A day in the life of a Biomedical Engineer (working in the medical field)

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[Music] [Music] good morning hmm I don't know why I'm opening the blinds it's literally it's black outside and it's gonna be dark when I come back home to you but I don't know at least when I'm not here there might be some sunlight streaming and that idea makes me happy I feel like I'm the easiest morning routine and the quickest morning routine in the world just wake up use the bathroom wash my face brush my teeth I moisturize in sunscreen if my skin is really really bad that day then I would put on like a CC cream or a BB cream but it's kind of pointless because Leo are all day wearing a mask I take it off or a mask and take it off and it just I don't know I don't like makeup I feel like it suffocates it more and it's all masked and it's just gross now to do something about my hair I have really big curly hair but same I'm in the or all day and I have to fit it into that bonnet and cap so hey what's up yep mm-hmm it's in the cap all day and so I usually just put it in the style that's away from my face and then I won't have hair escaping the bonnet sometimes very very few times I have clinic days where actually wear a normal clothes and it can put up makeup and have my hair out but most of the days I'm in the hospital most of the days I'm in the or never like to eat and then I ever never had the stomach for it but I always felt like I had to because breakfast is the most important meal of the day but I've discovered intermittent fasting it's been godsend and I just usually just have water or unsweetened matcha tea do you kind of boost my energy wake me up in the morning the reason I go to work so early in the morning is we have to see the patients that got our devices implanted yesterday the next morning like post-op to make sure everything is okay and the earlier the better because they're NPO which means they can't eat or drink until we make sure everything's okay because if not they'll have to go back into surgery so my time in the morning how early I go really just depends on how many patients I have to see and today I have two patients to see in the morning we try to get it done before 8 a.m. so sometimes I have to wake up and leave a lot earlier [Music] [Music] all right so morning rounds are done they are all good now the real work begins I'm changed into fresh scrubs for the cases today there are ten I believe 10 on the board so those are the ones I would have to go in and support and be is a clinical technical support for the doctor and nurse in the case the schedule was like all over the place a little bit I mean we have our scheduled cases but sometimes they get cancelled for whatever reason and then things get added on as well so it's very very fluid you never know what you're gonna get [Music] it is past 1:00 p.m. you can take this off I am pulling for another case we've been so busy I think once I set up for this one I can finally go have some lunch and break my fast let's see what do we do today so far so I work with cardiac devices so we did pacemaker who did defibrillator and we did something that's it's like am on a cardiac monitor but it's implantable and actually gonna set up for another one and then I actually have to go teach that patient about how the bedside monitor works and what to do and if you feel symptomatic and things like that and what to look out for yeah and then we have I think they added three more fewer cases so it's gonna be a really busy day but I actually like it busy I like to just run around and be going room from room to room and doing surgeries or seeing patients that's my favorite thing I don't like sitting around and doing paperwork so I like this this is good for me I'll see you guys in next update [Music] this will look funny but oh my god I'm utilizing this break time to just stretch out my back Oh God our procedures require fluoroscopy which is essentially like live x-ray and so we wear these kind of heavy lead outfits it's kind of like when you go to a dentist and get an x-ray and they put that heavy lid on you to protect you from radiation it's like that but we're just standing and moving around on it all day and since I do have a little bit of scoliosis I need to like constantly stretch my back out to feel a little bit more human it is now 5:00 p.m. we are looking at five more cases left so or six six well five one starting right now so yeah we were really making headway I actually have to leave by like 6:30 or 7:00 the latest so I can try to make it to the city to meet my acting partner for acting class to rehearse I take acting classes at night because I'm crazy and I don't like to have free time but if I can't make it no one could cover me I mean surgeries aren't gonna go they're gonna go I have to stay here I'll cancel but I'm hoping we can move it along alrighty I am out I have super shiny forehead because I ate a lot of pizza and not good things for me what is I am lucky that somebody was able to cover me so I can make this tonight yeah so very case heavy day today it happens my job is mostly procedure based that is the big bulk of it but I actually spent a good amount of time today in the MRI suite normally there's actually scientist I like no pacemakers allowed because MRI is a big magnet and their devices are metal so it doesn't really mesh but MRI approved MRI conditional devices are available so that patients can also get MRIs which is great but we have to be there to check the device and make sure everything's okay and also program it in a MRI safe mode as per FDA requirements I am just so happy I made it I actually texted my scene partner I was like I don't think I'm gonna make it I've canceled on people all the time but that's kind of just the nature of this job there is no set hours you're just here you're just there when they need you you're there and you're ready to go [Music] oh okay now I gotta go or I'm gonna actually be late let me make sure it's legit working it's legit legit I mean I I still got my I still got my city parking swag from did I just say swag I did say swag so I just came out she just gave me a copy of the play that I have to read in the scene we're doing and she's so wonderful like she's a great like she's a character she's actually acted before and like been in Broadway musicals and other performances of things like that really everyone in my class is mostly working actors nothing big but like they have agents they get jobs and I feel like I'm in good company and I mean I'm in New York City which always makes me feel like I can yeah I can be an actor yes I will be successful yes I can be a dancer and a performer and yes I can still be a biomedical engineer and do things to help people and work with technology and math and science so that's why I love New York City so much [Music] I'm home it's like 9:30 p.m. Carla ordered Chinese food for dinner for us so I'm gonna change and we're gonna eat it's great because I was gonna just like make some up in the kitchen and now I don't have to Thank You Carla all right guys this is goodnight I hope that this was a little bit insightful I know a lot of people ask me what I do like are you surgeon are you a nurse are you attack like what are you in law school so I hope this outlined what I do this is really normally what my days look like there are some slower days and then there are some even crazier day I could stay at work for a while you have to do what you have to do so but iciness of the schedule can get really stressful but yeah I hope you guys enjoyed this let me know if you like this content and if you have any more questions or if you want to see more future videos about what my day my job looks like I'll try to do the best I can but yeah thank you and I'll see you in my next video bye [Music]
Channel: The Adventures of Rah
Views: 213,132
Rating: 4.937202 out of 5
Keywords: a day in the life of a biomedical engineer, biomedical engineer job, medical engineer, working in the hospital, a day in the life, biomedical engineer, biomedical engineer vlog, vlog
Id: YFv5ibnPQSw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 30sec (690 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 09 2020
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