A Close Call Hauling Firewood Logs!

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all right I got a mission coming up that's going to require the use of Louie the F750 which might be its last run here and then the mini excavator as well but I've got a very short amount of time to get it done so if I prepare now it'll help it to go off without a hitch but I got to get going all right in order to pull off this Mission I'm going to have to have the tailgate out of the 750 and the tailgate off of Louie here I done it on the 750 no problem but for this I don't have a way to pick it up so we're going to start out by getting this tailgate off of here and then we'll start to get everything else ready we're going to have to do a cold start on this I love the way it fires up at least I think it'll start so while Louis is warming up we might as well get the tailgate out out of the 750 here you know what I've never had a name for the F750 and since I hope to be fixing it up here very soon I'd like to come up with a name for it so if you got a good idea for me drop it down below all right there's no way to lift up this tailgate so I think what I'm going to do is take this hook I'll weld it on here in the back and that'll give me a place just to hook a chain onto in the center so theoretically that should work cordless grinders are great for this stuff now we just need a cordless welder all right I have my welder set wrong let's try again as cleman says that'll be fine everything is fine okay let's see we get this tailgate out of here [Music] so I'm going to release the latch on the bottom and the tailgate should be loose all right well that wasn't too bad now just to get the uh trailer hooked up get the mini loaded we'll be all staged and ready to go dark and early first thing before light trying to beat the school [Music] bus [Music] at the suggestion of many viewers and common sense I got some ratchet binders for Christmas thanks Mom and Dad I mean Santa try not to run over the cat the cats are always always in the way I think I've got everything ready to go we're loaded up tailgates are out next thing is we got to leave bright and early so that we can have the frost we're going to need the frost okay we'll see you in the [Applause] morning we are loaded up and ready to go the whole reason we're trying to go early in the morning and the and why we have such a short time span is the ground is frozen slightly it's not as cold as ID hoped it would be but it is below freezing it's about 25 so hopefully we can get in there because this Lane is Muddy and the farmer has asked that we not tear anything up so that is our goal and objective brother Troy is here to help today if you don't remember Troy this is what he looks like and we're going to take off and we'll meet you up there since it's dark outside all right we are almost here I'm hoping this Lane is dry enough to back down it if we can get back there then we can uh assess the situation it's been too wet so I'm hoping it's dry enough now okay I'm walking out here just to give it a look see this is frozen out here this is good and Frozen the lane looks good so we're good now but if we waited till later in the day I think this is going to get soft so let's go ahead and get backed in here and we'll see what everything looks like what' you think first time driving the Dum truck awesome not bad is it this one's easy that's why I want to keep this one all right so what we've got going on is there's a nice stack of logs back here that a friend and I cut almost two years ago now matter of fact I remember we were using his big 892 Gary excavator and I was cutting the stumps off I'll show you a clip so we got all these cut back then they kind of got pushed up against the woods and forgotten about and now I need them I got a situation where I really need them and it's only been frozen two mornings now for an opportunity to try to get them out of here so here they are now I remember what I forgot a chainsaw I need a chainsaw see I try to be prepared I forgot one of the most important things so fortunately we're not very far from home Troy's going to run home get a chainsaw I'm going to get stuff unloaded by the time he's back we won't have lost anything so all right I'll get unloaded how could I forget a chainsaw so dumb a lot of things on my mind [Music] [Music] come I forgot to mention the second reason we're in a hurry today is because we have a family Christmas get together at noon extended family Christmas so yeah we got to get these loaded up and get out of here go to Christmas then maybe dump them afterwards we'll see this is the biggest log here so if I can get that one in the truck the rest of them should be easy [Music] see what I was [Music] doing it's a good size log okay just a couple more to load try to get these in there hopefully this chainsaw shows up pretty [Music] soon keep tight so these logs are rotten [Music] already Troy made it back with the chainsaw we're going to put the 036 Pro to use today hopefully we'll see how it goes ear plugs hearing protection we're going to cut these logs probably about in half so we can get them to fit in the [Music] [Music] truck [Music] [Music] that look good yeah [Music] that right [Music] along all right we got that pile cleaned up pretty good down there the best of that is out of there now we've moved down here across the ditch there's a little pile of good stuff that I think will fit in the 750 and we're going to be a little late to Christmas but hopefully they'll save us something to [Music] eat right there [Music] I Y [Music] pretty good yeah I think you can push it from the back end a little bit the [Music] front bring the back right [Music] there all right I wasn't sure it was all going to fit but we've got all the good logs on the Louie and the 750 we're loaded up we still got time to make it for for lunch it's not even noon [Music] yet [Music] Troy's having fun on his first time in the dump truck and I'm having fun CU we got a pretty good load I feel like smoky in the Bandit today I guess I'm the Bandit hopefully we don't run into any cops though we're not far from home we're taking the back way well the frost held up but it's just now starting to come out if we'd run any longer we'd be starting to make a mess it' be getting smear so far so good we're not going to be even able to tell that we were here we're going to make it for Christmas dinner I think it's just about time all right well you might be wondering what all these logs are for and I don't know should we tell them you tell them no I think I'm going to save it for another for another time so stay tuned all right so we are here at the home of a family friend this is where we've cut and splitwood before he used to be in the Excavating business and anytime they cleared a lot of any sort of good trees he would cut them haul them home and stack them up here into big piles and there was mountains of logs here that otherwise would have went into a giant burn pile but this is the last of it this is what's left of the logs that he's cut and saved back I helped cut and save some of these and then of course we've got the logs that are on the two dump trucks that we're also going to add to this pile and so we have use of the firewood processor one more time at least and we're going to try to get this all cleaned up and get the logs dumped split up those logs we just hauled here [Music] sh okay just pull back on the lever there it goes jeez the we did you get that I I saw I almost got ran over by that that round it almost got me oh okay so the thought process is with the mini excavator right here I can reach all three piles and just track forward and back a little bit we'll put the firewood processor right here so I can load the table and we don't have to track the excavator around a lot we'll have the 755 available with the grapple on the front to move the logs Within Reach if I if I can't get him with the mini but this should work out good well would you look what showed up cousin Alex brought more firewood so we're going to stack this up next to our other logs Ronnie and Alex are going to watch over there and then we'll have even more wood to process we're going to have a heck of a good good amount to run through that processor it'll be fun what an awesome load of wood that is going to be the perfect pile to start want it be a waste of your time it's not much that is not a waste of time that's a perfect get out of my yard that's a perfect start was that from over at Su yeah all right well we made it in to get the logs before the frost came out didn't hurt anything there we made it to uh Christmas dinner although we were a little late but we got our bellies full no problem there and we got all the logs hauled over here dumped staged and ready to be split we've been fortunate enough to have access to a firewood processor and with any luck in the next couple of videos we'll be getting this all worked up have our whole Year's worth of firewood done and then we'll be done cutting here and we'll be moving over to that new wood lot Woodyard across the road from our house so if I'm lucky you'll be back for that so thanks so much for clicking on this video I hope that you liked it and if I am lucky I'll see you in the next one thanks so much let's head home what do you think Ronnie got to do thanks for bringing over the wood can you give me five awesome
Channel: Neil Koch: Dig-Drive-DIY
Views: 129,954
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Neil Koch, Dig Drive Diy, DDD, L9000 tri-axle, L9000, tri-axle, Mini Excavator, Logs, Wood, Dump truck, Dumptruck, F-750 single axle, F-750, Single axle, Firewood, Firewood Logs
Id: tGqVWp1Vzgc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 25sec (1165 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 07 2024
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