A Classic Start - Hearthstone Expansion Showdown vs. Dekkster #1

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the classic set was released with hearthstone's launch in march 2014. it is the biggest set in the game containing 240 cards this set has the core cards for most decks to this day including legendaries like alexstrasza malygos or epics like preparation and doomsayer both dexter myself will be opening 50 packs of an expansion to guarantee at least two legendary cards for each player we will be building three decks for different classes to then face off in a best of fight match in which the winner will receive a prize to upgrade their decks in the next episode every week we will open 50 packs of another set or purchase an adventure to go through all the sets in chronological order starting in classic and ending with the newest release along the way we will have access to more and more cards making the decks we build better each episode my name is solem this is dexter and welcome to the hearthstone expansion showdown we got 50 packs and i hope you don't get too much garbage [ __ ] slam i guess you can play control warrior my free legendary was already antonidas maybe we can build something like a beast hunter mid-range hunter i just think i'm going to play warlock we somehow get unleash the hans legendary yikes but there's unleash the hans so that's nice we play mid-range or aggro hunter i like the idea of that what were the good dax when it came to classic hearthstone for east mage which i think we can't play because there's no ice block we can play xavios the the classic legendary that you always used to play in classic i like the idea of control warrior so we have gorhal and we have shield slam but unless we get brawl and a couple board clears this doesn't really matter much resting adventure are rogue if we play a card that rates summon a random minion like let's say pilot shredder we can't limit the pool of randomness which means if we get a random card that is from a future expansion while playing in the current expansion that's something i did not consider honestly if that happens forgive us i'm only i'm only getting legendaries that did not exist back then that's a golden prep i think we gotta play rogue last pack tyga and the golden pint-sized summoner i did get all akira so i kind of want to get a shaman deck uh the current plan is we're doing three decks right i don't remember what's good from here hopefully i get some good neutral legendaries so i could use them within different classes probably some core staples like uh blood mage thalnos would be great some like alex strazza stuff like that maybe even harrison um oh my god the first pack also i'm only opening 50. oh wow god i really hope solemn just doesn't get good cards the rares are actually going to matter in this i think i saw an si i saw shadow step rogue looking good maybe i can get a four mana two two edwin peacekeepers so good wow why am i getting excited about these cards i feel like so much is is on the line right now kirin to our mage is massive doomsayer is a solid epic that'll help me throughout the entire series for sure a prep oh i have to go rogue and a brawl so i think i'm looking right now at rogue warrior and shaman oh my okay grombo we're definitely playing warrior we are definitely playing we're gonna you're gonna get wrecked solemn massive ancient vlog kind of bad beastly wrath also not great a second pyroblast if this would be one mana i think i would play a mage for sure think about mages we have frostbolt and fireball right actually i just want to play double beat trail because i think dexter does not position his minions correctly i think zoo is one of the decks for sure like guaranteed just having flamp soul fire that i think you play hyper aggressive we don't necessarily need silence for anything like how many minutes of taunt i want to play miracle slash aggro rogue the thing is i always worry about card draw if we don't have anything to draw into this is just bad i think our strategy is going to be we play assassin's blade buff it and hit the enemy's face i want to see if we use blood knight maybe we hit our argent squire and get like a six six or nine nine i feel like dexter is going to play mage why we play hunter and we should win because we play flair that's actually my prediction we're going to make a hunter deck against dexter's mage deck which i have no idea if you place that hopefully and then just go in double flare this deck builds itself we have the good secrets we can go face 30 damage that's it we're gonna look at our collection here i wanna overview everything we are making three classes ten rogue carts we got a prep cold blood we got perditions blade two sis i feel like we can go for a nice rogue deck here for shaman i'm mostly thinking we do wanna go shaman um some sort of overload shaman the oligar is the main reason we do have some aoe clear do have the earth shock the lightning bolts paladin we do have the peacekeeper we do have two equalities but not enough good cards to warrant making that deck hunter might be a really good deck we do have a lot of secrets we have a lot of secrets we got the hyena we do have two hounds warrior i did complete we do have the grom the brawl the mortal strike the taskmasters the inner rage and battle rage this is gonna have steps prep cold blood i don't think head crack is worth betrayal might be solid for