A Course In Miracles - How to Control Your State of Mind - David Hoffmeister ACIM

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[Music] Jesus says in A Course in Miracles when you have learned how to decide with God all decisions become as easy and as right as breathing there is no effort and you will be led as gently as if you were being carried down a quiet path in summer seems like the perfect quote for this weekend living under christ control clueless carefree and cared for and I think Jeff sort of hit the nail on the head there when he talked about not necessarily being enjoy all the time but but a lot of the time and he's not necessarily out of joy for long when he's not and that really feels like what living under Christ control is about it's moving in the direction of you know moving in the direction of awakening and it's the spirit that's always leading us there if we're willing to listen he is always talking to us we just need to be able to hear that sir I just feel very honored and actually very blessed to be with you all here this weekend I'm so grateful you've taken the times out of your lives to be able to be here with us and joining because the essence I feel of these retreats is what we're doing right now it is being together you know joining in mind and in heart with their pure intention of over wakening of letting go of this this dream it's certainly my desire and I just feel very grateful so thank you and I think I hear the angels singing father has channeled so many beautiful songs from the Angels and we're going to be blessed with one of them right now take it away so Alvin thank you Michael and yeah hi everyone I am just yeah like Michael says so honored to be here with all of you thank you for joining us and yeah I received two new songs last week and this one is gonna I'm gonna sing now it's called bring it back [Music] bring it back [Music] Oh beautiful [Music] bring it back [Music] there is no [Music] Oh you cannot run you cannot hide go Oh Brian [Music] right now [Music] let me show you [Music] bring it back [Music] thoughts me bring it back [Music] they'd gone love see so you cannot run you cannot hide let go surprise right here right now let me show you how to extend [Music] God has given you to exam [Music] God has given you you cannot run you cannot let go [Music] surprise my dear right now let me show you bring it back [Music] [Music] love she support bringing it back No [Music] love to so love see you soon [Music] thank you now we will go over to David and Jason hi everyone nice to see you again oh isn't it wonderful these intimate online gatherings that we have where we're just it's like we're in the same room joining together over these very deep topics and I can feel the acceleration the speed up that happens when we do this you know we we love this platform we love zoom because we can we just look and we see all your faces and and you see our faces and we're feeling that deep connection of mighty companionship like a fellowship of Christ and what a great topic this time under Christ control clueless carefree and cared for and that amazing yeah it's a great I just saw those singing just all these how perfect it is for me was flashing through my mind and I thought oh this is my retreat so yeah yeah because I was yeah I just was thinking how involved I've been in and in the ministry for the past three four months and then all of a sudden of last week it is turned on a diamond I've been unwinding from things and they still haven't quite unwound from everything and then it's really to give me permission to feel what it is is now really for me and I had this dream last night it just went through my mind again that yeah the only the only problem the only reason anything difficult is that you think you know something whether it be how to run a ministry whether it be how certain decisions will be made and if you're coming from that concept or context then when it goes that's that's where the pain is and so this is all just coming into my awareness now so I don't do this weekend if it's not going that's great and this long bring it back let go there it is right that's so good now you know a lot of you know how much I like to use movies and of course we have our movie Watchers guide to enlightenment and our mystical mind training we use a lot of movies and movie clips there but I also just just in terms of the movie metaphor you know going to a theater going inside sitting down in your chair and then as the lights go off and the the show starts the movie starts you know you you lose yourself in the movie and and and it's quite an emotional ride and you don't even know what all emotions are going to surface during that movie but but actually being under christ control is really bringing it back his 12 us shared in her song you know bringing it all back to the mind but we need a lot of practice that we can't just be told to bring it back we actually have to really practice this day after day moment after moment really to get in touch with our mind because that's basically the why the world was made the ego made the cosmos linear time to keep us distracted from our mind it doesn't it doesn't want us to get in touch with our Christ mind it doesn't even want us to get in touch with the power of our minds the power of thoughts and and it doesn't want us to get in touch with the idea that we can actually control the direction of our thinking we can actually change the purpose of our mind from one of hatred and fear and guilt to to forgiveness and peace and joy and love and admittedly that's a big turnaround to make that change but that's why we're here that's why we're all on the the online retreat together that's what it's all about and Jason was just talking about you know even getting attached to the role of running a ministry you know part of of just beginning to go in the direction of being under Christ's control is to start to allow ourself permission to loosen from the roles where we have placed our identity and and you were noticing that role instead of just waking up every day and and as soon as your eyes open you're in the role and you just go through all these roles every day go to sleep at night and then repetitively play the same roles over and over and over there has to be a way for us to begin to loosen from those roles and there are lots of ways to practice this and there are a lot of symbols but one of the things I always enjoyed it so sometimes when Jason and I would go to the movie theater Jason is a theater hopper and even you know what a theater hopper is because it hops from theater to theater hopping into different movies and so he may take in 3 4 depending on how big the theater is 7 whatever but you can just imagine how that how you you would have a bit of detachment from the characters if you just pop into the theater at any point of the movie you don't know the movie you don't know the plot you're just in there and it's just the characters and then you shift to another one this is kind of your way of reincarnating this is what instead of going to the theater Jason reincarnates and pops in and out of movies but you see that what it would do it would loosen you from thinking getting too identified in there with the roles because that's where the heaviness comes in that's where the repetition comes in to guilt and I was thinking before we started you know it's a lot of you know the movie Groundhog Day where Phil the weatherman repeats the same day over and over and over how many of you have actually had that experience where you you feel like you're in the Groundhog Day movie you you know the alarms going off you're brushing your teeth you're going around there okay there we see some hands coming up and now Groundhog Day is a good example of being under under ego control because because it's like you're in the loop and you just keep looping over and over and over again and a symbol of moving towards Christ control would be to get to the point where you actually start pondering what exactly am i repeating these things for is there is there a point to all this repetition is there a point to going through these things over and over is it that my mind is so conditioned that I don't even question the repetition anymore or have I just given myself completely over and then you start to feel bored or you start to feel your life is mundane or you you need more excitement you need some spice to come in there because the repetition is so thick it's just so thick so I think that's going to be one of the things we'd like to explore and we of course will use what is going on for you we want to hear from you we want to hear what is it that that is making you feel so trapped what is it in your reception where the repetition is so thick sometimes of course you've written in some beautiful questions again we've got those and also we love to to hear from you as we go into this but to me work going at a very deep topic because we're getting at that that control mechanism and the ego loves to control the form and control the world in order to achieve a sense of stability and that control is called judgment and then when you judge you may minimize the fear and you may minimize the guilt but you don't really let it go it's just still there even though you seem to have a bit of control over you seem to it's like manageable fear the ego doesn't want you to question the whole belief in fear because the ego will be out of business if you do that but it wants you to have a manageable amount of fear where you aren't going to let go the ego entirely but you're going to learn how to tolerate it or tolerate the human condition and tolerate these repetitious days that just go on and on day after day after day and it wants you to