A Daughter's Revenge | Full Movie | LMN

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(fast-paced electronic music) (woman harmonizing) (shuffling feet) (woman harmonizing) - ♪♪ I never felt a love before like this ♪ - It feels so good to finally be 21. - You know I love a reason to party. - One drink for me tonight. You know I've got that big project I need to finish tomorrow. - No! We never got to celebrate your birthday last week. You can have a couple tonight. - Christina! Are you forgetting who drove us here? - Fine! (sighing) - ♪ Inhale ecstasy - Anna? Anna! - Elle? Oh, my God! It's been forever! Do you still remember? - Of course! (giggling) How long has it been since we've seen each other? Like, ninth grade? - Yes! Right before you moved. This is Christina. Christina, Elle Spencer. - Nice to meet you. - You too! You look amazing. - Thanks! I almost didn't recognize you. You're so sophisticated now! What's been going on? - Well, I'm just about to graduate from Wentworth, business major, and I'm living with my mom and stepdad. What about you? - I'm at Valley, studying music. - Oh, you always were so talented. How's your mom? - Uh, she actually passed away right before I started freshman year. - I'm so sorry. - No! It's OK. Let's have fun tonight. Like old times. - Yeah! It's Anna's birthday. - That's right! - It was last week. - 21! - Well, drinks are on me. - OK! - (together): Happy birthday! - Woo! - Woo! ♪♪♪ - Selfie? (camera clicking) OK. (phone ringing) OK. - Mom? - [Elle, where are you?] - Mom, what's wrong? - [Elle, I'm freaking out.] - OK. Calm down. - [I just really need you right now.] [Can you come home?] - OK. OK, yeah. I'll be right there. - [I love you.] - I love you too. - Everything all right? - My mom needs me at home. - This late? - Yeah, it's... it's fine. I'm gonna head out, but it was really nice catching up. - Well, I hope everything's OK. - Oh, don't worry. It is. It was really nice to meet you, Christina. - Yeah, you too. - Let's stay in touch. - For sure. - Hmm. - So, what was that about? - I'm not sure. She's always been incredibly tight with her mom, though. (yawning) - I'm feeling tired. We should go too. - Mm-hmm. Yeah. Whoa, wait. Are you OK to drive? - Yeah, I'm fine. I'm just tired. - OK. OK. (ominous music) - Baby, I'm glad you're home. - Mom, it's late. What's going on? - David called and said that he has to stay an extra night in Chicago. Some unexpected meeting came up. - Well, he is a workaholic. - No. Something's wrong. I think he's cheating. - Why would you think that? - Because he said he was having dinner with this woman in sales, Tamara something. - So it is a work thing. - I know when a man is being unfaithful, Elle. I learned that from your father. -<i> What's wrong, Mommy?</i> - Your father left us. He's gone. - Forever? - Yeah. - Why? - He has a new family now. From here on in, it's just you and me. And Mr. Monkey. And we are never gonna leave you. - OK. - It's just us against the world, right? - Always. I love you, Mommy. -<i> I love you, baby.</i> - I believe you... but you know he's gonna say it's not true. - Let's call him. Catch him in the act. (phone ringing) (sighing) - Hey, Michelle. - Just calling to say goodnight. - You OK? It's late. - [Everything's fine.] I'm with Elle. David? - Oh. Sorry, honey. I'm just trying to get this last-minute presentation done. [Tell her I say goodnight,] [and, um...] I'll see you ladies tomorrow, OK? - All right. - All right. Goodnight. - He's totally distracted. He is with that woman. I am sure of it. - Shame on him. - It's us against the world, right? - Always. I love you. (tense electronic music) - <i> So, were you and Elle</i> close as kids? - We were... but then her mom married some rich guy. She moved away and went to private school. - Hey, are you sure you're OK to drive? - Yeah. I stopped drinking a while ago. - OK. Look at us. We're really hot. (honking) ANNA! ANNA, BE CAREFUL! (tires screeching) (crashing) (soft music) (audible breathing) - Oh, my God. Christina? Christina? Christina! Christina... -<i> Hi, Anna. I'm Dr. Smith.</i> How are you feeling? - I'm OK, I guess. - Your friend just came out of surgery. She's in recovery now. - Oh, God. Is she going to be OK? - Well, she... she had some internal bleeding and both her legs are broken, so it's gonna be a long road. - Can I talk to her? - You need to take it easy. You have two cracked ribs. Can I call your mom or dad? - Both my parents are deceased. - I'm sorry. Can I call a brother or sister? A relative? - I'm on my own. - There's something else. There's a police officer here to see you. - A police officer? - Your blood alcohol was .10. The legal limit is .08. - Ms. Bellcroft? I'm Officer Fontaine. I'm placing you under arrest for felony DUI with bodily injury. You have the right to remain silent. - Just admit it, David. - I am not sleeping with her! - Ha ha. Yeah. - Where is this coming from? Tamara is one of our top sales associates. That's it. - So she needed to come on a trip with you. And you had to stay an extra night. - Michelle, please! Where is this coming from? Oh, come on, honey. Look, I know. I know I've been busy. I promise you, once we get the office in Chicago opened, I'll have more time for us. - Yeah, right. - Hey. (ominous music) Have you been taking those pills again? - How dare you?! You have been out doing God knows what and you accuse me? - I'm sorry, but I hate seeing you like this. - Really? Well, you did this to me! And Elle! You! (soft music) ♪♪♪ (rising music) (gunshot) (tense music) (soft music) - No... No... Mom... No... Please, don't leave me! Mom! - (Anna):<i> Thank you for coming</i> so last minute, Mr. Meyers. - Last minute's what I do. - My friend from college, the one who gave me your name... she said that you worked with her on the cost when she got her DUI. - I'm sure we can figure out something that we're both agreeable to. - She said you got her probation. Do you think you can do that for me? (sighing) - That's gonna be tricky. Your charge includes bodily injury. Hers