A conversation with U.S. Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor | Washington University

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Hello everybody. Well, welcome everyone. I'm  thrilled that you'll be able to join us today   for this discussion with the Honorable Sonia  Sotomayor, associate justice of the Supreme Court   and Chancellor Andrew Martin. Washington  University student Sarah Del Carmen   Camacho and I will have the distinct pleasure to  introduce our two guests on stage with us today.   Sarah is a third-year student majoring in global  studies and educational studies with a minor   in Chinese language. She is an Annika Rodriguez  scholar and a Mellon Mays undergraduate fellow. Sarah, or Sarita as her friends call her, is  proud to have been born and raised in the Bay area   as the child of Nicaraguan refugees.  When she's not in class, you may   find Sarah in a rehearsal or on stage for WashU  Student Theater and Performing Arts Department,   most recently performing in “Rent.” She also  volunteers for WashU’s co-ed LatinX interest   fraternity, Alpha Psi Lambda and is  an alum of Lock and Chain honorary. Thank you, Dr. Gonzalez. I am overjoyed to be with  you today. For all of you who don't know Dr. G,   she is the vice chancellor for student affairs  and joined our campus community last summer.   With over 30 years’ experience in higher  education, she has held previous positions   at the University of California, Irvine, the  University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,   Lewis and Clark College and Harvey Mudd College.  Dr. G’s research interests are focused on first   generation students, equity and diversity and  more. She has a particular commitment to fostering   diversity and inclusion in all aspects of student  life. Immediately after I met Dr. G I called my   mom and told her how happy I was that Dr. G and  I could bond over our shared love of fluffy dogs,   and even nerd out and talk about research. As I've  gotten to know her, I appreciate her humor, her   genuine interest in students and her commitment  to make change for the betterment of students. Thank you, Sarah. Thank you so much. Now it is my  indeed my great pleasure to introduce   our guest and who I'm going to introduce,  and really many of us already know him,   is our chancellor, Chancellor Andrew D. Martin. The chancellor is actually an alum of WashU,  earning his doctorate in political science, and   was a distinguished, and still is a distinguished  member of the faculty, leaving WashU for a little   bit to go to Michigan to be an administrator and  now back here to be our chancellor. He has been   a champion for all of us, and in particular when  he announced the Gateway to Success, a historic   $1 billion dollar investment in student financial  aid for undergraduate, graduate and professional   students. This allowed us to implement a  need-blind undergraduate admissions model   in which an applicant's ability to pay will never  be a factor. He truly believes deeply that there   is no such thing as excellence without diversity  and is committed to making WashU the best college   in the nation for supporting student success  regardless of background or previous opportunity.   Just fyi that he does, I think that what I'd love  to actually tell all of you and I told him I would   say this, is deep down inside he is really  geeking out because his research is actually   on the Supreme Court, and I know that he is super  excited to be up here on stage with Justice Sonia Sotomayor. Thank you, Dr.  Gonzalez. It is now my pleasure   to introduce U.S. Supreme  Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor. Born in Bronx, New York, Justice Sotomayor earned  a bachelor of arts degree in 1976 from Princeton   University, graduating summa cum laude and  receiving the university's highest academic   honor. In 1979, she earned a law degree from  Yale Law School where she served as an editor of   the Yale Law Journal. She served as an assistant  district attorney in the New York County District   Attorney's office for five years after graduating  law school. She then litigated international   commercial matters in New York City. In 1991,  President George H.W. Bush nominated her to U.S.   District Court Southern District of New York  and she served in that role from 1992 to 1998.   She then served as a judge on the U.S. Court  of Appeals for the Second Circuit from 1998   to 2009. President Barack Obama nominated her  as an associate justice for the Supreme Court   on May 26, 2009 assuming the role August 8, 2009.  As we welcome Justice Sotomayor, I want to share a   few personal remarks. Justice Sotomayor's visit to  Washington University is special to me because it   is her success and her determination as a justice  first generation college student and Latina that   has given me and my peers the hope to pursue our  dreams and the model to do so. Though she may have   been an image on a vision board for a 10-year-old  me, her visit today is a reminder that champions   for justice are real. For the entire WashU student  body, today's visit from Justice Sotomayor is a   testament to how fortunate we are to be learning  at an institution that has a legacy of engaging   with the world and bringing fantastic guests  to speak with us. Thank you, Justice Sotomayor,   for being with us today for your first, though  hopefully not your only, visit to WashU. Well, thank you very much Sarah, thank you very  much. Dr. G. Isn't this something! It's amazing.   