A Conversation With The One and Only, Tom Brady

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okay so uh everyone excited for the next panel for the next speaker I know I am just Madam um Melissa and Felicia are going to have a great time uh asking uh Tom Brady uh a few very interesting questions uh so hopefully uh and obviously he needs no introduction I mean we strive the team strives there are so many potential keynote speakers that want to be here that would like to be here and the team takes extraordinary amount of pain you know that through the years from Peter diamandis of Singularity University you know Colin Powell former Secretary of State I mean Deepak Chopra I mean we the list of speakers and particularly keynote speakers we're particularly proud this year because Tom Brady not only has he accomplished what all of us only dream about accomplishing and with his Sports career and everything else but he represents exemplifies perseverance exemplifies success when you're down bring yourself back up I mean what he accomplished is almost impossible to accomplish to have won all the super bowls and then come back and do it again when everybody had already written him off I this is what those funders out there are all about perseverance so we try to find this keynote speakers that inspire you that we admire and that basically hopefully you will learn something from So to that end I just couldn't be more proud particularly like now you're living cover said of also of our new 305 resident of uh Tom Brady so please turn your attention to the screens please right up there allow me to reintroduce myself my name is [Music] oh I like those jerseys you know the mayor did say he doesn't forgive me for being a patriot all those years so I usually don't get the best welcomes in Miami well we are excited I'm very excited to be here too so welcome thank you guys appreciate it welcome to Miami welcome to the 305. welcome to emerge we couldn't be more excited to have you welcome to your new home yeah thank you so we're gonna I know we don't have that much time so we'll Dive Right In uh to some questions that were actually sourced from our emerge communities awesome maybe from some people that are here in the audience today so look at those Cuties I know I met them yep you met them backstage so cute they're very excited they've been counting down the days to be honest as have as have we so you are a seven time Super Bowl champion pass for close to 90 000 yards which is unbelievable by far it's a lot of throws yes yes how's your shoulders a lot of catches actually on the other end of those you are by far the most well-known and accomplished quarterback that goes without saying but also you are a best-selling author you're an entrepreneur philanthropist a father yep and where did all this drive come from I kind of want to take everybody back to a young Tom in elementary school tell us about yourself and your interests at that time sure thank you guys very much obviously it's great being here I love being around people and certainly entrepreneurs like you guys who are leading the world in Innovation and in new ways that's obviously what it's all about for all of us you know we start in this one place in our life I grew up in California certainly a long ways from Miami but similar too I know yeah good weather I had a great family like I got to see backstage with yours thank you um I was just very fortunate to grow up in an area that was so um that that was an Innovative time in California too Sports were a big part of the community the San Francisco 49ers were a great football team at the time kind of where my love for football really came into play um growing up in a community where you know sports are really important it brought families together brought the community together and then when the teams won everybody got to go out on the street and celebrate and have a great time and um there's very few things in our world that are bring people together like that Sports is one of them so you're in sports from a young age yeah a lot of sports I had three sisters they were all older sisters right yeah and they were all better athletes than me um hard to believe I know they were I was always the younger brother growing up and I was always going to their games and I was always trying to go emulate what they were trying to do and um you know I was just in ball fields my whole life and and I will say to the younger people out there I wasn't always the best student I kind of did what I had to do to get by and I was good enough but my love was really for sports and I think the most fortunate thing I had were parents that never put any limits on what they thought I could accomplish they were very supportive of my dream so even when I thought you know I got to high school I had never even played football formally going into high school I started as a freshman and and um my parents were there to say you know what go ahead go for it you know become whatever you want to become and really support my dreams to be able to do that so you know when you have parents that are supportive and don't go God you know that could be really hard or that could be something that's very difficult maybe you should think about some other things I would encourage all the parents out there to never set limits on what you think your children can accomplish or really what anyone can accomplish because we're here at a conference that your dad you know ended up starting 10 years ago 10 years ago but the vision 20 years ago absolutely and he came to the country 50 years ago