didn't. But it is a first offence, and the passenger survived. I can probably work out a plea, maybe... six months. The ADA owes me a favour. - "Plea"? Like, plead guilty? - Well, it's that or go to trial. It's a good deal if we can get it. The prisons are so overcrowded, you'll be out in three months with good behaviour. (soft music) (indistinct speaking) (crow cawing) - David? It was a lovely service. - Oh, thank you, Cammy, for all your help through this. - Of course. Anything you need. - I'm so sorry. - Thank you, Margy. (thunder rumbling) (ominous music) - (woman): Come on! - (woman): Knock it off! - Got a name, new girl? - It's Anna. - Sugar. What'd a pretty girl like you do to land herself in here? That's OK. I'll know all your secrets soon enough. - Uh, drunk driving. - Must've been bad. - A friend got hurt. - Ouch. Hey. Wanna know what I did? - OK. - Wrote a few bad cheques. Got in over my head. I owned a salon. Sugar's. Pretty catchy, right? My sister-in-law is taking care of it while I'm gone. We're in Bridgeport. - I used to live near there. - No kidding? Well... us east-siders gotta stick together then. (soft music) -<i> Do you ever think</i> about what dad's doing? Where he might be now? My real dad. - Honestly? I don't. We're better off without him. - Sometimes, I wonder if he misses me. - He'd be a fool not to. That's his problem. Have I told you lately that I am the luckiest mom in the world? Hmm? - All the time. (distant buzzing) (distant clanking) - Almost lights out. - I know. I'm done. (bedframe squeaking) (distant buzzing) (distant clanking) - -<i> Somebody sent you</i> <i> What is that?</i> a letter. I'm going to work. Call me if you need anything. (soft music) - I hate you! - He deserved that. - Mom? How could you just leave me like that? - I couldn't take one more day of David hurting me. - But now, I'm here with him. - So, don't stay. - I already put in an application for my own place. Trust me, I can't wait to be gone. - Good. We'll get our revenge, one way or the other. - What are you talking about? - Maybe it's time that we shared our pain with David. But first things first. I think you should go back to work. - Why? - Keep your friends close and your enemies closer. Us against the world. You remember? - Anna? How did you hear about my mom? (beeping) (beeping) Out so soon? Perfect timing. You may just be what I need, Anna. (tense music) (clanking and dragging) (woman shouting indistinctly) - (woman): Come on, I'm trying to sleep! (door creaking) (indistinct speaking) - Good morning, Cammy. - Elle. Hi. I thought-- - I'm here to work. - That's wonderful. I'm surprised to see you. - Well, I figured it would help take my mind off things. Is my dad busy? - He's just finishing a call. Go on in. (knocking) - Hey. What are you doing here? You look amazing. - I'm here to start that job in sales... if you'll still have me. - What, are you kidding me? Of course! That's... that's terrific. You're gonna be our secret weapon. But are you, um... Are you sure you're ready for this? - Yeah. I'm ready as I'll ever be. And I found a townhouse to rent. - You're... you're moving out? - Yeah, I... I figured it was time for a fresh start all around. If that's OK? - No, I mean, I... I'm gonna miss you, but... I totally get it. You know... independence. - I thought they were gonna destroy that. - They were, but I called and told them not to. - Why do you want it? - Not here, Mom. - You're up to something. I can see it in your eyes. Revenge. Sign it. (ominous music) ♪♪♪ ♪♪♪ -<i> for a visitor, Anna?</i> <i> Are you ready</i> You're gonna help me in ways you never imagined. We should be roommates, Anna. Like I said, I could really use a friend right now. -<i> for your letter.</i> <i> Thanks so much</i> I didn't think you'd actually come here. - A friend? - Uh, Sugar. My cellie. My cell mate. - I'm really glad you have someone in here. - Yeah. - But I was thinking you're gonna need a friend on the outside. - Well, I was hoping we could stay close. - Oh, of course we will! How would you feel if I helped you out a little? - In what way? - Well, it's been really hard with my mom gone. I thought maybe we could be roommates. - Oh. Oh, that's really sweet, but there's... there's no way I could afford the rent. - Oh, I don't want your money. It would just be really nice to have someone around. I have a spare room in my townhouse, and I could get you something in my stepdad's company. - A job? - Yeah. - I don't know what to say. - Well, say yes. - OK. Yes. (tense music) - I've never been more excited to see somebody in my life. - I have good news. I got you a job at Daddy's company. - You're amazing. - Are you ready to start your new life? - What are we waiting for? - What's on the agenda today? - I have to meet with my new parole officer. - Wow. They don't waste any time. - Well, someone's gotta make sure I'm not armed and dangerous. - Oh. - Do you mind if I wash up? I'll never take a private shower for granted again. - Of course. Come see your room. - Ooh! <i> This is so cool.</i> - What? - This website, Social Soundoff. - Oh. Yeah, it's becoming really popular. You can send in your music and a real professional will critique it. They could be a potential client. - No way. That's so awesome. Hey! - You'll be on this all night. Time for your beauty sleep. Tomorrow, I am taking you to the salon and shopping. - Are you ready to finally be good-looking? - Um... - The new you. You look gorgeous. - You think so? - Yes. We just have one more thing to fix. - There's nothing left to pluck. - I'm talking about your name. I told my dad about your past, but one quick search from someone at work, and it'll get around that you went to prison. - I never even thought of that. - Maybe you could use your middle name? That way, you wouldn't have to change any IDs. What is it? - Georgia. Where my mom was born. - Georgia Bellcroft it is. - Morning, Elle. - Hi, Cammy. This is Georgia Bellcroft. - Nice to meet you. - You too. - Cammy's been Daddy's assistant for what, two years now? - Yes, but hopefully about to be promoted. - Good luck. - Cammy and her mom are practically family. Margy's been our housekeeper forever. - Did you two go to college together? - No, I... I went to Valley. - That's where I got my business degree. When did you graduate? - Uh... - Don't wanna keep the boss waiting. Dad? (knocking) This is Georgia. - Well, you must be the friend my daughter's been chewing my ear off about. Welcome to Orbitscope. - I can't thank you enough for this opportunity. It's my pleasure. Here. Please, have a seat. So... Elle speaks very highly of you. - Oh. I owe her a lot. - I trust she's told you what we do here? - Yes, web-based target marketing. It's such a hot business right now. - Yeah, it's been good to us. (clicking) (typing) (beeping) - That's weird. - (David):<i> OK, here's the plan.