A Complete History of Dragon Age 4 ft: @JackdawYT + @VideoGameSophistry

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for 25 years Bioware has been at the forefront of powerful emotionally resonating storytelling in videogames that evolution is told through generations of gaming technology and advancements in what we expect from the stories we love no one game franchise is more emblematic of this than a Ganesh originating over 10 years ago the series has jumped from engine to engine placed out to play style but that one pervading story of thetas continues on i am andy burkowski from VGA video game sophistry and for the last 10 years I've had the fortune to speak to developers writers and the minds behind Dragon Age I am even more fortunate today to team up with the new guard creators who cherish and protect the lore of Dragon Age and also try to make sure you all know everything there is to know about the games hi I'm Katie it run the guild Ursuline YouTube channel I really just talk about lore and they'll so read out codex entries for people to hear I'm just a fan myself just kind of doing it for fun just cuz that's what I like to do hi guys I am Jacques de and of course I just run a Dragon Age and Mass Effect news channel and I just want to keep you all updated on the update so dragon I draw incredibly modest but these Titans I will call them that they are working together with me today to figure out every single piece of data everything official every rumor evering passing picture on a screen during a dev diary that may contribute to what we know as Dragon Age 4 and we're gonna be doing this for the last 5 years a five-year look at everything we think we know so let's go through it all and figure out everything there is to know about this game we love shall we let's do it already alright so we're starting with 2015 there really isn't that much because this is the year trespasser came out of many of you remember I will say like both of us Jack was busy at college and I honestly this was I really only got into the series in 2014 so there might be a few things he missed but I kind of had this rate that really wasn't that much anyway so I want to say like we have most things but there might be something miss we also uh just a quick aside there's some news has come out later in the years but we place it in our timeline where it would have happened in real life so the first thing I'm actually about to say was said in 2018 but technically happened in 2015 that's why I'm talking about it now so anyway in 2018 Mark Dara tweeted out just a couple things a lot of these are gonna be just marked our tweets when he was kind of giving a spiel about all of his work that he did at Bioware one thing he mentioned that when before even trespasser was released they actually were they did they had a team working on Dragon Age for it it sounded like it was just a small team but at least worse at least pitching some ideas and there was a couple other dev tweets about like the Dragon Age 4 is definitely gonna have a new protagonist and when September came out with trespasser that was a really major thing they wanted to push on and that's why the Inquisitor had their hand taken away that was what made them the protagonists of that game so if anything from 2015 what we can definitely say is that they are working on it and there's gonna be a new protagonist and soleus is gonna be the next villain and that's pretty much all that happened that year yes so as we said kind of 2015 going into 2016 we weren't really in the community much but we did have a few tiny things that went on of course in January lead writer David Gaider left Bioware after 17 years however there were plenty of notes that were left for the future of Dragon Age going forward as Patrick Weekes would then take on the role as lead writer of the fee of the franchise and then in a Twitter poll we had one small in of a tease from Mark Dara asking us if fans would like to see a Dragon Age tactics game the the majority vote for this was yes and it would be assuming that this would be a different project not correlating to a Dragon Age 4 it would be something on the side and the final news bit of 2016 was the fact that mark Dara gave us a really ominous look at this art book that had a rock and a wolf's head inflamed with the tweet or sorry what's this and we've still been shaking her head at what this could be it could refer to what would become project Joplin it could be in the final project for Dragon I draw that we now know is Morrison but honestly we still don't know what this is it could just be another Dara T's as he just loves to teasers we have some really inhibits on Dragon Age so I just want to interrupt there so those first two years you said there's not a lot of news but it is interesting that the series took the steps with trespasser to really set the stage I can't think of a lot of games that do that nowadays for what the next game iteration will be for what Dragon Age 4 will be it seemed very unlikely that it's not going to be into vinter that soleus is not going to be the villain and there's not going to be a new protagonist is there anything either you think from those initial few years where they really set the stage that maybe is no longer in the mix as much or are those pretty much cemented I least think those three things are definitely in the mix Jack just mentioned the tweet about as much as I would I just know I think that's gone almost cuz I think they really are just focusing on Dragon Age 4 at the moment maybe they'll pull it out of nowhere but I think everything they set up in trespasser they're really going to try to keep on cuz there's nothing else it would just be a whole bunch of fans missing well why did you change it you know I think they they're kind of stuck with that now there have been a lot of jack conte you've heard this or not but people wanting like a dual protagonist role because yeah who romance solace they feel like third quizzer story's not done or people who romance story and it's like well yeah I want to marry dory ya know I actually create my own video on the job protagonist idea and how we could actually work in a way that would wouldn't be too intrusive where you would play a 25% as the Inquisitor and then you would play a certain 5% as the new protagonist but that was because of Mass Effect Andromeda and what that did with its on it did do a dual protagonist in some aspect where you could play as your twin for a mission towards the end and I was thinking of Bioware do you like to innovate on the frostbite engine they want it up there the gameplay they want to change things and I think that would be a natural progression for Dragon Age 4 with updating the frostbite engine well that duality that you men that you could play as your twin and a particular mission in terms of actual gameplay mechanics they really push the idea in Andromeda we said that you can play any sort of original playstyle from the previous iterations of the game that were locked off so even if they're now like you said they want to iterate they want things to be as best as they can to evolve maybe the folks working on Dragon Age will take that same gameplay philosophy Andromeda and apply it to story because I would love I know it's a bit of a pull but having a really well-done and comprehensive story that will allow me to switch protagonists on the fly almost like if I'm a grand theft auto 5 yes yes world is already so built up I would love to have that opportunity probably how you do it that might also solve a lot of problems like who do I romance well you got three characters either you remember this time now about three to four years ago with what you were thinking and feeling about Dragon Age at that time because I think both of you mentioned that's kind of the point when both of you really jumped in and said you know I'm really gonna focus and try to work hard at talking and learning about Dragon Age you were you remember like what you were thinking what you were hoping for the game at that point yeah to beyond it's probably the first thing was I hope this is coming soon and it's been another 2 to go I didn't think I'd be in my 30s when dragons before came out yeah I feel you there I I guess one thing that mmm what I really wanted a Dragon Age 4 was really just closure I guess I was worried that like would there be a Dragon Age 5 I don't know and one thing I I don't think it was necessarily bad it just it bothers me because I just want it like now now now cuz I wouldn't know what happens so I would almost want Dragon Age short it's like feel like a closure like Dragon Age Origins did like when you finish track any georgians like at least I felt like yeah ok I all right I feel comfortable letting this go where you know trespasser put that little seed in my head I'm like what's gonna happen next and that's just been me for the past five years yeah for me I think it was obviously all that stuff about closure and you know having solace isn't Linux villain but also just experiencing a different dragon age and seeing tevinter imperium and what just all those possibilities of griffin's and all these things that we've heard about that linger on in the future for Dragon Age 4 and and it was the aspects of the different gameplay different mechanics and how different Dragon Age will be from its previous ones with next-gen title frostbite engine how they would then go from creating Mass Effect Andromeda dragon into acquisition with the knowledge of and the know-how of how will the frostbite engine works and how they can upgrade it and then seeing what they could do with Dragon Age 4 and then just going to tevinter go into a new location because obviously we know all about the south and we know about Ferelden and all their because we've been in them you know and in Dragon Age Origins you've spent plenty of time in France but particularly where is this where as tevinter it's just this completely dark enigmatic place where we've never visited we've only got hints and we've haven't even seen that many locations bar the comics where we actually get to see a few cities but it's completely enigmatic and and just the sense you get is it's gonna draw real dark fantasy notions and that's something that I've always since since 2016 wanted to see and wanted to grasp so that that's what I was looking forward to when very exciting all right so let's get back on track where it's 7 2017 now we now know there is some information about solace a new protagonists to vinter which are all excited about David Gators gone they were thinking about tactics game Jesus Christ I don't know if that'll still be there fire alright that's a stage 2017 take us away so we're actually gonna start off with that what I like to call the wolf rock book because at the very beginning well more like late January Mark Dara actually shows us some of the inside of what the book is a lot of people would question now there if you remember there is a Dragon Age Inquisition artbook and things in the artbook are not in this book so people are wondering is this just well - one image of the love Ellen yeah tarot cards but was this concept art that was never used is this new concept art for Dragon Age 4 and then also just you know into the future right now like is this book even relevant because as we're trying to get to later the the development of the game was restarted so like was it is this still relevant or not we don't actually know yeah so that's that's another thing in which I in the video edit there will be images of all this you can see what I'm talking about so and then then we move to February and here's kind of where we get a small little storyline that is gonna be concluded in it years from now Alexis Kennedy is hired as a contract like a contractor a writer and what he's actually working on I forgot what year he actually tweeted it so I don't know if I want to say it now it was 2018 a tweet today yeah okay I'll let you explain yeah yeah so anyway we then there's a couple things happen especially just some vague tweets you know whatever but the major thing that happened was in October when Mike Laidlaw left by we're after working there for 14 years um the reason why he left was never actually stated by Mike Laidlaw and I think because of that everything else we've heard a speculation there have been speculations talking about he left because of I'm about to talk about is now is when roughly in October 2017 we don't have a hard date on it is when Joplin which was the code date for the what was the first iteration of Dragon Age 4 was canned and then rebooted into what it will now be known as Morrison which is the whatever game we're probably going to get and let's say where he put it again so out of the I think it was the the Kotaku articles is where all these quotes are from right yeah they're all from the Kotaku article which was released in 2019 but it was just this is at the time of it all going down and everything hitting the fan and drop and just being canned completely so some of the quotes of what Joplin was going to be is the comset of Joplin was played as a group of spies and tevinter with large chunks of the narrative centered on heists the goal was to focus as much as possible on choice and consequences there was a huge emphasis on this hugely reactive game smaller in scope and Inquisition but larger and player's choice followers reactivity and depth people the the developers who were the sources for this article say it was very ambitious and many of the developers actually really excited to work on the project but all of this is canned because they wanted to rework live service elements into it the new Morrison is supposed to add live service elements is supposed to have some elements of Joplin we don't actually know what this hasn't been said and is supposedly being built on anthems codebase as this will save time now code base it's it's just like the basic code not that this is going to be anthem with Dragons even though some people at Bioware did say that dragons but even in the kotake article itself they they criticize that saying well some people who like weren't really in the know is what they said that and then there's other people who worked more closely on the project where they said no it's not anthem with dragons we're just using the codebase so there's there's even been some kind of differences of opinions and Bioware themselves at least according to the kako article