All of you should know that he had prepared about  16 questions and they were all so good I didn't   even know what to tell you you should ask, so I’m  going to be as surprised as all of you are by what   questions he picks, okay? Well, before we jump  in, I just want to welcome everyone. I mean this   is such an extraordinary event for our university,  at a complicated time in our university's history   and in our nation's history, and on behalf  of all the students, the faculty and staff,   we are so pleased that you are with us today.  And, I also want to thank all of the people who   made this possible; your office, all of our  security folks, our events team, everybody   in student affairs, this was an extraordinary  team effort and I'm so proud of the way in which   our teams have pulled together to make this  possible. And, of course I want to thank you.   I deserve the least thanks. They have done  two-and-a-half of the most complicated multi-event   functions that I've seen put together. You have  a fabulous team. We have a wonderful team here. And a very generous and gracious guest, so  why don't we why don't we jump right in?   So, when writing about your achievements and  your academic and professional trajectories,   it seems that over and over again  chance encounters with the right people   are met with deep self-awareness to launch you  into the next step. Can you share how you come   about possessing such a deep self-awareness and  is this something you think people can cultivate? Yes. I in answer to the last part of  your question, I do think it's something   that people can cultivate. I think  it starts largely with self-honesty. You know, most of us are defensive  about our weaknesses because they hurt.   No one likes admitting that they feel they  can't do something or can't do something well.   It's very hard to come to terms with that  internally, and so one of the things that I have   cultivated in my life is licking my wounds when  things don't go right. Because you have to cry a   little bit over it and it's all right to have a  little bit of self-pity when it happens because   it is sad. But I try very hard after it, decide to  try to sit down and analyze the situation without   looking at the part that others played because  it's all too easy to ascribe fault to others,   and it's much harder to look at yourself  and say what part did I play in this?   What am I missing in who and what I do that I  need to improve? So that leads me to what you   describe as chance encounters, I describe as  those moments where I meet someone who I see   acting and doing things that I admire but  I'm not sure that I can do, and so I'm   always looking for mentors and for role models.  Just give me guidance about how to improve myself.   And so in each situation those people  enter my life and I immediately   am able to recognize their strengths and  understand that I can learn from them,   and I think that’s the thing that people can learn  how to do, which is to understand what they need   to learn and then to look for the situations  and the people who can help them do that. Obviously, my answer is underscoring how  important I think it is to seek out mentors, but   I also think it's critically important for every  person to be able to say the words, I don't know.   I often use the example that I was always one  of those students in class, that if a teacher   was talking too fast or was explaining something  in a way I didn't understand, I was the first one   to raise my hand and say, “Please slow down,  I'm not sure what you're saying, back up.” And   everybody in the classroom would shake their head,  yes. But that is what often happens in rooms,   people are talking and others are listening  but not willing to admit that they don't know,   and that's a skill, thankfully, that I  learned which has been a mantra, to be   open about what I don't know. That's terrific  advice. So, let me ask you a question about   your family. You know, you've written… your story  is filled with lessons learned from your family,   particularly your mother, Selena, your paternal  abuelita, Mercedes, both of whom were raised   in poverty and built new lives after leaving  Puerto Rico for the Bronx. I understand that   they were two very different women. Can you share  a bit about each of them, and the most valuable   lesson you learned from each of them? Ah, there's  so many. During my nomination process, everybody   was focused on my mother. She was there and next  to me, and after a taping at the White House for   a video that they were going to put on the  Internet, my mother and I were walking out   and she said, “Sonia, why is nobody talking  about Mercedes?” Mercedes was my abuelita,   my grandmother, and I said, “Mommy,  because she's not here, but I promise you   that they will learn about her.” That's one of  the reasons I wrote my book, “My Beloved World.”   You learned both about my grandmother and  my mother in that book. So, my grandmother,   even though I am physically the complete  opposite of my grandmother -- she was   a very slight woman, very long  face, I have a round face -- she and I differed in our looks completely,  but my mother has always said that I am   more my grandmother's daughter  than her own real daughters.   