A complete step by step guide on how to mod Subnautica in 2024

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what is up YouTube I am Leviathan Kraken and here we are in 2024 I'm going to teach you how to mod subnotica 2.0 which is the latest version with the large room that can be built however if you are wanting to run older mods such as cthulu sock natica field Creator Studios or D Extinction then click this link right here to learn how to downgrade your subnotica version to the older legacy mode but also keep in mind that many of these mods are currently in the process of being updated to 2.0 so it is recommended to stick with the newer version so I'm going to divide this tutorial into several parts and some I will label as optional so you can skip if you want to and quickly before I begin I would like to point out that this is going to be for the steam version if you have subnotica purchased through epic or some other source then the method should be the same you'll just have to find your game directory the only exception that as the recording of this video is that the Epic version cannot be downgraded to Legacy so for that reason I highly recommend purchasing the steam version so this is the manual method to modding I will show an alternative method as well but personally I do not use Vortex or any mod managers for games like subnautica or M inecraft that don't really seem to need a mod load order so Vortex only causes issues for me but some say it works just fine but anyways let's get right into it the very first thing that you're going to need to do is find your subnotica game directory in this case if you have steam it is uh local C program files 86 steam steam apps common and then subnotica and this is going to be where you're going to put beex all right so here we are with a fresh version of subnautica downloaded so the first thing that you're going to need to do is you are going to need to go to nexusmods.com subnotica and you're the first program that you're going to need to download will be Toby's beex pack for subnotica this is the one that you're going to want to get this is absolutely needed for any mod to work so we're going to go to files and then you want to make sure it's the latest version that you're getting that you go to the manual download and then I have to go the slow downloads okay now here is your bonex everything that I have unzipped so we are going to be dragging this all into the main directory of subnotica and you're going to basically have to run subnotica one time in order to get it fully installed so here let's go ahead and start up subnotica see this this should pop up right here you should see that little thing right there where it's installing onto your game for the first time so now we don't need to do anything we just quit go back out now now that we have beex installed let's go back and and what you're going to need to do is you're going to need to download several key files that we call Core libraries now the think of this as like building the foundation to your house foundation to your modding Library so the first one that you're going to need and this is required for 99% of all mods Nautilus okay right here for some reason I had a hard time finding that okay so Nautilus right here this is the main core Library that contains commands for every mod to run to work with bonex it has been recently updated um and it this has replaced SML helper so if you see SML helper on any other mod and it says it requires that then this should technically replace it and so I highly recommend that you only download this because all of those mods are going to be getting updated in due time and this technically replaces SML helper so everything that you need from that program will be right here instead so we're going to be downloading this instead of SML helper we're going to be downloading this we're going to be unzipping that okay now here you see a lot of these will say plugins and Nautilus so this tells you the reason why that is there is it is there to tell you what folder it goes into so if we go into beex plugins now now we're going to be dragging Nautilus into there so that is our main core library that we absolutely have to have now if you want to run submarine mods for example then you are absolutely going to need the vehicle framework vehicle framework core library now this is something you're going to absolutely need if you want to do modded submarines and I know you're going to want them so stable Legacy that is for the older version you don't want that you want this one right here okay there it is it says beex now we're going to open up that go to plugins and there it is vehicle framework so we're going to be doing the same thing we're going to be dragging this over into our beex plugins folder now let's move on to our next core Library if you want to add creature mods to your game you're going to want to need ECC Library not not the Legacy one you're going to want this one 2.0 because this is the latest version and this keep in mind also that this version was just recently updated because the silence Leviathan has been released recently so we're going to we're going to be downloading that so that way we can get some really cool creature mods added to our game all right now we've got this unzipped plugins ECC Library so we're going to also be dragging that into here all right some of the other terrain mods well even like the silence Leviathan do add more terrain to the game so there's two mods I want you to download terrain extender so terrain extender allows them to add the islands that they added to the void so you're going to need this if you want to download the silen Leviathan so you don't absolutely need the reef editor that is only to that is optional that's only something to edit the terrain I have another video on that if you're interested but we're also going to be needing terrain Patcher so I'm going to be opening up two two tabs here um so we're going to do terrain extender first manual okay we're dragging terrain extender into here and then we're going to go back let's close that one out and so terrain patch opens up a GitHub link so don't let that confuse you you're just going