A Collection of Horrible Fates

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hello everyone and welcome back to scary interesting and to another collection of horrible Fates in this video we're going to go over three horrifying stories of people who put their trust in the wrong person and in the end this would have devastating results the first story is particularly brutal even for this channel so as a reminder although the events in this video are fleeting and non-descriptive they are still highly disturbing so viewer discretion is strongly advised [Music] the Renaissance period was a time of great artistic scientific and technological achievement in human history Fields like astronomy Anatomy geography and Mathematics were heavily developed during the time and previously held beliefs were challenged by an improved understanding of the natural world even religion experienced advancement although this wasn't always met with the same enthusiasm as scientific discoveries or innovations that improved the lives of the average person the 16th century in particular was marked by a massive theological change as the 1500s began Christianity saw major divisions leading to the creation of Lutheran and calvinist churches among others there was also a lesser known smaller movement known as the radical Reformation which produced branches like the anabaptists who believe that baptism should not occur during infancy instead they believe that the only way to be cleansed of sin by baptism was to make the choice by Free Will which was something that kids weren't able to do in the 1500s this belief put the anabaptist on the religious Fringe as a result they were persecuted because the movement was seen as a threat to the Catholic church and all over Europe anabaptism was a crime punishable by a prolonged awful death like beheading being drawn and courted and most commonly burned at the stake Dirk Williams was born in as sparin a town south of Amsterdam and east of roddam in the Netherlands much of his early life is unknown but it is certain that he was re-baptized at a relative's home sometime in his late teens this ceremony was symbolic of Dirk undoing his Blasphemous bapt as an infant and embracing his religion with his own free will in the eyes of the state however Durk had just become a criminal in the mid 1500s the Dutch were governed by Spain which was still in the midst of its religious Inquisition with the goal of eradicating heresy anab baptism fit these qualifications and when officials found out about his second baptism Dirk became a Marked Man a thief catcher which is the equivalent of a modern day Bounty Hunter was sent to capture Durk and after doing so he was tried convicted and imprisoned for his beliefs unbeknownst to the prison guards however jerk wasn't going to stick around to suffer whatever awful fate they had planned he was being held in a castle that had been converted to a prison and on the night of May 12th 1569 he tore up his bed sheet and fashioned a rope to safely get him to the ground below except it wasn't actually Solid ground below Dirk was being kept in a structure surrounded by a moat luckily for him though although it was well into spring much of the moat was still iced over so under the cover of night Dirk tied one end of his rope to to his cell and dropped the slack out the window then hand over hand he lowered himself down his makeshift rope and when he was at the bottom he extended his leg to test the ice and found it strong enough to support him by the time he had both feet on the ice a guard noticed the escape attempt and began to come after him Dirk then took off across the ice heading toward the land on the other side of the mod because he had been starved during his time in prison he was weak and emaciated but this made him light enough for the ice to hold him with the other side of the pond in view jerk raced toward it when he heard the distinct sounds of cracking ice and splashing water behind him the guard who was coming after him was far too heavy for the thin ice and he crashed through as he flailed and tried to get a handhold on any sturdy part of the ice it kept breaking around him it was almost immediately clear that if he wasn't helped he would drown so he began crying out for dirk to save him by that point Dirk had already made it to the safety of the bank on the other side of the pond he was basically home free but in an ironic twist it was the faith he was being persecuted for that caused him to go back he then whispered a prayer as the guard begged and told his God that he would save the guard as a token of his faith with that he turned around and began gliding across the ice again in the direction of the desperate guard when he reached the whole night where the guard was trapped Dirk even in his emaciated weaken State extended his hand and managed to pull the guard of the pond then as the guard gathered himself and stood up he thanked Dirk in a voice shaken by both cold and fear in that moment the guard resolved to let diro as repayment for saving him but this was quickly interrupted by the arrival of reinforcements and the voice of the burgo master was basically the equivalent of the town mayor watching from a prison window the burgo master shouted down to