</i> We're gonna start you out as an assistant in sales. You'll get a good sense of the department, and you'll get to work with all the team members, including Elle. - Sounds great. - I... I believe in second chances. But more importantly, I trust my daughter's opinion. How soon can you start? - Hi. - Hi. - I'm Charlie Cook. I'm here to set up your computer. - Oh, yes. They said someone would be coming by. I'm Georgia. - Nice to meet you, Georgia. - Nice to meet you too. - Do you mind? - Oh! Yeah! - Yeah. - Go ahead. - All right. OK. Ahem. - So, how long have you worked here? - Hmm. A while. - A man of many words. - I'm sorry. I'm such a bad multitasker. - It's OK. I've been here about a year. - Nice. Well, um, sorry. I will let you get back to work. - Thank you. You know, if you ever wanna get a coffee sometime, I can give you a real download on this place. - That would be great. - Great. (soft music) - I think I'm gonna like it here. - Hey. - Hey. So, it seems like you've been having a lot of computer problems lately. - Uh, what does that mean? - Charlie's been spending a lot of time hanging around your desk. Do you like him? - No. I don't know. He's kind of cute. - You don't wanna date someone you work with. - Why not? - Well, if you want to be taken seriously, just... just trust me. Hey, I had a thought. There's a cocktail party tonight with some of our new clients. Why don't you come with me? - Oh, it's really last minute. - Live a little. It's in New York at one of my favourite restaurants. You'll love it. - (David):<i> Everybody, if I can get your attention for a minut?</i> First of all, thank you for coming, and I hope you're having a great time. - This is so much fun! I'm happy we came. - I would like to welcome the beautiful, the talented, the amazing fashion designer Melissa Hunter to Orbitscope. Melissa also happens to be a close family friend. (applause) (jazz music playing) - Well, I'm the old guy and I'm going home. You two don't stay out too late. - Actually, Dad, I just got a call from the Click-or-Share CEO and he wants to meet first thing in the morning. I should probably stay in town tonight. - OK. - How am I gonna get home? - Do you mind giving Georgia a ride? - Sure. I mean, if you're ready to go now. - Oh, yeah. Definitely. - Great. I'll see you two later. (ominous music) (clicking) Have a nice long ride, you two. -<i> You're an impressive young woman, Georgia.</i> My phone is dead. Think I could borrow yours? - Oh, I... I don't have one. I was thinking I'd maybe buy one this week sometime. - Oh. Well, you know what? That's fine. Let's be old-fashioned and talk to each other on the ride home. - OK. - Instead of being buried in our devices. So... <i> What do you see yourself doing next?</i> (soft music) (ominous music) - Don't you two make a handsome couple? (door creaking) (door closing) - Well, you're back early. Why do you look so happy? - Just looking at photos from last night. It was a great party, right? - Oh, the best! How did things go with that CEO you were supposed to meet? - I think I need one more meeting to work my magic. How was your ride home last night? - Your stepdad's really great. You're lucky to have him. - This is for you. - Oh, I can't accept that. - It's only a computer. It's no biggie. I just need IT to install your email and office programs, and then it's all yours. - Elle! - Oh! Oh, you're all sweaty. What was that for? - Everything. - I'm gonna leave soon. Do you need a ride to work? - Give me 20 minutes? - Yeah. She is so in love with David. (knocking) - Morning, Mr. Spencer. You wanted to see me? - I did. I have something for you. - Oh. - Can't work here without one. - But I'm just an assistant. I was going to buy one. - I got Cammy to pick it up this morning. It's my pleasure. - Thank you. The generosity, between you and Elle... I... - Don't. Don't worry about it. Now, get back to work! - Hey. - Hello. - You got a new phone. - I did. It's a work phone. - Yeah, they... they asked me to set it up for you. - Really? You wouldn't mind that? - It's kind of what I do. - Well, thank you. - No worries. I'll have this back to you in a flash. - Sounds good. - Cool. - Charlie? - Yeah? - You wouldn't want to... grab that coffee with me sometime this week, would you? - Yeah, I... yeah. I like coffee. Um... that sounds great. I'll get this done for you, and I'll see you in a bit. - Thank you. (beeping) ♪♪♪ - "Mom's birthday dinner." (sighing) You would always say, "Another birthday, another wrinkle." - Elle? Are you OK? - Yes. Perfect. Thanks. - You don't seem OK. - Is there something I can help you with? - I need the Hunter contracts. - You know, I must've left them in the car. I stayed in New York after the party last night. - How come? - I had a meeting with a potential client. Daddy ended up giving Georgia a ride home. - She was there? - Mm-hmm. Yeah, I can tell he really sees potential in her. - You two are inseparable. - She's really been there for me. Would you mind running out to my car? I just have a conference call that's about to start. - Sure. - Pull yourself together. (door opening) - "Midport Prison"? (clicking) (tense music) "3-7-8 5-7-4." "Anna." Georgia? "Felony DUI with bodily injury." What?! - Your work email's