A Day in the Life at Google Pune Office as a Data Engineer

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okay so it's eight o'clock right now I just woke up 10 to 15 minutes ago there's a different kind of video it's going to be a vlog showcasing a day in my life at Google office in specifically Google Pune office and if you don't know Google is the latest Google office that's opened like a month ago comparatively there are still less number of people coming uh and that gives us a good opportunity to just shoot this day in a live video [Music] and here is the longest part of my day waiting for the lift one eternity later and then getting stuck in the traffic [Music] these are my cabinets and fortunately I know both of them on the left side we have Swati she was in my team and on the right we have Umesh so Umesh what what do you do here at office so in Google I work as a strategic Cloud engineer and infrastructure I basically help customers to migrate their complete infrastructure from on-prem or other clouds to Google cloud and what is the best thing you like about Google Google I definitely like the interior of the Pune office and definitely the food yeah great great and what about you swathi what do you do okay and about the best thing about Google is definitely food that's my biggest motivation to go to office right that's same for I think all of us it's our collectively we can say it's the best thing that we have at our office and so I think also interestingly has a YouTube channel uh and uh she has I think recently started out but do check it out her YouTube videos no problem [Music] so this is the office building there are a couple of floors both of them are ready but they have not opened the second one so we are just going to explore the 11th floor for now [Music] foreign coffees here [Music] and you kind of get to have the breakfast with this pretty good view [Music] now is the time to go back to my desk and do what I'm paid to do work this is sheetal somebody who is always on the call even now and then starts the working part and then going to break room just to play a little bit of DT there's also a PlayStation and foosball but TT is my favorite game this is jignesh and he always somehow beats me on table tennis but just for the sake of this video I'm going to Showcase one point when I did well because it's my channel then attending some meetings [Music] and going for lunch there are so many salads options available as well I took some salad and I also took this apple tart which looked pretty irresistible and I had this actually all your pasta shooters maybe I don't know then played a game of foosballs before again going back to work but because I had just eaten a ton of food decided to stand this time and work once the work is done going to the micro kitchen and grabbing myself a protein bar because right after work I go to the gym foreign [Music] the shower room the warm-up area [Music] you will never walk alone all right I'm back home and have logged off for the day but I just want to highlight that don't make accompany your dream company just because it has a fancy office space or or it has unlimited food or all these bugs as we have seen with layoffs that every company is putting themselves first compared to their employees so don't hesitate to do that for yourself the important thing is you like what you're doing if you are liking what you're doing then that's great you're already at your dream role but that's it I just wanted to Showcase uh how Google Pune office looks like and as I said it was just one floor another floor is already done and they've already made it ready but it's not open yet but when it does open up in the future I'm pretty sure it will have all the exciting things too so I think I'll be making a part 2 video of this Vlog by that time but for now don't forget to leave a like And subscribe to the channel if you have not already and that's it from my side see you guys next time [Music] thank you
Channel: Jash Radia
Views: 77,245
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: day in life, google day in life, data engineer day in life, day in life office vlog, google office vlog, google india office tour, pune google office tour, google office data engineer
Id: DxJn08jU42k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 55sec (415 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 11 2023
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