the guard to remember the oy SW to the Spanish Duke of Alva to bring criminals to justice so realizing that it was either Dirk's life or his own that would be lost with whatever decision he made the guard whispered an apology to Dirk and placed him in handcuffs Durk was then returned to the prison only this time he was placed in a Cell at the very top of the church Tower his legs were also placed in stocks ensuring another escape attempt would be impossible for the next 4 days he was were relentlessly interrogated both physically and mentally and his captors demanded that he renounce his faith and swear allegiance to the church but Durk wasn't swayed he remained steadfast in his belief and refused to bend and the longer this went on the more his fate was sealed on May 16th 1569 Dirk heard the footsteps of several guards approaching his cell when they arrived outside they opened the door freed him from his leg stocks and forcely picked him up onto his speed his legs were weak from Days of lying and restraint and Dirk could barely walk as the guards let him out of his C took him just outside his hometown the wind was strong that day and durk's long hair flooded around his face as he was marched toward a large wooden pole embedded in the ground once they reached the pole they began to tie their prisoner to it and when he was firmly secured in place the pile of wood surrounding the base of the steak was lit burning at the stake as a punishment for heresy had a long history to that point the very first mentions of it date back Millennia and during the Spanish Inquisition it was a punishment authorities commonly opted for unsurprisingly it was an agonizing one typically once the fire took hold of the wood around the steak the fire would make its way up until it was chest high at which point the air would be toxic enough that the person would pass out this wasn't always the case though the strong easterly wind that day was considerable and as Dirk's lower body was engulfed the fire was continually blown away from his upper body as a result Dirk had plenty of air to keep him conscious as the fire continued to rage supposedly the wind also carried his voice for miles around as citizens of other towns heard him cry out more than 70 times apparently even the guards overseeing the event were traumatized by Dirk screams and the sight of his prolonged ordeal in fact the judge who sentenced Dirk to the very punishment he was witnessing had to turn his horse away as it continued finally he'd seen enough and called one of the executioners over and ordered him to dispatch Dirk as quickly as possible the final manner of Dirk's death is unknown but it is confirmed that he died on the outskirts of aspar in that day ultimately Dirk's conviction in his beliefs unwillingness to renounce them and willing to help his enemy despite the consequences made him a revered martyr who is admired and celebrated today by the faith spawned by anab baptism it certainly makes you feel lucky to have been born in a time when such punishments are no longer [Music] used it was a few minutes past 7:00 p.m. on the night of August 30th 1988 when Lieutenant Alan Lawson was starting to get ansy it had already been a hectic and chaotic day to that point and his patience had already waned much earlier in the day as a first lieutenant in the US Marine Corps Allen was a commanding officer during a war games exercise being conducted at the combat Center in 29 Palms California this massive Base is located in the middle of the Mojave Desert and covered 932 s Mi of area at the time it goes without saying that an August day in the desert is hot and the temperature remained at a steady 107° F or 42 C for much of the day and even though they were losing daylight with the sun setting the heat was relentless but despite this Allan didn't have the time to notice this combat exercise involved moving a convoy of vehicles and troops on foot through the desert to a strategic Target during a meeting with officers earlier that afternoon Allen received an order to place 14 Marines and pairs along the road to act as guides for the Convoy this order was also part of a larger plan to set up a defense in the likely case of an enemy attack and Road guides would help keep the Convoy moving in the right direction while also serving to guard the route after receiving the updated plans Allen gathered his commanders and ordered them to send two marines from each of their companies to perform Road guide duties he also told them that the chosen Marines were to meet him exactly at 1900 hours or 7:00 in the evening but then for reasons that aren't entirely clear when the time came only two of the 14 designes had arrived as he grew increasingly annoyed by the guides being late alen was also approached by his commanding officer around 710 to find out why they hadn't left yet this only increased the pressure he was feeling to get moving then when only six more Marines had arrived by 720 Allan decided he couldn't wait any longer he then ordered those who had showed up to board a Humvee and he would have to just work with what he had among the group of eight that showed up was Lance corporal Jason Rother who is a 19-year-old Minnesota native who felt like he was melting in the desert heat