A Day In The Life of a 6 Figure Entrepreneur

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[Applause] [Music] good morning guys so it is around 5 40 a.m and i'm just getting my day started first thing i always do in the morning is drink a big glass of water and then i do my morning routine so this is one of the most important times of the day where you have to just start your day strong and give yourself momentum for the rest of the day so what i'm gonna do right now is i'm gonna meditate for a few minutes i'm gonna write down my affirmations my what i'm grateful for as well as my visualizations for the day and i'll just read for about 15 to 20 minutes so let's get started [Music] and by the way i started doing this thing where i leave my phone in my room on its charger the first hour of the day so that way i just don't touch it and i can just really focus on doing other stuff before i get on my phone go on instagram you know waste time like that [Music] so it's currently 6 13 a.m just did some stuff on the computer drinking my pre-workout right now because it's been super hot outside recently so i'm just gonna get in a quick leg workout before the sun comes [Music] out [Music] so walking to the place where i normally work out it's so nice out right now it's not hot at all and yeah i'll probably get like a quick 30 minute workout today because i don't like working out by myself it's really boring but gotta get it done alright so today i'm just doing a quick 30 minute leg recap basically what i just do is like i do squats i do jumps i do lunges it's really not too complicated i can't do too much without weights so this is pretty cardio intensive it's not just like strength basically i found out like doing circuits in the morning gets your heart rate up it gets your day started strong and really 30 minutes is totally enough like you can really tie yourself out doing bodyweight exercises pick it up pick it up you see the dripping i'm fitting up in my car in the video [Music] [Music] 139k so it's now 7 22 i think i'm just going to you know chill for a little bit hang out with my girlfriend before i start the workday all right so right now it's about 8 a.m i'm gonna get the day started do some work and what i like to do is i like time block for the day so basically i have this calendar on my app it's just the uh normal i calendar app on iphone and the night before i'll plan out my entire day so i'll do it hour by hour what i want to do now i'm not always perfect on this sometimes i'll like not do it exactly as i plan it but this gives me a really good way to plan the day and hold myself accountable for things that i want to do so right now i'm working on my creative course outline this is the youtube course i am building right now now i normally do is i like to do brain intensive things at the start of the day when my brain is still fresh and then put the more miscellaneous tasks that don't require a lot of attention later on in the day so i have about 1 hour and 15 minutes blocked for this this youtube creator course so i'm going to get working on that right now [Music] quick tip you guys i use notion for all my content planning so i have the section where i write ideas i write when i'm scripting when it's ready to film film and progress and done editing and then published so i'm trying to upload my entire life onto notion and i found that you can pretty much put anything you want this i use it for my content calendar i use it for my crm i use it to track my habits my daily non-negotiable tasks and if you guys want to use a productivity software i definitely recommend this one so now it's 9 00 a.m i'm gonna be working on some real estate and loan deals that i have i have a few real estate clients that are looking for homes to buy and it's actually pretty crazy there's not that much inventory homes are selling pretty fast and it's just something you wouldn't expect for a time like this yeah it seems like no one really wants to sell their house but everyone's looking to upgrade their house because now they spend all their time at home and then i also have four loan deals that i'm working on so i need to gather some files register that loan with the lenders and yeah it should be fun [Music] all right so one of the biggest reasons why i like to wake up early and get tons of work done in the morning is because by the time it's like 11am you've had like a solid few hours of productive work i've worked out done my morning routine um done focused work and now it's time to eat lunch and then take a quick nap it's gonna be a good day all right so i'm actually gonna take my girlfriend's car because i realized i haven't shown you guys her new tesla model 3 let's check i'm just gonna pick up a quick lunch so we're gonna go to quiznos i'm just gonna pick it up and bring it back home what do you want um can you show me i got the turkey bacon thank you so much so sometimes i make these uh extremely dumb decisions uh when i see something i just do it spontaneously and i saw that they had lobster rolls so i was like i need to try quizno's lobster roll real lobster it's not that good [Music] definitely i'm really fortunate to be living in such a nice apartment complex where we have access to conference rooms like this that we can book one day in advance so a lot of the time what jazz and i will do is we will book this room and we'll just come here and work for a few hours at a time just because sometimes it gets boring working from home so right now i'm gonna try and film two youtube videos bust out both videos for this week really excited about that and then i'm gonna do some miscellaneous work for my other businesses what's up you guys in this video we are going over 12 commonly purchased items we'll go over what these tall things [Music] so this is my filming setup i have my camera right here with my microphone and then what i always have is my computer in front of me where i look at the script and yeah that's basically the setup i mean it kind of depends where i'm filming but it's pretty much just like this even if i film at home all right just finished filming for today every time i film i get super tired after so right now i'm gonna have some coffee and then just do some more work and then i'm gonna go swimming so being an entrepreneur for the last few years one of the most important things i've found is that accountability plays such a big role in your overall success unless you're like a gary v type who can just work work work without complaining likely working when no one is telling you to work is extremely difficult so if you don't do something no one's getting hurt but you're also not making that progress that you should be making so my number one tip for entrepreneurs is to find an accountability group find a mentorship group or create a time block calendar for yourself which will really encourage you to do things and not skip out on anything say hello to my friend rocky it's 4 p.m now my girlfriend and i are just going to get a quick swimming at our apartment pool so just finished a quick swim uh showered and now we're just going to do a little bit of work before we have dinner and for tonight we're having sushi i'm going to show you guys how slow the eye is it's actually not fast enough [Music] is okay so it's 7 am and i have a mastermind call this is a group of people that i get on a call with once every two weeks we sort of work on our habits our goals and just mastermind together i really encourage you if you can find a group of like-minded people who can really inspire you and you know you can bounce ideas off of them start some type of mastermind group and do these calls regularly so your marginal utility is really high as we're making it to the end of this video it's about 9 00 p.m now i spent the last hour so after my mastermind session just doing a little bit more work yeah i've been up since 5 30 i'm really tired and i'm definitely ready to go to bed now i hope you guys got some insight and some value out of this video not all my days are this busy in this action-packed but it just goes to show how much stuff you can accomplish in just one single day if you got some value out of this video make sure to hit that like button and also subscribe to my channel if you want to see more videos just like this i make a ton of content about personal finance investing and entrepreneurship so thank you again and i'll see you guys in the next video peace [Music] you
Channel: Charlie Chang
Views: 80,531
Rating: 4.8922863 out of 5
Keywords: day in the life, entrepreneur, morning routine, schedule, quarantine, young entrepreneur, real estate, youtuber, side hustle, daily routine, good habits, how to become an entrepreneur, how to be successful, ucla, 6 figure, 6 figures, 100k, charlie chang, day in my life, typical, ucla grad, college, entrepreneurship, building a business, entrepreneur life, day in the life of an entrepreneur, entrepreneur vlog
Id: _WA9Kc6ER_Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 38sec (698 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 26 2020
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