to tolerate that instead of actually reaching a point where you say now this is I'm worth more than this I'm worth much more than this can we talk about that because I was really just thinking about this today because like Jesus says in the course whenever you feel fear it's because you you're you're doing something that I've guided you not to do right but today in the lesson that you were reading he said whenever you feel fear it's because the ego is riding along on the journey which actually felt more authentic in the moment to me like later like there's something happening but I have been like first three hours or something just some kind of really intense fear there is that and it's like what do you do to fix it what do you do to stop it but it's not it it's like so I'm like what it yeah this is great well I think for us to get really clear about releasing to Christ control it we we can look at it in a number of different ways recently I was on Facebook and a friend of mine Olga had had commented I still need more clarification on this because she was she she saw that quote that I use I teach this quote so much from the course what do you want freedom of the body or freedom of the mind for both you cannot have and she said can you give me a little more clear than that why can't I have both I want freedom of the body and freedom of the mind but Jesus is saying both you cannot have because there are two different purposes one is a false ego definition of freedom which isn't freedom at all it's just pseudo freedom and then when you follow that road the ego is on the ride and you may do all kinds of things the body can do all kinds of things trying to achieve that freedom of the body and then there's still this kind of emptiness like hmm it's not working and then the freedom of the mind is like the matrix you know morphe is saying to me oh i want to free your mind that's that's a freedom that's coming from release of judgments release of categorising release of comparison release of competition you know that's what's going to actually free the mind so if we go into this a little closer we can also see that you know for our community we always talk about no private thoughts and no people-pleasing the reason that we focus on not holding on to private thoughts or not stuffing them down and suppressing them or repressing them is because to the extent that they're valued and held on to and to the extent that they're pushed down and kept held on - then the mind actually wants privacy and it wants it wants to be in charge of the body it wants to be the ruler of what the body does and it will even generate ideas like freedom of the body or wealth of the body or all kinds of different things just to maintain that but what Jesus is calling us to is he's calling us to let these thoughts be given over to me so that they can be under my control that's where the title comes from you know under Christ's control is basically you're giving those thoughts over to Jesus and saying here I can't I've not been able to successfully free my mind with these thoughts but if you use them with you direct the behavior you direct my words you direct my actions let these thoughts be under your control and then Jesus says you'll be able to be taken into that place of innocence of truth freedom freedom of the mind so I had another friend of mine he wrote to me and he said I don't even like that that title of your on upcoming online retreat under Christ's control he said I don't like that title and he said maybe it's just the control word I don't like I don't even like that word I don't like that word control and don't put it next to Christ either it doesn't sound good and I said well it's it's kind of from absence from felicity Jesus telling Helen Schucman a good scribe should be under Christ's control because she was always wanting to be there autonomous with her scribal ability I'll do it whenever I want to and she even tried to do it like a strike a rioting strike on Jesus where she absolutely refused to write Jesus's words and this went on for quite a few days until she she just had so much anxiety and tension built up and that's when this thing came in a good scribe should be under Christ's control so really this is for all of us and I'm thinking back to the days when I travel with my friend rest up where she she loved all these movie metaphors but she really liked the Pinocchio metaphor you know where Pinocchio wants to be a real boy he's a puppet but he wants to be a real boy and then he goes to plays your Island and things go downhill from there but it's a very good fairy tale it's a it's a good fairy tale for all of us because what rest would say is I want to be put back on the strings in other words it's from this sense of autonomy from this sense of wanting to have personal control which is egoic over the body and even when you're struggling if you're struggling with weight issues you're trying to control the body if you're if you're struggling with issues around body image if you're if you're struggling with issues about doing things that you don't really want to do or wishing you could be doing other things and there's still this idea that you have direct control over the body it's still an autonomous egoic wish to control that's underneath it and that's where the guilt comes in and the fear comes in rest it would say put me back on the strings she was always saying put me back on the strings I want to be under Christ's control I would rather let Jesus and the Holy Spirit be using my body and and she did work on that quite a lot she had like over 170 songs that came through her when she was allowing it to come through her to scribe the songs and then also to to play the songs on the guitar and sing them so that's kind of the core of where we're going with all this that's where the core issue is right there that's where the control is so there's a fear get more intense because I'm a boat well maybe just coming on here like having to be here or like something's about to be asked to me that and that's where the because why would it get so intense right when you write you're doing fine till I said that it was manageable but I think you know I think all of us are like well that it sounds good sentimentally but what is Jesus gonna actually have me do am I gonna have to go out on the street corner and and preach about the kingdom of heaven you know what exactly is the Spirit gonna have me do and and that's kind of it that is just an ego fear of letting go of running the show that's that's basically what it is you know for me I had to ease my way ease my way into things and then it was more like okay Jesus you're gonna have to show me you're gonna have to do it through me and show me that this is going to work out and then it we we end up doing all kinds of things we never imagined doing and suavo ends up taking down all these songs she's got 60 or 70 songs and just wrote I just had an album comes through her and all kinds of things that we never would even imagine we would be doing come when we surrender when we just say use me so maybe that's part of it you're just now it's getting closer to that use me phase what what will be asked to me and I think that's a that's a common fear like if I'm under Christ's control oh my god what will the Holy Spirit say through me and do through me how is how is my family going to take this and you know that that gets me into I was looking at some of the questions and a lot of the questions that are were written in whether it's rich I love your your question about marianne williamson running for president and then i mean i went through all the questions and basically a lot of them have to do whether it's is stealing with with parents it's dealing with physical conditions is dealing with children bridget wrote in about her hearth arthritis and her age and her job and Hika wrote in about her parents her father having dementia and her mother being increasingly unable to to function and so on and so forth when i was reading through these questions what came to me was this idea of forgetting that we're dreaming getting caught up into these roles and then getting caught into this habitual predicament of of analyzing people and judging their motives because jesus tells us in the course that you can't you can't accurately judge the motives of anyone without using the ego whenever you're judging the motives of anyone if if we look at somebody who's a Course in Miracles teacher like marianne williamson running for president of the united states and we judge her motives we say what is she doing what is she doing that for whatever it is positively or negatively then we're using we're activating the ego to judge the motives of marianne or could be with your parents it could be with your children maybe you do it with the person you think you are you're constantly judging notice of that person what are they up to it's a little bit of dissociation going on there but what what were they thinking why why did I do that you know some of you have done something and then on God's good earth wide that I decide to do something that is so stupid we're so dumb and so that's like a judgment of the of the personal self but what it is is every time we are judging the motives of others were we're very much caught up into the roles and very much looking outside of ourselves outside of our mind and we're asking the why question we're asking what are they up to why did they do that but we're asking it of them we're asking of the dream characters we're not bringing it back to like the song that it's love or just saying bring it back we're not bringing it back to the mind what what is it for for me what is it for for my own motive we're asking it in terms of these dream