this was a climate he wasn't used to at all and it had been wearing on him ever since he arrived in the desert Jason was part of another division based in North Carolina and with longtime tensions Rising between the US and Iraq his company was sent to the Mojave Desert to train in an environment similar to that of the Middle East and despite having been a successful wrestler in high school who was used to hard physical training and despite him looking like he was born to wear a uniform the desert had really taken a toll on him prior to the start of the war games his division had already been at the combat Center for 12 days of training and the heat throat was unbearable on August 29th Jason even had to fall out of training to be treated for heat exhaustion only to be deemed fit to continue the planned exercise that began the following day as he rode in the Humvee with seven other Road guides and awaited the drop off at his post a chain of events was already in motion that would unquestionably change the Marine Corps forever after driving through the desert for 10 minutes Allan ordered the hanvey to stop just beyond a Sandy intersection that had been carved out by years of travel by military vehicles he pointed at Jason and told him that this is where he'd be stationed after Jason stepped out of the vehicle Jason's partner also hopped out of the humpy but this was met with confusion and annoint by Allan who ordered him to get back on board then when it looked like he was about to leave Jason at the checkpoint by himself another soldier named William spoke up he reminded Allan of the orders to place the men in pairs but Allan responded by reminding every everyone that he was the lieutenant and they were only one step above the Marine's lowest rank of private first class Allan was already annoyed and feeling the pressure of the exercise starting off poorly so with that the humy took off to the next checkpoint leaving Jason alone in the middle of the desert with Knight quickly approaching almost 48 hours later the squad leader James noticed that something wasn't right it took him a moment to put his finger on what it was but he suddenly realized that he hadn't seen Jason since he left with the others in the Humvee two nights earlier James then asked Allan about this but Allan said he hadn't seen him either and just assumed that he was picked up by the last vehicle in the Convoy during the early morning hours of August 31st this is when it was finally learned that that had never happened the following day on September 1st a massive search got underway involving 1,600 Marines on foot and in the air when Jason was dropped off he only had what was on him which was three canteens holding a cart of water each a rifle and the clothes on his back he didn't have a map or Compass he weighed just 135 lb and he had already been suffering from heat related illness es if he was still in the desert the Marine Corps could be looking at an unprecedented tragedy the search began at Jason's last known location which was about a/4 mile or almost half a km from the sany intersection there they found a set of rocks that had been positioned in the shape of an arrow and this discovery confirmed that one of the most egregious sins in the US military had been committed the Marines had left a man behind unfortunately despite the intense effort to find Jason the arrow was the only son of him the search produced and after several days the search was called off another got underway in November and ended with the same result then on December 4th a third search was organized and just a few hours into it more Stone errors were discovered and led Searchers to a pile of Jason's belongings his entire uniform had been neatly folded and placed in the sand with reverence then next to the uniform pile was Jason's rifle with his wallet sitting on the butt end of the rifle his military ID was also missing from it then less than 100 yard from Jason's gear Searchers found human remains that had been completely skeletonized after more than 3 months Jason had finally been found based on the findings of a later investigation this is how Jason ended up dead in the Mojave Desert on the afternoon of the training exercise Allen had just been dismissed from the meeting and began to give out tasks related to Road guide Duty what Allen didn't do however was determine how the road guides would end up back with their companies when the Convoy mission was complete none of the company commanders under him were made responsible for the road guide pickups so each of them just assumed one of the others was handling it also when Allan decided to leave with eight Mar instead of 14 he was so angry about the Defiance of his orders that he didn't brief any of the commanding officers on the updated number of Marines who would be on road guide Duty he was also supposed to provide command with a roster of the designated Road guides which he also failed to do in his agitated state after dropping Jason off Allan directed The humy to the next checkpoint and ordered William to man it once again William reminded Alan they were supposed to be posted in Paris but all he got in return was another snide reply from his commanding officer Allan then continued on the Convoy route to place