so I actually see that as a good thing because it means that Bioware don't need to start from scratch so obviously the minitek where anthem score base it does scream life service Oh know what's happening we dragged an urge for but for Dragon Age Inquisition Mass Effect Andromeda an anthem Bioware started from scratch they didn't have a preset of the Frostbite engine and that's why Andromeda didn't have the same mechanics as Inquisition like um like a lot of the main stuff I can't pick any ones all right now but he didn't have a lot of the same mechanics that you would have thought we're Inquisition how that mechanic why doesn't on trauma two have a mechanic whereas now Dragon Age 4 is going to be built on that preset of the Frostbite engine so it's going to save them way more time they're gonna be able to have a lot of similar mechanics built from previous games and they're gonna be able to just get ahead on Morrison so it's actually a good thing because we know that bio is you know biggest issue has been the frostbite engine and it seems that they have resolved that by starting again on entrance Kobus so I do that's a good thing which in the article itself to have addiction try are sated some like ideas that the dev team had of what something on anthems codebase would look at and as a quote he heard some ideas for Morrison's multiplayer included companions that can be controlled by multi players via drop-in dropout coops in which the old-school Bioware RPGs like boulder gates and quests I could change base on not just one player's decisions but on the choices of players across the globe which is throwing it out there that sounds like a nightmare to me but the fact that I can't control my own world is like and that's pretty much what happened in at least supposedly what happened in 2017 granted Bioware has never confirmed this again they haven't actually denied it either and I actually tries to try articles yeah he's he's done a few of these big investigations he did the same thing when Mass Effect you know when they're announced they're not gonna be making any more of those and they're not gonna do any more iterative stuff on on Andromeda this is something I have been wanting to speak with both of you about for a while because I think it is a hugely important piece of information the initial concepts of Joplin of what they're referring to here of playing as a group of spies with narratives centered on heists it sounds like the game I've been hoping for since I was twelve years old there are not a lot of games that really effectively let you be a spy for one and then to allow you to extend that with a strong narrative and use mechanics that are completely new to do heists is everything I'm all about like it I think it would work so well in this world I think it is an inspired choice from the information that you just said there Katie do you believe that that initial concept with now Morrison is not going to be included it will be a part of it at all what is your take from the information that you're able to gleam I would say that I think it's likely they keep it and I will say because David Gaider did eventually leave and now Patrick Weekes is now the writer he actually wrote a series of novels I think the the trilogy is called the rogues trilogy Jack do you remember what Patrick Weekes is but yeah the one about the monster underwater no that's that's feeder that's anything but anyway he wrote he wrote a trilogy of fantasy heist books so like this is gonna do it might as well be the guy who's already written a bunch of novels about fantasy I suppose yeah so I feel like if anything this is something that weeks has at least halves dabbled in a lot and if anything I think has a soft spot for and I I feel like they probably already have a lot of work on this high sink so they'd want to do it I think the big HAMP is going to be though can they get it to work with the anthem codebase and the life service element which sounds like drop-in dropout co-op maybe some player decisions across the globe we're not quite sure what we might even be something we haven't even thought of so so the the novels are the panelist job the prophecy pond and the Paladin caper yes yeah the rogues of the Republic series it does very much sound if not like a spiritual form a contemporary of these sort of ideas then if not directly things that could relate very well to the Dragon Age world this idea of live service elements have either of you really jumped into anthem at all yeah III I did as well and I found myself really loving and appreciating so much the world building that went into this auspicious new idea that was inside anthem like truly Bioware has and I think probably always will some of the best minds when it comes to creating these universes in video games the idea of having a jump in jump out co-op pilots with you for me anytime that I experienced the game really hampered my experience of this story that I thought was great I had to play the game in spite of I wanted I wanted the story and I played the game in spite of it is really where I found myself so this idea of and I think there's many people that experience that same sort of way of experience in the game where do both of you see live service elements in a new Dragon Age because it likely will have to be it's their business model at Bioware and through the publisher of EA it's a part of almost all the games that they develop where do you see that working and are you worried about it yeah it's a tough one cuz I like playing online games and I'm a fan of that you know I played Red Dead online I play it for 30 SEC's believe oh no and I love playing games of my friends and hopping into that and getting on that adventure with as many people as possible and I love that but for Dragon Age particularly I play it because it's single-player my choice my characters that being said if I did have someone who would jump in and could play as one of my companions that to me would be fine I wouldn't mind that I think that would be alright I think it could be fun to be bearable terms of life service what we know is previously they put it in the multiplayer mode they just all you know you got your microtransactions in the chests in the loop in whatever you want to get in in the multiplayer mode if that was brought into the single-player would it be stuff like the cosmetic store where you know you want to get a different die you want to die plaid weave you want to get a different armor you have to then you know you get a currency in the game and you have to buy that to then get it all you have to grind the game is it gonna be something like that or is it gonna be something where you have like an assassin's creed ah this is my ideal anyone played Assassin's Creed Odyssey yeah loved it yeah yeah I loved island that's a life course given my upon my opinion you have your best game you pay for the best game but if you want the season pass you get constant updates you get live events and then you know every week there is a different loop there's a different ship to destroy it's something different every week to keep that life service element going and then you compare for those chunky DLCs my opinion Dragon Age for were to just be a best game and then it were to have added content that you would pay for afterwards or that you could get cosmetic so you could have a store that would be absolutely fine in my opinion we know what's gonna happen and I think that's the least impactful way where it's gonna you know completely be a multiplayer game or have a massive effect on the actual single-player experience I I know I don't play that many games though than like you know farming Sims and Dragon Age so like I have a weird mix of like moment so I haven't really played dragon that experience but at least for me like I like I don't mind that what they talked about the drop-in dropout co-op that's fine what I think I would not like though is the cosmetic stuff in single-player because like a huge part of I guess the direct least though the PC Dragon Age community is modding it's like you can't mod anthem you're gonna you're gonna keep probably get blocks you know what I mean yeah into Dragon Age Inquisition modding community is actually still going strong of hybrids after the game they just unlocked you know adding in new models into the Inquisition codebase or whatever and like that's been a huge update there's so many people working on it still and like you know five years that's crazy telling the other game that I can think of that as mod it that long it's Kairos yeah yeah but the Dragon Age muttaqeen is actually going I'm really strong and I feel like if you have any sort of life service to your single-player that's going to kind of break that and actually like start banning a lot of people just because they're trying to do what they did last time and let's be honest you know past Dragon Age Cosmetics hasn't always been the prettiest you know well it's not necessarily my cup of tea there's a lot of people that like adding like these super intricate hairstyles dragon nation I think a lot of that would be turned off if they can actually get that and would rather have to buy it because a lot of them like making that so I guess for me personally kind of coming from the community aspect I think would be a real loss if you start having in these single-player cosmetics because you know maybe look at their money but I think you lose a real big part of the community yeah I think likely what will happen if kind of looking at this from the outside is the enmeshment of the idea of a single-player multiplayer game we've seen what's EA and Bioware and other subsidiaries of EA want to do with these experiences where everything is live it's always about interactivity it's always about having these live service elements and I think that is kind of the prom land for the people behind who's fitting the bill for Dragon Age they want it to be not a single player not a multiplayer everything working together and yeah ostensibly that doesn't necessarily have to be a negative thing like their there is a positive way if you can kind of partition things in different places by I am very reticent of allowing these sort of elements to dictate the tone or tenor of a game that is so based on your own individual pacing and understanding of the story if we if we allow that to be up to a like an Al Gore exactly good I could feel that we may lose the one thing that everyone really really loves about Dragon Age and Mass Effect is that these games can feel so personal so that is my biggest worry but I don't know you both had some pretty good ideas of how this will actually go so you know they're definitely not stupid the people that are developed there's some of the smartest people in the you know the industry so I think the conversations we are having must have been replicated hundreds of times yeah by the development team oh yeah and even Casey Hudson this came out and said no we want to do something else and it's just trying to maintain that crowd of who do not want that you know and you know they've had those conversations yeah like what they didn't like an anthem what they don't want Dragon Age 4 so it's not like they don't know this III think it really just comes down to like it games need to make money that's just the reality of the situation yeah how can they make money and make make you know their investors happy and how they make us happy and it's gonna be hard writing that that that line so I get I know a lot of people angry at Bioware for what they're doing I'm not angry because like there are no you know VIN between a rock and a hard place you know I get it I'll accept like whatever they do there's probably gonna be some element I like there's gonna be some elements I'm disappointed in - yeah are we as a collective here are we betting that there will be live service elements kind of a hundred percent guaranteed in Dragon Age four they were an inquisition though you know the multiplayer mode was filtered microtransactions yeah so they've already started it and it all goes back to Mass Effect free when they you know in loot boxes in there so by we're already in that boat unfortunately so that did Dragon Age fire definitely will be in some capacity it just depends how much that will be you know its box bought out by another company yes I'll change right we've seen well this is an example that you just brought up a couple years ago everything changed so everything we're talking about now could have no place in any sort of conversation but I want to pin you both down because you have such a breadth of knowledge in this if you had to if you're if you were taking a bet how do you bet the live service elements will be implement not your hope but what you think will actually happen in Dragon Age 4 I can do mine first if you want cuz I'll since I proposed I'll give you guys a second to think if I was a bettin man I would say that it is what I mentioned before where they learnt it I think it'll be ambitious and they'll blur the line between single-player and multiplayer they will have the player drop in co-op where you could you know they would be maybe Fenris or something like that depending on who the NPCs are and I think they wouldn't have a collective decision being made by everyone but I do think there would be you know extra elements that if you get a full party maybe you get access to something special I think that'll be yeah the line that'll blur that's my bet I think for the most part it's also like kind of what you were talking about with Odyssey and adding in some like events that you can only do I will say I don't know I don't I almost want to bet they're not going to do cosmetics unless you can use your player character to play with each other so you're all doing like a spy what's the point of cosmetics yeah exactly oh I like that idea that actually seems kind of inspired it you're like a spy you know like yeah if you really are enjoy having different cosmetic costumes he is like real par for the course for spy [ __ ] yeah but but like if they're not gonna have anything like that then I don't know what I see as literally the same where you have your single-player modes but then you have those multiplayer missions like on your war table like they did with Mass Effect Andromeda where you had your apex people and then you would send them out so instead of sending them out like in your water table you would then go