characters and then when we do this we've already bought the bait of the ego because you cannot analyze the motives of others without activating and using the ego and the purpose of the course is for us not to engage the ego not to activate it not to use it at all because it's a poor counselor it's a poor teacher it's it doesn't know who it is it doesn't know who who we are it doesn't know that we're the Christ the holy son of God and therefore at one point Jesus says the ego knows nothing it it doesn't even know anything at all and why would you look to that for your advisor your counselor or your teacher why would you try to use it to to analyze the motives of others when you are simply perpetuating and ego identification every time that happens so that's just an example of a very very bad habit that keeps Groundhog Day going and we have to come to another way of approaching our life another way of going towards healing towards wholeness towards love and light by trusting the guidance of the Holy Spirit the guidance of Jesus to tell us if we're to say anything if we're to do anything if we're to go if we're to have time back and rest to step back that's what you've been looking at lately is just this idea of being actually very active and there was a role activated there and then now it's like a stepping back from that role mm-hmm and facing whatever emotions come from that as well so it's very profound very very profound and you might imagine that if you start to loosen from these past references and these past motives that you've had you're just opening your mind up to be used in a new way you're opening to the purpose of peace you're opening to a state of mind that is tranquil you're even opening to a new definition of of worth because instead of your worth being on how much did you get done what did you do it's opening to your worth being tied to your state of mind what what emotion am i experiencing my piece blesses the whole world my holiness blesses the whole world there's nothing my holiness cannot do you see how Jesus is starting to teach us that our state of mind is what's important and our state of mind is what we have and our so it's not a product it's not an outcome it's not something that can be found on a resume or written up in terms of a nice novel it's not going to be found in in any of those things it's actually only going to be discovered as a state of mind so you can see how radically different this is sometimes even people when they hear that clueless carefree and cared for they they think wow that sounds like Easy Street you know and in one sense it is it is very easy but also you have to first put the effort of your mind and being vigilant for God and being vigilant for your peace of mind and vigilant against this ego thinking that's where the effort comes in before you discover this state of mind that is so easy that is so simple that is so natural so it does seem to take effort to turn the tables to reverse the thinking to reverse the thinking of your mind completely that is where the effort seems to come in so we're going to we're doing our meet and greet our Friday night meet and greets and we've got a pretty good flavoring of some questions here but before we get into them too deeply I would like to know what it is that you're coming to this online retreat for in the sense of what does that mean to you when you hear those words under Christ's control how does that apply to your life and and if you have a hunch that there is something wonderful about that what is it where or you feel trapped what is it that you feel is holding you back what is it that you feel is keeping the the the repetition going the predictability of the of the script what is it that's on your heart that really is looking for an exposure and a release maybe we should try to open it up and I just love hearing from you and hearing what's going on in your mind tonight as we talk about this amazing topic and these this amazing opportunity we have for freedom to really break free okay go hey Patrick hi everyone I think I've been doing the same thing for a long time I've had the same job for a long time I've been married to the same person for many years and when I went to Mexico last year I decided I wanted to move to Mexico and sell my house and leave my wife but I realized that the outward behavior is not so important that's you know the inner state of mind but now I don't know it's it's been a slow process trying to you know settle all my personal affairs and and you know be in agreement with my partner as I'd like to go fast and other people seem to be going slower so that's the kind of the block I feel I feel like I'm kind of you know enmeshed in all is gooey karma or whatever it is it's hard to it's not hard but I just I have to kind of surrender to what's going on rather than too much you know my personal agenda [Music] so I mean that's kind of where I'm at right now I'm the idea you know being in a totally different situation where I can they you know just not have any not have the same kind of restraints on me and just being able to surrender I know maybe it's it's the wrong kind of you know I could do that now but for some reason I think if I have different circumstances I'd be you know it'd be easier to to surrender so I don't know maybe if you can respond to that please yeah thank you it's I feel like that's one of the values of these online retreats is it's kind of like it's it's stirring up your motivation for for expansiveness for for release there's a movie that's one of the like classic movies that as part of the community it's it's about the the life of st. Francis brother Sun sister moon and there's a song in there that literally has the words day by day stone by stone build your secret surely it's it's it's almost like you the secret is is I'm going to escape we you know nobody knows it but it's a little bit like the Shawshank Redemption you know with with with a character who feels imprisoned but also has anesthetist devotion to doing whatever is required and and keeping the faith and keeping the fire bright and keeping the spark bright and and having that that steadfastness to moving in the direction and I could certainly relate to that I I can think back to the time when I was in school and the times when I was doing co-op things and I was I felt like I was going through the motions but but there was a spark in me and even if that spark was just something like there has to be more there has to be more I know there's more I don't know fully what it is but I know it's there then that that really motivated me to go forward and move in the direction that I was being called and it took a form of I mean I had simple lunches and I i basically focused my energy like a beam of light towards the direction that I was being called in the everyday in the day-to-day activities you know keeping the the spark bright yeah I'd like to share a bit about that too because I had a relationship where they even seemed to be a contract and when I felt the guidance to end it and people around me some of them didn't necessarily agree it was an interesting situation like what do I do because everything's supposed to be flowy and you're like a garden stream or whatever that quote it wasn't exactly a guy garden but it was a really powerful assignment for me because what I had to do was like what David said have his beam focused and and state clearly what I felt in the moment and then this big reaction would come and then all sorts of demands and anger and whatever and then I just actually had to meet those demands in a very fresh and new way it was like a real deep prayerful time what are they really asking for what can I give that and when I would meet it the mind would just soften so beautifully and we'd be in this deep holding encounter and then they would do the part that I had asked under no duress and totally from grace and and voluntarily and then another request would come in and it would be the same thing meet the demand I have to see my personal agenda to make the changes to your case to go to Mexico there is an agenda underneath like once you hear the guidance it's like okay well now I personally got to make it happen but no you don't you just this is the whole retreat you do your part you you take a step forward if there's obstacles to clear he'll do it as we practice our training site I want more of that I enjoyed that yeah yeah and we I have to say oh my gosh following the course and with this community of mighty companions I just feel like I've been so touched by the devotion that I see where people feel a strong calling and they just they go for it but it seems to take a while and who is it our friend that's been living in her car and going going with Eric Oh Tamra Tamra has gone through a phase recently where she's been living in her rav4 and she's gearing up and gearing up and and there's Michael - Michael I you know Michael felt this calling and he felt he was too separate divorce his wife and and and leave his career and do all these kind of things and I remember Michael coming down there to Australia and you you were living out of your car - if you had a little Honda I think it was like a Honda hatchback I mean I love the determination if I put a montage of all these people maybe you could share about that Michael you that was the time where you were all fired up and you really were as happy as can be and that car was packed to the gills that was not like a van that was like a Honda hatchback and you kept the faith and that spark going there in in this big journey and voyage and there you are as happy as can be but share a little about that that phase in that little house interesting well we were we had a house we were gang to go to and and