clearing boards i don't even have deadly poison i didn't level up my rogue stuff did i wait wait wait wait i do have backstab i was filtered on basic or on classic oh [ __ ] i forgot about this oh my gosh okay this changes everything swamp boozes are not bad two drops i know he's gonna be playing mage and priest so maybe i don't want the ooze next deck i do like shaman i don't have level 10 shaman earth shocks frost shocks lightning bolts actually i need a lot of card draw if i'm going to be running this why is the text all weird why is this weird is that a weird color or is it always like that ogre's pretty clean gnaws is fun this is part of our win con i do like gnaws this seems okay we don't got to think too hard so my current game plan with this deck yeah we're gonna win fury something big hit it with some rock biters and hit him in the face warrior we need warrior i do have level 10 warrior as well i do like the inner rages they go with the game plan taskmaster good card battle rage good for draw heroic strike you like the shield block i like the core crons mortal strike for some over-the-top action brawl and grom a little removal maybe even a reaper in here maybe we go with enraged cards i might want both of these again my decks are looking quite slow i like ogre cause you know ogre i think this is the deck zoo kind of warlock murloc tidehunter to have a one one or a two one because of dive of alpha just altzu then we play mid-range aggro hunter the range is more like two and three mana crystal range but that's that's the mid game you know turn three i just think because of eagle on bow and all the cards we have in here especially explosive trap this should be good if it is not then uh rip thing about right now is we could try to make a control deck or a slow deck work but i think it's just worse so i think i'm going to go with those three choices even though they're all aggressive to mid range there isn't really much you can do with only classic cards i wish we could play control warrior but what would we do in here we can remove like one minion gain some armor go how to remove stuff like i think it's kind of sad that we got a legendary for priest but we don't play it at all but maybe next time we can use mind control and steal dexter's 2-1 minion so this is the first deck i mean there's a rogue deck and uh this the game plan here is to kind of just you know hit him in the face whittle him down hope he's not gonna heal too much maybe he doesn't choose priest um we got deckhands which can go face with the cold blood uh we got sap to remove you know their tempo place and then we have like a prep sprint going on because i did unpack a prep tigers are just great for connecting face damage and uh pilfer i think might be actually a pretty sneaky card because we're limited to basic classic and then pilfer might give me an actual good card so i think that'll be exciting i wanted to play shaman because we did get all akira we also got lightning storm which is a great card and you just wanted to mess around with this it's more of a control build i guess i'm not sold on the oozes because i think it's just going to end up being a blood fan raptor because i don't think he's running a class with a weapon but i honestly have zero clue what he's playing i know he's got a natalie and i know he's got uh antonitas but yeah this this will be interesting we got unbound elemental which is just decent stats and we can maybe buff it up we stick a minion a big high attack minion hit him with wind fury rock by the rock biter and that's how we win we did get grom and we did get brawl so i said i gotta make a warrior deck so here we are to buff these minions up we do have two raging worgens so we have the inner rage rampage sort of game plan here doomsayer to slow things down if he gets a crazy board because i really don't know what he has um and then manip to steal his things and of course i don't know if i already talked about the ogres but my god beautiful got the ogres i think i'm feeling pretty good about these i think we're gonna be we're gonna be doing all right now before the episode starts a big thank you to our patreons which we will have soon we launch the patreon for this series we want to give you guys some perks like early access to episodes being a vip in our twitch chats maybe an additional and extra role in our discord servers because you saw that it is quite of an investment to make an episode happen also a big shout out to simo who was the inspiration for this series he is an ongoing series called the progression series in new gear which i thought was a fantastic idea to bring to hearthstone and after reaching out to him and him being very nice we made this episode happen so sema in case you see this thanks a lot now with all of that being said here is episode one of the hearthstone expansion showdown choose one then are you ready i'm ready i mean i'm not afraid i'm not anxious you said you have a warrior deck um if you compare any of the ducks you made to the decks you play at the moment in 2021 there's a big difference isn't there oh there's a huge difference yeah yeah i'm running a lot of bad cards same my my shaman isn't even level 10. i don't have uh some cards i don't even want to tell you what they are and we're not running deck trackers so i have no idea what uh what i have in my deck i memorized every single card in there well yeah that is also a question