into the multiplayer and that's where you would then get in cosmetics be a spy and do that mission with your friends in the multiplayer so you can be in your single-player mode when you go to your water but or whatever they have and that's how you can inactivate until multiply of your friends see that I can dig because then that could be like multiple updates and like unlike maybe because that was sort of the plot of the multiplayer yes yeah yeah it didn't kind of fall yeah but but like maybe they can also update it with like little mini cutscenes and the head voice of is in Inquisition where you had you know we're going to go to our lair to do this and so you can add more narrative into it and you can actually have more Dungeon Reds or make I have a cool narrative right dragons again and you know make it more towards the narrative mm-hmm these are some great ideas all right Bioware will talk ok so let's get back in place so this was an explosion in the development of Dragon Age 4 in 2017 now let's start at 2018 they're picking up the pieces or at least that's when we knew that this happened it could happen beforehand it's hard to know exactly but 2018 where are we let's let's keep it following the news the 2018 somewhere between the end of 2017 and 2018 project Morrison we don't exactly have a time frame but we know that the beginning of 2018 project Morrison was in its very early pre-production stages it was called a skeleton team at the time and they were working on the very foundations of what this Dragon Age game could be this was around the time that me and Kay were also around the area you know in the community so we started to pick up upon a lot more things so January we have Alexis Kennedy just tweeting about the Dragon Age stuff again we'll get to him later on but basically he's tweeting out but he didn't confirm Dragon Age 4 but he kind of did confirm Dragon Age 4 he's working on the game and we'll get to him in a second but we have in January is when the bulk of the news comes out with Kotaku basically saying that Bioware is doubling down an anthem and they pull all of the team out to then work on anthem and even mark Dara was pulled out to work on anthem as opposed to Dragon Age and we go on to basically I'm saying that they have live service elements can see hoods and then pulls out this thing this tweet saying regarding what's a feedback the Dragon Age I think he'll be relieved to see what the team is working on story and character focused too early to talk details but we talk about talk about life it just means designing a game for continued storytelling after the main story so of course we've got more of that live service he's trying to count the folks down by just saying that it's gonna be alright guys if there's one thing to remember about the Dragon Age community everyone's scared and paranoid and this is around the time that anthem was starting to hype up its social media so again we didn't hear much but from an and armello did say that every Dragon Age game today has had some element of life service to it whatever that means so it's nothing to completely fear about yes it's gonna happen it's inevitable but every Dragon Age games had it so let me come to April where Bioware announces that its store is closing and again fans completely just lost it but they just closed their store just temporarily just to stop stop selling their goods derek tweets about the history with Bioware includes a dragon ritual is being worked on and that he is now the executive producer he's always been a director producer of Dragon Age 4 again just a few tweets around this time and we have Alexis Kennedy teasing for Dragon Age 4 that he's been writing something about big old gothic factions and death now Alexis Kennedy is normally brought on to the writing team because apparently in real life he has a very personal experience with death I think his dad his mom and his sister have died so he's very good at you know using that that real real life stuff to then actually write and get into the depths of what death means departure and what it's actually like to you know experience that so we know that he was working on that for Dragon Age for something about a big old gothic faction we can speculate on what that mean but he was writing some pretty dark fantasy storytelling for Dragon Age far as what we can SPECT in it I'd like to interject with I think it's mortality and not to venture Imperium thank you for coming I completely agree I completely agree we had around III again Dragon Age fans thinking that you know we're gonna see Dragon Age for it's been a while you know we're wondering where Dragon Age is gonna be and we hear that in a game informer interview market era confirms that Dragon Age 4 is going swell now at a time we didn't know about Joplin we didn't know about Morrison we didn't know what was going on but now that we know that Morrison had literally just started its development very early stages in 2018 fact that madara in June was saying it's going swell it's probably very very early in development so there really wasn't that much going on the Dragon Age for this point the entire team was shuffled on to getting out anthem at a good pointing and cracking on with it so really Dragon Age 4 was was was nothing at this point we have hadn't heightened was released and you know we got more references to the exec guitars exec Ouattara executives how do we say okay executor and this is where we had IGN grease publishing an article saying that voice over was in the work and that Dragon Age 4 would be released two years later on now Katie actually had her the author of this article reached out saying that anonymous source who worked as a voice actor for Bioware has confirmed that the voice acting has been completed completed for a future game of the company when asked if the game was anthem or a new Mass Effect the answer we got is that the new game belongs in a renowned series it takes place in the medieval setting so like what happened here it's like I think it was like in 2019 I released a video of like other Dragon Age new stuff and I mentioned that this article came out and I'm like this article came out saying two years time which in 2018 is so it would be coming out in 2020 which is this year so I I just raised a lot of doubts like with this games like satire articles we know I don't think this I don't really believe this article so the author came out and was like look girl hold on I'm like okay okay I feel awkward but at the same time I still don't believe the voice after you talked - yeah maybe it's someone reputable and maybe thirds work is done but like I don't like they came coming up and they I don't that anyone who is a vo actor will know like conclusively when a game is going to be released if they're just doing work for I doubt that's something they would share with every person that's you know a random towns folk in Vedas or something like that you know yeah so I which I probably the one thing to get from this is that Bioware hired someone because the original article wasn't Greek I had a Google translated they hired someone who probably speaks Greek and is Greek and so there may be there's a couple of those and around us he came around the time they also had a lot of Greek actors so like the big speculation there is like it's tevinter gonna have a lot of like Greek inspiration from it so that's probably what happened and then you know you have some towns folk saying oh it's gonna be in two years yeah yeah which we know at the time we didn't really know we could speculate and from Jason's radicals but we didn't know for sure but basically now we do know that Dragon Age 4 will not be coming out in 2020 it's just very unlikely and then moving on we had V 2 2 4 7 basically covering an article that said Dragon Age and Mass Effect will likely be influenced by anthem and we didn't really know what it meant I believe this could have just been the codebase you know the fact that dragging my troubled people on the core best but it was more talking about how Bioware are going into that live service element and how they pushing that ahead and then Darrow tweets out that they are working on a Dragon Age game which at the time was honestly just the biggest confirmation that we had that Dara was working on a dragon each game that Dragon Age was not dead and that there was another game coming out and then based on the reactions above Hudson tweets up that both games would be designed from the ground up and based on what these games should be now we also had mark Darrow basically at PAX West confirming that Dragon Age 4 would be in the works and the Triforce quarter actually came out and played around a Dragon Age Inquisition main theme so that was just confirming again the Dragon Age fours existence is in the world and that was at a pax West booth we had join a player and Patrick Weekes tweet out something very ominous about the Titans future very ominous a good little plot tidbit that basically apparently the Titans are not these evil threatening beings and they're very friendly and would be lovely to talk to in the next game I did just to interject there I love what both of you have done just exploring that real subplot that was only kind of mentioned in I think the DLCs of Inquisition and finding the hidden stories there in terms of where the story is going and you know what is the most interesting things in Dragon Age that's where stuff for me is like right at the top of the list yeah that's that is as well definitely going forward to be huge and let's just write the LC yeah that's just a tiny little tidbit that was on the side and it's actually gonna completely change trying on each fall going forward if if we look at the law but um there's gonna be a few of them hopefully everyone can get on board or liking them anyways sorry continue you're in November I believe so I just now an addenda it's very interesting because at this point in time we're in November in at 2018 I believe anthem has yet to been released yeah there's still so much fear that nobody wants that anthem stink-eye anything yes I reckon age any any mention of it at that point is just not even there so it is fascinating to see that retrospectively to talk about like to people who like don't know much about like the history aren't coming in maybe us new fans or whatever it's not that people didn't think anthem would do well even though it didn't they didn't want a multiplayer game and that's really what it was people did not want a Dragon Age multiplayer and then as soon as like the anthem beta came out I think that might have been December Jack do you remember I know you played it didn't ya yeah December ironically December 8th so it was actually the after we got suspicious news know that we're about to get to yeah so it is funny at that like as soon as they said hey look there's some Dragon Age oh by the way remember anthem still there that's why all the news was just at the time just you know math carrot confirms drug medicine things it is is in the works and everyone's like that's amazing when honestly he's just saying that they're working on the game but it's because we just didn't want anthem they just there was this large fear that we don't want to see this you know bye-bye go down this path of life service and multiplayer and that's where the Dragon Age news is so uh you know Dragon Age falls in the works we are going to be saved inevitably in the future let me get to November now this is around the time when you know we get excited because Bioware release a blog that says a few things about anthem but of course we only care about the secret Dragon Age stuff that they mention and that we should look ahead for December and now we get to December where we had first of all event should be article this would have been sure it wouldn't have not been the first Dragon Age for I don't know um there's a community called Dragon Age for day but of course it only existed in 2019 services before its twentieth yes alright so the first Dragon Age for a day we did have event should be article actually came out saying that there was a mysterious sauce claimed that the next Dragon Age would be free years away around 21 2022 and the real reason why Mike Laidlaw left was because in 2017 the game had been trashed in favor of a Live service business model fans were very skeptical but it would led to be echoed again in the Schreyer articles so apparently the real reason led Laidlaw left was because the game was trashed for life service which is basically true yeah I took clearly talk about the event reviewed article I want to give it credit cuz it really was the first source we ever heard that like that was the thing that was happening yeah but it if there was a lot of like errors in the article so people really didn't want to believe it so I always feel sorry but yeah it seems to speak the truth yeah anyway the big one the big yeah the time just to set the scene as well so this is what is the actual day that this thing comes okay so it's just it's so fascinating cuz you think before this point in time we have seen nothing that has to do with dragon I don't even think there was like a confirmation little video being like it exists or anything yeah and no so much I remember that year there was so much in Timothy and worry that you know the entire the game is completely trashed and that was before we saw anything to do with anything about it yeah anyways continue sorry about that there was no I thought there was that like everyone and their mother did not expect anything Dragon Age at the gamma watts over than that article that I touched on okay yeah it sounds I want to see some because Casey Hudson came out said look up for the secret Dragon Age stuff and wears a better time and the game wards so there was a little bit of hype in the community but a lot of people like now but we did see the dread wolf Rises teaser and honestly we all lost our [ __ ] the community went crazy cuz of course this game that we've been thinking about talking about making videos about actually exists and it's hitting on the marks that we want it's all us it's the dread wolf it's ominous music it's crazy [ __ ] that we all want for a Dragon Age game you know the first glimpse of what we can tell is you know it's not multiplayer life service game it's talking about solace it's talking about that future plot it's hitting on these future beats that we want so the first T's that we