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good evening I am Dr Matthew and I'm also involved with creation.com which is part of creation Ministries International being a medical doctor I came here because I was very much interested in peace and as you mentioned peace is both internal and external now personally when I and millions of other people have found after being convicted of our sin and repenting of it that and having accepted and believed that Jesus Christ the sinless man paid the full price for my sins he took my shame and guilt on the cross and died for me because of which I have peace and that peace is something which passes understanding I want to know would you like to take away that peace which I have which is a peace which passes understanding and can you answer that thank you brother asked a very good question he is Dr Matthew he's got a website and organization called creation he said that he found peace he came here to attain peace he said he got peace in Jesus Christ peace be upon him who died for his sins on the cross he died for his sins on the cross so he's asking me that would I like to take away your peace brother I would never like to take away your peace I would like to take away your false peace and make you get the true peace I love Jesus Christ peace be upon him I respect him and I rever him I want to know that do you also love Jesus Christ or not I'm asking you yes do you agree yeah do you believe that Jesus is God yes yes brother now either you get true peace or I will come to your peace correct if you're this true peace I will leave my peace and I will join you yes now you told me Jesus Christ peace be upon Him is God I challenge you to point out a single verse in the Bible a single unequivocal verse from the Bible a single unambiguous verse in which Jesus Christ peace be upon him himself says that I am God or where he says worship me and I'm ready to accept Christianity you said Jesus Is God as far as Muslims are concerned Islam is the only non-Christian Faith which makes it an Article of Faith to believe in Jesus Christ peace be upon him no muslim is a Muslim if he does not believe in Jesus Christ peace be upon him we believe that he was one of the mightiest messengers of almighty God we believe that he was the Messiah translated Christ we believe that he was born miraculously without any male Intervention which many modern day Christian do not believe we believe that he gave life to the Dead with God's permission we believe he healed those born blind and lepers with God's permission the Muslim and the Christians are going together but The Parting of is is as you said that most of the Christians they believe that Jesus Christ peace be upon Him claim Divinity there is not a single unequivocal statement in the complete Bible where Jesus Christ peace be upon him himself says that I am God or where he says worship me if you can point out I'm ready to accept Christianity so if he had not said that why do you believe he's God and where did Jesus Christ peace be upon him say that he died on the cross for your sins that is the teaching of Paul are you following Paul are you following Jesus Christ peace be upon Him nowhere in the Bible so my question is when Jesus Christ never said he was God if you love him you have to respect him he said when you was asked which is the first of The Commandments it's mentioned in the gospel of Mark chapter number 12 verse number 29 he said is the god our Lord is one God he repeated verbit what was said by Moses earlier peace be upon him so what I'm asking you is if you know the teachings of Jesus Christ peace be upon him if you say Christian is a person who follows the teachings of Jesus Christ peace be upon him it is mentioned in the book of Ephesians chapter number 5 verse number 18 that do not be drunk with wine it's mentioned in the Book of Proverbs Chapter number 20 verse number one that wine is a mocker whoever deceived has it we Muslims we don't have alcohol but many of the Christians have alcohol furthermore we Muslims don't have poke it's mentioned in the Bible in The Book of Leviticus chapter number 11 verse number 7 and 8 in the book of Deuteronomy chapter number 14 verse number 8 in the book of Isaiah chapter number 65 verse number 2 to5 that is should not have Pok we Muslims don't have Pok but Christians have Pok most of them furthermore Jesus Christ peace be upon him he was circumcised on the Eighth Day according to Gospel of Luke chapter number 2 verse number 21 we Muslims are circumcised most of the Christians are not if Christian means a person who follows the teachings of Jesus Christ peace be upon him I'm proud to say we Muslims are more Christian than the Christian themselves so where do you follow the teachings of Jesus Christ and you say that you worship him so brother point out a single verse in the Bible where Jesus Christ peace be upon him said unequivocally that I am God or worship me Dr Zakir n yes brother my question was on peace and I have that peace I don't have to memorize memory purses to prove or disagree with you what I am sharing is that the peace which I have because of the belief because we are all sinners and we need a sacrifice to pay for our sins it is not by our works that we are saved correct but by believing in faith that Jesus Christ has paid the price for my sins fine so you agree that Jesus Christ has paid for the sins of all Humanity do you agree with that yes okay all who believe in him okay fine so suppose the Christian comes like you who believes in Jesus Christ and he rapes your wife will he go to heaven or hell pardon if a Christian comes and rapes your wife he believes Jesus Christ died for his sins so whatever sin it does it is paid for it so if Jesus Christ had died for a sin it will give permission for all the Christian to rape the woman never never why never you said a you told you told Brother you told your work will not take you to heaven it is your belief so if you believe Jesus Christ died for your sin and if you commit rape if you Rob if you oppress other people will you go to heaven he is not a Christian if he does that simple but he believes in Jesus Christ there are many Christians who I know that means it's a wrong belief correct correct in the Bible also it is written that even the Devils believe in Jesus Christ but they don't follow him correct they don't do you follow Jesus Christ peace be upon him are you circumcised yes sir are you circumcised are youed no I not circumcised so why don't you follow Jesus Christ peace be upon Him Jesus Christ was circumcised on the day you're a doctor correct yes you know that circumcision is beneficial medically so that was not in my hands it was in my parents hands so you can do it now also no problem if you want I'll help you point number one point number two do you have poke brother no you don't have Pok why it's mentioned in the Old Testament and God has mentioned it do you have intoxicant do you have alcohol no fine do you believe Jesus Is God Jesus Christ is God came on the Earth and as a human being where it is mentioned which verse of the Bible tell me which verse of the Bible yeah which verse of the Bible