to be going to the latest version right here terrain Patcher doz and then you're going to be dragging that also over into your plugins like uh plugins folder so the last one on my list here is going to be called let's see let's go back to Nexus the configuration manager now I know some people were saying they had a hard time getting it to work uh they said you know they pressed F5 and nothing happened so we're going to I'm going to show you which link to download that way you know that it works now keep in mind that this is optional you don't have to have this this is a configuration manager that is used to tweak settings in some mods such as the mod that changes the color of the Cyclops for example it it will be used for some other mods so it's not 100% necessary but it's one of those things you might as well go ahead and get it on there in case you need it right so let's go to the manual download slow download and let's go ahead and put that on there and then we're going to start up subnotica and we're going to press F5 and we're going to make sure that it's working so this might maybe be what was throwing some people off so plugins so this is not in its own folder for some reason so but it doesn't matter you can just go ahead and drag this over to your plugins folder and leave it like that it should work so what we're going to do is we're going to go ahead and open up subnotica and we're going to just test this out real quick just to make sure that everything is working as it should okay so here we are in game now let's press F5 and there we are configuration manager tweaks uh that looks like there's the terrain Patcher I can I can actually well it just says enabled so there's not really anything to tweak there but configuration manager tweaks now of course we don't have any other mods installed so we're not really seeing much here so then you just kind of click away and then that was it so we our configuration manager is working now before we download anything else I want to point out that there is several different re sources that you can download mods from so let's start off with this nexusmods.com /ss subnotica that is the obvious one that everyone knows about but there is also subotica now this is submoa doxyz it contains both subotica and below zero mods and it contains 2.0 in Legacy so sometimes you will find mods that are not on the Nexus mods page that will be on here so you're going to want to periodically check both that place that site and this site to make sure that you're not missing out on anything also you will occasionally find mods on GitHub there are some modders that you can actually follow them on GitHub and you can can actually follow their progress they'll release their mods on there as they are being worked on and sometimes you'll you'll get access to them before they're even released on these websites and then lastly we have the subnautica modding Discord page now here you can actually go to mod test builds and what they'll do is they will release the mod on here before it's publicly released and you can go on here and you can test it out and then you will let them know say hey it's got this bug here it's not working with this one thing and and let them know what kind of bugs that you ran into and this will help them to figure out what they need to fix first let's go ahead and down download a mod now let's check this out let's see you can click on latest and you can see what mods have come out recently so we're going to be downloading two mods we're going to be downloading the Mantis class submarine so I'm going to open up a tab to that and then we're going to be downloading the silence Leviathan so that way we can have us a custom submarine and a custom Leviathan in game so the first thing that you need to be doing is you need to be looking at requirements and you need to be making sure that you have all of the mods downloaded that this requires now we already have Nautilus ECC Library terrain extender and patcher so let's go ahead and just get right into it files manual download slow download there we go there's the silence let's drag that over all right so let's drag the silence into here and let the Mantis class submarine and the same thing we're going to make sure that we have all this Nautilus vehicle framework and of course beex obviously we have that so let's go ahead and download our mantis submarine all right now we're going to be dragging that over here so now that we have the ECC library for the creatures we have the vehicle framework for the precursor sub and we have the terrain extender and patcher because that is also required that adds the islands that you see in the void from the silence mod so let's go ahead let's start it up and let's see if everything works let's go ahead and dive into this water now the silence Leviathan should be under spawn silence there he is right there so he is working pretty cool all right so we know that's working and then also if you look out this direction you see unidentified signal and that is part of the silence mod because that is way out in the void so th those are the islands that you will see way out there I'm not going to go all the way over there to show you but due to the terrain Patcher and extender mod they are there so now let's check our vehicle framework okay it was under mantis class that's how you spawn this one in so yeah I had to find the I had to find the spawn code for that so takes a little while to to build but as you can see it's obviously working and this is a very beautiful submarine I I decided to show this on the video CU this is my favorite modded submarine uh precursor style uh it almost looks like an ion cube in the front and yeah there's where the batteries go there's your storage and your vehicle upgrades console right there so anyways that is how you mod subnotica everyone and now that you have all of your core libraries in installed and these are an example of two other mods that you can have on there once you start adding other mods you won't have to go through such a hassle because you'll have all your core libraries already on there sometimes these core libraries do get updated and as new mods are rolled around you might