A CHEAT DAY With ALL Of My FAVORITE THINGS | Donuts, Pizza, Airsoft

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wonder why his dad doesn't want to be on video?

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/wishiwascooler 📅︎︎ Mar 04 2021 🗫︎ replies

The speed round segment w/ Vic really let Will’s fast, quippy humor shine for all its glory

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Dominic712 📅︎︎ Mar 04 2021 🗫︎ replies
hey katie is your hopefully raincheck tonight perfect thanks come on kitty pick up pick up [Music] what is going on guys will here welcome to the video today is gonna be a day of my favorites so we have done the rocks favorites in the past and that is pretty much it so today is all about me and take a look how pretty that wall is with all those rainbows but yeah today is all about me my favorite foods my favorite activities i can show on youtube you know just anything that makes me smile on the inside so we're gonna be heading to the first stop right now i think you guys know what it is but i don't think you guys know where it's from hi can i get a large dark roast black please anything else that's everything thank you thank you thanks a lot you too [Music] it has been a minute since we've done a little bit of a donut mukbang in the car hasn't it man i am just happy to be here right now so we went to a bakery called all you need and i just got four donuts as opposed to my typical 12 and the reason being is because these things are huge like one of them is equivalent to having like three in your mouth which is another reason to love them so we are starting in a place of familiarity with just like the classic cinnamon sugar donut and then we're going on to a place of adventure here with these next three so we have this uh strawberry cheesecake donut then we have a dunka bears donut and then this berry blast with pop tarts on top sounds a little fun and then on the side of course we got ourselves a large dark roast block from tim hortons turning our tim horton's coffee into a bit of a swinger with a new set of partners so let's just hop right into it and get this cinnamon sugar into the inner chamber of my mouth not the most creative in the box but just like missionary it gets the job done so here we go look at that bad boy looks beautiful yeah i just opened my mouth wider than it should have these things are huge these are the donuts that tell you how good a bakery really is because there's no fillers there's nothing it's just like there is the dough and then this is what we provide you know what i'm saying i've choked on a lot of them but i still love them holy crap this thing just feels like it has been rammed i don't see an insertion hole holy crap a filled donut tells the story and this thing is at maximum capacity just like a warehouse rave and you know what it tells you a lot about the baker too and i'm sensing some monogamy frustration good morning nut i'm telling you about this filling could be transferred to many different things not just this what would you gu if you guys did a day of your favorites what would you start your day off with comment down below i'm curious okay so now we're going to move on to this berry blast situation it kind of looks like something that you find in the the weird parts of disneyland looks pretty fun if what not have you so i think that this is going to be filled with like a a jelly situation i'm hopeful for a nice preserve this morning oh it's not filled it's not filled but give me a couple minutes you know what i mean i mean i wouldn't call this like a berry blast i'm not getting anything else other than blueberry again very very very good oh [ __ ] all right let's wrap up this little soiree with this dunk of bears so i'm assuming it's like a dunkaroos reminds me of a uh my like lunches back in the day as a kid we have the four little gangsters on top of this donut sitting on a hill of this icing so i hope they nail this icing because the dunkaroo snack was made by that icing and then the the cookie was just a bonus they nailed it all right guys that is gonna wrap up meal number one feeling very very sick i haven't done these things in a long long time so still catch up to me all the sugar and all the carbs so i'm gonna go home relax for a little bit i'll check you guys very soon all right guys we are in the gym right now about to hop into a workout so workouts is gonna be a bunch of my favorite exercises that i can do in the gym and joining me is vic tenney so on my instagram you guys asked me some of my favorite things i'm going to answer them during the workout today uh for the incline press it's gonna be like a speed round it's the first thing that comes to my mind she's gonna read off whatever she wants to read off three two favorite cereal corn pops favorite workout routine mine check my videos out favorite cookie choc chip favorite movie shawshank redemption favorite protein powdered flavor blue star peanut butter bokeh 1010 10 off favorite nut next question uh favorite fast food restaurant wendy's nice favorite drug donuts favorite fitness youtuber will tennyson okay that is set number one moving on to set number two and i just watched the footage back and i realized i just i hit a pr i got 12 reps there and i was hoping for like around 10 so which is