on there now. You're officially chained to Orbitscope. - Thank you. I could never have done that myself. - Be careful with that. That's a very, very expensive, top-of-the-line phone you've got there. - I'll try my best. - It's our most expensive model. I put some music on there too, some of my favourites. - Really? Oh, you're so sweet! - And you're so beautiful. (knocking) - Hey. Where were you? - I was out with Charlie. - I'm just gonna say it. You can do better. - I think he's nice. - Don't say I didn't warn you. I have good news. My dad loved your music idea. - What idea? - To pitch the CEO of Social Soundoff. The music site you like. - That was your idea. - We can both take credit. Anyways, I set up a meeting for Monday and you're coming. - Oh, awesome! I guess I'd better get up to speed. Do you mind if I borrow your laptop again? - Sure. I'm sorry yours isn't ready yet. - Don't worry. I'll see you in the morning? - Goodnight. Can't risk you messing up my plan, Charlie Cook. - Hi, Anna. - Oh. Hi, Charlie. - I come bearing news. Really good news. - What is it? - They asked me to head up the IT transition at the new office. - Oh, that's great! - Yeah. - New office? Where is it? - Chicago. - Oh. - I leave tomorrow. - OK. - But I'll be back before you know it. Yeah. - You know what? I'm really... I'm really happy for you, Charlie. You deserve it. - Thanks. - Mm-hmm. - Well, I have to pack tonight, but... do you wanna grab dinner or something? - Yeah. I actually was just about to leave. Sounds perfect. And Charlie, there's some things I think we should talk about tonight. About my past. - OK. You're a really courageous woman. I'm glad you confided in me like this. - Well, it's easy with you. - I'll just be a phone call away while I'm gone. And I'll be back before you know it. - I'm going to miss you. - Me too. (eerie music) - How about we change this to today? - Do you need something, Elle? - Just leaving this for you. Georgia and I have the Social Soundoff meeting today. Wish us luck. - Good luck. OK. What do we have on tap for today? Morning, David. - Morning. - Oh. You have drinks tonight with Matthew Douglas at the Boulevard Arms Hotel. - What time? - 5PM. David? - Yeah? - How's Elle doing? - Well, she seems to be coming along well. Something on your mind? - I'm just concerned she's taking on too much responsibility too soon. - Well, I think she loves her new job, and she's good at it. Anything else? Can you get Tim on the line, please? - Sure. - You were amazing! Wait 'til my dad hears we got the account. - We make a great team. - Let's celebrate. Happy hour later? Boulevard Arms Hotel? - Sounds like fun. - I just have to run a few errands, but I'll meet you back here later. - Yeah. See you soon. (ominous music) (phone ringing) - Hi, Cammy. I can't talk right now. Can I call you later? - [Mom...] Just making sure you're leaving for your DMV appointment. - That's actually where I'm going right now, so I can't talk. - OK. Good luck with your eye test. (beeping) (tense music) (beeping) - My wallet. (beeping) (turn signal ticking) - We had so many good times in this kitchen, didn't we? - Yeah, but the only thing you could cook was scrambled eggs. - That's why we had Margy. - She kept everything so perfect, but she could be so forgetful. - Shh! (door creaking) - I could've sworn I set that. (beeping) - Poor Margy forgot to shut off the stove. Smell that gas? - Mm-hmm. (dramatic sound indication) - Compliments of the two gentlemen at the bar. You really proved yourself today. I think you should come to Daddy's golf tournament. - What's it for? - Oh, he puts it on every year for some of our bigger clients. It's out near his country house. - You really don't think he'd mind if I come? - No, of course not. It's a big event and we can always use the extra help. Plus, you'll meet tons of important people. (jazz music playing) - No, thank you. (sighing) I'll give him five more minutes. (beeping) (sniffing) (rising music) - Oh! No, no! (phone ringing) - Margy? - [Oh, my God. I'm so sorry.] - Whoa, whoa. Slow down. - [I left the gas on.] - What happened?! - Daddy? - Hmm! Hi, ladies. - What are you doing here? - Well, I... I just got stood up by a client, and then Margy called and told me she left the gas on in the kitchen. - Oh, my God! Is she OK? - Yeah, yeah. She's fine, but apparently the house is gonna have to air out overnight, so... I guess I'm gonna get a room here. - Thank goodness everyone's OK. - Well... since we're all here, why don't we grab dinner? The rooftop restaurant has an amazing view. - That sounds really nice. (phone ringing) - I have to take this. Hello? One second. I'll meet you guys upstairs? - Mm-hmm. - Uh huh, Yeah, now's a great time to talk. - You know what? I'm gonna get checked in to the hotel on the way to the restaurant. You wanna come? - Oh, yeah. Sure. - Here you go. - Thank you. Good. (jazz music playing) - Oh, no. - What is it? - I completely forgot about my meeting with the Click-or-Share team tomorrow. I'm gonna have to work on my proposal. - Honey, we just ordered dinner. - Anna, would you mind getting my food to go? - Sure. - You know what? We can just cancel the food. - No. Please, enjoy your dinner. Are you OK to get a ride home? - Look, I hate that you're leaving, but don't work too hard. Boss's orders. - You know I will. - So, tell me about your meeting today. - Oh, yes. We really made a connection. - Are you OK? - Oh. My head kind of hurts. Maybe I should go too. Oh! - Oh! Turn around. Sit down. Sit down. You OK? - Have fun, you two. It's gonna be a sick night. (beeping) (groaning) - I need to lie down. I think those guys might have drugged me. - What guys? - At the bar. They bought us drinks. - I should get you to a hospital. - I just, I need to lie down. (David sighing) (phone ringing) - Dad? - Hey. There's a situation here. Georgia's sick and it looks like she's about to pass out. - What happened to her? - [I don't know. She thinks] some guys drugged her. I tried to take her to the hospital, but she wouldn't go. - I'm sure