I was all set up and just when we will go into movie and it didn't happen we weren't it wasn't given for us to be in the house and so suddenly it was like all this stuff can you talk about being joyful well there was about a bunch of stuff that came up before the jury it was like whoa you know what are we gonna do where are we gonna go what's gonna happen you know I was just divorcing so there was a whole lot of funds but that will sort of frozen at the time while things were being sorted out and so we're just like well what's going to happen here and all the stuff came up and then there was this beautiful beautiful realization that where is my home where is my home really is it in a house is it in is it on the street is where it's my home is with God my home is with my father in heaven really and this was like a this was like it was like an epiphany like a real whoa it was like an awakening moment I felt because in that moment where there was all this joy we're gonna be in a car and we're talking we're not just talking bed a big hunter this is a little tiny Honda Civic the old Honda Civics it were tiny but it was like it was just so joyful we didn't care we're gonna sleep on the side of the right that's okay really like it just didn't matter we were just in this joy of this full realization acceptance and like a full experience that my real home is with my father in heaven there's nothing that can satisfy me in this world there's nothing in form that can compare to that at all or is of any relief comfort pleasure at all you know my home is with my father in heaven being with that and then just being open to that and really not caring and that's okay to say that in the moment so what happened over the coming weeks and it was actually months where was just miracle upon miracle we're just shouted miracles just you know people inviting us in holy encounters all over the place being guided not having to worry about we're a gang we're just traveling along and suddenly a theater came along there was that movie hereafter had just come out we didn't know anything about it but we'll guide it to go to the cinema we went to this and was just amazing experience with this amazing movie and I was at the night timeless and what are we gonna do and where we gonna sleep tonight I can't even remember what happened but I remember all this what cats so beautifully and you know even sleeping in a tent for a while with with one of our friends that her kids were in the house and that would jealous we're in the tent in the backyard it was this luxury tent you know is this like miracle after miracle and I think that's what it is when we say yes and when our heart is really with our father with the Christ I'm just saying just being open to the miracles they happen yeah and it's not trying to make them happen or even looking forward to them it's just saying yes just moving the direction just saying okay Jesus I'm under your control now I'm just gonna be under Christ's control and letting it unfold and just watch the miracles happen it's amazing and just when you've been showered in them over and over and over again and we just like it's just crazy then to try and do anything behind myself anymore because I've just been proven wrong so many times when I try and do that and so you know it works out so beautifully when I just say not my will but yours deferment aful that's beautiful well don't even get us started with our car stories Patrick because we have we could go all weekend with just car stories of miracle car stories because we've had so many of them but but the theme of I think it is to that for myself or for a lot of us um you know we we followed the world's formula you know Michael who was just talking there about living in a car you know his head is on had a construction company was the head of the company a beautiful house the wife children had had the the thing that people go well you have arrived you've arrived if you've dipped down all that you've done it you've done what you were here to do but there was a none fulfillment there was something inside that was like there's something calling me to to a higher state of mind that's my purpose for being here not accumulating the things that the world would say is the dream the happy dream but actually being taken on a journey of listen follow and really going on that journey and we're with you on that we know that it takes it takes patience it takes strength you know that's one of the strengths of God is is what I trust him because you have to have that faith and that strength to keep going in the face of what seems to be even judgments and the mind like this is so slow you know that can be a a persistent judgment that wants to come in there it's taking too long but if you really have that spark in your heart you know that's going to carry you that's going to lift you and we're all there with you and it's one of these great things about these bond retreats you get a lot of support in many many many ways yeah so thank you so next up is Julie Bergeron David yes yes oh I'm so happy to be here in this retreat and this title really really as far as me and yeah it's living under christ control and it's kind of christ control is like a cruise control a bit like a GPS too because and and i have it reminds me of what I feel um how can I put it what I can imagine it is and I have glimpses of that freedom and an expansion when I when I let myself be in in in in his arms and and Anna metaphor in my life is that I have no sense of orientation so South North West East I never had a glimpse except that okay the Sun is going down that way so it's it's the West okay but if I Drive I have no sense of you know so when the GPS started or when I have my first GPS I was like oh my God my life is changing I can go anywhere now I just need to listen and follow so it's been a life changing and I being a GPS and it's kind of what I expect to be or but in a in a bigger way or in any way more expensive and lately I've been you were asking David what keeps what was it what is holding you back and I think for me there's a lot of shame and it's a shame that brings more shame right it's like a an endless Sun seems to be an endless darkness that is playing tricks on me and it's shame that I still believe in in in luck I guess because I'm in large and I'm going in death and III want to know - I want to understand what is what is the difference between going through darkness I mean having unconscious on earth darkness from the subconscious because I'm going through a lot of anxiety and fear like and and the difference from before the course in my life is that now I know that this too shall pass I mean I know that that it's that it's illusion but when I'm in it even though I know it's illusion and I keep doing my lessons and I keep listening to two speakers and but I'm still in a lot a lot of Darkness and when I'm in that darkness I thank you isolate and so my question is what is so allowing darkness to coming up and release it to the Holy Spirit but it go I mean it seems like it's Angeles these days these weeks and so when we say if we're not in our joy it means we are in our ego mind so I'm sometimes it's also that this is where the guilt and the shame comes from I guess kind of a spiritual you know I'm not there yet or so yeah and to express thank you Thank You Julie yet it if feels like the darkness is like this this dark pit of heaven sometimes call it unworthiness or lack and that's where that deep deep sense of shame can be and it reminds me of that but that Shania know song how could anyone ever tell you you were anything less than beautiful like it's almost like we're all these children and we have these amazing gifts just spectacular gifts and and yet they've been covered over and and so we don't have confidence in them I mean I I was talking to somebody recently and I was saying yeah I was I was voted most quiet in my senior class I was just so shy and I'd kind of fumble around and and I couldn't even enunciate clearly because I was unsure I was uncertain I was were the underneath and I didn't have my confidence so as we start to open up to miracles we have to realize we didn't have to be Jemma ourselves because we're going to have to build a confidence up with our our miracle working and and the best way that we do that is when we are guided together like this in in different ways you know on online retreats or I remember that time when you came down to New Mexico here and oh my gosh of the joy and the laughter and you you start to feel so wonderful because you can feel the love and you feel like pouring through you and it feels so natural and everything's taken care of - it's like the whole situation is arranged and and you don't you aren't even trying to figure anything out it's like you're on a magic carpet ride and and and that's that's what I call a confidence builder you know we we need the confidence builders and then once we start to get our confidence going we get stronger and stronger sometimes people will say to me even with our community they'll say you know you have a very strange community you know you have these houses around and now you're going to get another one over in Europe now and and Utah and Mexico and this and this but these are like little incubators these are like little safe containers these are places where where people can begin to let their their gifts their their their skills and ability be used not for productivity or to try to expand the gross national product of whatever country or even to invent things to make the world a better place you know it's just letting those intrinsic natural innate gifts that are in there in your soul and ready to come out to come out and then when they do the most amazing kind