And in the sense of, my grandmother  was a poet, she loved reciting poetry   and at family parties while we still had them,  which was before my father died, every Saturday   night my father and my grandmother, at the end of  the evening would do a poetry slam. One would get   up and start reciting some poetry, the other one  would get up and counter it with something else,   and they'd go back and forth and I remember as  a child hiding under the table listening to it,   not fully understanding the metaphors or what  was being said but appreciating the beauty of it,   the richness of it. My social nature is my  grandmother. My grandmother loved parties   and she was the center of every party because  she organized them, she got people up to dance,   she had them reciting poetry, she had them  playing instruments, she loved to cook.   All of the things that my grandmother loved  I loved. I was her favorite grandchild. My cousins, and I'm very close to one  of them, my cousin, Miriam whom I adore,   says that everybody knew it and nobody  was really jealous because I was so much   like her that they understood the connection.  But my grandmother really taught me about family,   and not immediate family because what my mother  taught me about, grandmother taught me about, was   your largest extending to extended family. That  it was a circle of friends that you surrounded   yourself with that gave meaning to your life. And  so, our parties were not just relatives, it was   people that they had known from Puerto Rico, it  was the in-laws of people that were married into   the family, it was strangers that my grandmother  had picked up and just invited to join us,   and that sense of family, of community, started  with my grandmother. My mother picked that up.   Some of you may not know that I lost my mother  in June -- in July actually, July 25th. It was a   hard year last year, losing her. From anyone who's  read my memoir you'll know how close I was to her.   This was a horrific loss for me, and during  her memorial service when I spoke about   everything my mother was, all of my  friends afterwards came up to me and said,   “You're just reciting the best things in  you,” and I was so complimented by that. My mother had a spirit like no other I've ever  known. First of all, she believed that education   was the key to opportunity, that anything  you wanted to be you could be so long as you   educated yourself. She went to college  when she was in her late 40s -- early   50s. Imagine me and my brother sitting at our  kitchen table with our mother at the other   part of the table studying, and my brother  and I would quit and my mother would stay   in the room still studying. With that kind  of example, we couldn't slack off in school   and we didn't, but more important to my mother  was her commitment to people, and mom was   the local community nurse. Every stranger in  the neighborhood that had a medical problem,   they would come running at our door. I can't  tell you the number of times I would open the   door and say hello, and somebody would introduce  themselves as coming from a different floor in   the building or across in another building,  and explaining that a friend of a friend had   told them about my mother and they were having  a medical issue, and I would say, “That's okay,”   and I go get my mother, okay? I often tell the  story of being nominated for the Court of Appeals   and having the Senate vote, and trying to reach  my mother to watch television. And this is before   we had cell phones, okay, so I'm calling my  mother from the office literally the entire day.   Late afternoon, I finally get her, I tell her  what happened and I said, “Where have you been?”   and her answer was, well, you know this  neighbor, I had to take her to the doctor today.   That was a common explanation by  my mother. It's never for money;   it was out of a sense of civic  participation and that she passed on to me.   I truly am engaged with and devoted to inspiring  all of you in this audience to understand   how important your obligation is to participate  in bettering the world. It should be your number one goal in whatever  passion you find for work.   Now it doesn't have to be being a lawyer,  it doesn't have to be service as a doctor,   service is anything you create, service by  how you turn your life into making the world   a place that others can feel included and  helped. And it doesn't matter what job you do,   every single occupation can do good. It's the  way you do it, the love that you have for it,   the ways you look for ensuring that  whether you're an accountant, a bus driver,   or chancellor of a university or a Supreme  Court justice, anything you do, you have a duty   to go out there and try to better the world.   I belong to the ICivics. organization started  by my colleague, Sandra Day O’Connor, and   ICivics.org teaches middle school children  about civics through video games.   ICivics has grown and it's now doing lesson  plans for high schoolers and college students.   It's also involved in a national program going on  across the country to reintroduce civic education   across in each of the states, and Missouri should  be one of those that undertakes that effort,   and I'm challenging somebody  in this audience to think about   how to get your state to make civic education a  part of its curriculum, because it's so critical   to the survival of our republican form of  government, but so critical to the health of   every community. But having said that, and  going back to my mom, she taught me that.   