got was was everything that we all wanted to see for what and potential T's what it could have been and and yeah we all lost our [ __ ] and we all spent countless hours making breakdowns on what we saw is still you know trying to gather round for hearts but we also got a few little tidbits on the side John ipler who is the narrative director for the Red Wolf Rises as it's now known says that he will actually give us a Dragon Age game it does right by us so that should give you know fans a lot better hope that john applaud the knight of director he knows what he's doing he knows what goes into writing the Dragon Age website adir later updated we found out that previously mark leader Mike Laidlaw was the creative director but now Matthew Goldman the previous art director on Dragon Age Inquisition is the new creative director so the creative vision for Dragon I draw is in good hands because it's the art director and you know he knows what he's talking about he knows how to build Vedas and the TLDR on this website was basically mark is very excited to show more as we know because he loves to tease and Lister kind of you know get in there and Matthew states that this is the strongest team yet and that they are venturing forth on the most epic quest ever Wow Jesus one of the biggest years I would say so far of what yeah we have seen in Dragon Age 4 there's many things I want to talk to you both about of what happened in that year let's start in descending order because you've just mentioned it the trailer of what we got it to see Jack I think you said it all right you like it hit all the notes that we wanted there's a sense of finality a collectivism of all those little moments from the previous games I Katie what was your experience how did you feel about that guy so it was very I was in a discord with some people to watch the thing together and we weren't expecting much and so we're all just like chatting and I was recording it just for funsies and so like you can see me like I'm typing something mid-sentence and then the Bioware logo comes up again because we'd already see something for anthem and like everyone's flipping that was my experience of just like something's happening so yeah I for me I will say like it's I think it hit everything we wanted because it was completely story based I wouldn't say necessarily means that like always heavily single-player multiplayer stuff like that but like when I I did like one hour breakdown on even joking and when I liked at least looking at it really closely one thing that I kind of decided is that they didn't really give us anything new they just told us what parts that - that we already had that we need to look at and I I think that's kind of what the point of it was of it tell us anything at all about Dragon Age 4 it just was a collection of things we've already seen that may actually be there like the red lyrium Idol or something the red lyrium Idol represents so I almost think that like it's it's almost like a promise like this is something we are working on we know these are the things that you're interested in we're going to get to it because we didn't have a title it didn't have a date it didn't have anything and I even think the audio from it is actually reused from trespassin yeah it sounds a lot like the trespasser dialogue and we know there was a whole bunch cut out a trespasser so like I actually think it's it's I don't want to use the term reused a lot of assets because there were a lot of things that were new in it but just like it I don't think it like confirmed anything other than like there was no new character models we have no idea of what its gonna look like grey or any sense of that it was basically just the that same art style that was popularized in Inquisition with some new pieces of art and yeah I think you are correct that it is audio that is literally from the end the previous game if there's one thing because you mentioned that it just deals with things we already know if there is one or two things that you think this little glimpse will indicate will be in Dragon Age 4 because that's what this video is all about this what this is all about trying to figure out what Dragon Age 4 is gonna be what do you think was in there that's a pretty good indicator of what will be in Dragon Age 4 so what I think so I will say that I'm I'm really back except forget the artist name but the artist Jack if you know who that didn't shout it out Abra pumper he's the guy who did all of the murals and Inquisition in trespasser and I think it was Daraa that said like this guy does really good work and he draws exactly what he means he means to put a lot of imagery in it so when we when we actually analyzed the thing that I did for like an hour it represented in each of the little aspects of the mural are actually the big threats of all three games he got the solace and maybe the dread wolf he wanted to add that into Inquisition you have the little right lyrium Idol from Dragon Age 2 and then in the little I call it the tambourine a little like half circles around the thing if you actually count them it's the same number of old gods and as of all gods or students still - still around that represent the blight still coming which would be or Dragon Age Origins so it's the big threats of all three games and now they're all combined into one image so does that mean whatever threat we're going to encounter which if that's the dread wolf if you looked at the dread wolf and the actual image it's covering everything it's on top of everything does that mean the threat that we're going to be facing it's bigger than all those three things combined I don't know and that's that's kind of what I took from it whoa Jack what do you think I think he's got a really good hot take there I make it yeah like just the dread wolf like being the biggest and baddest enemy or whatever so far you know that it's going to encompass all of the previous narratives I was really surprised to see the red lyrium I'll come back like I was like whoa it took me completely by surprise to see that let that be the first thing in his trailer and just just to hit him that those notes of the previous games is well it's what I really liked like it feels like it's reflecting a lot of dreams too and that's a game that people don't really you know then generally in the mainstream people don't like I know in the community everyone loves it but it referred to hit on those notes I really like that so I think it's an ode for the previous games but as Kay says I do think that this big bad is going to just encompass all of those villains or all of those you know antagonistic plot lines together and just completely frolla mother water and be like now this is the biggest fret that we've got yeah which to add on to that you said you didn't think that live red lyrium Idol would come back nobody did because it explodes and then we come get an inquisition as a sword but it's like the case oh it's a sword now but then partner there was a second one oh I don't know there's some well we all thought the the sword that you get which is kind of like it's a cool sword model you just want the cool sword yeah never cold there yeah there was also the model for like a cosmetic DLC I remember I had some red lyrium weapons and things like that yeah yeah yeah it's definitely a vein if you'll allow me of yeah whatever anyways I wanted to go back to Alexis Kennedy because I think both you kind of perked up on that a little bit from saying the name correctly so you mentioned before it's very early on in the year that we just covered that he is writing something about big old gothic factions yeah and death because of his familiarity to it those are some real dark fantasy themes that I think kind of make Dragon Age really really special I I heard a little bit I think from you Katie that you had a hypothesis of what that is and how that will be affecting Dragon Age 4 I'd love to hear more about that so when this news came out everyone thought be tevinter Kista ventures the big scary black magic place right well so what he said was a faction that's focused on death I believe was something along lines of that and the faction that's focused on death is the Navara mortality which is literally a group of mages that believe that when a person dies their spirit goes into the fade and displaces a spirit of the fade it was what would become a demon so to make less demons in the world they put that spirit into the dead person's body and then they have literally a big city of the Dead that they put all those dead bodies and so they can live and do whatever they want and not hurt people and it's just me just that take care of that what else would a big beach faction can focus on yeah yeah so in that I would also say in the if I'm remembering correctly in the wolf rook book they had like a lot of costume designs and there were some that looked like kind of Navarra inspired sand that's also where I'm like thirst maybe something and in the bars right by tevinter you know yeah so if anything I actually thought it was more that rather than tevinter so that was my Jack I I completely agree with immortality I think that's that's spot-on and again just over silly ideas like blasphemy and cult which is a cult that worships loser can but it's only because it's the worship of Lucic and who's the next old God to awake well it could be raza kills the other one I think the Arizer kill me so kind of the two left I think mr. cancer next to a back or a brother kind of the two but there's a cult in the Dean who basically go around the ground Tony and they just kill people and sacrifice um yeah yeah so it's pretty so does it seem like maybe because he's not he's not coming in his Li right or anything like that could this just be we're now two people watching this like wasn't he accused of something yeah well I just doing it in order there is something that we do need to touch upon with Alexis but I think that he was just hired to write about this faction and that's really about it so obviously he's not talking about character could you imagine though if it is the Martell task of the city of death that you mentioned there hey the end maybe if it is really exploring these themes of death and maybe some of this is true that we see and experience some of the old characters that have died based on our choices in the the previous games you know like even we're talking about Dragon Age to that family member the mom people like that like just to have those little moments I think would be for me very very impactful well that would be cool I don't know if they would do that because it's that culture is strictly Navarre and the the only newborn character we have a V Cassandra and Cassandra hasn't died yet so the only one I could see actually being there would be a Cassandra but it maybe it's all magic it doesn't matter if it's your new PCs mother and family what if they're there you know like they could be a whole new characters we don't know yet but we will have some sort of connection do so all right I think we have squeeze 2018 dry now 2019 things are picking up we just left it where we saw the trailer we got some some news about different people that are working on there confirming that it's happening there are some kerfuffle about anthem and the live elements of it now take us to 2019 all right so the very first thing in January so I will say like kind of during this time this is when Bioware's all focused on anthems there really wasn't that much but we did start seeing more things on because people know how to like trying to hire for more people specifically for Dragon Age and we one was for a multiplayer team so people are wondering like always the grand PA multiplier mode rather than that drop in code drop out type of thing or is that what they mean and they just want to make it simple so that would that was that was it for January and February also not much because this is one anthem came out but one thing that did happen was my podcast co-host Jordan he's really into the economics so he actually pays attention to the EA like investor combs and one thing that he listened to was that EA was blaming battlefield 5 for well he blamed the poor sales about FL 5 on them pushing a single player service rather than about her way out it was really popular at the time and what he was kind of worried about and like hearing some of the things that they were actually saying we're just like EA really blame single player things for the the down flow of the game was she actually talked to people who played the game it wasn't really so much the single player they hated there was it was a couple other things at least that's what I've heard I have not played the game but for people that I heard that like have played the game like their their issue wasn't the single player it was like you know some sort of you know other thing so anyway so that was kind of people wondering like okay if single player doesn't do well already what are you doing there ea what's your what's your business so that's the whole thing and then April comes out and this is the big month because this is when the Schreyer articles come out about like what's been happening on behind the closed doors of anthem and Dragon Age so pretty much everything that we talked about in 2017 is in these articles and this is the first time we know about it and it's it's it's it's really a big thing and I'm not gonna like go ahead go back on it cuz you already talked about it sorry I got it anyway but the the one thing to add on to this is that Bioware did actually have a response so as I think trier said like he sent the article to them like I'm gonna be publishing this do you have any words they didn't say anything but minutes after the article came out they did release their own their own blog about it essentially condemned oh I remember that young yeah a lot of a lot of people including people in Bioware were very unhappy about it because it seemed very dismissive because one thing that the article did bring up was crunch time and how it was hurting the developers like people were talking about in Bioware like they had a lock themselves in rooms just to cry cuz he were so stressed like it was a really bad situation over there apparently and this announcement from Bioware was kind of just condemning that and like oh you know we're you know it angered a lot of people yeah later on there would be a email sent around to everyone and Bioware