A Crash Course on How to Oil Paint

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oil-paint the medium of the masters artists tend to use oil paint of her watercolors or acrylics because of its thick texture rich colors and endless possibilities now old paint does tend to be more expensive than acrylic and water combs but there are some companies out there like Windsor Newton who have made decent quality oil paints at an affordable price so what colors do you need I suggest the primaries and white that's red blue yellow and white now when you go to the store you'll see there's quite a variation of these colors so more specifically I suggest ultramarine blue cadmium red cadmium lemon and titanium white will go into mixing these colors a little bit later all right now you're gonna need to paint on something that's most likely going to be canvas there's a wide range of painting services but canvass is definitely the most common oil paint is thick and we need a surface that's sturdy and it's gonna grab and hold on to that oil paint and the weave of the canvas is built perfectly to do that now the weave of the canvas creates a specific texture in some artists like a lot of it and some artists don't like a lot of it for example portrait artists like to have a very smooth fine texture for the portraits because they're paying smooth skin and they don't want any unnecessary detail in the face that's why a lot of portraits are done on linen it's a very fine weave it's also very expensive a good general rule of thumb is finer the weave the more expensive it's gonna be if you're just starting out I don't recommend linen it's too expensive and you won't give you enough canvas to practice enough on now pretty much all store-bought canvasses are going to be primed what is prime prime is when they just sew the canvas so it's not as absorbent if that primer wasn't on there you'd put oil paint on the canvas and it'd get absorbed really quickly and you wouldn't really be able to paint just like everything else there's a wide variety of primers the most common is acrylic primed that's pretty much what all of your store-bought canvases are going to be and you'll find that this canvas is applied to many things sometimes it's stretched on bars like your traditional canvas sometimes it's mounted on panels or you can buy it in a roll and do whatever you want with it but what I suggest for beginners just to buy a canvas pad it's like a sketchbook but instead of the pages being paper it's primed canvas it's decent quality and a great cheap way to practice all right brushes we're going to need some thick sturdy brushes to handle that oil paint now the main shapes are filbert's flats and rounds and the main two types are synthetic and bristle brushes synthetic brushes are well setec hairs it gives you a clean controlled stroke which some people like now the bristle brushes are more imperfect and it gives you a more natural stroke I suggest picking up a couple of each to try out to see which ones you like I remember you don't need as many brushes as you think one brush can make quite a wide range of different marks now I personally like to use rosemary and Coe brushes no they're not sponsoring this video they'll never even see this video they probably don't even know I exist they just make really good quality brushes that last a long time at a decent price and I can have them ordered online and delivered right to my house okay median this is the one people get confused a lot about now when you're painting you're gonna find that the paint is not gonna flow sometimes the way you want it to so in order to change that flow rate you're gonna add medium now I suggest using linseed oil yes there are many different kinds of mediums but linseed oil is probably the most common it's also a slow drying medium now I know a lot of beginning oil painters are scared about the slow drying time they're so used to watercolors and acrylics that dries so fast and they want their oils to dry real fast too I recommend avoiding that you want to lean into the things that make oil paints different from watercolors and acrylics otherwise just keep painting in watercolors and acrylics this slow dry time is gonna give you the opportunity to do what oils do best which is really move the paint around and add it and manipulate it and push it and pull it now you're not gonna need a lot of medium a little goes a long way so don't pour out more than you think you need and Lizzie oil isn't toxic so you don't have to worry about the fumes it is flammable but it is not toxic all right time for paint thinner this has a lot of names sometimes it's referred to as turpenoid turpentine mineral spirits turps solvent now this is what you use pretty much in the place of water for watercolors and acrylics you're gonna dip your brush into it while you're painting and swish it around to break up the paint on the bristles so it falls off and so you can clean your brush although it does a good job cleaning your brush I recommend also having paper towels next to your paint Center to really wipe off any excess paint on the paper towels that's what's gonna really get it clean now some people like to use the paint thinner to thin out their paint when they're blocking in their subject or the beginning layers of painting that they can throw in quick and easy and with thin paint that will dry very quickly now paint thinner is toxic which is why I highly recommend getting odorless paint thinner even though it's odorless it is still toxic I recommend getting the gamsol apparently it is the most studio friendly but even so I'm very aware of the ventilation within my studio do you like it's a little more expensive but they do sell non-toxic paint thinner paint thinner costs money but the good news is you can reuse it when your jar paint thinner gets really cloudy and muddy just set it aside for a couple days let the sentiment all fall to the bottom and you'll be able to pour off and reuse the clean paint thinner on top pallet time what are you gonna mix your colors on there are so many different kinds of palettes from wood pallets to glass pallets to everything but I recommend if you're starting out to get a pad of palette paper this makes cleanup very simple you just tear off the page crumple it up and throw it away and you got a clean pallet waiting for you next time you sit down to paint alright now it's time to paint now you probably have the most success if