A Day In The Life Of A General Surgery Resident

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[Music] good morning beautiful oh crap good morning beautiful people i'm dr daisy sanchez i'm a third year general surgery resident and welcome back to my youtube channel first and foremost i want to thank you for being here especially at this really early hour today we're going to go through a day in the life of a surgery resident i'm on a general surgery rotation so this is kind of you know your typical surgery resident day my day typically starts around 5 a.m so i actually have an intern on this service so there is a first year resident as well as myself who's a third year resident meaning that i get up at 5am every day she gets up a little bit earlier gets to the hospital makes the list making the list entails going through our patient list actually printing it out and then writing all of the pertinent information on there for me usually that is vitals ins and outs any drips that the patient might be on any antibiotics that they might be on kind of why they're there who they're attending is etc most of this information gets printed on and then the rest we kind of write into the list rounding just means that we go around the hospital myself the intern and whatever medical student is with us and we actually physically see all of the patients so we will go through and see every single patient that's on our list any new consults that may have come in overnight and this can take anywhere from 30 minutes to about an hour once we're done seeing all the patients then we will call all the attendings currently there are three so what we do is we actually go and sit down at a table in the physician's lounge and i'll call them on phone i'll call each of the attendings individually and then run through my patient presentation and what i think the plan should be for the day typically at this point once we've talked to all three attendings the intern and i will run the list one last time and go through all of the orders make sure that we're both on the same page uh then we typically will start placing orders start working on notes for the patients every patient gets a progress note every single day if they're a new patient they get a consult note and at this point it's usually around 7 30 or 8 and cases are going to start soon so i'll head over to the operating room the intern will stick around on the floor take care of any dressing changes take care of any drains that need to be pulled to take care of anything that really needs to be handled on the floor and i'll head over to the operating room with the attending surgeon today we have five cases on the or board so far we have three bilateral inguinal hernia repairs these will be done robotically and then we have a peristomal hernia repair and then we have an excisional biopsy of the left groin hi thank you thank you every time that i go to the operating room i make sure that my gloves and gowns are ready in the room and then i help position the patient for whatever the case is going to be after the case is over then i head over to the surgeon's lounge and then i will put in order so typically this includes putting in any post-operative orders for what the patient can do as far as activity what they need as far as a diet whether they need any fluids any antibiotics and just specific instructions i will then put in a brief up or op note just describing the procedure that we did and then at this point either myself or the attending will call the family and update them on how the surgery went and answer any questions that they may have get rid of this stuff [Music] [Music] [Music] just got out of the second case i'm going to get a coffee [Music] i need lots of caffeine lots balloons i found this random computer here oh look a picture of the beach this is so we can imagine that we're there [Music] so [Music] insane i only moved to south florida for the cortaditos look at this so cute say hi lucy hi i look so short [Music] we've had a couple consults that we've seen but do not need surgery at this time so we'll continue to follow them one of them is a small bowel obstruction which we are managing conservatively and then another one was actually a patient that didn't need surgery at all the other patient is a likely malignancy that is unresectable this time so it needs to be treated by the oncology team [Music] so we ended up actually getting a flip room which means that we just finished up one case and they are pretty much almost ready in the next day so i'm just eating an emergency snack oh yeah the rice krispies that i found in my jacket [Applause] third case is done running over to the fourth just got out of case four i called the wife of the patient and now i am going to put in orders and get ready for the last one yes i am walking around the hospital with a blanket wrapped on me i have no shame i'm just cold it's a 5 p.m i think we're going for coffee number four [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] it's 8 p.m still here and i just ate some half melted chocolate i found in my pocket [Music] all right this is this is lisa lisa's dr no who is my intern the first year wasn't helping me on this service we just finished up with our last case it is like 9 30. i put in all the orders and i oh good lord i talked to the medicine team so they are aware of the patient i am very hungry i have not eaten enough today the fifth case of the day was a right penguinal hernia it was a recurrence that was 110 the biggest hernia inguinal hernia that i've ever seen thank you for being here i hope you got something out of this chaotic craziness and that was a day in my life as a surgery resident i mean technically it's not over i'm gonna get home eat some dinner shower and i don't know maybe watch tv for 30 minutes just for my own sanity my three-year-old daughter is almost certainly asleep by now so i won't get to say hi to her but you know hopefully she understands and she's three she understands most things so and to all a good night stay blessed
Channel: Dr. Daisy Sanchez, MD
Views: 486,501
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: em1_Uryl6-0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 37sec (697 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 30 2022
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