A Complete Guide to Vegan Cheeses (Mozzarella, Cheddar, Parmesan, Cream Cheeses) | The Mushroom Den

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hi everyone and welcome to the mushroom them so today we're going to make a variety of vegan cheese recipes you'll see that they are quite easy to make and for each of these recipes we'll need some raw cashews for some of the recipes we'll need the cashews to be soaked overnight but let's boil for about 15 minutes before using but let's go ahead and jump right in we're gonna start with mozzarella cheese into a blender we're adding some salt cashews some tapioca starch nutritional yeast some garlic powder some salt lemon juice some apple cider vinegar a little bit of coconut oil and some water now we're gonna go ahead and blend the whole thing until it's completely smooth like so then in our saucepan on medium heat we're gonna add some water and some agar agar flakes or powder here I'm using the agar flakes so you want to go ahead and stir to make sure let it boil and continue to stir for about three to five minutes until you get this very gooey and sticky mixture then we're gonna go ahead and add the egg mixture to our blender and blend it with the rest of the ingredients once you're done blending you'll see that the mixture is now very creamy and all the agar mixture is going to do is help us get that firm cheese consistency now you want to grease a ramekin container and pouring your cheese mixture even at the surface as much as you can and pop this in the fridge for about three to five hours and here we have our mozzarella cheese let's check the inside [Music] you see they holds together very well and as you can see we can even greet it and I also melt that a piece on a cracker and a microwave next we are going to make some cheddar cheese and again we're gonna start with our soft cashews some cooked sweet potatoes lemon juice apple cider vinegar coconut oil tapioca starch nutritional yeast some garlic powder some smoked paprika some salt and pepper and some water blend until everything is smooth then go ahead and add the same agar mixture that we prepared earlier again blend everything create your ramekin pour in your mixture even at the surface then pop it in the fridge for about three to five hours and that's what it looks like when it comes out again it's really firm you can easily slice it he holds together perfectly well I'm gonna place this cracker with the cheese in the microwave and do our grading test as you can see grates perfectly and it's very easy to melt next we're going to make some sweet cream cheese spread and again we add in some soaked cashews in our blender some lemon juice apple cider vinegar some agave syrup [Music] and a little bit of water planned everything for a couple of minutes until smooth and I said pour your cream cheese into a container it should be very smooth and easy to spread this is perfect on toast bagel or anything like that it's sweet and it has the tartness of the lemon and apple cider vinegar it's just really delicious next we're making some herb cream cheese spread I just sold cashews to your blender or food processor your nutritional yeast about two cloves of garlic salt and pepper some lemon juice and apple cider vinegar blend everything feel free to add some water about a tablespoon at a time to make it easier to blend scrap the side and continue to blend until you get a very smooth consistency like here pour your mixture into a bowl then you can add your fresh herbs here I'm going forth I'm basil some Italian parsley and green onion mix everything up [Music] and in order to extract any excess moisture you're gonna place our cheese on a strainer and cheesecloth tie the top with some thread or here I'm using some rubber band and pop this in the fridge for a couple of hours I left mine in the fridge overnight and the next day this is what it looks like here's the excess liquid that came out you'll notice that the cheese is very firm you can mold it with your hand to the shape you want and just spread it on some toast now all these cheese's that we just made can be stored in the fridge for at least a week and now we're gonna go ahead and make some Parmesan cheese this one is quite easy you don't need to soak the cashews just add your raw cashews to the blender with nutritional yeast garlic powder and some salt and pepper blend everything and really that's it you have your Parmesan cheese store everything in an airtight container and because all the ingredients are dry you can keep it for much longer on your counter serve it on your favorite pasta recipe or pizza or whatever you feel like it so that's it these are my five vegan cheese recipes that I wanted to bring you guys I really hope you like it hope you found it very easy to follow up all the ingredients and measurement in the description box below the video let me know if you have any question any recipe requests that you like me to make thank you again so much for watching and for your support don't forget to subscribe share and give me your feedback in the comment box below and until the next video as always have a blessed one
Channel: The Mushroom Den
Views: 242,096
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Vegan, Vegan Cheese, Vegan Cheddar, Vegan Cream Cheese, Vegan mozzarella, herbed cream cheese, sweet cream cheese, parmesan cheese, recipes, easy recipes, healthy cheese, hclf cheese, vegeterian cheese, cheese, low fat cheese, dairy free cheese
Id: HcO-4lKOlC0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 40sec (340 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 18 2017
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