everything's fine. Just let her sleep it off. - I'm not comfortable with this! - [Think about it.] Do you really want a young girl [being carried out of your room on a stretcher?] It'll look really bad. If I could, I'd come [pick her up, but you know I have this proposal to finish.] - OK. I'm gonna keep an eye on her. [But if anything changes,] I'm calling an ambulance. - Everything will be OK. Call me if you need anything else. - OK. (beeping) - Have you seen Georgia? - Not this morning. - She had dinner with Daddy last night and never came home. - David isn't in yet either. - Well, he got a room because of the gas situation at the house. - Right. How well do you know Georgia? - Excuse me? - Are you sure she's a good influence? - What are you talking about? - She's a convicted felon. - She's my friend, and she's earned a shot here. You should really mind your own business. - Elle, I'm worried about you-- - Stay out of my life, Cammy. - (Cammy):<i> Elle is looking for you.</i> - What happened last night? - With Georgia? - What? No! Matthew Douglas never showed. - It's right here on your calendar. The meeting was last night. Let me figure out what happened. - Just call and reschedule. - I'm so sorry. Of course. Right away. (knocking) - Housekeeping. (knocking) (sighing) Oh. I'm sorry, miss. I didn't know anyone was here. (sighing) - Oh, my earring! This is not good. I lost my other earring. - Oh. Um, I'll look for it. - Thank you. (footsteps) - Elle. It's me. - I left her sleeping in the hotel. Have you talked to her? - I told her to come in later. - So she's OK? - She's fine. - What a mess. - David? Your car is here. - Where are you going? - Oh, I'm just going to San Francisco for the night. I'll see you both at the golf tournament? - Oh. Cammy, hey. Will you stop by the house? I left Dave's file sitting on the desk in my study. - Of course. - Great. - Bye, Dad. - (Cammy):<i> Weird things keep happening at the office.</i> <i> Nothing feels right.</i> Elle is barely speaking to me. Her best friend is a convicted felon, and David thinks I screwed up this important meeting! But it's not like me to get a date wrong. - Well, it doesn't make any sense that I left the gas on. But sometimes, you just have to let things go. - Tell me again what happened. - Oh. I left for the DMV and realized I had forgotten my wallet, so I came back. And the alarm was off, which is strange because I always set the alarm before I go. - So, do you think someone came in after you left? - Maybe. But I was only gone a few minutes. - Who else has the alarm code? - Just Elle, David and me. And he changes the code all the time because he's so worried about security. - We know David wasn't here. What about Elle? - I didn't see her or her car, but... I guess it's possible. - I'm glad you're feeling better. - Yeah. Thanks for covering for me. Do you know where your dad is? I feel like I need to apologize. - He left for San Francisco, but I talked to him this morning and everything's fine. Someone roofied you. It happens. It's not your fault. - I've been thinking... I'm not sure I should go to the tournament. With everything that happened, I feel like I'd just be a distraction. - Elle... She has to go to the tournament. - Don't be silly. It's an amazing opportunity for you. Just think about it. OK? - I will. I'll see you at home later? (sighing) - Relax. - If she doesn't come, all of this will have been for nothing. Ungrateful brat! - Calm down, honey. You'll fix this. - And what if I can't? Mom, the whole thing hinges on the tournament. If Anna doesn't go, it's over! When am I gonna get another shot at David?! - You'll convince her. She's weak. - Elle? Are you OK? - Are you spying on me? - No! I heard you talking to someone. - I was on the phone. - Let me help you. (grunting) - You are nothing but a David Spencer charity case. - What is happening to you?! - Leave me alone! (rising music) (dramatic sound indication) - Time to say goodnight, Cammy. (engine starting) (grunting) And you should've stayed out of my way. - (Anna):<i> I'm so happy for you, Sugar!</i> - (whispering): Can we talk? - Uh-huh. I can't wait to come by the salon. Listen, I gotta run, but... I'm super happy that you're out. I'll give you a call soon. OK. Bye. What's up? - I was thinking. I know you feel weird about what happened at the hotel, but... the tournament is such great exposure for you. My dad thinks you're amazing and he wants you there. Trust me, he's already over it. - Are you sure? - We're gonna have the best time. - OK. I'll come. - Good. - Take as much time as you need. - Thanks, David. Thanks. - Who would leave her there on the side of the road like an animal? I mean, what kind of person does that?! - Drunk driver would be my guess. - The police better catch that bastard. - They will. - The golf tournament... we need to cancel that. - We can't. People are already on their way from all over. The golf course is booked for the day. It's too late to cancel. - The funeral's not 'til next week. Margy has a small service planned. Just family and us, of course. - Cammy worked so hard organizing the tournament. I'm sure Margy would want it to go on. - She was so loyal. - She was. How obsessed do we wanna make you, Anna? - What are you doing? - Mom. Just in time. I'm putting a bunch of fake diary entries into Anna's new laptop. - Read me what you have. - "I never thought I could be "attracted to an older man. David Spencer is so handsome and smart." New entry, different day. "Tonight, it finally happened." New entry. "Something's wrong. "David didn't make eye contact with me at work today. "How could he lead me on this way? "I hate him. "I'm gonna confront him tomorrow. He has to pay for what he's done to me." (ominous music) So, we'll head straight to the golf tournament, have dinner there, and then go to Daddy's country house. - Can't wait. - Oh. I forgot my sunglasses. Would you mind taking this to the car for me? - No problem. - Thank you. (phone ringing) - Charlie. Hi. - [Hey, you.] - I can't really talk right now. Elle and I are heading to the country. - Oh, yeah. The golf tournament. Have fun. In the meantime, I've got good news. - What? - I'm gonna be coming home [for a few days. They need me in the office. Transition stuff.] - Nice. I'll get to see you. (dramatic sound indication) - (David):<i> Ladies, thank you so much for all your help toda.