which verse of the Bible where Jesus Christ himself says he's God suppose someone says you are God will you believe you're God someone says I am God will I believe point to be noted is that Jesus Christ never claimed Divinity in fact if you go to the gospel of Matthew chapter number 19 verse number 16 and 17 there's a person who comes to Jesus and says good Master what good things should I do so that I enter eternal life so Jesus Christ peace be upon Him says why thou callest me good leave aside God why thou callest me good there's only one good and that is a God in heaven and if you want to enter eternal life you keep the Commandments he never said that if you want to go to paradise you believe I'm God he never said that you believe that I died on the cross for your sin he said if you want to go to paradise you keep the Commandments and the Commandments are what you should not rob you should not of alcohol you should not cover your neighbor's wife Commandments the Deeds the deeds will take you to Paradise Jesus Christ never said he was God so why are you saying that Jesus is God peace be upon him you are not following his teachings also I didn't say that Jesus Christ is God for this argument I just said that I have the peace in my heart and that peace I want to share brother there are many people you know there's a Satan worshipping cult do you know that are you Satan worshiping cult correct so they get Peace by worshiping Satan but that is false peace therefore I want to take you out from false peace peace and make you enter true peace what you're saying is peace is actually not peace you are worshiping a false god Jesus Christ peace be upon him never said he was God so because you're worshiping a false god and you're in the false peace like people worship Satan and yet they think that they on the right track I want to get you out of the false peace and get you into true peace because I consider myself to be a true Christian if Christian means a person who follow the teachings of Jesus Christ peace be upon him then I'm more Christian than the Christian themselves do you know Jesus Christ peace be upon him said in the Gospel of John chapter number 16 verse number 12 to 14 I have many things to say unto you but he cannot bear them now for he when the spirit of truth shall come he shall guide you unto all troat he shall show you things to come he shall glorify me now which man which prophet after Jesus has ever glorified Isa Alam Jesus Christ it is Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him so this prophecy of prophet Muhammad peace be upon Him is mentioned in your Bible there are several quotations I'm asking you why don't you follow the instruction of Jesus Christ peace be upon him and why don't you follow Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him what kind of a Christian are you do you mean to say that I don't follow the follow teachings of Christians not at all I'm giving you quotations with reference you go back home and check the Bible with references you are not a true Christian I'm a true Christian it's easy to judge brother easy very easy I'm giving you with quotation what you are saying you have not given a single quotation I challenge your doctors of divinity doctors of divinity of Christian D anyone get your doctors of divinity if you say you don't have the knowledge get your doctors of divinity who's the best in the world and let us have a dialogue sure but the person should be powerful not just a roadside person a person who can attract people a person who has a following you get the best one that you have in India best one that you have in the world and we'll have a dialogue and you can ask him and you ask him all the questions I've asked that where is it mentioned in the bible any unequivocal statement where Jesus Christ peace be upon him himself says that I am God or he says worship me I Dr zakin Nik I'm immediately accepting if you can point out from any version of the Bible any unequivocal statement any unambigous statement where Jesus Christ peace be upon himself says that I am God or worship me I I'm ready to accept him to be God but there's no statement so what you are doing is you are not following the teachings of Jesus Christ peace be upon him it is the teachings of the church not of Jesus Christ peace be upon him so therefore I request you brother that please leave the false peace and enter into two peace the true peace is submitting your will to God God who created Jesus Christ peace be upon him not a false god Jesus Christ peace be upon him was a messenger of God but he was not God hope to answer the question a Christian man had a heated moment with Dr Zaki Nik and Dr Zaki Nik has answered his questions and clarified his doubts but still he was stubborn he was not trying to accept the facts but he was saying that he was peaceful with what he believes and he was just trying to argue but alhamdulillah Islam is so clear Islam has no doubt in it Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala has given us the manual the Quran Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala has sent us the prophet Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam he has taught us this beautiful religion and Islam is so Crystal Clear and Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam is the last and final messenger yes Prophet Issa J us peace be upon him he is our Prophet Moses m wasam he is our prophet Abraham Yu yunus like these we have a lot of prophets but the final prophet and the Seal of prophets is Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam there will be no Prophet after him and Quran is the final divine revelation and Allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala has protected the Quran before Quran Allah has sent other Divine books like the injil Bible they say and the zabur the tah but the Nations they have changed the revelation of Allah subhanahu according to their own whims and fancies so Allah subhanahu waala said indeed we have revealed this Revelation and we will be protect ing it Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala has protected the Quran from the time it has been revealed nowadays you can see even small babies like like the children as young as three four 5 years old kids memorizing the whole Quran that is a miracle there's only one book in the world which is being memorized all over the world from young kids to old people Everyone memorizes the Quran the Muslim they memorize the Quran if all the books in the world are burned if there's nothing only one book can be written down letter to letter that is the Quran which is a living Miracle may Allah give us the understanding of This Dean may Allah forgive our shortcomings may Allah give us the ability to give da to other people and may Allah grant us
Channel: Islam The Ultimate Peace
Views: 14,611
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: itup network, islam the ultimate peace, peaceful, peace, islam, muslim, ISLAM, THE, ULTIMATE, PEACE
Id: T6TapBfzfro
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 0sec (900 seconds)
Published: Fri May 03 2024
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