pretty pretty strange so popping into set number two yep favorite thing about your own body my nose favorite personality trait of yours mischievous favorite book kamasutra uh favorite harry potter character hermione definitely hermione i agree hit me favorite vegetable zucchini uh favorite song slow dancing and burning room john mayer uh favorite lift lift yeah overhead press which we're doing right now okay so for the overhead press it's gonna be a little bit different than the incline press so the incline press is more like a rapid fire so for this i'm gonna press up and i can't come back down until i answer the question what's your favorite form of cardio smirky face rowing [Music] favorite pen [Music] favorite pizza topping pepperoni favorite leg exercise squat favorite sex toy zucchini favorite spice girl sporty spice favorite bedtime snack question favorite car porsche 911 turbo favorite condom flavor [ __ ] berry blast favorite question to avoid are you the father favorite anabolic kitchen recipe anabolic ice cream nice favorite form of potatoes twice bait favorite video game halo 3 favorite activity during the day [Music] i'm blanking right now eating done oh okay so i'm doing some wide grip cable rows next this is by far my favorite back exercise lately been doing almost every single back workout and she's gonna keep on fire away some questions favorite season summer favorite healthy snack greek yogurt favorite serial killer kat von d favorite position ceo favorite actor jake gyllenhaal okay so that was it for the little q a so i'm going to move on to some of my favorite accessory work which is the lateral rays and biceps so i used to hate doing arms but now i love it so we're gonna do that and then head upstairs and have some [Music] [Applause] lunch [Music] so i have recently been cutting i also have a very big appetite as you guys know so i have made a lot of great friends along the way so today we're going to honor them with a little bit of a dieting tribute so i'm going to put a tray together of my favorite cutting foods this will be very high in protein very very filling and very low in calories [Music] [Music] welcome [Music] there is so much white stuff in front of me and yet so much more right off camera so this is like a anabolic tapas anabolic chicutery board if you will so we got some cauliflower rice egg whites greek yogurt ricotta cheese rice cakes zucchini coffee anabolic ice cream all of these foods have proven to satisfy my various hungers whether that's my stomach or more carnal desires so i don't even know which one i'm going to start with first i think i'm going to go with we gotta go with the anabolic ice cream it's just like the treat i look forward to this every single night before bed and if you guys are an anabolic ice cream like lover get a plastic spoon mcflurry spoon it makes a world of a difference it's like having coffee in a taco cup just makes a lot better moving on to the cauliflower rice so i've never seen the cauliflower in those microwave pouches before until now and again on this channel loving cauliflower and not its purest form have we ever thought to think to ask cauliflower that wants to be all these things like i don't know i feel like we don't appreciate the actual vegetable for what it is we're just we're always just manipulating it in so many different ways let's go a little bit of yogurt and some rice cake one of my favorite snacks [Music] it's really hard to time lapse this thing it's a lot of volume of food you know what's pretty funny that whole tray and then this whole blender is probably less calories than one of those donuts i had this morning it just goes to show you like your food choices actually really matter and i mean if you lived off all this solely you'd be pretty shredded although you'd probably have some sort of a fat deficiency so i wouldn't recommend it but if you're looking to cut and lose some body fat these are all fantastic options [Music] one of my favorite things growing up as a kid was my birthday party obviously and one of the things i always did for my birthday party was laser tag but unfortunately with kovid it's closed right now and i'm banned for reasons that i cannot talk about so i went on to amazon and i found these like home laser tag kits and i asked my dad would you play with me and he was like no but he did say he would play airsoft with me in the woods so here we are and here's my dad my actual father like this is actually him hey dad so we're gonna go 1v1 airsoft and see what happens uh i'm gonna get him back for all these years so gotta keep a close eye on you because i know you can just disappear but just like that you know so quick little uh fact about my dad he's a third degree black belt in karate he has some navy seals training so he knows how to use one of these things but i think he's gonna be a camper i'm just gonna go like just full tilt just run at him it just freaking blitz the dude okay so safety off let's do it baby all right there ready five four three two one let's go we're in combat the uav is online right now i know exactly where you are a little distraction oh did i get you there yeah there you go i'm head hunting man oh that wakes you up oh that's close got me hands up man okay guys so that was airsoft against my dad what'd you think yeah