</i> <i> The golf tournament was a huge hit.</i> Goodnight. Uh, hey. Stay as long as you want tomorrow. - OK. Night, Dad. - Goodnight. - Here you go. - It's beautiful. - And the bathroom's right there. Let me know if you need anything else. - Great. Thanks. Come in. - I wasn't sure if you had towels and shampoo, so I brought you some just in case. - Thanks. - I'll put them in the bathroom for you? - Sure. (tense music) - The perfect crime. (dramatic sound indication) - Everything OK? - Yeah. Yeah, just making sure you have everything. - You're so thoughtful. - It's been a long day. I'm gonna head to bed. - Me too. (suspenseful music) - Elle, what's going on? You OK? - This whole time, you acted like you were this great father figure... ...but good men don't destroy their families. - What OK. Let's... let's... Let's talk about this. - OK. How about you're the reason Mom killed herself? - What?! - Your cheating! - Elle, I never cheated on your mom. I know she thought I did, but... I didn't. I loved her. You gotta believe me. - Stop lying to me. - Honey... you're not thinking clearly. - All I've done is think. Do you recognize this? - Oh, my God. Is that-- - Mom's gun. I figured I'd put it to good use. Revenge. - Revenge for what? I loved your mother through her ups, her downs, the pills, the depression. - I miss her so much. - I know you do. Oh, I know you do. Come on. Put the gun down. - It's too late. This is for my mom. (groaning) (suspenseful music) (dramatic sound indication) - David? Oh, my God! ELLE! ELLE, HELP! - Dad? Daddy? Oh, my God. I think he's dead. What have you done? - What? I found him like this. Call 911! (beeping) - (man): [911. What's your emergency?] - Please send help to 43 Mockingbird Lane. My stepfather, David Spencer, has been shot. - [OK, ma'am. Help's on the way.] - Hurry. - Elle, there could be an intruder in the house. We need to get out of here. - Then why didn't the alarm go off? - I don't know. - Maybe because you shot him. - What?! Wha... That's crazy. - You're going back to prison. - No! No, I didn't do this! - All because Daddy rejected you? - What are you talking about?! No one's gonna believe I killed him! - Why wouldn't they? I found you standing over the body, not to mention you're a convicted felon. - For drinking and driving, not murder! - It doesn't matter. The evidence will prove it was you. - What evidence? You're scaring me. (tense music) ♪♪♪ any reason to want to kill your stepfather? - Would Me - Well, I know there was something going on between the two of them. - You mean something romantic? - Sort of. It all started after this party we all went to in New York City. He drove her back to Philly, and... she wouldn't stop talking about him after. - Do you think something happened between them that night? - No. No, I don't think so. But I know that they spent another night together at the Boulevard Arms Hotel. He told her it was a mistake afterwards. - And you heard this from her? - Yeah. I told her that I didn't want to talk about it. I mean, he is my stepdad. She wasn't really the same after that. - How so? - Well, she became almost obsessive. She couldn't handle the rejection. I almost had to ask her to move out. - So, why bring her out here? - I don't think my dad got how fully into him she was. He saw a lot of potential in her, and I didn't want to let on that I knew about the two of them. - Why was your mother's gun in your possession? - I know it sounds strange, but I wanted to keep it. I was going through a lot at the time. - And how did Miss Bellcroft get a hold of it? - Well, she must have known it was in my closet, since she's my roommate. - OK. I think we're done for now. You can head home. OK if we send a couple of evidence techs by your place tomorrow morning to get her laptop? - Anything to help. - And call us immediately if you hear anything, OK? - (man): [Yeah?] - I got the prison mugshot you sent. - [Oh, yeah?] - Yeah. The hair is the same colour as our suspect's. And get this. I found out that the gun is registered to the vic's wife, Michelle Spencer. - [Hmm!] - Apparently, she killed herself with it. - [Interesting.] - Yeah. The daughter took possession of the gun after the suicide. (eerie music) - Sugar! - Anna? What are you doing here? - What you got? - CSI didn't find any prints on the gun. - She was probably wearing gloves. - They did find DNA though, so I put a rush on it. So, what are you thinking? - It seems weird that this young girl would kill a powerful man like David Spencer when all she had was a DUI on her record. - (Sugar):<i> You know, I mean this</i> in the nicest of ways possible, because I know you were on the run all night, but... I don't think I can look at those filthy pajamas all day. I'm getting you some new clothes. - Thanks, Sugar. I know I'm such a mess. - You gotta eat. - I don't understand what's happening. - Are you sure that you and Elle were the only ones in the house? - Aside from David? Yeah, as far as I knew. - How well do you know this Elle girl? - We go back like, 15 years. She's really been there for me since I got out, but then last night, she's... she's accusing me of killing her stepdad?! - I don't know this girl at all, but it's starting to sound to me like you might've been played. - I don't want to believe it, but... you could be right. - (man):<i> DNA came back.