A day in the life

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today is very busy say we've got Richard for the day in London which is a rarity because he's travelling around the world so much we're starting the day out in the middle of nowhere in from airport hangar for a film shoot for Virgin Media I think that the principles that guide the Virgin brand and guide what you know 60,000 people who work for Virgin are both to make a positive difference in our business projects and also make positive difference in our social projects I think today is quite a good mixture of those yeah well we obviously just finished shooting the Virgin Media ad and I've got a quick call the Daily Mirror about drugs and then off the load side I'll give you a pound for every mile you rounded the Olympic for your wonderful charity in Somalia fifteen thousand times if you just give us fish bones in the house back I would say the overarching and key thing that really binds the group together is the idea of not just playing the game but changing it for good I think Richard embodies the principles better than anyone I've ever worked with in anybody that I know because he's very focused on the business on starting new businesses on making sure that he's got the right people in the businesses but also on doing things differently and really changing the game and I think that it's the combination of those that sits in the part is the great entrepreneur of his generation I just had a wonderful time at the office office and now I see the Secretary of State transport and hopefully design a little bit of paper about the Train yeah it's come from the new Secretary of State Transport and we had an excellent meeting the lighters say that we've signed a two-year extension to our train deal I think the result of the meeting to lose it's great news for us obviously because we're still in rail route even better news healthy for our passengers so we can carry on the deliver in that great service which can only be good for the traveling public I have a call with the elders there are wonderful group of people that are trying to deal with the conflicts in the world virtually unite was started to look at how do we bring together unbelievable people entrepreneural ideas to really tackle somewhat tougher challenges in it how do we create new purchaser global leadership so that's things like the Elders of having more room to be team and we've really been built on the underlying principle that business can and must be forced for good in the world and my son has made a wonderful film called to do which has really followed the drug Commission's work we're hoping at that film will make a big difference in stopping understand thousands of people who locked up have even executed in many countries for a problem which we feel should be treated as the health problems not any own criminal thing I think anyone who has an opportunity to travel in this world and be exposed to different cultures and faces and people realizes that there's incredible attention you give and I think virgin's business is very very good at that I think what does incredibly good about and I think no of course it's a rather from you together I think you can see that they both come at it from a viewer if it isn't working there must be a better way well I suppose I'm lucky enough to be in a position where hopefully I can make a small difference in in different areas and I don't want to waste at positions I like to throw myself into things and see what I'm capable of and see what the team of people wonderful young people around me okay to rock all I hope you've enjoyed as much as I have sharing a day in the life of yours truly see you next time you you
Channel: Richard Branson
Views: 1,288,142
Rating: 4.8291211 out of 5
Keywords: richard branson, video, interview, virgin, virgin unite, virgin trains, christmas
Id: oRqhoy4AVIM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 36sec (276 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 12 2012
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