And finally, like my grandmother, my mother  taught me to look at the good in people.   You know, my mother had friends  that never stopped talking, and I, after they would leave, I'd look at my  mother and make eyes at her and say, “How can   you stand it, it's like non-stop, Mommy,” and she  would turn to me and she would say, “Aye, Sonia,   jo se, I know, but you know they’re such a  kind-hearted person, you know the good she   does for x y and z, she really, you know she's  lonely so she needs to talk; I can listen." Any fault that you found in another person,  my mother would always talk about a virtue.   She refused to define people by their faults,   she refused to define them by their political  views, by something they did that she didn't like,   myself included. I knew my mother loved me no  matter what, even when I wasn't patient with her.   That's a great security blanket to have, not  only as a child but as a friend of my mother's,   and I'm not as virtuous as she is, I  don't forgive quite as easily as she did,   but I try. And so, those are the qualities that  my grandmother and my mother passed on to me   and I think that they define who I am, I  hope, as a person. What a wonderful legacy.   So, before I invite our students to come and ask  them… Well, you know that it's my time now to go   down and walk around… You're going to walk it,  I'm going to ask you a question about politics   while you walk because you're an opportunity…  Can I stop and give one… the guys up here, the   big guys you know, with stuff around their waist  and things, they're here to protect you from me. I do things they don't like,  including walking in the audience.   I thank you for wearing masks because  that gives me the opportunity to walk   among you safely, so thank you for doing that, but  also, they get nervous if you get up unexpectedly.   If I call you up they know it and they're  calm, but please don't get up without my   sort of lifting you up, okay? Please don't make  them nervous, all right? Now, all right, let's   talk about politics. Go ahead. So our students  have entered adulthood in a time of extreme   political polarization. Your formative years took  place during the American Civil Rights Movement   and during the Vietnam War. As someone with an  early and profound sense of justice, how did   you engage with these issues as a young woman and  do you have words of wisdom for our young people   on how to navigate the polarized discourse  that is inescapable today in their lives? It isn't easy. I live in a polarized world in  Washington. You see it on TV among politicians   and it's never ending now, and there's a lot  of screaming between people and among people,   and it's sometimes very hard to get  past that ding you know? It sort of   gets into your head, doesn't it? Some  of the people I'm hugging I know, okay? I have two law clerks who are from  St. Louis. They're sitting right here   and their parents are here, so  I'm giving them hugs, how's that?   But my answer harkens back to  the lesson that I just described   that my mother taught me, and that is  I try, for example, with my colleagues   with whom I have very divergent views,  with many probably the majority right now, I try very, very hard to see the good in them  because I know there's good in every one of them.   Justice Souter once said to me, when he realized  that all of his colleagues, particularly the ones   he disagreed with, were people who believed as  passionately as he did in the Constitution and   our system of government and the laws of  our country, that it became easier for him   to not get so angry with them, to let it go. And  I realized that that was what my mother taught me,   which is, you're going to differ in views  with people and some of the views are going   to be or feel offensive to you. I mean,  issues, the sensitive issues around racism,   can be very, very hard, particularly if you feel  someone's attacking your integrity as a person   or your worth as a person. You know, it isn't so  easy. When I was being nominated, people said that   I wasn't smart enough to be on the Supreme Court.  That hurt me, cut me to the quick, and I realized,   you know, coming from Princeton with the honors I  received there, going to Yale, doing fairly well, being a District Court judge and a Circuit Court  judge, it felt like, what's enough, and when is   it enough, okay? And really, the reality is  that for some people, if you're a minority,   particularly one from New York, they believe  that affirmative action opened the door for you.   They forget that you don't judge  a person by who opens the door,   you judge them by what they did when  they went through the door, all right? That does get forgotten in the conversations   and they're hurtful, but you can't write  people off because of what they don't know, you have to be part of what educates them,  you have to be part of what talks with them   and brings out from them the best in  themselves, in order for them to listen   to your side of what you're trying to say.  And that for me is the best answer I can give,   Chancellor, of how you live in this  polarized world. Stop screaming. Listen.   