A Conversation With Stephen King (1:38:42)
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Channel: UMass Lowell
Views: 318,422
Rating: 4.8680229 out of 5
Keywords: 2030536735001, skeleton crew, college, lowell, rage, Mystery, uml, University, The Regulators, story, The Little Sisters of Eluria, The Shining, The Eyes of the Dragon, Salem's Lot, cell, the long walk, My Pretty Pony, cujo, Dolan's Cadillac, Six Stories, The New Lieutenant's Rap, bag of bones, Riding the Bullet, Misery, Blood and Smoke, Lisey's Story, Dolores Claiborne, needful things, road work, umass lowell, king, Nightmares & Dreamscapes, life, black house, roadwork, ur, 1922, it
Id: NLfINvRut4I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 98min 41sec (5921 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 12 2012
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The amount of clapping and ass-licking wastes the precious time they have with him they could be spending actually letting him speak about his accomplishments. Cringe-worthy host turning a what could be a very culturally enriching experience to a circus show. That is of course only my opinion.