</i> It's a match for our girl. - No surprise there. I got the surveillance video back from the hotel. Anna did spend the night with David Spencer, like the daughter said, and... she was pretty drunk. Here they are in the lobby. And about 30 minutes later... - She could barely walk to the elevator. There they are going in the room. - And the next morning. - Wow. And I thought I was saving the best for last. Techs found a laptop in her room. It's got diary entries in there from mushy to downright angry. - Send those to forensics to be analyzed. - On it. Oh. Take a look at the screensaver. It was taken at the party the daughter mentioned. - Not looking good for our suspect. (heavy breathing) - Where are you hiding, Anna? (exhaling heavily) Pull yourself together. Her DNA is on the gun. You planned it perfect. - (woman):<i> We have breaking news in the murder</i> <i> of marketing mogul David Spencer.</i> - Sugar, get in here! -<i> His alleged killer,</i> <i> Orbitscope employee Anna Georgia Bellcroft, has ben</i> <i> on the run for the past 24 hours.</i> <i> Police sources tell Channel 5</i> <i> her DNA was found on the murder weapon.</i> <i> They also tell us there is</i> <i> hotel surveillance video that showed Spencer and Bellcroft</i> <i> may have been romantically involved at some point.</i> <i> if you have any information on the whereabouts</i> <i> of Anna Bellcroft, please call the police immediately.</i> - Yeah. I got a lead. Her old cellmate just got out of prison. A... Sugar Delarosa. Yeah. Apparently, the two were really close. I'll keep you posted. - They've got it all wrong! - It does not look good. (knocking) (tense music) (whispering): Go. Out that door. Ahem. - Sugar Delarosa? - You got her. - I'm Detective Tyler, Philadelphia PD. I'm looking for Anna Bellcroft. - I haven't seen her since she left prison. - Mind if I take a look around? - Be my guest. (tense music) (suspenseful music) (door creaking) - All right. Looks clear. If you see her, call me. - (whispering): Anna? Anna? That was a detective. - Oh, my God. I'm running out of time. I really need Charlie. - Who's Charlie? - My boyfriend. Well, sort of. - You didn't tell me you had a boyfriend! Do you trust this guy? - Oh, yeah. Completely. He's flying in from Chicago tonight. (tense music) - Where are you hiding, Anna? (knocking) - Charlie! You made it. Oh, my God. I missed you so much! - I missed you too. - Look, I didn't do what they're saying. I swear. - I believe you, but this is... this is bad. - Yeah, I know. - Who do you think did it? - Elle. - No way. - Yeah. Seriously. I think she was using me the whole time to get back at her stepdad for something, I just don't know what yet. - The news said you were involved with Mr. Spencer, and there's video from a hotel. - It's all twisted. I thought those guys might've drugged my drink at the bar, but now I'm starting to wonder if it was Elle. Some sort of sick set-up to make it look like I hooked up with David. I have an idea. (suspenseful music) - Do you really think we can find the maid who saw you that night? - I'm not leaving until we do. (dinging) There's the housekeeping cart. That's her. - Can I help you? - Do you remember me? I lost an earring last week in one of the suites. - Oh, yes. I found it. It's in the lost and found. - I'm sorry, I know this is strange, but... how did you find me that morning? - Asleep on the couch? - By myself though, right? In my clothes? - Yes. You didn't look so good. - Thanks for your help. - Doesn't sound like a passionate night. - Right?! We need to prove that she drugged me. - You said it happened at the bar here, right? - Yeah. - I wonder if they have a surveillance camera in there. Bam! It's grainy, but I hacked into the hotel's surveillance system, and... you can see Elle putting something in your drink. (Anna gasping) - That bitch! We need to go to the police. I'm just afraid that without motive, they won't believe that Elle had any reason to kill David. - Does she have other friends that might know something? - Elle doesn't have any friends besides me. You know what? There... There is one person. <i> All right... this is the addres</i> that's listed for her. - Good luck. - Can I help you? You're the girl from the news. You killed Mr. Spencer. - No, I didn't do it. - I have nothing to say to you. Leave before I call the police. - Mrs. Beynes, I want to talk to you about Cammy! I don't think it was a hit-and-run. - What? - I'm convinced your daughter was murdered. I'm trying to prove that her death wasn't an accident. - What do you know about it? - I think I know who killed her. It's... complicated. So many terrible things have been happening. - That's true. Cammy said the same thing. - I know you wanna hear what I have to say. If you would just let me in, we can talk more about Cammy. ♪♪♪ Thank you. Mrs. Beynes, what was Elle and David's relationship like? - Elle? - I know how crazy this sounds, but... ...I believe she wanted him dead. I know how much he meant to you. Please, if you know something. - There was tension in the house. - Over what? - Elle's mother, Michelle, was convinced David was cheating. - Really? - When Michelle took her life, Elle blamed David. She was devastated. You see, those two were as close as a mother and daughter can be. Almost... it was almost strange. - "Strange"? Strange how? - They were too close. I loved my Cammy with everything that I had... ...but this was different. Unhealthy. - You said she was devastated. - Elle didn't get out of bed for weeks. And she became distant, angry. I found a smashed photograph of her and David in the trash. - She seemed to care about him so much. - Well, she did finally snap out of it. Things between them appeared good again, but... ...Cammy was convinced that something wasn't right with Elle. - How so? - Well, on the outside, it looked like she had it together, but Cammy worried Elle was hiding something. - I'm afraid whatever that might've been... I think it cost Cammy her life. (dramatic sound indication) - Are you saying you think Elle killed Cammy? - Mrs. Beynes... Elle can't be trusted. (sighing) Thanks so much for the tea. I... I should go. - I'll see you out. What are you going to do? - I don't know yet. - You should turn yourself in. If you're innocent, this will sort itself out. -<i> I'm telling you,</i> Elle had something to do with Cammy's death. They never caught the driver. - Well, we know what she's capable