of collaborations happened and the most amazing joyful things we just were just celebrating us Slava's album becoming to completion and and she could tell you even letting these songs come through she was trembling because she had never done anything like that before she she wasn't a writer and she didn't have confidence in her voice and she didn't know how to put together an album or with all the things the technical things recording and mastering and mixing and all kinds of things and it is like a walk of trust but it's almost like we just we water the garden we water the flowers and then those stems come up and then those flowers come out and then those flowers open and all that sunshine and we go yeah this is wonderful this is this feels great this feels natural so so it's kind of a you have to really nurture yourself and keep the faith as best you can because because what's been hiding these seeds all along has been this darkness and this shame and this unworthiness and it's a big turnaround and and also it can get overwhelming when you think this is like a bottomless pit does it does it ever stop you know after you usually when you have a big burst of love then oh my gosh that calls spiritual ego backlash or ego whiplash comes in and Jesus even describes that of the course you know he says when you moved into the light you will rush to darkness you know he's describing almost like a pendulum of of huge joy expensive joy not of this world joy and then shrinking down into like the throes of darkness you know kind of like Edgar Allen Poe the pit in the pencil you know you know it's some of the Raven you know some of those old writings that you know very very dark so we're we're with you in this because we've been called together and and we our purpose is the nurturing part is to find ways to nurture together this love and this light and and I that's how I see you I remember you when just meeting you I remember all this love that just is pouring through so naturally and I know that's the real you and and that's our purpose is to do everything we can to strengthen that you know to build that confidence just like a child needs to build confidence we all really need to build that confidence yeah yeah David I was just there's something really resonated what she said there when she's in the darkness that she can isolate you know which I've certainly experienced and that's always been the worst possible outcome because when I isolate when I feel like I'm in the darkness and and that's where the Willing is a little bit of willingness comes in just to be able to reach out to a mighty companion or you know we have a parent support line there's it's just this is where the willingness has some willingness has to come in some trust has to come in to say okay I really don't want to speak to anyone I just want to isolate but it's very important at that time to actually reach out that's it's always a miracle right there waiting for us this is a pathway of relationships and you know isolation is not it I can really that for that one every time I try to isolate it is always backfire and every time I've reached out really without exception has always been a miracle so I just really encourage you to do that it's it's very healing very supportive and it's a blessing for everyone when you do that okay next with their hand up is Candace go ahead Candace cool thank you you hear me okay yeah yes okay good well when I am it's all right I left Grand Junction and I packed to my car like you guys are talking about year and a half ago and went Arizona and I thought oh how quaint some you know of course Miracles group down here well that didn't pan out so well for me for whatever reason so then I ended up coming to California packed up my car again and came to California and on my way into I'm in Fairfax California and on my way in I came by Mayer Island and I grew up with Shetland ponies on a ranch in Colorado and horses and that Marilyn just piqued my curiosity big-time so eventually I got around to going over there and and it wasn't anything that you know was real pressing for me to go there but I came home the long way one day and came around that way and as I crossed a napa river onto Muir Island I had the most incredible feeling of being so cared for and it was the most incredible feeling of love I've ever I think I've ever felt I don't know so hearing I'm driving around these huge ships building ghostly looking huge buildings like where the hell is this coming from I mean it was you know it was just such a bizarre feeling but it just it just kept generating stronger and stronger as I drove around through all these monsters buildings there most of which are empty are just broken windows and just kind of spooky looking places but I had this deep feeling of maybe I suppose would would be the cared-for clueless you know all of that feeling at Sun and and I was not feeling that that day you know I was feeling kind of carefree because I was out floating around the area on my one day off during the week and and I just I had a wonderful time exploring this whole area since I've been here I've been here since May but that was that was so huge and I I stopped and watched some of the ferries over on the Napa River and I couldn't really get out to the bay side of it so much but it was just done the whole time I was on that island like out that and so when I came back home I was just I just felt glowing and just so warm and and so amazing and and I got back home and I was like God how do I keep a hold of that feeling and and where did it come from the first place and then I um I just kind of fell back into the hole again then so I'm thinking I went back a couple times in the second time when I'm back of course it sort of generated the memory a little bit the third time I went back I went to the museum the young Navy ship building Museum and I went wandered around there for a while then I couldn't wait to get the hell out of there so it obviously had nothing but you know it was just I kind of tapped into a little bit and some of my travels around the area and stuff but I just well so anyway the the gentleman I came here to work with the team he was working to his end of life and he died in December so now I know I'm at a place where it's time for me to move on again here in a little while in him I'm getting scared kid I am my age and feeling some of the pains I'm feeling I just don't feel like living a car is gonna work for me but I am I just feel it is time to UM bring about some changes and I do call back I have been blessed recently my times when I was working didn't didn't fit in with any of the meetings in this area at all and I was so frustrated from that finally I count in with Chris Christine and babe I'm over in the Mill Valley area and started going to meetings with them and meeting with them in the mornings and stuff and uh but I I need some help with this thank you it's beautiful Candice thank you for sharing it because it's like it it can feel like the world is closing in on us and the fear can grow stronger and and I always think back to even Hermann Hesse's story of Siddhartha where even with Siddhartha when he was in the palace there's something not right and you know one of the things that really I love about the course and I love about Jesus's teaching is basically he said keeps repeating it over and over and over about how this world has has disappointed us like somehow we're looking for things and we're looking for safety and security and we even sometimes get sentimental and and you were talking about that experience you had with those big buildings you know it just brought back a memory for me where I was in Cincinnati and if my friend Maya from Canada Nova Scotia came down to visit me and we were having some just having joyful talks and there at the peace house and then I said now let's let's go out and I said I I know of a place I want to take you and it was one of these giant molls that had closed it was like a ghost mall it was like method stores and there was a few walkers out there you know elderly people that were what still walking around but it was basically ghost mall and we just had the most delightful time in ghost mall with all the stores closed and this massive hundreds of thousands of square feet of nothing where there was supposed to be this this Hall of Commerce you could call this it just had basically collapsed and I don't know there was something funny about about collapsing halls of Commerce because it just again reminded me that that the world has disappointed me that I've searched for meaning in this world for a long time and and hoped there would be meaning and yet there's something in our mind where we make the turn where we we start to realize you know that's right it's it's this isn't my home it's almost like it drives us into a point of starting to feel wow this is not my home and there's something that starts to loosen and lighten up because when we're still like driving and looking for it you know it's still the fear can grow greater and stronger but something a little tweak happens where we start to realize okay I'm coming home to my true home I'm gonna be in that tractor beam and you've got me now because my best efforts for decades have not put me towards that direction but now I'm I'm surrendering I'm giving it over I'm going to trust and be shown and to me that's I love hearing people's journeys because I love hearing their stories the miracle stories of how things opened up for them in such surprising and startling and unexpected ways and because that's how it went for me it wasn't something that I can't say I planned this spiritual journey out and I premeditated every step I got more clueless the deeper I got into it and