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and so it looks like we got misty Holly all right mister you congratulations you're the big winner so I have had all this buildup of my HSP day just getting excited and sort of just anxiousness of getting here finally and getting to experience this day so I get here never been Arizona before get my rental car drive up to the shop I you know come inside meet everybody and they lift me away and we went up to camp Camelback Mountain and it was just incredible just beautiful the rocks were just just you know I've never seen anything like that before in my life so um so we all ran up to the to the point where we're gonna start climbing and so that was really fun they harnessed me up and kind of gave me a little bit of pointer tips on what's gonna happen and what to look for and what to do and you know it's hard to describe really because it's just you know it's all you've actually done it and you know just trying to figure out where to grip and where to put your feet and um just experiencing something like that for the first time and actually doing it that you get up there and then you're at a point where you're kind of getting ready to do your next climb and you know looking at that rock it was really just sort of straight up I didn't even know how it's gonna do it so it's watching Travis do it and they do it and I'm sitting there studying sort of you know the rock I'm trying to figure out where I'm gonna put my feet and where I'm gonna start or my starting points gonna be so you know it was scary it was intimidating for sure but I had great coaching and everybody helped me through it and it was so much fun so we get to the top of this of this point where we finish climbing and of course everybody sitting there just just looking at the view it's amazing now we're getting all ready to you know we just mastered that so that was that was a bonus and then I'm so we're all getting hooked up and ready to rappel down so I was a little nervous to go to myself so I asked Travis if he could go with me so he rappel down with me so that made me more comfortable so it was it was incredible I can't wait to do it again anyway so I get here to the shop and it's just it's you know it's beautiful the office is beautiful you walk in and you see they have you know just all this amazing stuff set up everywhere and anyway so I got a tour of the office and I got to see what Travis and Nate work and you know all the different areas that they Ellison's our area where they do all the creative stuff and I guess it's a really cool part I thought was going back in the back where they have all the incoming orders and they package everything up that was that was really inspiring to see because they actually take so much care into each each package that they package up and just they want everything to be perfect and I thought that was really cool to see that so you know their beautiful paintings all over the walls all of Ellison's paintings and just all kinds of neat stuff so this has been really cool to see so something that was really neat is that Travis did for me today was at one of the last classes that I participated in he has taken videos of everybody shooting in a particular drill and he did slow-mo so you would when you're holding her arms out shooting in the slow-motion you can really see what's going on in terms of just holding that weapon and he noticed something with me that he obviously wanted a fix so he noticed that sort of when I shoot you know my arms just weren't exactly it's the way they should be so you know they actually had pictures of me and the video up of me and they they showed me that and they kind of went into what I was doing what I need to be doing and we actually went out to the range and worked on that I was able to really see the difference and you know just something very small that I was doing it was making my shots go fast I'm very grateful to us so I have something new to work on Ounces the shoot better so Ellison took me out to the golf range and showed me you know trying to you know I've played golf before so I'm elsens trying to you know improve my golf skills so you know he's seeing what I'm doing and he's and he's doing the same thing that Travis did and at the range so he's looking at what I'm you know some of my faults and he's helped me correct that so we did a lot of cool stuff out there and I think that that's gonna be very helpful to bring back have a golf game look at that so after golf I thought we were all done for the day and Travis comes up and hits me up for something else so it's a huge surprise he wouldn't tell me what it was gonna be so we ended up going out to an area and icy air busty hot-air balloons in the sky over the place and all kinds of parachuting and stuff so I'm kind of thinking okay we might be flying in something which we did so Travis loves the flies so he took me on that adventure with them and we went and some some parachute thing I don't know what it's called and that was incredible I have to say that was the perfect way to end this whole day the sunset was just amazing you know that's another one that's really hard to describe because it was just it was beautiful and even Travis said he haven't seen a sunset like that in a long time so it was really special so this is the end of my day it has been over the top it has been adventurous it's been challenging I love that I was sort of pushed to it my limit not really my limit but I was pushed to do things that I didn't think that I would ever do so I feel so grateful for that this is such an amazing company everybody here that works for Travis all the guys that they're just outstanding people I couldn't be more proud and more just excited to continue my training with these guys you know I have so much faith in them and and all the things that they have taught me and I see I see what they do for people and how people just you know have so much respect for them so like I said I'm using the we're grateful a lot but I'm truly grateful there's been an incredible day and I'm if you're jealous about this then you probably should because it's been it was really amazing they took really good care of me so we'll see what happens next
Channel: Haley Strategic Partners
Views: 44,414
Rating: 4.9050965 out of 5
Keywords: haley strategic, travis haley, keomaka, behind the scenes, hsp, shooting, instruction, vp9, glock, golf, paramotor, parachute, hiking, rock climbing, extreme sports, outdoor, outdoor activity, outdoor lifestyle, active, activelifestyle
Id: c2ObZeVgOeY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 18sec (438 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 24 2016
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