DAY IN THE LIFE AS A VAN ARTIST (slow living in the countryside)

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hello and welcome or welcome back we have moved our van into the countryside of southern california so that we can take a couple days to relax create and recover from the bustle of l.a [Music] i reached in the recess of ether and time gathered up stars in the pools of my mind there's nothing like the real thing run in circles round your heart strength can't believe this man is true there is nothing like [Music] he don't notice that i'm broken doesn't care [Music] he's just open have a paid smile there is nothing [Music] like the real thing [Music] i can't help but yeah [Music] [Music] soon he'll notice that i'm broken will his heart [Music] still be good morning guys we've been in the countryside for a couple days now we've been enjoying the warmth of the sunlight and we've been creating to the sound of birds chirping and it's been quite a dream and today we're kind of going to take you along and show you everything that we do from the beginning of the day all the way until the end of the day as to what we do when we're just parked in the middle of nowhere and trying to catch up on work all right it is my favorite time of day it is now breakfast time we're going to have some butternut squash soup and we're going to make some quesadillas and let's do it [Music] snow is [Music] is [Music] so welcome to a day in the life when we are just parked in the middle of nowhere we are happy to have you along and today i will be pulling out my art bag which i keep right by my feet so the best thing about parking in the middle of nowhere is i actually have time to create things for the shop and i've had so many ideas like while driving i've been brainstorming of what i want to create i finally have some time to do that so i'm gonna kind of show you what it's like creating in the van and how i bring the studio on the road [Music] so first of all i have an entire new line of rainbows coming out after lots of requests of people asking me to do some different colors so i present to you the prairie rainbow very modern very minimal super muted and pale and just like with the southwest rainbow you can choose a different bead so this is the beehive bead we've got the pebble bead right over here so i will actually be changing the rainbows in the front of our van to these prairie rainbows and if you would like to adopt one of these rainbows for your home or your car they will be in the shop falls from your dress all of my memories so next up on the list quilted cowboy hats and they're actually going to be paintings and i'm actually doing them on this really nice italian paper that i picked up while i was studying abroad in france it's like my favorite paper it's a really nice weight and it's got this beautiful like torn edge that i just adore and so last night for the first time in a very very long time i took out my painting palette and my three paint brushes that i brought on the trip and i did some paintings of these cowboy hats and so it's a little series they look like they're quilted so each little part of the hat has like a different pattern and then i adorn the back with some gold acrylic paint so it has a nice shimmer and then i did some illustrations in the background of some nice wildflowers just to finish it off but i'm super happy with these and these will actually be in the shop as well but i need to sign off on the back before i photograph it and have it live for you guys to take home [Music] now on to the thing that i'm most excited for the wish bones so while we've been parked here we have taken a couple of walks and we have found some really wild animal bones for example this right here a lovely spine and we've found tons of ribs and chad has been back here washing the ribs disinfecting them so that i can paint on them thank you chad [Music] so i've been seeing artists do this for a couple of years now like all over the internet of people just painting on bones and i just always adored that and i thought it was the coolest thing ever so when the opportunity arose for me when we were on a walk and we came across these bones i was like oh my gosh i finally get to give it a try and so it's been super super fun just trying out like a new canvas it's like not a sheet of paper for once and they're curves that i can work around but it's so beautiful and i don't think i'll ever be able to paint on bones really again because you don't come across bones very often so i'm just going to do six little wishbones and then add them to the shop and check it off my artist's bucket list i have prepared us a little snack so while claire has been painting on the bones i cut all of this bread into little triangles we're going to have it with some apricot jam and it's going to be really good mmm it's good jam [Music] bones are coming along super well but it is currently sunset and we're gonna take a quick little walk look guys there are even more bones here they're just like scattered across this whole land i don't know what animal they are but they're everywhere i think it's all from one animal oh yeah yeah [Applause] but we found the other one like not here i think they were torn to pieces [Music] claire was watching a video yesterday that was talking about romanticizing your life and it kind of is a funny concept to me at first i was just thought it was a little bit cheesy but it really is true basically the whole idea is to appreciate and welcome all of the little things in your life and to basically experience those things to the fullest it's really similar to meditation and watching a moment as it comes but we both have been very into the idea of romanticizing your life so we've definitely been more intentional about doing that and really appreciating all the little things yeah so the idea of romanticizing your life it's kind of like living your life as if it were a fairy tale movie and just everything is like the best thing it could ever be so like if we made quesadillas this morning it's like the best quesadilla you've ever eaten and so just being that optimistic and positive about every single thing apparently can really change the level of happiness you experience in your life and so that's something that i've been trying to do especially being out here it's so easy to be so happy and grateful for everything that's going on so yeah like look at this freaking sunset when i was a little girl i'd say the sky is a rainbow and i would be talking about moments like this where you can see all the colors of the rainbow just beaming up at the sky walking back home there's our sweet little home on the road so this evening we will be having a basil pesto spinach tortellini dish with some garlic chicken sausage and i'm very excited because i haven't had pesto in quite a while because i am allergic to pine nuts apparently this one doesn't have pine nuts but i'm still going to try and see if i get an allergic reaction before i pour it on all the tortellini um so i guess this is the taste test and if my face starts to blow up that means it has pine nuts the last time i had a huge pine nut reaction was my freshman year of college where my face blew up and i looked like glimmer from the hunger games it was quite scary i can't get this open chad all right we finally got it open anyhow my freshman year i looked so bad that my roommates were so scared that they told me i had to go to the hospital but my ex at the time just ended up getting me some benadryl and i was fine the next day i think it should be okay i mean i don't think it would happen instantly well usually i would feel like a little tingle on my tongue and then it progresses the more i eat all right i think it's fine well we should probably wait until the oh yeah watch me blow up in two minutes i love our new lights yeah we finally put new batteries in our lights so they're super super bright which is great because they've been so dim that it just makes you so tired and i feel great and truly alive right now because of these lights i have cut all of the sausage and i'm straining the tortellini with a one-third measuring cup so that we don't have to wash a strainer and then we're gonna mix it all together with that pesto that i am not allergic to as you can see my face is still intact [Music] so after dinner tonight we took a couple hours to edit the product shots that we got today of the rainbows and of the quilted cowboy hats and then we uploaded those onto the website and they are now public to the entire world to go purchase and to go enjoy so now it is time to start our nighttime routine there's nothing like the real thing running circles round your heart strings can't believe this man is true there is nothing like the ring all right [Music] cuddle time [Music] and 14 hours later we are right back where we started today it's crazy i feel like we got so much done but we also didn't get a lot done and i feel like that's because we just stay in the same place um yeah i think i got a ton done today got a backache from baby all day but so worth it like honestly i had a great time doing that and i feel like you guys got to see us or you got to see me a little bit more as a creative and chad as a caring darling husband a bone washer yes cutting uh bread into triangles and putting apricot jelly on for me yeah i mean it's not really too exciting to show just video editing the whole time and your stuff's a lot more interesting but um yeah but i hope you guys enjoyed this video if you like the style of video yeah if you like the day in the life sort of videos or like if you just like seeing us create things um do let us know and we will make more videos like this one but until then we will catch you in the next one bye night i have not dreamt in some time so i've come to claim what's not mine i reached in the recess of ether and time
Channel: Chad and Claire
Views: 24,989
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Id: hKSe_FZu150
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 0sec (1020 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 11 2021
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