I think I also got more trusting Havas I was trusting and clueless and those two are really a strong combination so I see I I see Christine and David on here I saw their smiling faces and I and in the midst of it right out there in Mill Valley you know you've you've got what you need for now and and we're joined in the prayer of trust that that you will be shown because the ego always tries to project a dark future you know and and actually there there are angels there are steps along the way whatever we need it will it will be provided and I really believe that for you I really believe that thank you [Music] okay next up this is Nina Sylvia go ahead Sylvia oh yes thank you can you say something David so let me see ya I feel ya thank you why I'm here because I think these retreats are wonderful and I really really really want to be living under Christ's control I just finished a five-day retreat in almond and of course I looked at my sound issue again because that's something I wanna fix I can see now I wanna fix it I don't want to fix it but I think I wanna fix it and I had a beautiful experience being in a little church the first night I heard the clock and I was overwhelmed I was with my ego and it was like gone like that and two days later I had a really loving experience and then I start now I realize I start thinking that I'm doing it and then my ego takes over again okay then we had to do an forgiveness exercise and and I came to a very deep convincing I can see I want to get rid of the sounds so they must be gone I must become and that was very very painful and when I'm in line with Jesus I don't feel that but when I'm not in line with him I do feel that that I'm not good enough I'm not doing good enough I'm not supposed to be here like that so yeah I do want to live under Christ's control and I I now realized I just continue doing the course I just continue going to these retreats and whatever I'm supposed to do and I trust I need to be gentle with myself like you said I need to build confidence and this is the way I do it but this deep convincing that I'm I'm yeah I'm not worth it something like that it's just not true and yeah it's just not true and I gave it over to know how to spin but it doesn't doesn't feel like I really did give it over yeah thank you for sharing that because it's it's very intense because of the self judgments that's where it gets so intense I mean that's why sometimes even people can go to a movie or they can be talking to a friend and they can you can see it so clearly the call for help and you can answer so clearly but sometimes when it just slips in there's such a deep unworthiness that it's it's very very intense and it's like you said slip like you can just slip into the eye slip into the identification the personal identification and and that's where the the grip is that's where the pain is so the Spirit is very adept at working with us you know it will not work with our like our major jugular or our major fears if it kind of works to soften things and loosen things and build our confidence and help us get in the right direction and then we start to get a bit of momentum and a bit of confidence actually starts to come in and it's that's pretty much the way it is even in this world when you're trying to master a skill or to master something it takes a while and and certainly in terms of miracle-working and and really starting to get in touch with our true nature yeah that's where the being gentle with yourself you know comes in because it's working I can tell with you going to this like this retreat and the different things that you're going to you're you're putting the effort in and now you just have to let it kind of take hold and start to grow a little bit stronger but it's it's working it's beautiful and it's so great that we're here because we share it online and it's everything that gets shared this way is a it helps build the confidence for everybody every time everybody hears a witness or a sharing that this can be done it there's something inside that goes yeah I can do this too if so if we can do this I can do this and you know that's why we love these the witnessing that goes on so thank you thank you so much for hanging in there with this thank you okay next on the list is tasty go ahead Casey I think so much I owe you two to meet you all and David I would listen to your YouTube's and speakers for four months it's uh I've so many questions and this they come and they go what trying to get to the heart of what really matters I just oh my heart spur into I just want awakened so so badly I just feel like I will do whatever it takes in is sometimes hard to know you know what to do or where to go is like I try so hard like what you want for me how could I be helpful and it seems like nobody cares you know like I work in a factory to provide for my family I got you two young kids one who requires like a lot of care excuse me is half a heart so you know it's like I have this family that I provide for and then I I just I just want always know where I'm where I'm being led like one really awesome friend of my life fine I haven't seen them for years they sold all their stuff and just moved to Costa Rica right and and then I got in touch with them again and it's just like part of me feels like oh wow it's when I give everything up and even my family would be open to like do we know that like they're not really attached to the house and trying to survive in the Western world type thing and then the other part of me is like I just want to be so involved with your guys's community and and and I'm just like I've started a Course in Miracles group and I finally saw ready to get some money companions and and I just I just feel so torn like I feel like every day I feel such a different purpose like one day is like a blessing because I get to listen to you know your speakers and all day at work and then the next day it's like I just feel like I'm just run by people who don't know or care or just aren't open to it all I feel so alone and then some days it just like doesn't matter the form because I just feel this deep intense happiness and connection and that whiplash that everyone's been talking about and that and just that intense darkness and and going in to like extreme light and then feeling lost in in the darkness again and it's just like I still even though I've been doing the course for a decade it's really hard to know sometimes squish which weighs up to which weighs down and I just I just wanted to speak to you so badly for months and I feel very grateful to be here thank you for all of your love David Thank You Casey thank you this is so touching you know it's like you you have found your your calling in your direction and and you have this will this little constellation around you and and and you're doing this for yourself and ferd for everyone including the constellation and and that's important to remember because as you move along you're just going to be there will be these nudges these little prompts these little things that will come in and sometimes they don't fit in the structures of the world but you just have a strong feeling inside and and so I think if you keep focusing on on on the communication aspect of it I mean obviously it's at the factory these aren't people that necessarily have the same calling and that was one of my early lessons you know I I got so excited I thought oh my god this is everything to me this this means everything to me but a lot of times I would try to talk to people about this and and it was pretty clear that they didn't see it that way at all and sometimes even within my family you know my mother said you know I don't need a minister I've got a minister and I would talk to different ones and they would say you need to find other people that are interested in these things David and I I'd say oh yeah that I think I do so it just evolved but if you keep communicating and you keep the flame strong in yourself and in doing the things that you feel ooh you then the people will start showing up and I just kept following and following I got happier and happier and happier and then when you get start to get really happy then people want to live with you or live near you you know I remember back in Cincinnati we had we had a little peace house and then there was renting a house here and down there we they started renting houses on the same street because I was so so happy they just wanted to be around me and and yet it's it's that's just a symbol to the mind that as you start to really gain confidence in this and really go for this then the people will show up that will play their parts and that will will help you in this and so we're just joined with you in this it's so beautiful that we can I can see you and I can feel your your passion for this and we can just stir it up for each other you know keep stirring up that passion and keep it going that's why we do these online retreats every month is because it's really nurturing for all of us it just gives us an opportunity to extend this and and you're doing it right now I know everyone's watching you and then feeling feeling your heart when you're speaking so thank you thank you so much Casey it's beautiful so sincere so beautiful nice to meet you too it's always nice to see a fresh face okay because I didn't think I was this part of the I was later and I was gonna go after Mary and Heidi they're my mighty companions it's so funny because anyway we had I wanted to share because we've had such a wonderful you know this mighty my whatever from the ladies and we have we share on Marco Polo you know our stories and what we're going through and it's been magical just the Holy Spirit is guiding us so amazingly and I wanted to share