should we play with deck tracker for the overlay because we don't want to make it too cluttered no i don't think we i don't think we use it should we give debt codes to people yeah who wants to play this this stack as well who wants to have a debt card ah i like my hand i think you're gonna get wrecked actually i wouldn't say no to that but i mean i have the best europa oh my hand is so good you do have a really good hero power i didn't even think of that i mean i have the worst power yeah this is not good maybe you get the perfect tote in the one one oh wow that's a good totem that's cheat that's like healing too always armoring up two yikes lyok i think hunter for the base cards has some of the best in the classic set yeah i think you're right i kindly mostly just built my decks based off of uh what legendaries and epics i got i think i think hunter with animal companion and tracking like that's kind of busted and unleash the hound so maybe i have that in there you you don't know yet before you play doomsayer i'm developing i'm developing my bot here i know it's gone ah okay i got you you've you're [ __ ] up i don't know if i'm allowed to cuz but you [ __ ] up [Laughter] so bad oh yikes um i think oh i wonder if that's i wonder if that's explicit trap you never know maybe it's freezing trap oh this was really bad it could be freezing trap give me another okay all right why was that really bad actually i'll point me there by what oozing your weapon yep that was i was outplaying you with this heart oh jeez the destroyer that has stealth i thought this card is broken honestly for our format you can't target that yeah with hex huh nothing oh oh that's good all right you're dying i got you on the on the ropes here i uh whoa okay i think i'm fine oh wow let's see you have lightning you have lightning stone i wish i had lightning star that's a rare card you think i have lightning storm yeah i got two of them but i didn't build a shaman well you have two uh one two three four five six seven huh no spelling that's really yes that's pretty good don't don't win the same 50. thank you what a shame okay really well i did imagine this to be a little bit different to go a bit different i guess you're dead in eight turns for my hero power uh that's true maybe i don't have any heals i don't like the leper gnome strat you're very very facey did you just say heels do you have healing cards in the dark no no no i hope you don't why would i have uh healing cards i didn't even consider you can play healing cuts besides like voodoo doctor i think this has to die this is a rough game rock biter rock fighter are you sure about the order there hero paw first did it matter maybe you wanted to have taunt taunt i think i just killed a man that was really good that was pretty lucky actually yeah you did excuse me oh wow i don't know if i could win this what is that god of wind fury that's the whole reason i made a shaman deck oh look here is so good oh wow tracking's a busted card man tracking so good oh my goodness definitely you're gonna kill me just don't get a taunt open totem please just don't no tom oh my wait do you have crush no oh what a play look at this what a play wow oh my gosh okay that was fantastic for you yeah um that's the cut i got oh wow yeah that would have been bad well at least i'm immune i can remove one of them that's true faceless on earth elemental you just won the game oh my almost white you've been fury what kind of duck are you playing that's insane it's a win for your rock fighter i wanted to play the vine spirit inner fire but we have no divine spirit it's true oh wow this is so close it is yeah this is really close you should just press your hero power two turns that you didn't yeah i should have dealt plus two damage well wow closer than expected what if it's a misdirection maybe i opened that card what if it's a misdirection oh no what is the target your face okay direction could have won it yeah that would have been if i would have just mindlessly yeah that would i could've been really bad oh hey i unlocked bloodlust that was a good game solemn playing name amore iconic duo hmm i quite like this you know those moments when you have two copies of a card in your dark and you mulligan one of them and you get the other copy you get a bang in the exact same spot might have just happened okay i'm not too confident in this deck i'm confident of mine i mean look at my hero paw draw a cart that's pretty good but do you have the survivability tools yes sir wow that's how it feels this is not good this is really not good i think i do the same play wow yeah honestly this card is great stealth is a broken mechanic stealth is pretty good yeah you trade into a 1-1 order i think i do who want them order oh hoarder so i have a broken play up coming and i think i want to save my coin for that uh wow elven archer that's actually a solid card yeah i thought so too right one damage you can hit anything yeah that's pretty good now the problem is your minions kind of destroy my minions i like that that's why oh minus one i think i have to hit face i think i have to unless you also play like earthen ring in this duck and that's your favorite card i think you have yeah maybe not oh this is pretty good i think i'm doing this ryder raider you get an si7 agent yeah i did that's why i made a rogue deck i got that betrayed huh okay okay i gotta use the buttercream for something admirable i