you paint thin too thick this means that you start out with relatively thin paint and that's the painting progresses and you keep adding more layers the paint's gonna get thicker and thicker and thicker so for example you could start by blocking out your subject matter with thinned out paint with your paint thinner then you progress the paint that's got a little bit of linseed oil in it then by the end you're using pretty much just straight paint with no media more paint thinner at all be kind of a hard concept to grasp so I suggest getting out your pad a pallet paper and just play around making marks with thin paint thick paint some with linseed oil some with paint thinners some with none trying to paint over top of one another and just see how it works and get a feel for how paint layers on top of each other now I also recommend working dark to light so you lay in your darker areas and since you're working thin too thick they're gonna be thinner darker area and as you slowly progressively get thicker with the paint you're gonna slowly progressively work into the lighter and lighter areas if you have the opportunity to look at well-done oil paintings and lifes a museum or high quality images online you'll notice that the brightest highlights are the thickest paint on the painting now this doesn't mean once you start working in the light areas you can't go back in and touch in some of the dark areas you can it's just a rule of thumb and helpful to work the darks and build to the lights color mixing now color theory with old paints is the same as acrylics and watercolors so if you know color there you go now you have the primary colors and you should be able to mix up any color Under the Sun with those now don't ever think of color mixing as some sort of formula or recipe you have to follow there are a million different ways to get to any color what's gonna help you the most is not to memorize certain ways to get to certain colors but to learn color theory in general and using just the primary colors are gonna help you do exactly that it's gonna give you a strong solid foundation of color so you'll be able to mix up any color also since any color in your painting is gonna be derived from these three colors it's gonna give your painting really good color harmony and as you get more comfortable with color mixing you can add on other colors to your palette as kind of shortcuts to get to certain colors now I don't suggest beginners using black because it becomes way too easy just to add black to everything to darken it instead of understanding what colors to add to other colors to darken or lighten them and more times than not you'll just default to making something black if it looks dark instead of making it dark blue or dark purple dark red a lot of beginners will just go and just make it dark black the same thing goes for grades if they see like a grey sky or a gray street they'll just mix up black and white instead of actually seeing what color that grey sky really is because most of the time that grey sky isn't gray it's a greyish purple or it's a greyish blue the goal is to hopefully at one point when you're mixing colors all your mind is thinking is does this coming any more yellow doesn't need more blue or doesn't need more red all right when you're done painting it's time to clean up and if you have a padded pallet paper you can just crumple it up and throw it away now if you plan on painting tomorrow and there's some paint left on your pallet you can leave it and it'll still be workable tomorrow any longer than that I suggest putting the paint and some kind of jar or tube or some kind of airtight container to save it from getting dry or if you have the means you can wrap up your pallet in something and put it in the freezer this will keep your paint from drying out too for your brushes clean them the best you can it and your paint thinner and then wipe them off on your paper towel if you plan on paint tomorrow if you plan on painting the next day you can just wash your brushes off the best you can and your paint then or wipe them off on your paper town they should be okay for tomorrow any longer than that I suggest rinsing them with dish soap and warm water now paint does stain your clothes if you get some small little marks on your clothes I suggest tape removing the clothes first and then using clean paint thinner to rub it the best we can and see if we can get as much off as you can that way and then immediately throw it into the washer but most of the time it's just gonna permanently stain your clothes so I suggest getting an apron all right now the most important thing to know about oil painting is don't be afraid to fail sometimes the paintings not going to go the way you want it but you have to honor the effort just the fact that you actually sat down and oil painted is pretty cool and you need to recognize that as a victory now I know I missed tons of little details about oil painting but lucky for you I have a whole youtube channel dedicated to those little details so please hit the like button and subscribe to my channel for more videos like this on information on oil painting and I know you're gonna have a lot of questions and leave those questions in the comments section and I will answer them in the comments section or I'll make an entire video on that question I've done that before now if you like real-time painting video tutorials offered those on my patreon page but you can grab a link to that below as well and all the materials I suggest well I got Amazon links to those in the description too i'm chris hornet arrow here telling you to go get painting if you enjoyed this video please hit the subscribe button I also offer you this video in this video they're both great just pick one come on
Channel: Paint Coach
Views: 1,090,298
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Keywords: learn to oil paint in 10 minutes, learn oil painting fast, learn to oil paint fast, oil painting for beginners everything you need to know, oil painting everything you need to know, start oil painting today, a beginner's guide to oil painting, oil painting crash course, crash course in oil painting, a crash course on how to oil paint, everything you need to know to start oil painting
Id: lKuzi4DGE84
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 5sec (605 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 26 2020
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