everything starts somewhere it doesn't start like this it starts maybe with way less people and then it moves to more people and then before you know it you've got really a great thing going and and you want to continue that for a long time because you see how it brings people together and it truly changes people's lives so my life was changed at a young age growing up in the bay area I had these great dreams I had a great family that supported me and then I just fell in love with the sport and uh you know many years later I think it's about 32 years later since I started playing you know I retired from playing and I was tired of getting hit enough of that I'd much rather do other things I know do other things and enjoy you know some other aspects of Life certainly my children and trying to continue to still do good things in a community and lucky to be part of this community where I feel like there's a lot of great things are very welcome yeah and I'm very excited about that so you guys are going to see a lot of me down here be easy on me on the streets you'll warm up to me over time but I'm very grateful thank you we're so excited to have you here Tom um kind of on the same train of thought you know behind any great entrepreneur any great athlete any great High performer there is an army of supporters and key mentors who've helped shape their path along the way yeah and one of the things that really stands out about your career your lifespan is this ability to be able to overcome any challenge that comes your way yeah that grit and that resilience that you've been able to cultivate talk to us a little bit about the supporters and mentors along your journey that have helped cultivate that in you and impacted your your life trajectory yeah such a great question I think you know life presents lots of different challenges for us personally professionally throughout our whole life life is our greatest teacher and I think part of going through life for me the most rewarding part of my life is not you know my profession per se I absolutely loved it I loved doing what I did more than anyone else I think really what I loved though most was having the people around me that supported me and allowed me to to actualize my potential and what I love to do and there were a lot of amazing mentors that came into my life it started like I said with my parents who embraced this somewhat crazy thought of a young kid that God I want to go play professional sports when I'm welder like a lot of kids do you know and very few are actually make it but you know the thought of my parents to be able to do that you know that's a great lesson for me when I wanted to learn how to play football it's not like you're born a football player I'm born just an American kid like everyone else I was played on the street and I didn't even have a backyard I just played on the street with my friends you know it was like go down and make a right at the fire hydrant and catch it before you hit the curb and fall out of bounds and hit your neighbor's fence that's how we played football so when I wanted to be a better football player there was a mentor that came into my life who was a coach at a very small City College in San Mateo his name was Tom Martinez God Rest his soul he passed away about 12 years ago but he taught me how to throw football and yeah I had a little bit of talent but I really had no idea what I was doing but he saw this young aspiring athlete with a lot of drive and said look I'm going to help you out whenever you need help you just call me up and he coached women's softball he coached women's basketball and he coached men's football at one college he's an amazing coach and Mentor I worked with him for four or five years to learn how to throw a football day in and day out that's what consumed me I'd wake up in the mirror in the morning and I'd pretend like I was going to throw a pass like I was going to throw a touchdown pass in the Super Bowl and very fortunately I had enough success in my high school career that I got recruited to college and then I went to college and I was seventh on the depth chart starting College you know it wasn't like oh great Tom Brady's here go be the starting quarterback no there were six other people ahead of me at the time wow and I had to work every day to earn the trust of my teammates every day to wake up to say okay this is what I want to do and this is what I want to accomplish I've got to go earn the respect of my teammates and coaches every day in order to put me in a position where they trusted me to succeed and even in those difficult moments in college when I didn't necessarily always believe in myself I had a mentor come into my life a psychologist for our team his name was Greg Hardin and he said you know rather than quitting and transferring to some other place where it might be easier for you because those are thoughts that happen when you're seventh on the depth chart why don't you stick it out here and look at this as one of the great opportunities in your life all these challenges that you're facing they're teaching you something so learn from it if you can't be the best out of these six guys you're competing against how do you think you're going to go to the professional level and play how do you think you're going to be a professional quarterback if you can't beat out the six guys at Michigan and that was a great change in mindset for me so then every day even though they were my teammates I competed really hard I pushed them to succeed they pushed me to succeed ultimately my fourth and fifth year I