occasionally find a mod is not working so you're going to want to make sure that all of your core libraries are up toate because believe me they get updated quite often so the lastly now this is optional but if if you are modding subnotica on PC believe me you're going to want to do this this is my favorite Shader this is called the hello shaders now if you want to install shaders on your game they can greatly enhance the colors see the you can really see the difference so I'm going to show you how to install shaders on your game so now the requirements is a program called reshade so we're going to open that okay now this is called reshade and we're going to be installing that download now you can download it regular or full add-on support I prefer the full add-on support I mean I I think as long as it has as many options as possible go ahead now went ahead and downloaded that okay now this says is intended for single player games only in make calls bands in multiplayer games so this is subnotica so who cares so we're gonna be going to subnautica the reason why I have three on here is because I have my uh other two versions Legacy and then there other one on there so yeah ignore that so we're going to go to next now you're going to be going to direct X10 11112 and because I believe that is the rendering API that subnotica uses skip to go to a default yeah press skip okay so now these are all the different options that you can have to download onto your all these different effects that you're going to want to need now I personally prefer to just download all of them because I don't want to run into a Shader that has some kind of option that I don't have downloaded on there so I just click everything have everything on there clicked now we're going to go to next and then you're just going to be basically clicking next several times it's going to be downloading all these different options for different effects of the shaders and you're just going to be going next next next next next pretty self-explanatory okay so we're done with that so let's close this out now now we're going to be downloading the actual Shader itself that was just the program that you needed so let's go to files here on hello shaders and of course if you go under visuals and Graphics you're going to find all kinds of shaders so many different kinds of styles anything that you want it's whatever you and I might even download another one on here just to show you what other options we have so let's go to manual download for that all right and so for this particular download it basically is just going to be going into your main subnotica directory you're just going to stick it right here just like that so let's download that and one other Shader to showcase the potential of what these can do for your game okay now this is one that was really interesting that I found this is is a a newer one this one's called Interstellar and this is supposed to look like a I've never seen the movie but it's like a it gives me like a 70s science fiction kind of vibe you'll find out here in a minute so we're going to download that and then I will show you all right now this one don't let this confuse you it has Interstellar Shader here so you're going to drag that over now you're seeing a a folder here that we already have so we're going into textures and it's got one little file that you need to add into your corresponding folder so that's what you need to do now now that we have the shaders installed I'm going to show you what they look like okay so here we are in game see the top of the screen it says reshade compiling if now this some for some computers it might take a little while so it is reshade is now installed successfully press home to start the tutorial now there's of course all different options that you can do with reshade it'll go through a little brief tutorial but I'm going to let you guys look at read all that on your own so here we are in the reshade menu now we're going to be pressing over here now we are in the hello Shader so I'm going to show you in game what they look like okay so here we are in Game and now we are using the hello Shader as you can see the water looks so much more intense the colors are so much more brighter and and sharper textures it looks really great so if you wanted to switch over to another one now check this out this is the interstellar Shader so as I said it gives you a 70s science fiction classic movie kind of vibe I mean it's you know I don't know if you would really want to play the game like this but as a content creator this definitely opens up the possibilities of so many different things I think it looks really neat though it's really neat but if you want to go back we press that over and so now we're back into the hello Shader which uh I had some people asking me how my game looks so good whenever they were watching some of my other videos and I said well it's it's because of shaders that's how and there are some that will sharpen the textures there are some I think even one for below zero where it allows you to use Ray tracing so there are so many different options out there and if you are doing modded subnotica you definitely want to try a Shader before you move on to this section of the video go ahead and watch the first part so that way you know how to install beex in the core libraries but this is a sort of like second alternative it's it's a way to make things a little bit easier on you this is a mod manager that LE 23 designed himself and it's not like Vortex I don't think it has really mod loading order or anything like anything like that but this is the mod manager for beex so once you've gotten beex installed you can go ahead and go to files so I'm going to show you how to download this and we'll have to put it right here so I will show you exactly how it works so here we are back in subnotica and as you can see now we have a mod manager tab so you're going to click on this and of course it's going to let you know that there are some mods that won't show up if you don't have their dependency such as Nautilus ECC library that kind of thing so anyways this is a very easy way to disable and enable mod so this way that you're