where it was a little bit more sincere like look we hear that you guys are stress we're here that crunch you know things are getting bad and we want to do something about it so we're gonna have a couple of team meetings and try to restructure things a little bit we don't know what came of that yeah but at least people ad Bioware were hopeful according to try or at least were hopeful that this was a good sign in a good step forward and the idea and I guess the the conceit was that this was the crunch more for anthem correct because that was yeah yeah yeah it was it was with the release of anthem and then you know the other effect of not being good and it all came after that and I I feel like a hairdresser that eat that sorry I feel like that um the response the statement feel like it wasn't written by Bioware I feel like Yale management from EA brought that I don't think it was act that's my personal belief at speculation but I do feel like that wasn't actually from Bioware itself just the way that the actual developers from Bioware were reacting to it yeah it didn't even seem that probably would be part of a PR team that doesn't have direct contact with the the development side of things it is something that I think maybe we take a moment just to talk about here like the idea that you work so exceptionally hard spending countless hours hours that we couldn't even imagine to create these games that people like all of us adore and think are important it's gotta be concerning to feel like in anthems case you work that hard and you make the sacrifices and you end up with something that unfortunately doesn't have that sort of landing and you're expected to keep working because it was a live surface sort of game so that crunch never really ended I think maybe now cuz they're a year out of development maybe they're slowing down a bit but still III think it is something that you know we should all be aware of we love these games but man there is a price isn't there yeah if you know in any regard probably got worse after anthem you know yeah the patch is enough to fix it and everything in any regard I feel the crunch would have got even more severe if anything also like this but like the I think this is a notice tire thing of like anthem 2 or they have a big update to like make a lot of things better like they're probably poor things you're gonna have to have did all over yeah yeah yeah go back through yeah yeah yeah yeah which I will say the well we're gonna we'll get to that later actually so coming back to like the timeline once this isn't like super important to Dragon Age 4 but week you both Jack and I keep getting messages on it so I just want to put it in so around all this drama was the very first time it happened but it's been happening ever since Game Stop and I think it's called game in the UK game yeah yeah yeah well they they have a thing that they do is that if any game is like even hinted or announced they will throw it up on their website for sale with the release date of whatever year currently is if they don't have a website so during this time they had Dragon Age 4 for sale up for pre-sale on their website and with their release day of 2019 everyone's happening which mark daraa that we like - and we can get this sent it to us know is that nothing if you can get it said it to me so if you see what generally it looks like it's a black cover with just white text of Dragon Age 4 on it dad ain't it so I'm sorry do not pre-order it by the way it's not real I just went through that out there because I like it you know it comes up all the time anyway so we go into May and now we're kind of cooling down from anthem a little bit people are you know they're more focused on that doing whatever and here is where we get an announcement that the Dragon Age for Bioware whatever is entering full production now now Dragon Age 4 is the main thing and then every else's complaining that never Bioware's abandoned anthem when that's not the case anthem is being worked on in Austin where Dragon Age is now in Edmonton so the new bomber shirt also opens for jinx that's just so it was close I think what year was it it was 22 yeah it was 70 yeah yes it wasn't the 2000s we're good yeah I was doing they're merged like did a couple things very badly it's like we just need a new person so that was a new thing around this time Alex Wilton Regan I believe eight of you are Jesus always actor the Inquisitor starts hinting about a lot of like voice things some of them are for other games some of the gnocchi's very like you know Hindi about what she's doing but it kind of gets fans of speculation that like maybe vo and when her case even mocap was in the work because we already at least heard in the IGN Greece that there was some via work doing done allegedly Bioware so maybe around this time this is when people are starting to do voice work mocap we're not we're not quite sure so throwing that one there so then in August 17th for mance Fernando Mello actually leased Bioware we mentioned him earlier I think once and he he what he does the actual title was kind of debated so I I'm not quite sure what to call him producer who worked a lot of elements so he might have been done on his job he said it was the least disruptive timing as it would likely get for him to leave I is he doing something new now I can't remember if he's day he is just announced he's doing something else now and I kind of what it was but he is finally know back into doing yeah so he I mean like you work for play he was there for like 12 years so you work for a place to 12 years you want something fresh I get it but again people are freaking out like oh no really anyone leaves at Bioware people free yeah I took that as good news because he's you know he's done he says that he's you know he's gonna release it after timing and his actual role was to prove out the core concept of the game so what he's saying is guys I've proved that the core concept image far so I know which in September the Casey Hudson kind of like announces on the buyer blog that I think the exact words I can confirm indeed the dread wolf Rises and it's in pre-production so at the very least who are in pre-production at least of September teen this is also when Bioware actually moves to a new office so there were tweeting a lot about things like that and there was they they invited a whole bunch of news reporters from Edmonton to like come and like talk about you know fun stuff or whatever and they had like you know pictures around the office and one of the pictures there was a TV screen I assumed it was something animated but you know we were only seeing a still image have a look like soulless and there's another one of a dragon and it wasn't anything we'd seen before at the same time it looks like it could have been an inquisition so people are wondering is this new arias is just unused footage that we didn't have that they just brought out because why not it is just I had to interject there in Toronto where I'm located there's a Ubisoft Toronto which is the the big Ubisoft hub here and they often will have events where they invite people over and when you do walk through those studios and just the those cubicles and see you know what's on that scream what's that little piece of art that people are working on it's very very tempting to look at everything and say like okay I've discovered the secret [Laughter] it's amazing how if you're a fan that it feels like you're kind of in the inner sanctum so to speak you're inside September's also marks a day where we start getting a couple of people who work as animators if I were mentioning things about like animating I think this would happen on later on and the either this or 2019 or 2020 I can't remember but like there was someone asking like what do you want a dog to do yes like oh is there a dog convenient stuff like that so and then I guess the big thing that happened in September was September 20 is when Alexis Kennedy is accused of sexual harassment and this you know was a huge job I honestly I really don't know much about the case I don't want to say it really anything about it cuz I really don't know I just I don't want to that's over there I don't really want to deal with it but anyway people were wondering like Bioware you were saying you were working to Alexis Kennedy what's what's the deal on that and so dark confirms that Bioware had worked with Kennedy on a previous incarnation of Dragon Age 4 but they are no but they no longer have a working relationship so people wondering is because like he was talking about you know being on the game after the job we don't really know how much of his stuff is in there but at least according to this I would say almost nothing yeah yeah yeah con to this absolute none of it and what we know is that he was working on Joplin we can say from February to like October so all of his work would have just gone to Joplin it may have transferred over but the fact that they don't have a working relationship is pretty evident enough that's all they're more tell intensive stuff we talked about yeah it also could be just like initial plot point ideas like what's called story mapping conceits of world building and then I know a lot of development that has to do with that it's not exactly one person comes in and nowadays at least does it all there's a lot of you know here is the implementation now someone also run with a yeah so yeah he could he could have just been like gave the big outline and someone else wrote the words so sorry but yeah anyways that that was something that I've been trying to allude to that that's we keep talking about Alexis Kennedy because this is a thing that happened and I think it is good to address it but I really be surprised if his credits me to meet something another little thing that happened there was an Edmonton Expo and there we have a lot of bunch of little cutouts of people and the head of SOLAS cut out that like the model look different there's been a couple other times where like things will happen and the model looks different than what we had in inquisitions the people are like what's go so but it's weird and that it doesn't necessarily like a like a new model it just looks like it just looks different compared to the other ones be modern and it's just saw like so then we jump to October and we have the October 29th yeh released the quarterly financial statements to investors and a question about Dragon Age was actually asked and to those who weren't there and those who listened to us had report Dragon Age 4 will likely won't be released until April 2020 is what they said or I think you I think it was like the financial yeah yeah people saying around that time so and then according to the earnings call there are plans for not only dragon a - war but other Dragon Age products - so this is the the big news I think that we need to discuss in a little bit because now you know what we're gonna discuss it right now because those two pieces of information usually when they have these financial calls they are not necessarily even meant for the the press but the press often will sit in it's it's literally just for the investors to see where the company is going April 2022 and more Dragon Age games those words on a piece of paper what does that conjure up for both of you the tactics game that we fought was dead more product I was thinking of from the investors I think me and Katie both talked about they already have a Dragon Age app so why create another one yeah it could be the Dragon Age keep you know that I mean they could try and find somewhere alive seven to keep I don't know why they would want to do that but it could do super nut they could do a Dragon Age web app they've done them in the past they could do another one they could do a spin-off game started I could do the tactics game it is from from the actual quote it does sound like they're talking about a game when they're dealing with product as opposed to like a service I think that's usually the corporate speak if it's something that's ancillary to your core product line so it does sound like there may be at least planning do you think that there'll be something released within that same year in conjunction even with the release of Dragon Age 4 I'm not even sure at this point you know we're just waiting for one game and the other then do you want a Dragon Age tactics game was tweeted out once like and as much as like everyone we like that idea like you know I would be very excited as they oh with Dragon Age 4 we also have this Dragon Age tactics game I would love that I would be very surprised that that came out of nowhere I also think that yeah I know what they already have a Dragon Age mobile game which apparently still turns a profit by the way yeah I I don't know I also wonder if maybe because when I did a video on the Dragon Age mobile game not that long ago and on the the people who actually run it who was a by our company but now is EA oh and IFRIC I think it's EA Mobile it is but they are hinting at like they're working on something new so another dragon thing I don't know I know every at any time like the command & Conquer series as soon as it was mobile so one thing I would say though if if we can have a Dragon Age tactic game that's full of terrible microtransactions it it's it's so to speak if we can have Dragon Age tactics crawl so Dragon Age 4 can run ok sure taking terrible microtransaction field tactics game at Dragon Age 4 is clearly a grisly scene for both of you now though so April 2022 or in that area every we know a lot about Dragon Age 4 it's it's coming out but then we realize that the division that happened early on in the development cycle of Dragon Age left a lot of core materials that Bioware in EA are not just going to way there I picture this Dragon Age 4 it still has live elements it's still going to be a single-player experience but they've taken this idea of multiplayer and created a very own game with that that will have some of the story included telling another part of the story so they're allowed to diversify and maybe use some of that Joplin's stuff that fell off the radar that they weren't using now essentially taking a what should be an included part of the game and maybe charging 39.99 for it I mean that's a worst case that I'm kind of gaming out right now with both you I don't I don't I don't have a okay keep in mind my perspective here I absorb everything Dragon Age everything