the other Marines but but it wasn't until he finished that he realized his significant oversight by then the Convoy was set to begin any minute so Allan sent his navigator to go back to each of the checkpoints and informed the Marines he just dropped off that they were to jump on the last vehicle in the Convoy the Navigator then worked backward from the final staging error first informing checkpoint 4 of the orders then checkpoint 3 and at that point the Navigator saw the lead Convoy vehicle so he returned to the final staging area during his interview with investigators the Navigator said that when he returned to the staging era he told Allan he wasn't able to make it to checkpoint one or two to provide orders because the Convoy was already on the road Allan on the other hand told officials that the report he received from the Navigator was that the road guides at checkpoints 1 and two had already been picked up by the Convoy it's not clear if this was a deliberate lie or just a misunderstanding between the two but either way the report made it clear that Jason's death resulted from a mix of poor control of emotions and high stress situations assumptions and ego in the aftermath punishment was handed down up the command chain first the Battalion commander and the Battalion executive office officer were reassigned and Jason's platoon leader and Company Commander were relieved and reprimanded before being discharged from the Marine Corps three officers also faced Court Marshal and Jason's platoon sergeant and squad leader were both found guilty of dare election of Duty and demoted to Lance corporal as for Allen he face charges of der elction of Duty and disobeying a direct order for not pairing the road guides up then adding insult to injury during deliberations Allen show up to court drunk one day and received an additional charge for that finally in February of 1989 a jury of eight Marine Corps officers found Allen guilty of der elction of Duty but innocent of the more serious charge of disobeying an order he was ultimately sentenced to 4 months in a military prison for his role in Jason's death and then discharged from the Marine Corps and that brings us to Jason and what his last few hours were like at some point in the middle of the night on August 30th or very early on the morning of August 31st Jason watch the very last vehicle in the Convoy pass through his checkpoint and continue on to the next after waiting a while at his pose to be picked up it must have become clear to him that he had been forgotten having taken survival courses in the past Jason knew his options were limited he could stay where he was and hoped that someone would eventually come by or he could try to walk out of the desert he decided to walk but was at a significant disadvantage without anything but the sun to guide him he initially backtracked to where the Marines camped the night before but when he found it abandoned he started heading in the direction of the National Trails Highway where Jason's body was eventually found he would have been able to see the highway just ahead of him tragically though through the unforgiving desert Terrain in the summer heat with very little water Jason managed to cover 17 M on foot only to collapse and succumb to dehydration with salvation in sight it's unclear exactly when he died but medical examiners sadly believe he was dead before anyone even realized he was missing Jason was eventually buried with full military honors in his hometown of Minneapolis Victoria Siler absolutely adored her husband ail Celia from the moment she first met him he was handsome charming and confident and she was immediately drawn him when they met the two first came together when Emil was being treated by Victoria who was a physiotherapist for a skiing injury outside of her family Victoria's passion was skydiving and on April 4th 2015 Emil had a surprise for her by that point almost a year had passed since she L jumped out of a plane because she was pregnant only 5 weeks earlier Victoria gave birth to their second child and Emil knew how much she had missed skydiving so as a nice surprise and once she had recovered he arranged a jump at a nearby Airfield where Victoria had been a free frall instructor with more more than 2600 jumps in her career her abilities as a skyd were highly respected by her peers and she was particularly known for the care she provided novices when the day came the weather in April 4th wasn't terribly Cooperative with rain and clouds expected most the day but everyone held out hope that they'd catch a break anyway while Victoria suited up and performed her preparation checklist Emil volunteered to grab her a parachute so with their three-year-old's hand in his he turned and walked toward the kit room the two were gone long enough for Victoria to notice but when they returned Emil explained that their little need to make a pit stop at the washroom unfortunately though after hours of waiting on the weather it became apparent that it just wasn't going to clear and the jump was scrapped so disappointed Victoria and the others changed out their flight suits and started putting away their equipment since Victoria had a locker at the Airfield Emil took the parachute he had gotten for and stowed