he liked it i didn't feel a thing i think i finessed my way through the like you went through like 10 rounds there and i was just like juking all around but all that running around has built me up in appetite so we're gonna go home shower up and then make some dinner so we are headed to go pick up some dinner so we're going to a place called the unionville arms i've been going to this place since i was a little kid they have the best pizza on the planet and i'll tell you right now it is the most untraditional pizza on the planet like getting pizza from here is like getting the brunch buffet at the strip club you would never expect it to be good but [ __ ] bangs you know so we're gonna go pick it up i pre-ordered and then i'll show you guys what it looks like all right so we got dinner so this is for the rest of my family i got three pizzas i usually get four but because of the donuts had earlier just wanted to kind of taper it back so this is a family run business super super nice people it's really nice to be able to support them especially right now restaurants are dying they have really no chance so you know support local businesses guys all right nona's cover your eyes here's the big reveal katie did you know to watch this she's gonna watch the channel okay all right so there it is it's all it's glory it's a barbecue chicken pizza so it's jerk chicken and then the crust is actually two tortilla wraps as you guys can see right there and then there's barbecue sauce sauteed onions red peppers they definitely reach the creative peaker and it's unreal so i'm gonna devour this thing and then that's my dinner they knew it was me ordering so they said they brought a bunch of other sauces on the side because you know we take this elsewhere literally the whole entire family is just behind the camera and then this is just my date tonight but my usual date is right here there she is and my dad's right off camera shockingly yeah i'm pretty sore you give me a beating in the woods yeah he dropped the hammer and here's patrick this is the guy who's this guy behind all the the filmmaking and stuff you guys a lot of you guys always ask so he's the goat for the filming first bite the absolute best bite so the process of this is when you actually go to pick up the food which is probably the best part wouldn't you say picking up the food because it's the anticipation to opening the box which is the second best part and then you look at it which is the third best part and then the first bite which is the the fourth best part all right take a look at that going in i don't know how they execute this it tastes like filo dough but it's tortilla do you like it yo it's so unique yeah it's like a multicultural pizza yeah how do they do this your brain's confused but your mouth's happy it's like you get like are you in the islands with the dirt chicken but then are you in italy with the pizza yeah i know whoa all the chicken chicken's been jerked on this table okay so it's time to make some desserts we've had donuts we've had pizza we all need a day to go rogue every now and then you know what i mean so i have bought some pretty amazing things from the streets and bakeries of nyc but nothing compares to jira deli's brownies but unfortunately i went to four different supermarkets and they didn't didn't have them anywhere sweet to improvise and we went with betty crocker betty crocker hardly know where she makes some brownies in the tip company that we are gonna have it with some low calorie vanilla ice cream cool way so just a serving so the only time it's appropriate not to eat the whole entire pine is if you're going to accompany it with something else we're going to put together right now and that is our night [Music] cap [Music] so let's see what betty crocker is all about so it sounds like the name of someone's great grandmother so hopefully it doesn't taste like one and uh i have high expectations on comparing it to girodelli's right here and i'm gonna go no ice cream for the first bite oh should taste great that was rich that's moist it is so chocolatey it's a little bit under done because i didn't realize brownies take like 38 minutes in the oven so we took it out probably like 10 minutes early couldn't wait so i'm enjoying the rest of this i'm actually watching my favorite tv show of all time how i met your mother and i'm gonna wrap up the video here that was a full day of my favorites if you guys enjoyed the video please give it a like subscribe the channel if you're new and i'll see you guys in the next one
Channel: Will Tennyson
Views: 322,838
Rating: 4.9818001 out of 5
Keywords: cheat day, epic cheat day, donuts, pizza, mukbang, calorie challenge, my favorite things, call of duty, vlog, vlogger, airsoft battle royale, airsoft, battle royale, viral, funny, fitness, nutrition, abs, weight loss, what i eat in a day, father vs son, father, son, dad, taste test, will tennyson, cheat meal, food review, fitgirl, food, combat, street food, food insider, fast food, linda sun, family vlog, family friendly, comedy, perfect day, calories, donut review, brownies, food challenge
Id: 8S-9SEU2J-Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 51sec (1131 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 04 2021
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