think that was a good sap right good zap target yeah i get the better cry again yeah but you have to spend four men anyways it's time for my for my play your op play seven man a card i will summon my legendary there's no animation that was underwhelming but still i thought he's like wings like malygos and flies in oh wow look at you what do you do against that [Music] maybe you just play sap sap is good you think it's worth it though because i kept the minion uh yeah because it cost so much but it has a good effect it does it's biteful but in order to get value out of it you need really cheap things i think it was totally worth the master game do you have a one mana card wow yeah okay here's my problem um if you hear a power and you hit spiteful into that you have a three attacker weapon but that doesn't that's not enough to kill your thing unless you have deadly poison that would be annoying but you don't i hope i think this card has to one two three this hurts edition's blight yeah it's almost like a si7 agent except totally different but similar now i'm thinking do you have any aoe do you play like fan of knives because you're down to 10 maybe i do and i can play really aggressive and try to win this but can you out erase me you're dead in two turns yeah but you're dead in two turns too and you have to remove my stuff because i think you die first but not with fan of knives in my hand you don't have fan of knives in the end um so all of this happens now um oh my goodness pareto hit face why a fan of knives so you just lose yeah but you don't you're bluffing why wouldn't i run fanta knives because you don't and you thought i would play control decks and oh that gives you nothing this is actually so good i hope it isn't i really hope it's not this is actually so good what do you mean lifesteal i'm alive still oh i still will be so this is a wendy's could you please stop i think i do this well i don't want to spoil anything but this looks bad for me it does maybe i should have traded it looks good for me this girl's face what do you mean this ghost face heat on top deck soul fire that's true i also thought you have like bad minions in your deck with that kodo is good koda's good um okay so you uh your dad eventually eventually yes really three four five six i'm not dead to soul fire this time i'm losing it myself it was the war blades it was the pilfer we kind of we we predicted this hmm i have a flame in my hand that i can't really play you should you should play it yeah i think you just do this and then we're gonna do this and some of that and we keep the flame oh wow have i lost i mean that's five damage for two turns do you have a charge card see if i hit your face and you tap i can kill you with the dagger next turn but if i trade into this you can't kill my ammani here we go that's also true these are some nail-biting games this is actually crazy topic the second flame did you oh this is terrible this is so bad there you go i should have not played that card okay i should have drawn it yeah it was all drotchy war blades hey i got a heart steam out okay so it's two and a half that is not good 2-0 i got so lucky i got so lucky with the war blades maybe in the future we ignore random cards that just outright say add something random to your hand just you know as an experience once you play brightwing you'll you'll change your mind i actually don't have it in any of my decks why not because of that reason really oh no maybe i'm just better in deck building than you oh this is actually nutty yeah my hand is also wow i'm gonna full keep this yeah this looks good do you play execute in your deck um oh i forgot execute was a card i hope that's true do you play a four mana three three i play three mana infinite infinite wow okay i get the idea what if you make rogue fun and that's what i built we're questing in a bunch of cheap things questing what's questing questing adventurer yeah you mean this whole thing that old thing oh no oh no i played that one no you're some sort of miracle oh my god phantom knives no how how am i supposed to deal with this i feel like you will have an answer for that i think that's the answer that's all right that was my whole my whole game plan oh that's a lot of minions on the board if you have no aoe i actually i'd actually do have no aoe hmm i guess i'm getting rid of part of my strategy here but this is a face yeah okay wow you're hitting your own face i have 30 health that's a resource as long as you don't have deadly poison no i would never top like that next turn i hope look at that look at that card it's beautiful why doesn't anyone play it anymore i don't know it's one of the strongest guys ever made good stats for the cost it just sucks i'm going to win this one yeah oh wow am i gonna die i hope so what if you played what if you played the three-minute spell though to gain a bunch of armor i guess you play [ __ ] block is that that's what you're talking about right maybe excuse me sir there's no way you have sap or like assassinate or anything you don't um i think i got it right here the funny thing is you just ask if i have sap right um well people are going to see um what i just drew idris twice really no i'm just i'm just joking you have two saps okay i'll have to don't blame you i got actually good combo in my hand right now something really good you have a lot of cards in your hands so you see those two right i do see those