not having to manually pull the files out of your folder if you wanted to say for example take this mod off of your playthrough you all you have to do is click a button enable disable it's literally that simple there are news that he has on here that he kind of keeps updated every now and then and so now we can go go all right so this right here is a browse option that shows you what is on the sub Moda website I believe I don't think this covers Nexus mods but pretty much you can't download it from here it this link will this button will take you to the website but this is an easy way to browse everything without having to go straight to your browser you can just go on here and see hey what's new you know and it will show up right in your game install now so this right here has it to where this will open up the folder you're still going to have to put your mods manually in the in a folder but you can put it in this folder instead of the beex SL plugins now this one right here is steam steam apps common subnotica subnotica mod manager and then mod downloads so this will be when you download a mod it will go into this folder instead and then what you can do is you is you can put the file in there already zipped you don't have to unzip it and then you would just click install all mods and it will move the files it will unzip them and move them into the plugins folder so it you know it depends on how you look at it it it makes it to where you still have to manually put your files in there but it will take care of some options for you personally I think the best part about this is having the option to enable disable mods and then of course being able to be in game and just see what you have new available for you but this is how the subnotica mod manager that LE 23 created works and that is the conclusion of how to mod subnotica uh of course as I said you can potentially use Vortex or another mod manager if you want to but personally I ran into issues with it I've heard people tell me that it did work for them but I know that beex is kind of like a mod loader in itself so I I know that that can get a little complicated with this game so it's really just easier to use this method um if if you are at this part of the video and your your mods are not working then I'm just going to go over a few possibilities as to why they might not be working there are of course many core libraries as I said earlier such as Nautilus ECC Library vehicle framework the terrain patchers and they do get updated periodically from time to time so if you download like say for example a new submarine mod and it is not working you would want to make sure that your vehicle framework is working now there's another problem that I have ran into and sometimes when I download certain mods that will transfer files over my antivirus will actually catch it and and delete the dll file thinking it's a virus well I can assure you these are not viruses so if if your antivirus is freaking out sometimes what I do is I will go to Norton Tab and I will disable autoprotect temporarily at least until I get my mods downloaded that way I know that it's not deleting something because sometimes it has deleted something and I didn't see it I didn't see the notification at the bottom right screen because I was looking at my other monitor and I missed it and then I spent like hours trying to figure out why my mods were not working well if you have a strong antivirus or firewall then it's possible they might be interfering so you might want to look into that another thing is I get this all the time and I know it's self-explanatory but believe me people do it you have to unzip your mods they have to be unzipped before they will work unless you are using Lee 23's mod manager and then that will take care of that part for you but once you download it you you have to unzip it and transfer the files over manually another one that I ran into recently is that I had some mods that weren't working and I'm like well why is this one working why is that one not working well if you have SML helper installed on your on your mods list then there's a good chance that some of your mods will not work because remember Nautilus has replaced SML helper so while there are some older older mods for 2.0 that will still require SML helper don't worry about it because those mods will be updated in due time so just stick with Noles don't worry about SML helper you don't need it trust me um another possibility is that there's a good chance that you might have accidentally downloaded the wrong file when you click on a mod there are it will show different versions that were previously available and some of those are available because if you didn't like an update or if you are using Legacy version and you want the older version then you have the option to download those but make sure that you always download the latest version version of beex each core library and of course the mod that you want and make sure that you're not accidentally scrolling too far down and downloading the wrong one it's okay I've done it before plenty of times it happens but that is all I have that is how you mod subnotica this is the ultimate how-to of course there is the subnotica modding Discord page the modders are very friendly very helpful people are on there every day asking for help why their mods aren't working and the modders are very glad to help you out of course you can also leave a a comment on this video I will be glad to try to help you as soon as I can and yeah have fun modding subnotica everyone in 2024 we have a lot of amazing mods this year to look forward to peace [Music] out oh
Channel: Leviathan Kraken
Views: 7,865
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mods, living large, 2.0, subnautica, submodica, modded, modding, gaming, step by step, how to, how to mod, gamer, steam, bepinex, qmods, leviathan kraken, unknown worlds, how to mod subnautica, nautilus, reaper leviathan, silence leviathan, subnautica mods, mantis submarine
Id: Xgvj67HdxIE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 59sec (1679 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 05 2024
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