it there for the night while everyone else returned Theirs to the kit room all 12 jumpers were then returned the next day for another try unfortunately as well the weather wasn't much better on April 5th the clouds and Rain remained and it again looked as if there would be no jump the 12 jumpers grew anxious as the afternoon rolled in without the clouds rolling out around 400 p.m. it was suggested that they perform what's called a hop and pop jump from around 4,000 ft this is a type of jump that emits one of the most exhilarating parts of skydiving which is the freef fall of thousands of feet however Victoria just wanted to get back in the sky so it didn't matter to her what type of jump they'd be performing once everyone was inside the Cessna the plane took off and gained altitude until it reached the 4,000 ft Mark the side door slid open and then one by one the skydivers hopped from the plane and popped their parachutes open Victoria was the last one out and she smiled as she looked down took a breath and then made the leap as she gained speed she took just a brief moment to enjoy the feeling of falling before pulling her parachute cord as soon as she did it was immediately clear that something was terribly wrong when it deployed it folded in on itself and the lines that held it to the harness were twisted around Victoria and one another in this chaos she struggled to deploy her Reserve shoot but once she did it filled too so horrifyingly there was nothing to slow Victoria fall and at 60 M or 996 km hour she slammed into the ground now accidents can happen doing anything but for an activity with a reputation for being dangerous skydiving is actually surprisingly safe one study collected and analyzed data from 62 million recreational jumps and found that the average rate of injury while skydiving is just 0.044% and the fatality rate is even lower at just 0.011% to further drive this point home according to the British parachute associate ation 2.3 million jumps took place in the UK between 2005 and 2015 from that data set there were 2,900 jumps that required the reserve shoot to be deployed and of those instance there wasn't one single case of Reserve shoot failure those who saw Victoria spinning and descending rapidly were obviously and understandably horrified by what they witnessed the first emergency Personnel on the scene were so convinced that this was going to be a retrieval as opposed to rescue that they brought a body bag with them Victoria however was somehow still alive although she was in bad shape the impact of the Fall had broken her spine snapped her ribs and shattered her pelvis there were two factors that prevented her from being killed entirely Victoria had a petite frame and she landed in a farmer field that had just been plowed so the ground was soft and it cushioned her just enough as paramedics worked to assass her injuries and get her ready for transport Chief skydiving instructor Mark assass Victoria's equipment and his wealth of experience immediately told him that something about her parachute was suspicious skydivers are fitted with a harness that's secured over the shoulder and around each thigh attached to that is the container that holds the parachute which sits on the Jumper's back a properly deployed parachute will have a large canopy with multiple suspension lines connecting to an apparatus just above the container called a riser Mark couldn't help but notice that the lines on one side of her main parachute were knotted up and on the reserve shoot the risers weren't attached to the lines at all after Victoria had been rushed off to the airfield on her way to the hospital Mark took a closer look at the records related to that specific pack just 2 months earlier it passed inspection and since it was put into use it had been officially checked 16 times by 10 different parachute Packers all of whom were expert skydivers this left Mark with little choice but to call the police however authorities initially didn't see much of a reason to investigate it looked to them like a clear-cut accident after an interview with one of her friends though it was revealed that Emil and Victoria had an incredibly toxic relationship behind the scenes this prompted police to begin looking a little closer into the couple at the time Emil was a 38-year-old Citi of England but he was born in South Africa when he was 16 he met a 13-year-old named nicolene and they began dating soon after on her 16th birthday she gave birth to the couple's first child they were young but to nicoline it was a chapter in a love story that she knew would last a lifetime she couldn't believe how lucky she was to have a meal he was charismatic even as a teenager and romantic too every month he'd recognized their anniversary with long stem roses but unfortunately this was all a bit of a ruse behind his charm was a web of deception that only became more Tangled as Emil aged after having two children with nicoline Emil secured a working holiday Visa for the UK which he used to get jobs at bars and pubs it was supposed to be a temporary move and nickeline expected him to be back in South Africa when the Visa expired but Emil didn't return then because he couldn't do it himself he would later convince his mother to call nicolene