and I think most things are very important I've spent way more money than 39.99 getting all the novels and the graphic novels and whatever that tell what I think is very important stories now other people don't and that's totally fine so another you know whatever game as long as it's somewhat fun and it's not just complete hot garbage like that doesn't bother me because I'm used to that you know I didn't think an average consumer would have a big problem with that like if if this thing that I just game doubt did happen I do think that the average quote-unquote gamer would be uncomfortable that it almost reminds me of way back when in Mass Effect 3 the Javik DLC if y'all remember that was from the day it was completely playable on the actual game like everything was there yeah they just needed the little code and that you know bit of an old head here but that made people furious well people were real bad about trespasser too because remember it was they couldn't run on older consoles so that one who had an Xbox 360 or Playstation 3 is like well then only do I have to buy another copy of the game I have to buy the DLC and the other console like yeah and trespasser really is the end of Inquisition yeah it just does not feel good yeah so yeah I get what people would be mad I wouldn't Jack weird how do you feel about at all I'm in the same bar I live and breathe Dragon Age I would buy any I don't play it and I probably wouldn't even complain about it I would just just consume it but now I get I get the controversy of it and it would it would be like that but it's another Dragon Age you know so I would consume it mm-hmm I also think another perspective to consider here is that we've gone 5 years without content yes literally first thing for anything just two games side-by-side like even if we don't even get the other one for a couple years like you know that's I'll get to it yeah yeah I guess just more content at this point is gonna get me excited even if it's bad content now ask me when Dragon Age 4 comes out I'm a whole different video yeah I guess my that was absolutely yeah my only concern would be that it could partition off parts of a game that doesn't allow the the core product the Dragon Age 4 to be in its fullest and as best as it could be that's only the the biggest issue for me and because I think we are in a different kind of boat than most people if it has that name on it we're gonna get it no matter what so it would be interesting to see what they mean by other products if it is like you mentioned just a mobile game a new iteration if it is different services or if it is something more substantial what do you think about the release date does that seem because we've they've been teasing other ones do you think that would actually be the time frame that Dragon Age 4 is released yeah yeah before years of development if it's 2018 also April is my birthday and mom you can't pick up em like cyberpunk was delayed or ya know because it was the day is my birthday but but it's the thing is it's a bare minimum of April 2000 you 22 so that means it's going into 2023 which gives them even more time which before five years of development which I think would be perfect because we want as much even I'm already wearing and even though we're already dying we still want as much time as possible on this game so if it's for four or five years perfect has plenty of time to bake any of it and yeah we can continue to die like right now yeah did she say like I actually think that's probably more like because at least so far everything we've heard like Bioware I think Bioware themselves think it's gonna be or that that's the really see like that was in the what the try articles it's been a sources have said I think that's the more realistic date if I were has set for themselves now like Inquisition was also a delayed a year so who knows like that happens later on so I'm drama was delayed anthem was delayed 2018 yeah definitely a different from a whole year for me because it began both of them were delayed so yeah I would imagine there was going to if we say April 2020 is probably gonna be like you know October November something like that so yeah I I do think that's actually kind of realistic it is interesting to think about how the landscape will be different than because we'll be likely to years into new consoles at that point so we'll Dragon Age for we have no idea how those consoles and s each other will work with backwards compatibility it's all speculation now but it is interesting to be to think if this would be a quote unquote exclusive for the next generation and for a game that's been developed they have to be aware obviously that the the new consoles are coming and developing for it I wonder well that will mean for the final product that we go I actually worry about like the last two DLC descent and trespasser you could not get for the older consoles you had to get anyone there is a lot of things that we're playing for Inquisition and even like fully for the most part developed but because it would not fit on the playstation or xbox 360 they had to cut it so I I think if anything like it it being in that same position again is almost a little scary okay did not work well last time what's gonna happen now you can still watch like the initial it's a PAX East off at West video in 2013 and you can watch the initial Dragon Age Inquisition and they have stuff like destructible environments and cutscenes when entering a level and so many things that were built into the Xbox one but they were all cut because of the previous generation so I really hope that this game is you know PC and because it really did hand it it can be quite a well again I think some of the speculation of the new consoles is that it will be a lot more open to backwards compatibility and whatever that means that it won't be as hindering of you know the next-generation literally meaning that there's a limit of what the generational gap will be so hopefully that will not be as defined and delineated because that would suck let's get back to it we're still in November of 2019 and looking at this Google Doc there's still a lot of Twitter links so please Katie continue yeah this is where Twitter gets pretty active at least for me there's so I'm gonna go over all of it because a lot of its just kind of like what ifs like more hidden typos from people that you'll be working on it probably one of the bigger things is that Joanna Barry who is a writer tweeted that there's voice work coming in so meaning that whatever whatever voice work was done has now been edited enough that they can like hear it and you know probably even ask for cuts or I don't know there's also around the time when it's the fifth birthday for a Dragon Age Inquisition a lot of people were saying it like this then if I were tweeted out that I had like a little message for so listen it was just a cute little thing people's like oh it's a hit that souls is coming back well yeah there was also probably one of the more interesting things is dar starts tweeting out a whole bunch of like hinting images and one was a screenshot of like it looks like a picture phone picture of a screenshot yeah I know of like a snowy scene and that's the way it was styled looks something that would be in Dragon Age which people are like how is there snow into vinter because that's supposed to be it kind of closer to the equator so hey this is supposed to be in the southern hemisphere I should say so like it's Avengers hands up at the top should be hotter why is there snow - what she then actually tweets out like like you know some some vlog about like how there can be snow anyway it was just so random Valerie yes oh so maybe it is there's also another thing he tweeted out which is look like a working animation at a spider so for every dragon age game has had a spider in it so people are like that's gonna be in that was that and then in December we it's December system or kind of Tweety stuff we have more animators like doing stuff and tweeting about things that they're working on just kind of like fun little things like you know I got the shot a bow what do you need for a dog that kind of things um trying to think of like if there's anything I really want to point out cuz it's mostly just like it's a tweets yeah just tweets that reference Dragon Age 4 it's really like in December 4th this is actually been something that's been talked about for in previous years like I know woman's in Haven con yeah yeah where Patrick people are wondering like Patrick week because Patrick weeks now goes by a them pronouns will there be they then pronouns a dragon each for and they were like well we're working on it no guarantees but we're trying so yeah it is something that Bioware is working on but it's it's depending on technology we're not quite sure and then that was pretty much all of 2019 yeah and I think if you're you're watching this you'll see all the the tweets coming up and out but this doesn't seem to be anything too important except for maybe one tweet from Arby's that I think is pretty important mister Katie please illuminate okay so basically John Jack got the Arby's he's got it alright Jonah pleure originally they were talking about going to Wendy's and having a Wendy's but actually no Jonah put loves Arby's and what happened was Abby's saw this tweet all it's all I got turned on the tweet and the janitor is working to get a brand deal of are these for each one so much expect but basically Arby's all drop by way I made a meme of the Inquisitor hold and Abbey's buggin so could this mean that we're gonna see a new type of cuisine in finsih yeah it's funny now there was a recent Weaver there where u-haul were actually tweeting it by a u-haul really so you know good friend yeah Arby's is known I guess a Twitter friend I would say ll you know what maybe she didn't want her name blasts she and her girlfriend were just like tweeting some like funny stuff about like Liliana is got confirmed like u-haul by like I don't know if hey I don't know both you know this but there's like a joke of like I've always heard a pretty good with lesbians really they're very quick to like move in with one another so like they're always sponsored by u-haul or whatever so like that's that's kind of the joke and so they were referencing that and then u-haul comes up with a joke like like just on two couple fans who were talking about like Dragon Age in u-haul had a reference to Dragon Age and u-haul in like their tweet you know like it was something like Lilliana u-haul just kept tweeting back and forth and it was just a very confusing time like what is going on with corporate Twitter guys slow down so Twitter's a weird place and when I was a kid I never thought something like u-haul it is a brave new world and it's a fascinating place so that is closes out our 2019 I feel like we already kind of discussed the the big news of that year which is of course the proposed release dates the idea of more products nothing else that I can really basically just the confirmation that they are working and that work will continue yeah like voice work and animations on the way just you know a small tidbits are on us we are only about a month into at the time of this recording of January of 2020 but there has been Jack if I'm not mistaken a little bit of news so far of this year yeah we we had the first issue of blue rift come out which is always exciting because obviously it's Dragon Age media it hints at future things but again that the full issues are still going out we've got another two to go and Dara is just we just me Minh he's on the current meme trail as he always is and he's just it's a constant tease just constant easing and he's Twiggy does basically get mad you know the the Dolly Parton in Australia don't think it is basically he said get a man who can do all of this and it's just instead of you know tinder and he was social media stuff Twitter to it to a Twitter and it's actually marked our tweeting out that the the rock wolf again so does that confirm that perhaps this is still on the go or is Dara just just tweeting like again it's Tara he just you know so he tweeted out the rock and he also tweeted out the redacted photo of Dragon Age 4 which was a tiny tiny tiny little corner of it but isn't unredacted yeah but but basically Dara is again just you're just teasing us but there is that that rook and it makes question is that rock still relevant mm-hmm maybe maybe not but it's Dara and then just the other day we got Alex Wilton Regan tweeting out this very very very ominous redacted for between basically saying I can either knock affirm I'm currently working on reducted in the much anticipation of redacted opposite the airless megastar redacted which will be announced in redacted 2020 thank you so I I will say when I read that I thought it was a movie because know she does movies it's already been in thing is it's a it's being announced in 2020 named dragon it's already been announced so I again it's awful to me she's like hashtag dragon they attached like Inquisitor hashtag to inter more like oh but it was Creed and the trenches here it seems I just want to talk about markdown because like I feel like we've been talking about all the important stuff yeah well there's a whole bunch of other stuff we didn't talk about when it's not important like there was one tweet he did I think it was about a year ago maybe maybe less than that when all he did was just shoot blurry photos of a stairwell like this guy purposely just [ __ ] to see how many people and like how many PC gamer articles and come from it and things like that yeah yeah yeah yeah you do yeah and there was one that was funny where I just said a dragon a dragon a dragon is but then you've got like ones that generally get triggered and I think it's PC game without the ones that are like well this must be confirmed confirmed so listen ginger I'm really good I mean the developers on the game are like yeah it's we're obviously going oh man so we we did I will just kind of gloss over a little bit but the blue wrath is the comic graphic novel correct yes yeah it's it's one with Fenris as the main feature on the cover but it's it's talking about these tevinter characters like honest you know I know that drank sorry about that I know that Jack you've been at least made one video about it so far what have is there anything really noteworthy that you think needs to be said about that because it