A Dancing Machine Trap | Safety Tips | Educational Cartoons for Kids | Sheriff Labrador

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go go go go let's go sh it going don't go to remote places alone [Music] y play games and win a prize amazing toys are waiting for you wow they are all my favorit I'll do it hey huh it's [Music] stting spin perfect I can't believe it congratulations ation you won a prize wow it's so cool please follow the arrows to collect it let's [Music] go this way where am I oh wow it's my priz [Music] another kid fell for it let me out what another child is missing this is the third one it's horrible new evidence all the missing children played This Dance game there must be something up with this game let's go play games and win a prize amazing toys are waiting for you I'll do it [Music] start oh no I can't keep up I'll [Music] try well it's getting faster I can't keep up careful I'll do it from [Music] here perfect huh even with those moves congratulations you have broken the record please follow the arrows to collect your prize come on let's go woohoo it's way too easy for a big prize H it must be a trap I have an [Music] idea huh it's here Doby let's [Music] go this way huh giving away prizes in such a remote place like this another Fool's coming there's no one here someone's luring children to remote places to collect prizes from winning a game they could be nearby be careful H wow so many prizes go [Music] H come with me I've been waiting for you the police you're the one who tricked the children you're under arrest now you got me [Music] hey huh where did she go you'll never catch Dr antto [Music] [Music] stop you can't run [Music] away [Music] see take this it stinks huh looks like my stink bombs are quite useful how about a few more they are useful take [Music] sa [Applause] thanks the missing children are all here Sheriff labador you're safe now don't go to remote places alone okay we won't do that [Applause] again Sheriff Labrador safety [Music] talk kids never go to remote places alone there are often many dangers in remote places because there are few people around if bad people happen to do bad things it's difficult for you to get help please remember [Music] that playing tricks at the playground Yahoo Yahoo f I'm stuck who's there what's going on I'm stuck to the [Applause] slide something's wrong let me help you my pants what's wrong a monster bit my pants it's it's right there a monster let me have a [Music] look there's nothing [Music] here it's not moving what's going [Music] on help me help let's go watch [Applause] out little elephant are you all right I'm fine Sheriff Labrador little elephant and I were playing on the Seesaw and I don't know why but he suddenly flew away huh handprints someone must have been here did you see anyone no I didn't handprints on the seaw but no one saw it I think it must have been someone who who's good at camouflaging then how do we find the suspect I have an [Music] [Music] [Applause] idea [Music] and time to play another trick pinching sharp tongs no Ticky gooey glue no or a slapping fish no a freaking Cactus that's it wonderful it's coming wake [Music] now Sher of labador follow the [Music] footprints oh man they can see me it's the benching shark dog it's chameleon oh no they found me the sling [Music] fish oh no the sticky glow [Music] [Applause] ouch over there [Music] hurry he's in [Music] danger we'll never play tricks on others again Sheriff Labrador safety talk kids playing tricks on others is not nice especially tricks that are dangerous not only can they scare others but also hurt them have you come across any dangerous tricks remember to tell your parents if you do come across them wo be careful when you [Music] walk it's so much fun that's so funny hey sweetie stay close to [Music] Daddy I won l Watch Out Mr bear that was so scary Mr bear you shouldn't look at your phone while walking that was really close okay I got it sweetie give your tablet to Daddy sweetie sweetie sweetie my son is missing Mr bear when did you last see him I have just been looking at my phone I don't know what he became missing let's go back the way you came and look for him Little Bear I'll go down and look Mr Pelican have you seen Little Bear around no I [Music] haven't look at this it's so funny that's so funny move aside watch out there are stairs down there I'll save you watch [Music] out ouch pH good thing that everyone's safe you should look straight ahead when riding a bike or you might hurt yourself and others I'm sorry we'll be careful from now on what's [Music] this it's my pet Lulu's name tag Lulu was with my son there must be Clues nearby by let's go look for [Music] them these are Lulu's Footprints they went that [Music] way sorry Lulu it's my fault I shouldn't have looked at my tablet help little bear little bear there's a sound over there sweetie Lulu help us please don't move I'll come save you right [Music] now a sheriff labador give me your hand [Music] slowly Little Bear hey Doby pull us [Music] up I'll help too that was so scary we'll watch the road while walking from now on Sheriff labrador's safety talk kids you should always watch where you're going don't look at your phones or play games with tablets while walking you lose your focus on the road and might cause accidents hurting yourselves and even endangering your lives please remember that the stinky sea [Music] monster W I want some [Music] too it's so yummy [Music] a sea monster it's so scary we got a call a Sea Monster's attacking the ship let's go watch me spin spin up into the sky come inside everyone Don't Be Afraid Captain Buffalo will keep you safe it's coming run [Applause] everybody it really is a sea monster let's save them watch out don't be afraid Watch Out Hold On Tight Pon we need your help got it watch me hey happon always has a way [Music] this is strange it just went [Music] away did it go away let me see little box take him Doby help help papion the monster took Doby we need to save him got [Music] it don't eat me I'm stinky and I'm not yummy don't eat me don't eat me what what's going on ouch Doby hang in there I'm [Music] coming it stinks look at all this trash on its body the sea monster didn't mean to attack us it was just trying to get rid of the trash that's why it used me as a scrubbing towel papion please help the monster leave it to me hey Tada it's little wanton Showtime little wanton vacuum cleaner mod on trash detected start cleaning no no no a I'm not trash Doby when was the last time you showered huh I just showered last month huh that's why little won thought you were trash little wanton change [Music] [Applause] Target wow good job little [Music] [Applause] [Music] Wong ah you're a giant [Music] octopus look at this it got hurt uh oh it has to be treated [Music] now poor giant octopus we'll never throw trash into the sea [Music] again Sheriff Labrador safety talk kids throwing trash into the sea can destroy the Marine [Music] ecosystem and put many Marine lives in danger protecting the environment starts with [Music] us little Rhino was taken by a monster an orange a banana a half rotten [Music] apple wow Sheriff Labrador that was awesome it was a piece of cake I even know that you haven't showered for 3 [Music] [Laughter] Days hi I'm Sheriff Labrador Sheriff Labrador little Rhino was taken by a monster please help him a monster don't worry kid we'll be right there [Music] [Applause] sh labador what do you mean that little Rhino was taken by a monster well we were playing hide and seek and we looked for him everywhere but couldn't find him my grandma told me there is a monster that only takes children who don't take a shower little Rhino's feet smell really bad so it must be the monster who took him well kids there's no monster wait little Rhino's feet smell bad that's an important clue if we follow the smell of his feet we'll be able to find him [Music] smell I got it it smells terrible who didn't flush the toil [Music] I think I smell the [Music] [Music] evidence oh come on it's just a smelly [Music] shoe little Rhino must be hiding in here hey little Rhino don't worry I'll get you [Music] out [Music] there he is little Rhino little [Music] Rino what happened we thought you were Tak my [Music] monster when we started playing hide and seek I thought that if I hit in the closet you wouldn't find [Applause] me but it was so dark and stuffy I tried to get out but the door wouldn't open I was so scared little Rhino it's really dangerous to hide in the closet never do that again okay I'll never do that again Sheriff labrador's safety talk kids please be careful when you play hide and seek never hide in a closet or a chest you could run out of air and don't hide in narrow places under the sofa you could would be stuck stairs and balconies are dangerous too you could fall and get hurt remember never hide in dangerous places safety in swimming pools stop right there you'll never catch [Music] me my Donuts oh [Music] no I need to hide duck under the bridge come along and count with me 1 2 3 4 5 that's [Music] it quack quack quack [Music] quack he got away again hi [Music] officers huh is that Thief chicken's prison uniform oh no looks like he's hiding among the Ducks let's go now huh they all look alike huh I got to go find him wait if you surprise him he might hurt the Ducks around him H I have an idea we're the new swimming coaches let's start the lesson now huh okay let's do it do you think we can find him if we disguise his swimming coaches chickens can't swim so we'll be able to find him if we watch carefully mhm ouch that hurts kids this is the first lesson and we're going to learn today you shouldn't throw things around near the pool you might slip and fall put your gear on this shelf yes sir qu and remember you must warm up before going into the pool otherwise you might get muscle cramps everyone follow me let's warm up okay 1 2 3 4 the police are gone so no need to hide anymore I got to go 1 2 3 4 four 1 2 3 4 oh no it's the police 1 2 3 4 what should I do did they notice [Music] me the warm up is done now put on your safety gear and get ready to swim hey quack quack quack let's go swimming quack uhoh I don't know how to swim they're going to find me right away what should I do what should I do kids let's get into the pool yes sir quack quack line up and one by one Squish Squash in the water 1 2 3 4 5 quack quack wait huh you didn't wear the swim tube correctly that's not safe I got it let me help you it's okay I'll do it myself your [Music] foot your head it's Justin you're Thief chicken You Found Me you can't run away be careful around the pool it's [Music] slippery I'm snuck in the swim to please help [Music] me that was so scary huh so he is Thief chicken Thief chicken you're under arrest you're coming