played pretty good and I got a chance to come down my last college game was in Miami at the Orange Bowl one of the most memorable memorable games in my college career we played Alabama it was a great game I'm not going to bore you guys with the details but it was very meaningful to me um I got drafted by the Patriots in the year 2000 and Bill Belichick was my mentor you know one of the great coaches in the history of the NFL and he saw this young hungry kid the same one that Tom Martinez saw the same one that my parents saw the same one that Greg Hardin saw and he took me under his wing and he had a lot of years of experience in the NFL and he said look if you want to be a great quarterback you got to learn and do these things better these are the things we're going to work on every year and every year I tried to pick something out in the year 2000. I wasn't this great physical specimen athlete that so many of these young guys are that so many people uh you know they're not born well so they're born with great genetics but then you know you've got to work hard to continue to develop those and I worked with Bill Belichick and I understood the game and I still want to be good in 2001 we had success and we actually won the Super Bowl it was kind of amazing for all of us we weren't the ones that started out that year thinking we were gonna win the Super Bowl but we all put our Collective hearts and minds and souls together and we played as a team and we ended up winning against a lot of odds the key I would say is your coaches throughout your career from high school throughout your NFL career coaches I mean I see it in high school sports they play such a special role in in kids lives yes um and and speaking of kids you have millions of fans around the world especially Youth and kids growing up that admire you one of those big fans is my 15 year old son who's a varsity lacrosse player Sebastian and I asked him you know if you can ask Tom a question what would it be yeah and I think you sort of answered it in in your talking about the coaches and what got you through tough times but I think we could go a little deeper more into like the mental aspect of it he's saying as a high school athlete you know there's times I'm sure that he's felt that you feel that you have felt when you were high school athlete that you might want to quit or you might want to give up and you just you know need to keep going what got you through those times that that's basically his question I guess the coaches you answer that but is there anything else that you did maybe mentally through those times whether it's high school or college that made you keep going absolutely and I think what was interesting was what you you called out the psychologist yeah Greg Harmon and and how he helped you cultivate that mindset which is part of I'm sure the secret sauce sure how did this come about yeah Sebastian that's a great question I think again for all of us whether I think you're young or middle-aged or old it's not like we always have the most confident confidence in ourself in everything we do that's impossible the only way to be confident in this in something is to do it and to feel like you know you can do it at a way that you want to be able to represent yourself but it's usually not the first time you try something that you're are going to be the most confident it's not like when I walked on the field as a freshman in high school for the first time I had much confidence I have a 15 year old who plays lacrosse you know it's not like I I play each other I know you know it's not like he walks out there every day and says God I'm the most confident kid in the world and you know I'm just this great lacrosse player every game that goes by that confidence is fragile in all of us when we succeed we build a little confidence when we don't succeed maybe we lose a little confidence but I'll say this whether you succeed or don't succeed the whole point is to learn from it it's not that whether you succeed or you fail it's what did you learn from the success what did you learn from the failure how many people in in this room have failed in life in what something you set your mind out to yeah I have like I mean thousands of times thousands of times but if I look in my life and I look at the greatest what you would think as as failures in life I would say those are the things in the end that I learned from in life the most the hardest times in our life are always the moments where we'd learn the most from because we're very vulnerable and open and receptive to the acknowledgment that we don't know everything we don't have everything figured out in fact what we don't know is Limitless what we know is very very limited so taking an approach where you don't necessarily know everything where you know you don't feel like you should be great at everything which is hard for young kids today I think young kids are looking on social media they're looking on YouTube they're looking on television and they're seeing so many people so good at things and thinking that's just the way they were born yeah no absolutely not we're not born like that this is from someone who played 23 years I worked every single day 365 days a year to be the best that I could be not to be the best to be the best I could be so whatever you approach in your life it's not to be the best at something is to be the best that you could be at something you get a chance to choosing like what you want to be the best at pick something in my mind that you really enjoy doing regardless us of what that pays you regardless of