to get nice and soft and easier to put in this sto in here so we got to suck in water like 20 minutes before we use it I got to cut it in here we are ready for casing so I got to start it with slowly I just making sure with my hands is nice and tight we do the sors because we have a lot of meat of the poor shoulders we don't waste meat so we use all that in here after this I want to I want to portion it so you see all this meat is inside so I got to make sure all the all the bubbles are is in here so I want to pit it with this we seal on the grill and the grill is like really hot it's like over 4 100° and I don't want to explore it in there so this is the size we're looking for I do like one for in front and one for back because if I do the same we the SOS never get tight this is my first round now I going to for the next round because this is not enough for service I got to do like over 40 sausage so it's it's 3:00 p.m. so now it's time to make [Music] TR so this is confi trout we conf with olive oil and lemon sest I got a straming because I use this oil for Mayo this is a steel head troll it's very delicious fish we serve it with cracket the cracket is gluten-free comes with ch pickled red onions and also we use R and top so now I'm making Mayo for the trette I use six yolks in this and a little Cava vinegar so I use the same oil confit I going slowly so if I drop like fast it's broken we don't have any more oil with this flavor if we broke this Mayo we can't do any more for today so we got way to the next day to make mayo ready to go we use it a smoked salmon in this recipe just 20 g i going to chop a little bit the reason we use a salmon is we needed a smoke it flavor it fromed smoke salon now this TR is going here making sure every me that's in there nice and fresh in here for a kilo of the riette I use like half a cup of mayo this re is popular on the manual so we have Bron and dinner so that's why I got a taste with with Oscar he doing PMS we're making sure the flavor is exactly what we're looking for Oscar just let me know how it taste and can I more mayo or salt whatever you or acid it's a little more acid I think right yeah a little more salbe super nice I got to add little cup of vinegar in here it's going to be ready and that's it it's already done now now it's 4:00 I got to double check the prep L done and got to start doing my or so check the amount of the butter and things for the pancakes for the weekend check the amount of the fish the weekend and that will be so I got to go double check the won what else I needed so the won is down here I [Music] it's really really small work so that's why we got a keeping really nice organized we don't have enough space so that that's why we or every [Music] day okay my job is done thank you for following us [Music]
Channel: Bon Appétit
Views: 1,715,531
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: best brunch restaurants new york, best pancakes in new york, bon app, bon appetit, bon appétit, chez ma tante, chez ma tante brooklyn, chez ma tante brunch, chez ma tante new york, chez ma tante pancakes, day of a sous chef, food, inside a professional kitchen, new york pancakes, new york restaurant, on the line, on the line bon appetit, pancakes, professional chef, professional kitchen, restaurant life, what a real kitchen is like
Id: 1_5lYOUbh0g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 32sec (1052 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 09 2023
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