Try to put yourself in the shoes of that  other person, try to figure out what it is   they're feeling and the why of it. People,  when they feel threatened, tend to lash back   and that sense of being threatened can  stop them sometimes from being nice,   and so you have to work into getting them to be  a better part of themselves. I don't know if it   will always work. It certainly doesn't work  to change my client -- my colleagues – minds,   but we are civil to one another and there have  been moments, small victories, when some things   have been won, and I think long term, it makes  a difference in letting our institution survive   and I hope in the end our society to survive if  we can start remembering the good in each other. Thank you. For your Honor, our students, if we gave them the  possibility, would be asking you questions for   probably the next 48 hours… All right… So, we're  not going to do that, but I am going to invite   some students up to pose some questions. So, first  is Kimberly Cespedes Torres from the Brown School   of Social Work, Class of 2022. Kimberly, where  are you? I'll be back up, okay? I'm gonna walk   around and come up and take pictures with all of  you, okay, but ask your question, I am listening. How have you found your Latina upbringing and  life experience impact your decision-making as a   Supreme Court justice? I'm asked that all the time  and I try to tell people, how do you disaggregate   from anything a piece of who you are? If you look  at me and say Sonia is only a Latina, I'm insulted   because I hope I'm something more than just  one little piece of who I am. I am the sum   total of a lifetime of varied experiences and  all of those experiences have worked together   to make me the person I am, to make me the  human being I am, to make me the justice I am.   You know, you none of you could ever  sit back and say one thing defines me.   It's a very limiting principle  to think of people in those ways,   and so for me, I don't know that I can ever say  that the Latina part of me decided this case.   There's no such thing, I am first  and foremost a woman but also Latina.   I am catholic. I grew up with a catholic school  education but then I went to Ivy League schools.   I was a prosecutor, I worked for corporations,  I have worked as a District Court judge,   a Circuit Court judge, I've done countless  pro bono activities of different kinds,   I have no idea whether one thing or another leads  me to a particular view or particular outcome in   any one situation. What I do know is who I am as  a judge and that is committed to the rule of law,   because I believe it's the way that we can more  effectively survive together as a community.   You know, it seems simplistic, we go to  court to avoid battles in stadiums, right?   You can resolve your disputes by duking it out in  a boxing ring or like the old people used to, like   they used to do in old times, go into a stadium  and you know, fight a bull or whatever they did   or fight each other. Crazy as that may sound,  that doesn't seem very effective to me. So,   as a society we have laws and we interrelate with  one another, and those laws set the parameters of   that relationship. And what we as judges do is to  provide you with a form of neutrality where you   can come in, make your best argument, and we can  decide not on personal whim but according to law   what the outcome should be in that case.  That's the best that I can do as a judge,   is to give you that fairness, understanding that  even when I announce that I agree with one side   because I think they're right, that the other  side feels aggrieved. They've lost something,   they thought they were right, and  so, I am not God, I don't really know that moral right and wrong.   I can't know it, because no matter  what I do I'm going to hurt somebody. And so, I try not to do that. I  try very hard to make my decisions   on what I believe the law requires, so  that is not to naysay in any important way   the importance of my of being a Latina to me. I  very often say, I am an incredibly proud American.   I wear my pride in my nation on my  sleeve, but I have a Latina soul that was created by my family, by our culture,  by our music, by our food, by our dancing   together. That's what your family does  for you, it creates the inside of you,   it makes it alive, it brings it to  life, and that will never change for me.   When President Obama called me to tell me  he would nominate me to the Supreme Court,   he asked me to do one thing and that was to stay  connected to my community, and my response was,   “That's a very easy promise to make Mr.  President. I don't know how to do anything else."   What I didn't tell him is that I have a very big  umbrella as a community. It's not just Latinos,   it's everyone in this world, including all of  you in this room who care about each other.   So yes, Sonia Sotomayor is a Latina, but  she is that and I hope much more, too. So, before our next question, I’ll just  like to give everyone a friendly reminder   that we're not taking photographs, and so  if you could keep your cell phones in your   pockets I would be exceedingly grateful,  as I'm sure the justice would be as well.   Our next question is from Raevyn Ferguson, Arts  & Sciences, Class of 2023. Hello, how are you? Hi Rae, hi, thank you. I'll get back up there.   