what status that may give you find something in your life you love to do work really hard at it and I promise you you'll get good at because if you spend enough time and energy and you create a culture of teamwork and a great environment of learning and humility I think you have a great opportunity to succeed in life you're out there building a business you're out there trying to be good on a sports team you're a 15 year old boy that's trying to succeed care about the people that you're doing things with care about your teammates care about what you're trying to accomplish who gives a in the end if you win or lose we all want to win so does the other team but what do we want to do we want to learn from whatever comes our way and we want to be better the next time we try it amen amen be the best that you can be yeah beautifully said beautiful beautiful pivoting a little to your entrepreneurial Journey you Mel mentioned it you're not just one of the most accomplished football players of all time you're also an accomplished entrepreneur talk to us a little bit about the the the process for you to launch and align yourself with Brands how do you choose them and how how do you kind of build a portfolio yeah I think naturally for me what I realized was a athletes careers all come to an end at some point I mean all of our lives and careers come to an end at some point for athletes it usually happens a little bit quicker because you know our physical skills deteriorate and we're competing against a lot of younger people with a lot of uh non-deteriated skill sets I was very fortunate to another mentor of mine my and one of my best friends Alex Burr who also lives down here now in Fort Lauderdale you know he taught me how to take care of myself everybody's moving here I know everybody's moving he taught me how to take care of my body and be really preventative with the things that I put into my body and and how I can continue to play quarterback was it was really going to be a product of all the decisions that it made on a daily basis I wanted to take care of my body so that I could play as long as I did and he came into my life and taught me those things so as I know that football was going to come to an end at some point I also wanted to think about well when I'm done playing what are some other things that I can do that I'm going to be really excited about when I'm done playing so that I don't get really bored when I'm done playing I know that football was this incredible aspect of my life that was really a dream come true but I saw a lot of other athletes that their dream ended at a younger age and then you know they had a hard time finding something they wanted to do so I began to think about my post career life a little bit I would say when I had a little free time from not practicing and playing football and I wanted to work on some of the other professional entrepreneurial things that I did so you know I probably naturally did some of things that a lot of athletes do with some endorsements but I really wanted to create my own brand because I didn't want to I wanted to be the boss I didn't want the answer to somebody all the time so nothing wrong with that no it's not at all no not at all but and I did that for a lot of years in my football career I wasn't the boss but then in my in my second career I would say the next you know I'm 45 now in the next 45 years of my life I want to continue to do great things and I want to see other people actualize their potential in whatever they want I was very fortunate to do that in sports there's so many other parts of life that are so interesting that are so exciting to explore and I've been able to do that the last 23 years professionally but now it's more of a full-time commitment to doing those things and what I do realize is business is very hard business is very competitive you know every day you got to get up and you got to think about how could I be a little bit better today for my consumer for my client or for my boss or for the person next to me how can I be a little bit better this coming year than I was the past year so that's what I think about now I still take a very similar I would say athletic team oriented mindset to the professional Endeavors that I'm really doing and undertaking because that's been a secret to my success and having a great team around me always trying to over deliver for people always trying to set a great standard so whether it was a book that I wrote I wanted it to be a great book I didn't want to kind of put a minimal effort into it I knew if I I put a minimal effort into it people wouldn't like it so I try to put a lot of effort into it I try to produce some some things in media and I I've really enjoyed that so trying all these different parts of life although it will never feel like running out in front of 70 000 people listening to a Jay-Z song it's still very exciting for me to you know do other things where I feel like I can still make a positive influence in the world and make a difference in people's lives through all the lessons that I've learned amen speaking of perseverance um I mean your passion and grit both in sports and business is is very very impressive and you mentioned a little bit like the secrets to your success so wondering what habits or practices you attribute that long-term success or what habits and practices are you practicing now what are some of those Tom Brady Secrets yeah those are great questions and I'd say a lot of it you know as I told a little bit about my my upbringing right high school and college things didn't