and inform her that he had met someone in the UK and got married nicolene was obviously devastated the couple had just moved into an apartment together before we left South Africa and now nicolene was faced with the prospect of of raising two children by herself but either way for years the pair lived separate lives and Emil had nothing to do with the children he left behind as their firstborn daughter got older she became more and more curious about her father and asked nicolene if it was possible to get to know him she was hesitant at first but she eventually reached out to Emil about visiting he and his then wife Carly were open to meeting up so they made plans for day at a water park by then Emil and Carly had two more children of their own and this marked the first time that any of the half siblings met as the day wore on nicoline was trying desperately to push the feelings down but it didn't matter she was still attracted to a meal he also later mentioned that he and Carly were on the path to divorce and that he wanted to get back together with nicolene she barely gave it any thought before the two were together again this time in the UK afterward nicoline was under the impression that Emil left Cari but when he left his phone at her house one day it rang with Carly on the other line that's when nicoline and Carly found out that they were both being deceived by ail years later ail and Victoria met leading to that fateful Easter Sun in 2015 at the time Emil was a royal Army physical training instructor and after the initial investigation police showed up at his Barracks to take him into custody on suspicion of murder they would then interrogate him for 6 hours during which Emil was surprisingly forthcoming about yet another double life he was leading this one with an Austrian skydiving instructor he met on Tinder during his conversation with authorities Emil was asked to retrace his steps on April 4th and 5th and this is when police learned about his long trip to the washroom however because because he was so assure of himself and confident in his abilities to talk anyone into or out of anything Emil completely missed that he just provided authorities with motive means and opportunity unsurprisingly he would still maintain his innocence and when he was asked if he had anything to say at the end of the interrogation Amil gave police a tongue lashing saying that the worst part about the whole ordeal was that they arrested him in front of his subordinates as this was all going on Victoria was recovering from her extensive injuries when she was told by investigators they believed ail sabotaged her parachute during his stop to the washroom this was news that at first she just couldn't accept there was no way her husband was responsible for her nearly fatal fall and she would remain convinced of this throughout his two trials in the first the jury couldn't reach a verdict but in the second trial the jury had no problem coming to a consensus Emil was then found guilty of two counts of attempted murder if you're wondering where the second charge came from his tampering with the parachute was actually his second attempt to kill her un L than a week during her interviews with investigators she told police about what she viewed as a silly mistake ail had made the Monday before her fall apparently while going through her morning routine Victoria NOS the thick smell of gas in the kitchen she then checked the valve inside the cupboard and it was wide open the handle also had blood on it too all of which she found confusing after turning the valve off she texted Emil to jokingly asked if he was trying to take her out but she had no idea that this wasn't a joke even with the knowledge that their two children would be asleep upstairs Emil opened the valve the day before and then told Victoria that he was going to spend the night at the barracks instead he spent the night at Carly's while simultaneously texting his Austrian girlfriend reaching out to ladies of the night police later determined that they blood belonged to ail and he had put so much force into opening the vve that he had injured his hand in the process Amil is now currently serving a life sentence with a minimum of 18 years to serve before he could be considered for parole incredibly Victoria made several media appearances after Mia was found guilty and told interviewers that she just couldn't see how her husband could be capable of trying to kill her it took all the way until 2020 for her to accept the truth she then follow for divorce but Emil initially refused to sign the papers keeping her trapped in the marriage until he eventually relented the saga continues even into 2024 as ail is battling VOR in court to get a share of the profits from the sale of the house they own together if you made it this far thanks so much for watching if you have a story suggestion feel free to submit it to the form found in the description and hopefully I will see you in the next one
Channel: Scary Interesting
Views: 395,841
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ifwEFGgIydQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 22sec (1582 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 02 2024
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