Thank you so much for being here with us  today and sharing your wisdom. My question is,   how do you suggest we as minorities learn  to trust in the justice system as you do,   knowing the ways in which the justice  system has failed us in the past. Ah, it's a big question, isn't it? You know, I've been studying recently Dred Scott, and this  city played a prominent role in the Dred Scott   case. He was an African-American, a Black man  who had come to St. Louis, and under the laws of   St. Louis then had been declared a free man. His  owners moved him to another state where he wasn't,   where he continued to be a slave. When they moved  him back to St. Louis he sued for his freedom,   and the law up until his lawsuit in Missouri  should have made him a free man permanently.   It's a long interesting history, you're  in St. Louis, you should learn a little   bit about it. Ultimately the case went to  the Supreme Court and in one of the most vilified decisions of the Court, the Dred  Scott decision, the Supreme Court decided   that Black people, even in free states, were not citizens of the United States. That  decision, there were many other components,   but that decision was one important factor in  the start of the Civil War of the United States.   So, then you get Plessy versus   Ferguson in, I think it's 1898, where the  court says separate but equal is okay. Famous dissent written by Justice Harlan, one  of the most important influential dissents,   as was the dissent in Dred Scott by Justice  Curtis, by the way. Both extraordinary dissents, both of them basically talking about the  fundamental equality that underlay our union   and our sense of citizenship. So, I wanted to  put that historical context in play for those who   don't understand this question. The Court, until  Justice Ginsburg came to the Court into the 1990s,   had no decision on behalf ruling in favor of  women's rights. The Court was always behind   the Equal Rights Movement for women. We  permitted the exclusion of women from juries,   we permitted in decisions by the Court  the exclusion of women from occupations   like butchers, we permitted open discrimination  against women as well. So, how do you maintain   faith in a system that does that? You do have  to take the long view. You have to realize that, terribly late, it took a civil war to undo Dred  Scott and give citizenship to Black people.   It took more than 50 years for Brown  versus Board of Education to strike down   separate but equal. It took Justice  Ginsburg getting to the Court   and deciding the first case in favor of women,  the VMI, the Virginia Military Institute case,   but it happened. We are a nation of men and women  and by definition we will be a flawed nation. We are building towards a more perfect union,  we're not there yet. We have to keep building it,   we have to keep self-correcting. When we  go off path, we have to have the energy as   citizens to insist on correcting our errors. But  that's how I keep optimism, by realizing that,   yes, there have been inherent flaws in our system  of justice, but I'm here working as hard as I can,   even when I just said to try to avoid  us going off in the wrong directions.   And as I said from the very beginning  of my talk with you, that's your job.   Many of the decisions we make, not the  constitutional ones, you can't change the   constitutional ones, but you can certainly  change our interpretation of statutes,   you can lobby for laws to be  changed that you don't like.   You have the power to make change, you have to  believe in yourselves that you can do it. So, Rae, I don't give up on anything. I'm in it  for the long haul. I hope you are, too. Our next question is from Jarea Fang from  the Sam Fox School of Design & Visual Arts,   Class of 2022. All right, if that lovely  photographer's here and you come up,   I can take the pictures with  these guys. Ah, Joe, hello. He's been following me around since Sunday night. Hello your Honor. How are you? I am  doing great. I'm happy to be here   and I'm very happy that you're here, and my  question for you is… Tell me your name again. Oh,   I'm Jarea. Jarea, thank you. And my question for  you today is, what is something that you want to   say to all the young women of color who want  to serve on the highest court of the land? Ah,   okay. Take off…you vaccinated? Everything okay?  Take off your mask and the two, yes three, okay, all right. Thank you. To  become anything in this world, and it doesn't mean just  being a Supreme Court Justice. Thank you. It means becoming anything you  want to become. You have to work hard. Thank you. Your next – come,   I'll do it because I'm going to go  on that side next, okay? All right, thank you. There, yes, thank you, Sarah, thank you for your introduction. There's nothing that's handed to you in life,  whether you're a woman of color or anybody else.   I tell young people when I meet, when I talk to  them, think of the greatest athletic star you can   think of - Michael Jordan. If you think he was  born with a basketball in his hand, not likely.   If you think he was born with that unerring  sense of getting the basket in that rim,   didn't happen that way. He  practiced, he practiced, he practiced   and practiced until he took the very best  in himself to reach the height of his game.   