necessarily come easy for me you know and I think that was you could look at that in two ways you could say oh man that really sucks you weren't the best in your freshman year in high school you know you weren't you weren't that great as your sophomore year in high school as a quarterback or as a basketball player um but what did that allow me to do right not being great at something allowed me to develop a work ethic failing and not succeeding earlier in my career whether that was high school or college or early my broker allowed me to really look in the mirror and deal with myself I had to look back at myself and say did I give it my best today was I the one that was the most committed to the team and the most committed to my preparation so what did I develop over these time periods where nobody else was watching where I was maybe the one disappointed that I wasn't succeeding at the point that I and at the level that I wanted to so what I had to do I had to work harder than everybody else I had to be more determined and more driven than the other guys who are more talented than me I had to find a deeper belief in caring for the people that I did it with so I could gain their trust even more so a lot of it was these intangible qualities that are very tangible I feel like you're your dedication an amazing dedication and discipline and determination and all those things are so critical to everything because what are you learning if you try something for the first time and it goes well what did you really learn was it really that hard do you think was that experience of trying something and being good at it the first time did you learn much from that well it probably wasn't that difficult but if you're going to try something difficult in life and whether that's a professional life or personal life you better expect that that's going to come with a lot of adversity for sure and you're going to have to deal with that adversity why don't people want to go out on the field there's a lot of players that I played that in the end okay they were great players right but then when we got to the biggest games and the biggest moments they kind of wanted to go hide a little bit they weren't the players that when the big moments came they said all right now put me in this is when I want to shine I want to shine in the Super Bowl I want to shine on Monday Night Football that's when you have your 25 30 million people watching I tell you that for me this is like a big game this is what I've been like oh girl all right it's been like I I'm gonna do it I'm gonna get out there yes I've been nervous you know the whole thing but I'm like we're gonna come up here so this is this has been our big game conferences and my little one they met back there was looking down you know you know her slay Queen you're right girl that's exactly right so I think the point is is whatever we do it's not gonna there's no there's not gonna be any straight road to success there's gonna be paid with a lot of great things and probably way more adversities so have some perspective on that enjoy the process of trying to reach the point where you want to get to I'm sure when your dad came to this country 60 years ago it was not a straight path no look at him now right that's a great inspiration for everybody that's a great inspiration for everyone sitting in the crowd right nobody just wakes up at the top of the mountain you know I think one of his first jobs is a paper boy who knows I threw a few on the roof I would always get the notes from the next day why please don't throw the paper on the roof talking a little bit more about um adversity in the process you know in the startup World um failure is a learning process talk to us a little bit about some of the obstacles you faced in your entrepreneurial Endeavors and how you've overcome them and what you've learned from them yeah and I think even like you know we look at like Jeff Bezos you know incredible entrepreneur one of the biggest companies in the world did everyone see that picture of him sitting at his desk you know of Amazon startup where he had his own Banner he was the only one in the office you know that didn't start that way Elon Musk almost failed in his business life was bankrupt almost bankrupt a few times you know but just continued to plow on with what his what he believed in himself and his mission I think we should all have um you know a degree of self-confidence in what we can bring to the table we all do need to believe in ourself I mean I think for me the greatest lesson is you know always you know go out there and believe in yourself and know that it's not always going to go great it's going to have its challenges and then have the right people around you yeah so that when you do fail they can be there to pick you up you know I've had a lot of tough games tough losses difficult situations in life well the people that are around me are the ones that picked me up and said hey that's okay there's tomorrow we can get through this we're going to get through this I'm here with you you're not alone we're going to make it through this together you develop those relationships with those people through adversity and they become some of the greatest friends in your life so even though you may not have some self-confidence in yourself you had a daughter that gave you a little you know a little extra something yeah right you know and you have a husband that does that or you have a partner or you have a co-worker you have a parent or an aunt or a grandparent right all these people that come into your life they they