is new media it is kind of in in a place that we would be going you know what's the definitely the comics as a whole I know that Fernando de nan Xia is very in the community and he always is commenting on YouTube videos and he has covered a man a few times and in this issue a plea Ref all the characters and now together so what he does say he's tweeted me a few times is that the comic characters are actually they are created just for the comics but with the intention of pushing a narrative forward for Dragon Age 4 so there is a lot of communication between the dark arthritis and Bioware in terms of where Dragon Age where the rights that Dragon Age 1 the relative to go and how the the Dark Horse writers can get to that point where can they can push the narrative to that point and so it's now focusing on red lyrium and a lot of basically chasing the red lyrium idol and trying to get this red Liam artifact in its other mysterious artifact so I can say that it is pushing the narrative forward and that it you know to tune into the comics you will be getting a better idea of how it's going to establish tevinter and Dragon which for the asset intervention right now they just introduced the ala fan forest so it is very interesting you know environments and the narrative is going but ultimately it is leading up to a future for Dragon Age for narrative and it is set post trespasser as well so all these characters that were being introduced to there's a hypothetical that we could definitely not to them in the future but could see them so it's not it's not intentional and they don't intentionally create it for that purpose but it's something that they would love but the coroner is there that they would love the layer and sarin to be in the future games so something you want to touch on real quick is that like blue wraith isn't the only one and we initially yeah that's true yeah yeah Hardin high town and think I glossed over the other comic years but knight errant is series that's already come out mage killer came out and then deception night killer and killer we're both written by news anchor who are doing blu-rays which I actually quite liked them a lot mage killer I'll be honest I forgot who wrote it that way I forgot her right I'm iffy on that one we're gonna leave that there yeah so the blue wraith is the continuation of knight errant and assumptions so like if you're just going to buy blue wraith you will be confused because it does just start completely like these characters that you already know and this is that journey now it is funny like the main character isn't Fenris yeah it is funny though because I do recall an inquisition the hilarious moment because that was not as connected to the all the ancillary media where I think Varrick is just mentioning like oh yeah by the way Sten is the new arishok just thought you should know and you just yeah I'm certain yet what oh this happened off screen okay funny just to think that you know they like you said the these are not going to be from what you know included in the the main story of nature I can get for but there was a moment like that way back one where something really big happened he included the previous character so it will be intrusive in the last issue of deception which came out just a couple days after the dread wolf Rises teaser they the very less issue was oh by the way too thing you've been huh looking for is actually a red lyrium imbued weapon which was an idol now so we're like oh and that is continued in the comic so it is actually pivotal to the narrative not to mention that the kyun the Qunari are invading of the Ventura and they've destroyed two cities already that's again building up the establishment of division so it is obviously very intriguing and it I gotta get up on these conferences yeah I will say there is another release coming up in March of a new novel occult Avenger nights that we haven't touched on yet it's it's no it's not like the other novels where it's like one writer like doing a whole story this is like a like a bunch of writers on the team doing like a ecology series that's cool yeah yeah it's like how many short stories at least a couple doesn't so it's gonna be a you know good Tippit's of law going everywhere well and there we have it I think we have now everyone give yourself a round of applause great job this is the formative list of every piece of information that the experts believed needed to be commented on for the development of Dragon Age 4 it is interesting just from the onset at the outside rather to see how the development has changed and how tumultuous it really does seem and whether or not this is the tumult that you expect with most games or if you know maybe Dragon Age this franchise that we love so much is going through some some real hard times in the the last few years we're very far into this show but I wanted to just a bit of time now to pick your brains both of you on what you really think will happen in Dragon Age four we've have all this different information we have all these thoughts you're intimately aware of the the series and the different things they've touched on if again you were making a bet what do you think will be the main story arc we'll start with that of Dragon Age for everyone's to jump in I'll go first I mean I really like and this is just obviously mine complain interpretation I really like Joplin's core concept playing as a spy it logically make sense you go from the Inquisitor you know the herald of and after having a pivotal role in basically building a massive alliance a prawn it's the south of Ferris so the reason that we're gonna have a new protagonist in Dragon Age 4 is to obviously avoid so last we don't wanna be infiltrated by solises spies or surahs so we need the players and nobody that makes sense it's the natural direction to go from the Inquisition's army to then go into a small covert group of spies you know someone who can get this job done unnoticed without any hassle basically being a nobody so soulless can have no influence or no knowledge of their existence so I still want to go of the idea that we will be you know maybe not a spy in particular it depends how far in deep they do go with drop-ins concept again I really like that and that is still my dream Dragon Age game and we do know that remnants of that will be in the game but we're gonna have to play some sort of small covert role because we can't go from being you know the Inquisitor or someone huge a grandiose when the pivotal role is we need to get to Seoul us you know infiltrated we need to need to you know be operating in secret because he has spies everywhere you know he's gonna be he's gonna be everywhere and he knows and the Inquisitor says you know we will defeat solace or we will do this but we need someone new and so I think that that will be our next readiness this nobody and essentially I feel like as a spy or as this nobody will be just tracking down influence power and information around solace and tevinter you know we won't have any previous establishment on solace we won't have any knowledge and understanding or an experience which makes it great for new players you want to jump on the franchise to come in but the being said will be the best person in theaters for this task because we'll have no knowledge and understanding off him you know we can will we be able to start afresh and I think that that would be the natural the lead and the idea of these heists I believe would have incorporated the idea of going in search of elven artifacts maybe as MacGuffin items you know going for trying to be sauce to the punch trying to get that that potential power before him and that's the idea that I took from heists you know I don't think of a typical bank robbery on earth like that I think of going through elven ruins across tevinter or in elven forests or you know going across these these ancient places in search of relics that would be the punch to soul us tracking down information on this elven guard stealing magical artifacts and organizing these strategic heists if you had to guess then how do you think your hope at least and this is what I love talking me all about this how do you think this story would end we get to speculate we get to input what this is yeah the grandiose okay I'm just going to go full-on I caught tinfoil for lunch stupid just go and fall out again solace is gonna go back to Sky hold and it's going to destroy the veil there and I think he's going to actually destroy the veil because apparently that was potentially potentially the veil was created at Sky Hall because it's the place where the sky was held back again so I think the solace will inevitably destroy the veil and our Inquisitor will either fight him or oppose him or the villain will get some sort of confrontation that they can try and just win him back but inevitably he will destroy the veil or he will die because soulless walk to dementia Ralph and that means that his journey is full of my journey I walk the journey of death I let the journey of deaf PA so he's basically he's walking into his on suicide and he knows like meself aware of that and he even sees himself he is going to die so I think that he will ever die in the inquisitors arms if your romance him or he'll die fighting the Inquisitor audience it will be his death but the Inquisitor will also die that's how I think the air I think that they're gonna end the narrative of the Inquisitor and so us together because my whole issue my reason that that dragon control will like the thing I don't like is the fact that the inquisitors started the journey was soulless and therefore they need to end the journey with solos like you know it's it's their villain it's their friend it's that lover he's their companion you know you ever become his best friend you ever hated him or you ever romanced him and I feel like if it just ends about the Inquisitor being there or without the Inquisitor having a piece and this narrative it's just gonna feel underwhelming because you know we've been there since the start he's the one who's been lying to us from the start oh he's been with us and sister and if it doesn't end we've had a solo or the Inquisitor together then it's not a bit like the hot Eric thing if from the the previous games yeah in Inquisition yeah he was there as kind of a witness of hawks story yeah yeah okay but I just I just before we go to that so just again to because I love summaries it helps my brain work with everything you're thinking you're hoping at least spy doing heist dealing with the completely new elven artifacts fighting for power and then final scenes people are done solace is dying he's ripping up the universe as something to do with his love interest but the inquisitors gonna be there in the final moments that's you know that's your guarantee yeah yeah yeah that's my guarantee and the idea of that is heists would be like og Bioware missions like the suicide mission it must be like like that's why I like heists because you know this character can do that yeah and that character can do this and you know and that's what that's what og buyer is to me is these epic mission and I love it as well of doing like the I'm thinking of Mass Effect 2 when you play so you [ __ ] up everything and everyone dies I would love it as an option in Dragon Age yes exactly like the whole multiple choice thing and having different endings well so that's gonna throw the veil and maybe he doesn't die maybe you see him in the file getting ready to do whatever but oh yeah oh you have them where it's a really sad ending on and everyone you know is it's sad that sources died but it's fair this is saved or whatever and I really like that so yeah that's my very random I admit stupid idea but that's something in in in hopes of what I would like alright so you had your you had your time now Katie please illuminate us what do you think so I I want to I want to say my versions may be similar but different from Jax so first i if heist can come back because I don't know if they ever fully figured out how that would actually work within the engine so let's say what let's just assume it does I will say I'm not going to guarantee anything because I'm always super bad at predicting the future so just there is no guarantee it's just me so if I would say instead of going Jack on your idea stead of going to heist and elven ruins arlathan and all the other ruins were stacked with people in tevinter so I think there's no tip inter Nobles hoarding just these very important artifacts and their households museums crypts whatever the [ __ ] so I think you're actually gonna be breaking into those places around tevinter which is why the game set into vendor so you're really just breaking into other people's homes and stealing and which is also why you need to be a new protagonist because you find out the Inquisitor who is also associated with our Magister and Dorian are breaking into other matt like managers in very important people's homes we're going to be very upset you know that's something you can't really do on paper so I think I think that's kind of gonna be where this comes in now who the protagonist is so far out of the three we've had two that this is kind of sort of have a MacGuffin thing going on the Inquisitor with their hand the warden being the only warden and Ferelden who's competent and Hawke was just some nobody I would say that we kind of either we a heist goes wrong and we get something in the Inquisitor now we're marked with some MacGuffin that we can do or where some nobody like Hawke I would kind of hope it's a nobody but I think either could okay so you're thinking it's a possibility that like you're part of the team that is trying to steal something from one of these you know to vinter Lords homes and then wait a second now you have a crazy magic thing and now you're a part of the story it's like attached to your arm you can't get rid of it which is essentially the mark I think I would be most disappointed at that and I just hope it's like you're just a really good thief and that's about it but I could see something like yes that's the intro that's your you're thinking maybe there I'm very interested in how you think you know this story this Dragon Age horse story is gonna end so that so far they have set up there's not so every Dragon Age game has more than just the main arc and I think there's three major arc set they're been doing there's Lobby the soulless thing