of now. - Pure evil. - Yeah. - Did you find anything incriminating in her work email? - Nothing. But you remember that laptop she bought you? I was supposed to set it up before I left for Chicago. - Oh, yeah. She never did give it to me. - I was able to remote into it. Take a look at this: a bunch of diary entries you supposedly wrote. - "Maybe he doesn't wanna be with me." "I feel so rejected." What?! I never wrote that! - Yeah, of course you didn't. Elle did, to make it look like you were obsessed with Mr. Spencer. - Oh, my God. This girl is diabolical. - And she's also sloppy. See, it looks like they were all written on separate dates, but if you take a closer look at the metadata, the timestamps show that they were all written within 2 hours of each other. - Great. So, it proves that they're fake. - Right. Who writes a week's worth of diary entries in two hours? - Brilliant. - Well, thank you. (doorknob rattling) (sighing) - Sugar! - You OK? - Uh, just a bit on edge. Sorry. This is my friend, Charlie. - Nice to meet you, Charlie. - You too. - Hey... Check this out. - Oh. David Spencer's obit. "He leaves behind a loving stepdaughter." (scoffing) "Loving"? What a sham. The funeral's in a few days. - How you two holding up? - Well... we've got all these bits and pieces that prove Elle set me up but... somehow, my DNA is still on that gun. - You know... when I was in the joint, I watched this documentary. A specialist proved how you can transfer DNA from like, anywhere: sweat, toothbrush, makeup-- - Wait, a toothbrush? - Yeah. - The night that David was killed, Elle used my bathroom. Oh, my God. She had access to all of my stuff. - She is good! - We have to get this evidence to the police, you guys. - Wait, you're... you're not gonna turn yourself in, are you? (sighing) - Not yet. I wanna give Elle a taste of her own medicine first. (tense music) - Yes, open casket. OK. I think we've worked out all the details. I'll call you with the final numbers. Thank you. (clicking) (computer beeping) (sighing) (dramatic sound indication) (heavy breathing) in the email checks out. The hotel surveillance videoBs shows Elle Spencer drugging her drink in the bar. And I talked to the maid. She confirmed nothing appeared romantic in that suite. Said Anna was quite sick. - So, wait 'til you hear this. <i> The stepfather wanted the gun destroyed,</i> <i> but the daughter came and picked it up anyway.</i> <i> And forensics just confirmed that all the diary entries</i> were entered on the same night. So, what about this crazy toothbrush theory of hers with the DNA? -<i> on the trigger of the gun,</i> <i> Well... DNA was found</i> <i> but no fingerprints, so it coud</i> explain that. (phone ringing) Detective Tyler. - [Detective...] [Anna Bellcroft.] - Anna, where are you? [I'd like to come get you. That way, we can talk to you] [about what you just sent us.] - I can't, not yet. - Anna, there's a lot of suspicious stuff here, but it doesn't prove that Elle killed her stepfather and framed you for it. You need to come in. We'll figure this out. - I'm sorry. I'm just asking that you speak to her again. She had motive. She wanted revenge. [She blamed her stepdad for driving her mom to suicide.] - Interesting theory, Anna, but you're still the prime suspect in this murder. - You never found the driver [in the hit-and-run of Cammy Beynes, right?] - That's right. - Check Elle's car for damage. - Are you saying she killed her too? - Just check her car. I'll turn myself in tomorrow. - (Elle): Thank you so much for coming. (phone beeping) (phone beeping) (phone ringing) Who is this?! ANSWER ME! (gasping) Watch it! (phone beeping) (suspenseful music) Oh, what is happening?! (audible heartbeats) Anna? What are you doing here? She killed my dad! Someone call the police. - Don't worry. I already called them. They'll be here any minute. - Someone do something! - Tell them how you killed your dad and then used me to take the fall. - Get rid of her. - You're going back to prison. - Your mom thought David was cheating. - She's trying to get you to crack. Stay strong. - I understand now. You killed him for her. - We have to stop this. - You have no one to blame but yourself for all of this. David loved you like his own daughter! - He deserved what he got! - Oh! - My mom would still be here if he had never come back into our lives! I HATE HIM! - Drop it, Elle. A paint chip found on Cammy's bike is a match for the make and model of your car. - And we noticed the dent in your bumper. - I told Cammy to stay out OF MY LIFE! - Are you saying you killed her? - That bitch wouldn't listen! - It's over, Elle. Put the knife down. I love you. It's us against the world. (soft music) - Mom... (dramatic sound indication) Mom... Mom, don't go. Oh, no. (indistinct whispering) (soft music) ♪♪♪ - Oh, God. - Oh, yeah. (laughing) - Right? (laughing) - Woo! - Yeah, she always was a little too perfect. - Well, I guess being rich ain't all it's cracked up to be. - Thank you both for standing by me. - Yeah. - Of course. (soft music) (eerie music) (laughing) - I won! I don't think I've ever been happier, Mom. - Oh! Me either. Playing again? - Mm-hmm. Maybe I'll let you win this time. Or maybe I won't. ♪♪♪ Closed Captioning by SETTE inc ♪♪♪ ♪♪♪ ♪♪♪ (train horn blowing)
Channel: LMN
Views: 392,103
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Keywords: lmn, lifetime movie network, lmn shows, lmn channel, lifetime movie shows, lmn full episodes, lmn clips, A Daughter's Revenge, A Daughter's Revenge full movie, A Daughter's Revenge streaming, LMN movies, lifetime, mylifetime, dance moms, lifetime full episodes, lifetime original movies, lifetime movies, new movies, watch lifetime movies, full lifetime movies, full movies, free movies, dramas, thrillers, watch full movies, Jessica Sipos, Linden Ashby, Sierra Wooldridge, revenge
Id: pulHR8C8GIQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 85min 37sec (5137 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 20 2023
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