bring and they add to your life and what can you do for them in return you can go give it your best for them right if they're going to support you and the things you want to accomplish how do you pay that back well you pay it back through your effort because you can control that you pay that back through your attitude you can control that you can control that you can control how positive you are in situations you don't have to be a victim and say oh man this isn't going my way the coach doesn't see how good I am oh man the coach is never going to give me a chance the coach only wants this guy to succeed no when those situations come up you say you know what I'm gonna go prove it to the coach I'm gonna go prove it to my teacher I'm gonna go prove it to my parent I'm gonna go prove it to my boss and I'm gonna go out there every day and try to earn their trust and respect every day through the things that I can control which is my attitude absolutely yeah yes let's give it up so you have achieved so much throughout your career you've left everything out on the field when you play you've built tremendous Brands you've sold a best-selling book your best-selling author you're a father what's next for Tom Brady good question um you know I'm still trying to you know I've definitely have some interests that I'm going to pursue I'm still going to be in sports I have a contract with Fox that I'm going to be a broadcaster you guys are going to see me I'll get some tips from you afterwards yeah all right exactly no I think all those things are you know that's going to be new for me so now I'm going into a new Arena and where I have to learn a different skill set I don't get to go down on the field anymore and throw passes like I used to love to do now I've got to describe other people doing those things and I think it's going to be really fun for me because I get a chance to have you guys watch football through my eyes you know I've had a lot of experience I've been on a lot of great teams I've been on some bad teams I've had good teammates I've had not so good teammates I've had good coaches I've had some not so good coaches there's been some stadiums that were really fun to play in there were some stadiums that were not so fun to play in so you know a lot of these things that I'm really going to be able to hopefully be on TV share some stories try to entertain you guys while we watch football um and teach you guys a little bit about something that I have maybe a little bit of knowledge on um but beyond football you know I'm I'm definitely interested in Tech and I have a digital asset business that I love to be a part of I'm actually flying out to Los Angeles tonight we have a board meeting tomorrow um so just understanding where the world is going and where Innovation is taking place and seeing the thing that my kids are interested in because you know they're we're not going to libraries anymore you know we're not going to if I write a report on a paper what did we used to do we used to go read pick up the Encyclopedia Britannica and try to scroll for information in there like that was the you know the Bible per se you know now you go online and everything is online and our lives are online and our our lives are on our phones and our lives are in our on our computers so you know understanding where the world is going and but how can we still connect with people as well so absolutely you know finding a connection between these digital businesses and the humanity of people and you know how it can work seamlessly so that we can um you know allow people to access greater things it's not just a quick follow-up question are you focused on any key verticals in in terms of Investments or verticals certain types of companies certain sectors or and I say this because we got a hundred startups wow down startup alley right over there that we Source from all around the world and that are going to be in different Industries competing for a 500 almost 500 000 investment wow um here on this stage so that's their Super Bowl so I'm just asking for a friend yeah no that's incredible I think you know for me to learn about all those different companies as well that's uh that's where it happens like I said it doesn't start with you guys as entrepreneurs and trying to uh you know impress everyone with a great idea you guys are running real things this is real life this is real Challenge and real business and like we said most startups fail well is that that doesn't matter if if your mindset is to try to win and Achieve that the important thing is the way that you see that you believe that yours is going to be successful and you put as much as you can into it and you're going to find the right team of people to allow you to maximize that potential to realize that dream that you guys set so if you're an entrepreneur you know God bless you it's difficult thing but that's okay everything in life rewarding too it's absolutely the most rewarding and I think when you try and it doesn't go that way and then finally you try and you try and you try and it does go away go your way you have a great appreciation for that Journey that you set yourself on and not only did you learn a lot about yourself through that Journey you learned a lot about the people that you're on the journey with and that's ultimately what life's about having incredible relationships with people that you know bring out the best in you and I did that in football I had that in the family I had that with so many friends in my life and I think that's the biggest blessing in my life very blessed so you