because I've been struggling with the issue of guidance you know this issue because that we were you know we have Mia you know I'm medical field acupuncture we have a nurse we have a medical doctor and you know really great spiritual guides and you know one of our members is in a lot of pain and and she shared her struggles and and my heart this went oh because that's my that's my work you know but she's in Utah and I'm in New York and I was just really moved and see but I I get really angry at God because you know what is it you know like there's this person that I care about I know I could help her but she's not here and you know so I can't really know what what is going on God you know what are you doing you know and we were talking about the whole idea we're not bodies you know we're here a little stuff but the body's hurting you know so that's and it's really bringing her down so we were all just you know reaching out to her and love and he brought out all of this stuff for all of us we just um you know I went out of course and I'm I'm like sending her your seeds you know because I and I tell her to take Epsom salt bath I'm like you know I'm doing you know but you're not sure how to how to act right you know is that ego using you know seeing her as a body or is that my spirit reaching out and love I know this would help her you know because that's my training and um and we just it was just all so wonderful and one of our members SEMA and she's a medical doctor and I didn't even realize that she has a whole website on just meditating about chronic pain she has this whole thing and it's just about you know Course in Miracles and allowing aligning with spirit and you know putting ourselves in you know in Christ control you know and that that not that the body isn't doesn't exist but that's the main goal right and anyway just it was really beautiful and it's helped me to look at my own work in a different way as that I realized that a lot of times in my work because I'm motivated by fear I motivate my patients through fear you know like you know you take that drug it might do this or you know and there's a lot of fear and and so it helps it had helped me to realize that the true motivator should be love you know that is that's really what's going to get um true it heals you know that you know keeping them in the cycle of pain although they may feel better initially it's not going to be a real healing so and it's it's really been fruitful with Mary and you know so so it may turn into something really interesting but my ego wants to like I had a whole marketing campaign and you know I went into this like you know see where um you know I'm gonna like call this person and they're gonna do this and you know we're gonna see if the world to acupuncture and see my you know it you know it's just close be you know is that stepping into magnitude or is that just like you know going amok so but I guess the main what I came to is that it's in the moment you know each moment that there's nothing that's more important than being me being at peace and focusing on love and Jesus in the moment you know and so if anything is pulling me out of that then that's where you know no matter what my idea of what the form should look like I don't know that make sense but but anyway it's been I think it's so important that joining you know on the sharing and you know because each of us kind of had a part to play in the whole revelation that it was for me you know each story we were at a different level a different understanding of it but each person informs the whole and and it was you know it's it was beautiful I think for all of us know we'll see it's been a few times in a row you've come on and and we love your transparency and and the way that you're finding each other I've been working with SEMA for years and different ones that and Mary and the ones on here you know it you're finding your voices your your your it's the healing it's it's with the symbols that you can relate to this is exactly how it works and I've been watching a little series some of you might enjoy it's called God friended me and it's about an atheist whose father is a reverend but he keeps getting these friend requests from a God account a Facebook God account and Oh what an adventure you know for it this is like a great atheist adventure as he's following the signs and following the opportunities and can't figure it out but feels the healing happening and you're just these few times that you've been on you know when you spoke and we can feel your you're authentically like however you stumbled upon this it's happening and you're going for it and we're all right there with you and we love it any you're not even planning to speak and it's another time the spirits got you on there a third time so it's beautiful go for it I love it lovely enthusiasm Angela yes oh good um thank you for being here everyone I'm David lovely to see you getting our last for you in Australia few years ago and and it's been too long because I want to do more retreats with you and so do you Terran go to the monastery that's I really feel I'd love to do a silent retreat but gosh this is what I want to talk about is my lap my I had this feeling I can't get my I can't get my debts paid I can't get enough money you know to do the things I wanted to do so there's this feeling of lack in my life and I don't quite know how to address it so you could clarify that for me would be great and also I feel that my life's they should I me all my life - not really a Julia late belongings like attachment and detachment some things net sign I don't really have much attachment to anything except my dog here much but it's a house I've always had this thing that I want my own home and and when Michael was talking about I think Michael was saying about giving up his time in that um I haven't got a home and there's no even though no way I'm going to get home together I feel like I need Jesus wants me to let go of that need for home but I don't know how to do that that's my questions lack and letting go and letting God and just being open to the spirit I feel like I need to control everything and you know I don't want to but I don't know how to let go so maybe just even if create from you just let me allow me to let go at some point you know that's okay I hope you understand what I'm trying to say yeah yeah thank you Thank You Angela yeah you know it's it's interesting you mentioned prayer too because it's like the the prayer of what's really going on with prayer is we're asking for an experience so so for you a home represents something important and also being able to travel and do the kind of workshops and retreats you want to do actually I was contacted not too long ago by a woman down in the land down under except over in New Zealand who basically said hey David I'm living in a great space now I just I've got this house and I want to give it and use it for spirit and then will will Wilson there who's right on our thing I we got a little Facebook group going there and and I told Kirsten who's gonna be in Japan and and we started to now and we'll and and Sharon and get them all going and then Kirsten had a miracle come through if being finding a ticket to drop down there so so she's coming down there to Auckland which is not too far across there from Australia you know it's down there in the same region but but it all starts with a little spark like a little invitation where somebody says I I've got something I want to share and extend I hadn't seen or talked to or chatted with Janelle since I did a retreat years many years ago why we're in New Zealand and she said yeah I remember that I was there and and we started talking and then she started sharing and so now there's this gathering happening I think they may even wills trying to get it broadcast so so even if you can't fly across it's in the same part of the world and you could join in hope remotely so I think that's I'm glad you're speaking up Angela because I feel your love and your desire to connect and I would you know on a chat when when this is over or even during this why don't you give will will Wilson a little chat there and he can tell you how the retreats happening and even if you can't fly over there and even if you don't have a house that beautiful black dog you've got there and and in that space you are you can join in with with some like-minded people that are wanting the same thing that you want as well [Music] Thank You Angela well Slava has received a lot of songs and so did you have one in mind that you wanted to sing for us tonight I would love to sing another new one called leave it all to me [Music] step out my giant - waiting for you me waiting for you oh my enjoy light you're a sweet light you wanna shine you wanna shine bright light your leave it all to me you wanna be pretty lovely take your guide you home leave it all to me you wanna be bring love me too you're free [Music] welcome my child I've been waiting for you bye waiting for you all my diet [Music] light your sweet lightning wanna shine bright you wanna shine bright live your life leave it all to me you wanna be pretty lovely your guide you home leave it all to me you wanna be bringing love me your [Music] you [Music] see down rest leave all leaves behind let me show you what you are [Music] your crisis eyes take care my child I am always with you yeah always we do all my new giant leaf like your sweet line if you wanna shine right you wanna shine bright live your life leave it all to me you wanna be free love me need your hand that guide you home leave it all to me if you wanna be free love me take your hand breathe [Music] bring you [Music] three [Music] you are home you [Music] yeah I just love how the theme