A day in the life on the road to my recovery | Remco - #5

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good morning everybody it's uh 7:30 now and uh I will take you with me in a day of my recovery and uh now it's time for my first training session I have three sessions today and uh the first one is going to be an indoor training on my tax rers with some heat adaptation and uh it's before breakfast so it's going to be a tough one so let's start [Applause] [Music] today if you're standing still it's pretty freezing but I will after a few minutes I will already be very warm because it's actually a bit of a a heat session because next week we will go on altitude Camp to uh Granada SI Nevada and uh on the bottom of the clim it can be very warm there so uh I need to be a bit let's say overdressed so I get adapted to the heat already a bit so actually what is special on these rollers is that you have a bit of feeling that you're riding on the road because uh the rolls actually they move here it's a bit less because of the stones I got it present from [Applause] tax everything is set so let's go of course no training without music I don't like the noise of the trucks maybe it's good to mention here on my little screen I have this little sensor next to my outr belt I don't know if you can see it it's the the core sensor and uh the goal is to go [Music] to 38 and A2 degrees which means I will have fever on the bike and that's the heat adaptation training actually so nice little extra to mention so that's the goal of the training to be uh uncomfortable warm uncomfortably warm so yeah it's uh it's a really good session but it's not super nice to do cuz I will be uh sweating and it straight away pushing but let's hope it will help me [Music] steaming so actually what I'm doing is uh a 1 minute uh around fat threshold and then 3 minutes just under and like this I'm always going up and down to uh really heat up the body also I cannot take off any clothes so I have a base layer under this shirt and then a a thick Jersey uh which helps me to heat up now I'm already at 37.8 de of body temperature so uh that's why you see all the steam coming out of me is because I'm getting uh pretty warm so I think in about 10 minutes I will be at the 38 and A2 degree Mark and then we will also drop the power because then my body is already hot and I'm going to lose uh quality so that's actually the goal of this training session [Music] [Applause] so I'm uh getting ready for my last 1 minute effort uh now I'm at 3845 of body temperature so that's uh that's actually the goal uh so what is tough now is that the power is has dropped but my heart rate is staying High because of my temperature so that means means that uh the effect is uh going on or let's say the the goal of the training is uh I can really feel it now uh I mean I'm not pushing a lot around 240 250 Watts but uh I really feel like I'm suffering so it's uh it's working become a cyclist they said it will be fun so I have 5 minutes to go easy place 200 wats recovery uh right now my body temperature is at 38.6 De so uh I think uh the goal is reached and now uh yeah just 5 minutes of recovery and then breakfast I'm pretty hungry after such a interval session so uh I'm going to take a quick shower and then eat something good morning team [Music] [Music] so before uh I continue with my uh recovery day and with the other sessions we actually have uh let's say a surprise activity uh and yeah we will take you guys with us to that so uh I will not say it now what it is but you will see it on the images uh uh but it will be fun for sure it will bring back a lot of memories for myself as well and also for II so uh it's actually very nice that we can go there [Music] now has made the r of [Music] fore for [Music] [Music] go and the med the med is for am up mes [Music] so we are back from the let's say the small event that we that we went to we surprised our little sister Amir and she surprised us because she won so uh mission accomplished and now it's uh it's time to get ready for my first training outside so I'm going to get ready get dressed I'm going to have to put a lot of clothes on because it's quite fresh and uh there's quite some wind so I'm going to get ready and then I will see you on the road [Music] so little update about the material I'm riding I'm actually uh riding the Mondo Mondo 32 tires which are uh a bit more wide tires than uh we usually ride with they actually use these tires in paru so the reason I will ride them the first uh couple of weeks or let's say days maybe hopefully is uh to kind of um have less shock shockings in the in the bones so it would actually help me to feel less pressure and uh yeah to make it more comfortable so uh that's another small thing we will use in the first trainings uh I think it's pretty necessary because yeah it's only 2 and 1 half weeks now before I got the after I got the injury so uh I mean it speaks for itself that it's not healed completely so that's why I'm using uh different tires it's tubeless as well so there's uh it's with milk inside all right mate I forgot to put oil on my chain newbie stress wrong [Applause] is all right so I'm uh ready for my first ridee outside it's going to be about a 3-hour ride uh it's let's say a first test uh to ride on the road so after this we can we can move on or we have to uh to step back so it's going to be a an important test in the further steps of my uh of my recovery so uh yeah I'm ready to go so let's go [Applause] long Le look awesome [Music] he [Music] all right so I just finished my first ride outside uh uh about 3 hours uh just under it uh small 100 km so it went pretty good uh I still feel that the shoulder is a bit stiff so uh it wasn't 100% comfortable so uh good feeling in the legs I uh have a lots of lots of work to do towards the tour and all the other races but uh it's already a good start so uh we can keep on building from uh from this point on but for sure it wasn't a super good feeling in the shoulder but I think that's a part of the recovery as well so I'm quickly going to take a shower and then we'll head with the car towards anwp towards lab where I do all my physio stuff so that's going to be the last part of this recovery day and uh I will take you guys with me there again see you soon all right we have arrived in Leb uh which is in ANP it's uh time for the third session of the day uh I will have about 2 hours of Physiotherapy and also some strength exercises so uh this is mainly to keep the muscles and the ligaments around the shoulder uh just in in a good State and I think it's important to to also have this part and this kind of exercises in the rehab so uh it's uh it's an important and uh and uh a very necessary session uh which we do two three times a week so time for uh the third one of the day and the last one so let's go because I'm already a bit late we are a bit in a hurry speee come on [Music] foree spee [Music] thank you very much nature Talent [Music] oh um so I checked uh of course lco his collar bone I checked the mobility of his shoulder which is almost perfect let's say 95% of what it was a little bit more than 3 weeks ago uh further on I checked his posture uh because today he had his first ride on the bike outside which was 3 hours so then you often see that uh sometimes yeah they shift a bit to the left or to the right side but in fact his shoulders his hips were perfectly aligned also his lower back upper back um I checked his uh hip mobility I checked his trunk Mobility I did some muscular releases at his hip at his shoulder uh the connection between his head and his shoulder uh so yeah that's in a nutshell what we did perfect I couldn't do it better [Music] [Music] get [Music] we the be there [Music] some ice and compression therapy I'm going to mess I'm going to mess what a service what a service pleas so to finish our uh workout or our visual session uh we give him 20 minutes of compression and ice therapy especially for his uh right colar bone and in fact the whole right right shoulder uh to cool down a bit to relax the muscles to relax rco himself so it's easy to to finish the session to am my so that was it the day in my recovery on my way back and uh I hope you guys enjoyed it and yeah for me there's still a lot of work to do but for sure I will do my best to come back stronger than before and uh same thing as always I hope you guys enjoyed our comeback on YouTube so make sure you like this video you subscribe to the channel and keep following me on all pages and social media thanks for watching and and I will see you very soon again [Music]
Channel: Remco Evenepoel
Views: 412,162
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Remco Evenepoel, AeroBullet, Cycling, BehindTheScenes, Athlete, REV, CyclingCommunity, CyclingTraining, RoadToVictory
Id: HSi9Qdq6N8Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 36sec (1296 seconds)
Published: Sun May 05 2024
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