spoke about Innovation and speaking of innovation and Tech I'm sure you've heard of chat GPT which is extremely extremely relevant right now so we asked check GPT what rapid fire questions should we ask all right so these are some Chachi PT questions favorite football movie of all time oh man good one oh I like that 80 for Brady that was really good I was a kid and I watched a movie called Wildcats with Goldie Hawn that was one of my all-time favorites so that was a little before their time but more of Our Generation check that one out that was a good one yeah they're digging notes do you prefer the beach or the mountains the beach girl let's go absolutely we're a couple blocks from the beach right now favorite hobby outside of football favorite hobby outside football I love water sports so I've really been into lately like have you ever seen those e-surf boards yes those are amazing let's talk about technology yeah okay those are insane so and I can't skateboard like I'm a terrible on the hard pavement on the water I'm cool so I gotta try it it's hard when you're tall because it's a softer Landing it's a waste if you weren't a football player what profession would you have pursued oh God you know I think that's a good question yeah I never had to think about that and when I think about it you know maybe I always I did say when I was going through the NFL draft and you know all these guys were being picked in the first round the second round I got picked um in the sixth round and my dad was an insurance salesman and I told him I don't want to be an insurance salesman so I that thankfully I got to you know be in sports I know those newspapers that's right I worked on the newspaper on my paper route yeah and uh I was able to you know do something I love to do and I never had to really figure out a career plan until now so I'm a lot like you guys yeah now I'm 45 in China yeah exactly right awesome all right so we're gonna end with a couple rapid fire questions from ourselves yes um rumor has it uh well we know oh no uh that you're spending a lot of time in Miami now you call it home um by chance is there any chance that you're coming out of retirement and playing for the finch oh man I know I see I'm just [Applause] I will say now that I'm not affiliated with any team anymore and even though I have strong um ties with a couple teams um I do have some friends on the Dolphins that I really like so I wouldn't say I necessarily root for them all the time but I root for my friends to do well and several of them play for Miami so that's awesome yeah well we're gonna end I think with uh uh thanks my man love you too we're gonna end with this last question which I'm sure is near and Dew to your heart because it's it's just about you being a dad yeah and just curious what's your favorite part of of being a father wow yeah I think the it's a great question um you know for all the parents in here I think um you know for me it's been how you know you always think that you're trying to teach your children something in the end your your children are teaching you amen so it's not so much about what you know Dad's interested to be honest I think for me what I really want to do they've been so supportive of me for all these years you know it's for me to you know just help them uh you know and support them in the things they want to do and learn along the way like my son is totally into Japanese anime and he's into gaming and he's into so many things that I had no idea digital assets and playing different games and Roblox and Minecraft and these amazing games that you know we didn't play when we were kids we had other things we played we played Monopoly and Tic-tac-toe and we had chalk lines on the street and played yeah Hopscotch right but the kids are different now they're playing other things so you know it's been good for me to sit down and say you know let me put this Oculus on before I you know get some motion sickness and see what the hell you're looking at um so I think for me so much is spending time with them spending time with my kids and watching them evolve and grow and then let me be on their Journey you know because I love being a dad I love being a parent again and not an easy job for all of us you know but we do the best we could do we certainly don't have all the solutions but we could try our best with our kids and you know they're the ones that are going to carry on you know your father set a great precedent for you he gives you a great example for how you want to be in your life I want to do that for my kids just like my parents did that for me and I'm sure you are doing that for your children no question as you are inspiring so many of us here today thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your time thank you great question it has been amazing way to go Tom Brady yeah thank you guys thank you thank you very much thank you that was awesome thank you really fun thanks my man thank you so much bye guys thank you very much have fun I'm Carlo let's put the all right Giancarlo there you go
Channel: eMerge Americas
Views: 46,997
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: technology, innovation, 'emerge americas', miami tech, thought leadership, miami, entrepreneur, founder, network, business, digital, venture, startup, Americas, Higher ed, global, government, crypto, nft, leadership, blockchain, entrepreneurship
Id: Omls2FWK_wM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 59sec (2219 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 15 2023
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