there's the canary invading and then there's slavery into vendor all three of those have been three major plot points and like like social change in tevinter has been like a huge topic and with Inquisition the comics and the games in general so I think somehow you're gonna have to tie those all three all together at this moment I'm not quite sure how to fit the qunari there I think that fitting in the slavery aspect can be actually pretty easy because fen'harel are soulless in the you know history of fetus was once like he built his organization on freeing slaves it'd be very easy for him to just to do it again you know slavery slaves of tevinter and he just like take some under the wing like here now my people also I'm gonna kill you the next couple must be here so I know that yet so I could see that happening and so we're trying to fight soulless as the struggle of who's going to get to free the slaves and who's gonna have them on their side so I can see that being an issue the qunari I think might just be like kind of almost a red herring where like like qunari can you just like hold on a second can you just we we have a whole world to save like if anything I think they're just going to be like though we need something to just mess up here so they can are gonna come up an attack III don't know if I should have played that big of a deal unless they somehow have some sort of MacGuffin that was Anza hair and then we don't know about okay which we know they have been collecting elven artifacts and trespassers so I think that's completely like plausible that they have no sorry continue why would those are that's you know what is plausible I guess but I I also want to know a little like what you're hoping like what do you what's that moment that you're hoping for in this game if I'm really being honest I would love and I think they've been inching towards this in the previous iterations for the choices that are made to have ground breaking consequences in the world whether it has to do with the Titans whether it has to do with the Qunari literally taking over to vinter and having a whole new regime in that way I want to have the moments that I had in Dragon Age Origins where there is that sense of finality in the epilogue and experience that in Dragon Age 4 that is my biggest and almost only hope at this moment so I'd love to hear some of your kind of hopes and I think you've been both of you been very diplomatic of you know we've been looking at this as well now get wild with it you know what what's going to make you put the tinfoil and good to have like this very like big impacting moments I don't know if they can do that anymore because they want to have a game so like if even like we pick the ruler in Orlais like I don't know if I'll actually ever go to Orly again and have them choice matter just like there are so many choices that they have to juggle it's gonna be very hard for them to like have other games and have that be a consideration so I almost think that they're trying to future-proof themselves in a way so we're like the origin epilogue has actually been one of the worst things for Dragon Age 2 lore making and as David Gaider say was one of his biggest regrets because so many things they had to be rewritten so I as cool as it is I don't I don't know if I'll ever go that again because it's just very hard to write for you you kind of have this thing in the game where like you start off all in the same place the middle bits are wildly different and then you all end in the same place and I think that's kind of what we're gonna have to hope for with the current engine we're on mm-hm Jack yeah no yeah attempts it's like you want my massive hope that we'll get you know an epilogue just playing it in format but I want up and a good epilogue to sell us this story but of course we're gonna get that don't make okay okay I'll go crazy for Griffin's III do have III know I'm more like I don't like having hard facts with you know this is speculation type of stuff because I I don't know I just I don't think like that I think but one one thing I will say but to to could treat critique what you think about happening with soul is I agree with you that he's going to either want to tear down the veil or die but I don't think the inquisitors going to die at all okay okay I think that'd be kind of shitty to people who really hate solar I kill them in an I died what did you what if your choice in trespasser was to to then choose that you would kill so last and that's why they die because they're too vengeful to want to kill him that they end up in their own demise so it's kind of a choice that's reflected on themselves a little bit better but like I don't know I'm still kind of iffy on I think yeah yeah yeah I think what I think is gonna happen to soul is this no matter what he is going to either get trapped in a way because it's very hard to kill the evanuris and he is considered one of them so I think he has some if anything I think we might get a very early on death of soulless and we're like oh we [ __ ] did it oh wow he writes us up and be like haha nerds I just destroyed elven gods and you think that's gonna kill me nice I I think that's gonna be a moment in the game because that would be really interesting I also think at one point he's going to turn into the big bad wolf thing oh yeah there is there is no reality where you are not fighting a big wolf in Dragon Age 4 yeah which is if you're not that is huge with that do you think this will be called Dragon Age forever will be called something else oh no oh that's a yes well I don't mean ki talked about that but obviously it's about the you know the numerical number I I like the name Dragonite ranarium but it's pretty boring but it's Dai again innit yeah yeah I you know I don't okay like spoken in travailed that's a good promo word okay no I don't like to do a number again because they they greatly regretted doing the Dragon Age 2 number okay yeah there originally it was gonna be dragging these Exodus and they like to happen a lot and then da then a TAS like but no one's gonna know it's Dragon Age 2 so yeah I do I know I did I really think it's gonna have some sort of subtitle I cannot even know it might be like the book they seem to be doing those hashtags and pushing that that's the basic form of media that they've done so far yeah yeah I might be rises like Dragon Age arises DUI yeah no I I really want to quit quick like throughout a theory that I have about the soleus thing I think he's gonna die no matter what yeah or get trapped or something but I think for all of belem they're gonna like really just smush it in with their little thumb about how painful this choices and so I'm basing this off of a movie that was actually referenced in Inquisition between soloists and cult and the movie is called meet Joe Black yeah okay so you know the end of the the basic plot spoilers have you seen it the the the movie is death some guy dies meets a girl or meets a girl dies and then gets possessed by death who then meets that girl again girl falls in love with death and so he wants to take her with and like I'm gonna take you on to the afterlife and she's like oh that's kind of scary I think so he goes okay then from now on you're always gonna meet the guy that you met before and then he's now someone new I think it's gonna be something like that where'd you go if you go into solises companion quest which really comes out of nowhere when you think about his whole storyline his whole community request is that he has a friend that he likes very much and then the friend dies and he's really sad about it and you ask him like are you okay he's like well I mean my friend will come back but it's not gonna be the same I think that's foreshadowing what could happen to solace and I think that solace is happy and is that he's gonna have some sort of like come back again but he's like either not gonna have his memories he's not gonna be the same something like that and maybe that's the solace you can reason with and that's the solace that I don't know the love Ellen runs and maybe there's gonna have to be a lot of decisions of like can we trust this new soulless like it's he gonna do what he did before if he's he's kind of like can we can we make him good so to speak our sigh like I think that would be a more interesting ending to solises story and I would like it if it ended there that's a good do you believe is so us this spirit I think originally yeah yeah yeah and then he was brought into the world and then he just got was giving the body that idea could totally work with the idea obviously if his bird dies they come back but it's someone different mmm could totally work mmm do you want like another crazy ambition what's that sorry go ahead and shirt what you want like another critic i i'd like the city of a nervous towards the end of the game but yeah that's also like are they gonna put more evanuris and again but i feel like you know the word that the veil the destruction the veil would bring i thought that there would be like in midpoint or a 75% point for the game and then there would be this end like this the second part of the narrative where you would have the evanuris return and you would have the consequences of that or if we were to see the consequences or what would happen with that i do think they are inching toward that like where it is they've they've dealt with these worlds they dealt with the blight they dealt with what's going on in inquisition now if there's gonna be some world Sundering choices throughout yeah I think it might tell you the classic Bioware thing where wow there's tons of world sundering choices everything changes but then in less twenty minutes everything kind of comes to the one same day at a point that everyone has I do think there's a good possibility of that happening but I do think that we're gonna get and it's kind of again the way it's been going that it's just things need to get more epic things need to get more massive to the whole global world that we have here in dragon age well there is a climate father we do have you know the Titans that you know some what's awaking we have to blights remaining we have solace in the veil potentially being destroyed and the evanuris that lurk behind the veil and cure for the calling from yeah land that's not in Thetis we have those across the sea the executor yeah so what if Dragon Age for this raishin ends the story here of this part of the world and the next iteration allowing us to have some like real pretty final big choices for this world and then making the new iteration go to a completely new place that doesn't require as much of the continuity that you would if you're still messing about in this area so the Mass Effect Andromeda be very happy with Dragon Age for wrapping up the whole story good luck with that because there's a lot of loose ends I just I really do think they're gonna make some some massive big choices in this one it just it feels like it's been ramping up to that and the problem that you said of you know if they do do things that are world rendering it will destroy trying to build the series anymore so seeing how they deal with that will be absolutely fascinating is there any final thoughts and feelings that either of you would like to share about the world III think that the end of Dragon Age will be the files death and I think that will usher on a new edge because and I know it's very basic okay yeah but like Morrigan is the inheritor of the next stage and my faul who is from if whatever is you know it could be an OG dragon and she could just be eponymous of the franchise as a Dragon Age very simple but that's what I think yeah I think I guess I could get behind that I haven't thought about that I guess I get good behind just on you know a different age then you can have you know you have next age whatever that could be called mmhmm yeah I see I would definitely say that Dragon Age should end went the actual like for those who don't know the Thetas calendar everything said been a hundred year increments and we're currently in the Dragon Age of the hundred year in commencing we're about halfway through it so I would say if we end now supposedly Dragon Age for let's let's be crazy say it's five years after trespasser so it'd be around like about in the midpoint we still have fifty years of the age left so I would even think that there might be another game that kind of in that 50-year period where things would go crazy I like the idea of Jerry much for being 50 years and showing like generational changes I like that that would be interesting yeah I'll be really hard to have like why maybe well then you can almost have like gay what was that game it was like a little like rogue dungeon game where like you kept playing your ancestor if you die that sounds familiar yeah yeah something like that you get like breathe you're choosing the romance partners to breed the perfect well I wanted to thank both you so much this is great diving into the world of Dragon Age with two experts again I'm Andy burkowski vgs-vt game sophistry you can check out all of the stuff that I'm doing there it's a little more breath than just Dragon Age can't compete with these two and yeah please tell them tell the world what you do and who you are as we finish this out thank you so much Andy for having us on I really really appreciate it I'm jacked up and again was any Dragon Age 4 news I'll be covering it in the video anything we hear even if it's just a silly dumb tweet yeah they can check out my channel for all those silly tweets that derelict cities and then I'm Katie again to echo Jack thanks for having us if you want news you definitely go Jack you can find me on Twitter at Gilda someone - we're also I'll retweet the silly tweets but like I don't I don't got time to meet so if you want lore in the Dragon Age thank you well we got to do this again folks is a lot of fun all we love to you yeah we go down to Dallas
Channel: Ghil Dirthalen
Views: 54,651
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dragon Age, Dragon Age 4, BioWare, EA, Dragon Age News, The Dread Wolf Rises, The Dread Wolf Rises News, Solas, Thedas, Tevinter, Ghil Dirthalen, VGS, Jackdaw, DA4, DA News, Dragon Age: Inquisition, DAI
Id: xlnxQvxrnO8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 119min 21sec (7161 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 10 2020
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