A Day In The Life Of The Drain Unblockers! #9

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oh hello there we're the drain unblockers this video was brought to you in partnership with milwaukee tours uk please check out our full range of products by clicking the link in the description below thank you very much right i've just turned up on an l17 job which is with by the st michael's station i think is i used to go to college at tech college uh riversdale tech many years ago it's been knocked down on a new house and say nice road this one nice treeline road as you can tell right i've already been in i've seen the lady and the guy um you've got actually quite a nice little cottage here but anyway uh in fact this has been blocked before they've got a manual on in this uh like a bin shed disguise the bins green purple as we know so here we go okay so i'm going to lift that up and i'll have a look what's going on okay because this toilet in here just right next to it it's not flushing properly and it's coming up high so as you know that'll mean hopefully the block manhole so i'll set it up here have a quick look oh yes so this is blocked i don't know what do the usual i'll just get me plunger first it's going to be awkward trying to get in there to plunge it i'll give it a go that's not very deep oh if it's just on the outlast right hang on let's get in there oh it's gone [Music] very exciting not very exciting [Music] nice clean my last lady now to flush let's give this a push out this one on the right i think that one runs right through to the back this one on the right here should be the choice [Applause] so put the lid back on that's done good one there's a nice um kilmarnock i think it is it's a willow that one nice willow they're nice and pot sounds like a specimen tree kilmarnock i think it is anyway look that's that one though rush onto the next one let's hope the next one's a bit more exciting but yeah this is a nice road doesn't it anyway all right into some nice beach trees so off to the next right just turn back up at the office uh a bit of a we don't usually do this the guy on the end here or the manager has asked us he's got a puddle here now these are rainwater gullies these right so these are like so this here is obviously like this one car park coolies or rain water surface watercolors there now usually they should be getting backed out like a suction but anyway the managers can't get anyone to do it and this guy's getting flooded every time the rains and it's forecast heavy rain so i'm just going to see what i can do for them now obviously here no no because oh yeah let's watch around this uh that's who i'll do soft digging out first i think leaves i'll get the jet out here could i say it should have a suction so these have a sump at the bottom yeah which then obviously get it cleaned out so that the outlets are higher up that's why it's hard for us to get off jess is in these what i say i'll have a go for it let's see what we can do like being higher off actually you know what i could use here let's save the snail i'm not gonna throw the snail because wow that's deep geez see this is what i mean i don't know whether we're going gonna be able to do this [Music] here we go [Music] long arms [Music] [Music] foot oh all right oh yes there's the plug there so that's the outlet that plug nobody put them in let's just leave the house i think oh yeah i can feel that outlet there all right that'll last them a while i think okay oh that's just a quick one to show you i'll put all this in the bin now that put that back on safety there we go okay i've seen our little pigeon friend here we've been feeding them we've got a broken wind but we can't seem to catch them so you can be honest pca every time we go over to me oh hang on no sorry take that back that wasn't the one that wasn't the one with the damaged wing all this all around me it looks better than this if you made up the guys get them put it out god they can get rid of that pile of rubble that rubber shirt leaves enough there's a nice clean grip here we go i think that'll do you doing it better for him just push his trailer it puts it anxiously he's got one of these um or these deferred vans so we've anchored the trailer down on them broadcast i'll leave them there for them so yeah okay there you go better all done nice clean job different a bit of a different one okay that'll do us that'll be right i can't forget what to say anyway here we go like the guy's being out he thinks of it exactly here before i don't recognize this one but anyway so he's pinpointed there's a manual here utilities have been out man only they're in the strawberry box hedge just there and he's got a manhole here which has been obviously bursting through the blockage block pavement here yeah that's solid look at that yeah so that's pretty solid and there's a manual around the back which i'll show you in a minute but first thing we're going to do is just lift this one up first because utilities reckons the one at the back set is empty so it's obviously running between these this one and the back so let's see if we can hopefully get a good angle for you there because it's all instead of leaves and we're gonna get this out i hope it's not screwed you know what i've actually gone under the block with that i think oh yeah let's see i've got it okay well look okay well it's rolling to the back so i'll just go and get my rods first let's see if we could rob it first and see what happens i think it could be jetta because they're quite tight these little manuals well nothing's happening there so i'm gonna get my jetta taking the chances we've got the overalls on the roasting us oh yeah all right there it is here we go nice so early right wasn't the most exciting one this it did go put me um medium nozzle on and it's actually gone it runs right through to the naval and property back right