And he became a superstar but he had a work  at it, and whether you're a person of color,   sometimes people of color, they expect more of  us, we're not given a lot of slack at moments,   the mistakes we make are sometimes  highlighted a lot more than others, okay? But it doesn't give us an  excuse not to put our heart   into working as hard as we can to achieve what  we want. That means studying as hard as we can,   when we can't figure out how to do something  asking for help, devoting the time, the energy   and the passion to achieving what we want. Now,  if you were asking me the more specific question,   I didn't aspire to be on the Supreme  Court because I didn't know what it was   when I was growing up. I grew up in  a housing project in Bronx, New York,   in a very poor, poor neighborhood. There were  no lawyers, there were no judges, our only   contact with law enforcement was not a positive  one, it was somebody we knew getting arrested. With that kind of example, A) I had nowhere  to know what a Supreme Court justice was,   but B) nothing positive to lead me towards  the goal of becoming a lawyer or a judge.   Television and books did that for me,  ultimately, but not life example, okay?   And even after I went to law school I realized,  they say becoming a Supreme Court justice is   like being hit by lightning, those are the odds.   Somebody said to me it was worse odds than  that even; I don't know how true that is but   it's hard, and so I don't think you can ever live  or measure yourself or your success as a person by   something so far away and unlikely that it may  never happen. And so, how I've lived my life   is that every job I do, I concentrate on  that job and doing it as well as I can, because once you do that people will notice  and that will carry you to the next step. You can't lobby in that way to be a Supreme Court  justice but you can lobby to be the best lawyer,   you can become the best District Court judge  when you serve as a District Court judge, a   good Court of Appeals judge. And then luck  plays a role in everything that happens in life,   because there's plenty of people out  there who have done what I've done   and they're not justices, okay, so  there's always an element of luck.   That I was lucky enough to be noticed  by President Obama. Having said that,   the one thing I said to him, the last words  I said to him as I was leaving his office   was, “Mr. President, this has been the greatest  honor of my life to be interviewed by you   for a position on the Supreme Court. I  understand it's a difficult decision and you have   some great candidates you're looking at.  Please understand that I love my life,   I love everything I do as a Circuit  Court judge, I love my life in New York,   if you don't select me, I won't come  away disappointed, I'll just be grateful   that you considered me." And I meant every  word I said. I meant it because I felt it.   And if you can live your life every day that  you work doing something that gives you that   sense of satisfaction and that sense  of accomplishment, you've succeeded. And it's a wonderful measure of  success, is your own internal happiness   in what you're doing, so I hope that  answered your question. And you are? This is Victor Kalil from McKelvey  Engineering, Class of 2022. Hello,   Victor. Hello. It's an honor to be here with you  today. I was saying my question is, I believe   one of the most important qualities anybody  can have, whether they're a friend or a leader,   is empathy. You've talked about this  a lot today and so I was wondering,   how do you incorporate empathy into your work,  especially when you know your rulings can have   such a life-changing impact? Thank you,  Victor. Did I take a picture with you?   Yeah. I did, okay. Sorry, I do concentrate on  what I'm saying so sometimes I lose the moment. If you read my decisions, and I say if you read  my decisions -- one of my greatest disappointments   is by how few people actually ever read… Thank  you… a Supreme Court decision cover to cover. Do I have hands here? Even law students -- how  many of you have read a Supreme Court decision   from beginning to end? Handful, not  all of you. Most people don't bother, you read the headlines, right? You read quotes  that the newspapers think are important,   and that's all you read, and from that you make  a decision about whether the outcome is right   or wrong, based on what you feel is right  or wrong. I say what you feel is right or   wrong because you haven't read the decision  to see how the judges analyze the question,   and you haven't taken the time to figure out  whether their analysis makes sense to you,   whether it's convincing, whether the approach  makes sense or not, and that's the only way   you can have an informed judgment about  what a Supreme Court decision is about.   But, so I started with my statement because Victor  asked me this question. If you read my decisions, what you will see is that I very carefully try  to answer all of the points raised by the losing   party, because I believe that out of respect  for someone who's brought their case to me,   that if I'm going to say  they're wrong, I explain why.   And I explain why the issue was important to  them, because recognizing what motivates people   is a part of what empathy is about,  is explaining to them, I know how you   feel and I know why you feel this. This is  why I believe the law can't give you a remedy,   but it is not that I’M demeaning either your  views or the emotional impact of what's happening   to you. That's really the only thing I can do  because as I explained, as a justice, as a judge,   you're required to pick a side as right and the  other side by definition is going to feel that   you're saying they're wrong. But I do  believe that most judges do spend time   doing that in their opinions. There was a case  that I was involved in a number of years ago.   