here oh wow how do i deal with that i hope you don't that's the whole point i hope there's no brawl there's no shitstorm execute there's pain and suffering pain and suffering that was a good good play solemn the two swords always in the blood night wait a second wait wait i forgot about the point you're giving me the shield part where you steal my divine shield oh whatever human is gone this is this is fine hmm you drew two saps though that's more than one sap maybe you sap this would you say this is zappable is that zappable i think it is kind of that to cochran in our rage and i kind of gotta gotta hurry here oh wow look at that i mean you have one damage to turn if you hear a power that's uh that's true you've got four cards there must be something in them okay all right i don't want to i don't want to lose oh my goodness i can go face is that evis oh it isn't i didn't open any me neither okay oh good i'm glad i kept this card okay wait is that six damage face no it doesn't what did you just target face is it is it model strike are you was it yikes was there lag i definitely played it like two minutes ago oh man um well that's an ending i think it's over dude that was i think i got lucky you think you get lucky i think i built my decks well yeah honestly you're both good x that's what it was you didn't expect the uh earthen elemental uh faceless manipulator it's like we just don't know what to expect that's kind of what makes it exciting i think it's like a day one of an expansion coming out it's a good time i wish you would have played a slower deck instead of just aggressive tax because it was close all the times but i didn't really get to play many interesting things it was more like i dumped my minion and hit face which is a good strategy i have to say i ended up going mid-rangey because i feel like you kind of want to play curved stone that's what the game used to be it was curved stuff it was it was it was close the first two games are really close this was closed too actually so with that zero three for me and a three oh swipe for dexter we have seen who can build good decks and who actually ends up winning dexter ggs you won the first episode of i think we call this expansion showdown if we have a different name then it's in the title if not then yeah happens the next episode should be in about a week from now here are a couple things for the youtube people so to you guys we are launching a patreon with different tiers so if you would like to be a patreon shout out maybe you would like to have access to episodes a day or two early feel free to check out patreon the link is down below if there are any things any rules maybe it comes to like deck building restrictions maybe it comes to like what the winner or the loser is going to get after an episode let us know in the comments down below this was the first episode just the test so if there's anything maybe some additional rules maybe some changes you would like to see let us know down below thanks so much for playing dexter thanks for winning three and all appreciate it can't wait to face you again and next time maybe win at least a single game could happen it is close i got lucky so i'm uh i'm excited we'll see what happens and that was it that was the first episode of the hearthstone expansion showdown if you want to check out dexter his links are going to be down below and there are two things we gotta talk about real quick to break the fourth ball staring exactly at you we would like to start with the next episode making the series complete like setting all the rules in place and having the same rule set moving forward for that i included a link to a google form down below those are just a couple questions like would you like us to include random cards yes or no for example if you have seen when dexter got pilfer into aldraky warblade might have perhaps won in the game but if you would have played with the 2014 cards only i'll drag you oblate or even the livestream mechanic wouldn't exist so when it comes to deck building randomness and a couple other things feel free to vote with the link down below and as mentioned earlier before the game started we also have a patreon the link for that is also down below and you will gain access to episodes early your name will be mentioned in the credits next time we would be sitting here and then say hey thank you and so much more for that feel free to click the link we hope you guys enjoyed it leave any feedback in the comments down below i'm going to read all of them and try to implement everything as we go along i have to say both for dexter me this was a lot of fun and we hope you guys enjoyed it too until then take care
Channel: Solem
Views: 82,010
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hearthstone, wild hearthstone, solem hearthstone, solem, hearthstone battle pass, hearthstone tavern pass, hearthstone reddit, the best hearthstone deck, hearthstone new expansion, how to get legend, The Inconsistencies of Hearthstone, Hearthstone is Not what it used to be, hearthstone gold, hearthstone subreddit, hearthstone warlock, hearthstone battlegrounds, hearthstone mathmatics, hearthstone duels, hearthstone 2021, darkmoon faire, darkmoon, best hearthstone deck
Id: G7ekXA2YUNo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 11sec (2051 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 12 2021
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