of the spirit can reach us in so many different ways and and the spirit is always going to reach us with the symbols that are relevant to us that the symbols that are meaningful to us so I love how this awakening is not rigid or based on theologies and doctrines it's based on the miracle and enjoy and being inspired and we have I think we our ministry really attempts to to extend in many many ways I was talking with Jason earlier and he has a show called from the bottom up which is a line from the chorus healing occurs from the bottom up in the sense that it's very relevant it just deals with the issues and the perceptions that are very relevant to you and then takes you higher and higher and higher in the higher states of mind but and you have also a morning show coming so those are it's kind of just starting up now here in March it's been a little bit of a hiatus a little bit of a break for some of you that follow along but maybe you could share you're excited about getting those fired up again like morning show and a Saturday show yeah we thought because we had to wait for the studio to get ready it was gonna be a month or two behind what we thought would be ready so March so we're ready and you can't know if you can see the bookshelf but you might see it tomorrow with David's own but we'll start Monday morning with wake up with Jason it'll be 9:00 a.m. Mountain Standard Time and it'll be Monday to Friday and then Saturday I think nights most likely we still haven't picked a time we'll do the from the bottom up show and David and I he's not going to be here a lot of Saturday's for the next months we might do some pre records and incorporate that but yeah so that part's in prayer but yeah it's coming the other thing is about we started doing these online retreats last January and some of you might remember if you were around for some of those early retreats that we we actually made ourselves available for one-on-ones during the retreat and it's been pretty full-on for us we haven't done that but actually Jason was talking about having an interest in doing some one-on-ones because oftentimes you'll write emails to us or pour your heart out and some of you have been with us for for months and years and have things that you maybe aren't quite as comfortable sharing with everybody in in a global way but but that's something we've talked about his pop perhaps this weekend just making that available we would make it available on a chat where you would be able to to would make a request that way and also we have the zoom room open so maybe you were watching and you were touched by somebody that spoke or somebody that spoke shared something that really seemed extremely helpful and you wanted to continue a dialogue or a conversation very much like Beth was talking about you know she's she came on the show and then she saw Mary and and then they got in contact and then Seema and and suddenly you have a group of people that have some common symbols that really feel comfortable with each other and and that's another way that these kind of online retreats can be used in a very helpful way because if you if you do use that feature I and believe it's in the zoom chat function you can actually chat with somebody where that you found was very helpful for you and it can open up some connections that way because that's the way the Spirit works it's a little bit like the god friended me series have been watching where it gets a friend request and every time the main character follows the friend request on facebook it turns into being helpful and and that's what the main character who's who's an atheist is noticing that every time he follows the friend request every single time he is used in a helpful way to bring some kind of a blessing some kind of an answer or some kind of a lightness to the one that he was given the friend requests from from the God account you know so in one sense we've got our own God account going here with all of you and if you see somebody or hear somebody on here that actually you really feel like wow I would like to chat further with them then please use the zoom chat service as well because that's that's just another way of God working through us all and spirit working through us it's it's voluntary - did you see the episode where he he's angry at God got account for giving him a request so he says I'm not going to do it so God unfriend him unfriended by God so then he gets all nervous and he's like he goes and follows the assignment God friends and back there's a symbol it's all symbols like the the the picture on the gog account was like a heart-shaped cloud on a blue sunny day and then one time he gets really rebellious and he's not going to follow god i guess they're actually defiant with God and then the simple changes to a lightning bolt and he but it's all just symbols we're not here to feel confined or trap the symbols are being used by the spirit to bring us happiness and joy and have our hearts open up and and that's been my experience all these years I just find that I love meeting the people I love seeing your faces I love sharing the miracles and you're all very dear Helena I got your forwarded your email from from Jenny and it was so dear and and then you just had that those attack thoughts going and just concerned that you would be burdening me or us and believe me you are not burdening us you are dear to us you are a dear sister that we rejoice in every time we think of you and have an opportunity and we're just there so it's you have anything you want to share now and also like I said on my reply to you I would love to talk with you and that's the kind of the vibe we're feeling more with some of these one-on-ones and just talking a little more deeply about things because you can get kind of crazy sometimes and we're we're a lifeline to each other in this you know it's when I'm watching that that God friended me so I'm thinking of all the beloved's and how we love to have make those contacts so we just yeah is there anything you want to share here at the very the closing of tonight I do I just appreciate that that's yeah we're all in it together and it can seem pretty crazy at times and yet just to keep will you just who cares just reach out and keep connecting and that's what matters most and that just means a lot to hear so I'll be calling you to sharing me tomorrow yeah I just appreciate everybody here it means a lot beautiful thank you thank you so much that's that's the spirit of the whole thing right there that's it heart to heart and reaching out and and that to me that's really what healing is you know one calls out and says hey I need some help but the other is there and and there can be no greater purpose for life than to be there for one another to be of support to be nurturing when it gets crazy you know you know just to say I gotta talk to somebody I'm just bouncing off the walls here and yeah we we we live for that that's really what our whole community's based on is that support because we know that it's been called ego backlash whiplash all kinds of different names yeah crazy craziness but we're there for you so thank you thank you well I think we're we've come to the end of the hour but thank you so much thank you all for tuning in and joining in this way it's a very deep topic so we'll be continuing on with this under Christ control because it's really that's the call of our heart that's the prayer of our hearts to surrender it over and to its like the prayer in the Course in Miracles is holy spirits decide for God for me which is just another way of saying I don't want to make any decisions on my own I want to be in my intuition I want to be inspired I want to have joy permeate all my decisions as I through this world and navigate time and space and then wake up to a bright reality and that's what we're we're all in this for together so thank you for joining us it's just been just such a precious time here Thank You Slava for the music so Ava's album is just just finished and she's actually just getting ready this week to upload it to things like Spotify and iTunes and yeah yeah and it's called divine essence and it's got a picture of suavo walking on water with angel wings and holding light holding light in their hands you can't miss that one so thank you thank you all we love you love you and thank you Michael you want to give a closing word there from Mexico closing would for Mexico yeah much love it's just being beautiful these last couple of hours and thank you for for joining and I just feel very blessed being here so and we get to join again tomorrow so be gentle with yourself it's like that's very deep these these coming together so and just have a nice night or morning whatever the time is in the world because I didn't notice the participants really are from all around the world now in many different countries and many different time zones so thank you be gentle with yourself and let's see you tomorrow thank you you
Channel: A Course In Miracles ACIM: Living Miracles ACIM
Views: 373,197
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: a course in miracles, helen schucman, a course in miracles review, a course in miracles workbook, a course in miracles audio, metaphysics, a course in miracles quotes, a course in miracles made easy, a course in miracles movie, a course in miracles eckhart tolle, a course in miracles documentary, a course in miracles kenneth wapnick, marianne williamson, acim, living miracles, david hoffmeister, control your emotions, control your thoughts, control your mind
Id: 7cBHAtTOxoI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 117min 2sec (7022 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 13 2019
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