It's called Phelps, and it involved an  organization, a religious organization, that believes that the military is corrupt and not religious  enough. and that it supports behavior that this religion opposes. They took  and have taken to protesting at the burial of   war victims, of our soldiers in the military.  Now, as you can imagine, their behavior,   because they put up really big signs  accusing the fallen soldiers sometimes of   having sexual deviant conduct, and you can imagine  how parents feel, okay, and how charged the   families are about this behavior. And the Court  was asked whether there was a way consistent with   the First Amendment, to bar them completely from  protesting. And the Court ruled that there wasn't. Now, they couldn't disrupt the service and  they couldn't get into the face of the family,   but that they had a right to be at a location near  the service and express their views. The Chief   Justice wrote that opinion and it, the opinion,  went on rightly describing the heroes that fallen   soldiers are and how offensive our ruling would  feel to many Americans, and so he acknowledged   the emotions that people reading this decision  would have. But he then explains why we thought   that that soldier had fallen for a greater value,  and that was the value of the First Amendment,   he was serving in defense of our nation and its  Constitution. Some people won't be convinced,   some people may still disagree with  that decision. One of my colleagues did,   others didn't. The point remains, however, that  you will find in many Supreme Court decisions,   especially ones involving divisive issues,  that we try to talk to both sides. Hello. Chancellor, are we near the end or?… Your Honor,  we have time for one, one brief question. Go   ahead. Of course, you are an academic rock  star, both at Princeton and then at Yale,   but you've continued your education throughout  your life. You've learned how to dance,   you learned how to swim as an adult, you even  learned how to throw a baseball. Are there any   new skills lately that might surprise folks that  are here this afternoon? Tell us a little about   your commitment. All of those things I started to  learn after I was 40 years old. There were things   I didn't grow up knowing how to do, couldn't  swim so i took swim classes and I’m passable,   I'm not a great swimmer but I can at least  survive in the water. Now my mother said,   because all of my cousins dance, especially all of  my female cousins, and I chided my mother one day   for not teaching me how to dance and she looked  at me and said, “Sonia, I tried to teach you,   you simply were too busy going around and  playing and never wanted to stop to learn it.   She was right, I apologized. So, at 50 years old I  took private lessons and I’m passable in dancing.   I have done many other things that I've learned to  do in the last few years. I took up playing poker.   I read books about it, I've watched  the World Series of poker on TV, I've watched better players than me  play, and I've learned a little bit. It's a bit of, my playing is a bit of a  charity. I invite people to my home, I   feed them, I give them all the liquor they  want. You buy any advantage you can in poker,   and so when I win their money,  I don't have to report it. Your Honor, it has been a true privilege  and an absolute delight for you to speak,   spend time with us today. This is one of  the days that will go down in the history   of Washington University and  certainly one that no one   in this audience will ever forget. So,  thank you so much for being with us. That's a great afternoon,  wonderful students. Thank you. And now Dr. G has a few closing remarks. That's  right. So, what a wonderful discussion. I do want   to give a special thanks to Justice Sotomayor  for being here with us today, for sharing with   us your name and your story to the entire WashU  community which is, gracias, thank you so much.   I'd also like to thank our Chancellor  Martin for leading this discussion,   and for our wonderful students,  both in the audience especially,   and of the four students who got to ask  the questions. Thank you so much for that. I also want to give a special  thank you. There's many people   who made this possible but I do want to thank   Gina and your entire team, as well as, well as  Anh Le, from the justices’ office, and all of   our marshals and all the individuals keeping her  safe. Thank you so much for all your great work. And finally, and we're going  to ask that you all remain   seated until the justice has left the building. We do have special gifts for all of you who  are here, so as you exit you will receive that   gift. So, please take your gift on your way out,  and really thank you all, but in the meantime,   you have to stay seated until the justice  is out of the building. Thank you everyone.
Channel: Washington University in St. Louis
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Length: 64min 31sec (3871 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 06 2022
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