with [Music] us see you shouldn't act like him follow the safety rules in the swimming pool we got [Music] it Sheriff labrador's s safety talk kids the floor around the pool can be slippery so if you run or throw things around near the pool you might slip and get [Music] hurt before swimming you need to warm up and wear proper safety gear and it's dangerous to play in the deep water area so play in the kids area only left super capeman keeping the forest safe for Justice's sake I'm super [Music] gatan wow you're awesome attention all citizens there's a burglar going around digging tunnels and stealing things if you find any clues about the suspect please contact us it's so scary don't worry I'll keep the bad guy away with my k [Music] huh nobody's here this is my [Music] chance the BK from TV here's my CAG woohoo ouch [Music] hey see even the burglar scared of me stop right there wait stop W hi I'm Sheriff Labrador care flamor the tunnel digging burglar is here what we'll be right [Applause] [Music] there Sheriff Labrador my brother went after the burglar what he might be in Danger let's go find him now [Music] hurry ouch stop right there help I got you ouch ow let me go please I'll give you all of my treasure here take it all [Music] super catean defeated the tunnel digging burglar huh oh my it's just a [Music] kid huh I'm super gatean G the ATT cap attack H you dare try to trick me Sheriff labador it's okay you're safe [Music] now stop stop right there stop hey stop right there ah it's a dead end you have nowhere to run oh no aha dick dick dick you'll never catch me OU it's so H OU ow ow stop d [Music] d oh no he got [Music] away watch me huh [Music] oh man he's so sneaky huh I have an [Music] idea Doby stink [Music] bomb you think you can catch me no way H what's that smell it stinks nobody can run away from me Sheriff labrador's safety talk kids if you run across bad guys don't panic and don't try to show off and be a hero never try to fight them stay calm and stay away from them and ask for help from your parents or a police [Music] officer please keep that in mind St Stranger Danger on the phone Mommy's going to the market don't open the door to any strangers and don't answer the phone if you don't know the number uhhuh we got it [Music] bye who's calling I don't know this number mommy said we shouldn't answer [Music] it what if it's an [Music] emergency hello who is this hello kid are your parents home they went out I am at home with my little sister they are not at home that's great who is this I'm Uncle Bear a friend of your mom and dad don't you remember me Uncle Bear a that's right I bought a toy car and a cake for you w toy car and cake can you wait outside I'll be there soon okay Uncle [Applause] Bear there you are Come with Me A Sweeties where are you hi I'm Sheriff Labrador St lavador my children are missing please help me what we'll be right [Music] there [Music] Sheriff Labrador my children were playing with Clay right here but they disappeared when I got back don't worry leave it to us the windows are locked from the [Music] inside and the room looks all right too huh huh there's Clay on the phone looks like they answered the phone papum check this number got it [Music] hey oh no it's a fraud call maybe they were tricked by the phone call where's the location of this number right here rainbow apartment let's [Music] go hi where is the bad person hiding ouch hello your pizza is arriving soon pizza delivery I have a good idea so hungry what is it congratulations you've won a free Pizza coupon a free [Music] pizza this is your last chance if you don't want it this delicious pizza will go to the next lucky person I'll take it 602 at row apartment hurry please papion are you ready I'm ready the super sticky Pizza he'll be stuck right away [Music] wow right here pizza delivery it's here wow my pizza I'm coming H it's my pizza oh it's mine hands off it's mine give it to me stop oh hey police I got to run stop Hey ow stop what's that stop stop right there hey hey [Music] move Doby stop you can't catch me hey you can't jump huh by then stop right there Doby papion use super [Music] capture super capture move one hey flying Doby go [Music] hey you haven't eaten your pizza yet nobody can run away from me you're safe now we got the bad guy we'll never answer calls from strangers [Music] again Sheriff labrador's safety talk kids if you get a phone call from a stranger don't answer it just tell your parents if you happen to answer a call from a stranger never tell them you're alone and don't say anything about you or bad people might trick you please remember that what but
Channel: Sheriff Labrador - Kids Cartoon
Views: 3,138,327
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Sheriff Labrador, Labrador, safety sheriff, kids cartoon, cartoons for kids, funny videos for toddlers, kids cartoons, police cartoon, cartoons, cartoon video, kids videos for kids, cartoon, funny cartoon, kids safety tips, play safe, Sheriff Labrador's Safety Talk, Sheriff Labrador cartoon, kids videos, rescue team, safety tips for kids, safety cartoon, detective cartoon, don't go to remote places alone, sheriff labrador new episodes, labrador dog, police dog, babybus
Id: i9J22LobaQs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 28sec (2788 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 15 2024
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