you can just see them conifer trees there the line is through them to the back neighbors so all i've done is put it all down i told him we'll come back with a camera um but he knows the calipers are going to come down that one's clear now as you can see yeah okay listen i'm shooting off i'm just going to wrap up here and i'll put you on the next one in a day in the life of a drainage engineer okay and that's a nice shrubby that okay just a quick one this one juniper juniper horizontalis which is obviously a fan shaped horizontal basically uh yeah that's nice very nice okay bye now right turn up with this one first job of the day student accommodation block toilet so i think we send cards one that's funny here and then if you're gonna be able to do this one block you'll look like a crust on top lovely uh this is just the life day in the life of a drainage engineer lovely stuff what we've got to put too i've done loads of these uh soil pipelines right next to it so let me just test it i think it's got a bit of a crusty surface which i think it will have let's just set this off now i've got two bottle two buckets of water ready let's just set them up now i don't know if it's the light in here which is flickering we're making it flicker there we go that's crusty but that's just solid around i'm not even going to show me so let's watch that okay these are pretty simple these usually all i tend to do with these is mean i've got a kitchen outside which is good so i just try to soften it up a bit because obviously being left with wireless i use my rod which you've seen plenty of times these just got to be careful when using these down the choice they don't get jammed around the bend um but listen the first thing you do is just mix it let's soften it up like this i'll give this it's just been left for so long to see if it's if it's rock solid on the outlet actually it becomes a problem or anywhere oh it does smell like if it does get tap when you use one of these around the bend they don't panic don't try and pull out too quick case the angle not just take it down this is going like this yeah a few people a bit more water softened up again quite easy these basically that's unlocked what i'll do with this bit of a clean for them like me right meat that's where your meat now hey right oh 50 000 subscribers and again that's all down to yourselves thanks very much thank you very much for watching make it smell better nice and fresh they'll be pleased with that so yeah so this is like his standard student accommodation so look that much better doesn't it bleak day um and there's right next to anfield stadium i think that's the dal gliese state uh stand over there which looking good so anyway the problem is just spoken to the lady she's a tenant i think she's yeah this only just come back she's been away toilets not flushing you've had a plumber out he couldn't do anything to do sensors here obviously she must have a dog or a cat or something well that's a dog so there's a man over there so i'm gonna lift this model see what we've got i'm guessing this is obviously gonna be full but she hasn't been here for a while so i don't know what the setup is here get the screwdriver this hasn't been lifted by the plumber so i don't know why he hasn't lifted it she's in the bathroom for about half an hour oh oh okay nice one here we've got a nice one here that is what you call solid yeah so what i'm going to do here a little tune no i'm not what i'm going to do see there's no outside tap here a bit of a piggle actually but anyway i'm just going to get it to start running the what we've got here bath sink i got to start running the sink here i think so that's running in i'm getting a bit of water this is soften this yeah you have to use a bit of water mix it up for a while so there it goes it's going beauty there we go here we go [Music] [Applause] i'm not going to do let me please i mean um anyway i'm going to use a bit more this disinfectant that's a good cleanup out bro so the plumber's gonna have to come out back out and turn the water now uh i mean the waste patch goes nothing here so basically it's not even connected so anyway clean and it's run into that goalie which runs the manual okay that's not a bad tire i'll put this one's a lot cleaner a little bonus as i said before you get to see part of anfield stadium there so yeah he's all too bad these alleyways well this is actually a road at the back of the alleyway so not many bins and things so yeah okay good one oh yeah i'll just have a quick look at this one follow me right this one you've seen me mention these two buddha bush right deadly for walls brickwork roofs if you let them grow here damage the brickwork like anything these should be taken up in liverpool like a lot of cities these you see these sprouting up big tall buildings and the other nuisance cause a lot of damage um basically the self seeds so birds eat berries now come along then obviously drop do the drop-ins and that's what happens when you leave it so always always cut them out as soon as you see a little growth and this load over there as well okay catch up later bye
Channel: The Drain Unblockers
Views: 711,592
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Drain Blockage, Blocked Drain, Blocked Drain Services, Drain Unblocking Services, Drain Cleaning, Drain Problems, Drain Repairs, Drain Unblockers, Drainage Company, Drainage Engineer, Blocked Drain Liverpool, Drain Unblockers Liverpool, Drain Unblocking Liverpool, Blocked Drains Wirral, Drain Unblocking Warrington, Drain Cleaning Southport, Drainage Specialist Chester, Drain Repairs Wigan, Drainage Engineer Cheshire, Drainage Company St Helens, Local Drain Unblockers
Id: sPS9la9Sks0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 50sec (1370 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 03 2022
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