A Calorie is NOT A Calorie... What The Fitness EP 38

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what's up guys it's friday so you know what time that is it's eat a dick time what's up guys it's friday you know what that means it's what the fitness time [Music] [Applause] oh what do we got this week it is coming to you live via text in five four don't [ __ ] it up two one oh boy oh boy he seems like an actual nice guy or at least he's nice in the comments yeah like i think he does it so you don't want to get mad at him so i like try to leave him alone and then i and then i'm i'm sure whatever i see this is next so okay um it's uh thomas de lauer for apparently pampers loves thomas delaware if you're watching this channel you probably think outside the box already okay that's what this channel is about looking at nutrition from a biochemistry standpoint and not just the from a biochemistry all right i'm already triggered where did you do your biochemistry degree thomas uh i would i would like to know i have mine you should try it it's great everyday calories and calories out standpoint well here's another argument okay so i don't know how many [ __ ] times i have to say this until people get it calories in calories out is energy balance if something affects weight loss it is doing it through calories and calories out either by increasing calories in or increasing or decreasing energy expenditure so it's it's operating one of those two sides of the equation now people hear energy expenditure and they think exercise no your energy expenditure is yes your exercise but also your basal metabolic rate also your non-exercise activity thermogenesis which is just small movements uh that are subconscious that you do throughout the day uh your tef and and and that sort of thing and people think like they're like oh but what about hormones hormones don't exist outside of calories and calories out okay there are hormones that can affect calories out and calories in like for example leptin leptin falls you uh get hungrier you want to eat more okay uh thyroid if you're hypothyroid it's going to lower your basal metabolic rate and decrease your total daily energy expenditure none of this [ __ ] exists outside of calories in calories out but people think calories and calories out is oh i track my calories and then i look at my [ __ ] watch which isn't accurate by the way which tells me i burned this many calories but i didn't lose weight so calories in calories has [ __ ] no your [ __ ] watch is inaccurate they've been shown to be inaccurate by they overestimate energy expenditure by 30 to almost 100 percent so yeah that's not calories in calories out calories in calories out is laws of thermodynamics you cannot create nor destroy energy only transfer it if you take carbons in they don't just magically flitter off into the ether all right that's uh 13 seconds into this video so we'll see we'll see how a seven minute video goes for me argument against calories in versus calories out but it's really really fascinating okay this takes a look at whole food consumption versus processed food consumption and what it does in terms of your thermogenic response like do certain foods actually burn more calories than other wait thomas i thought calories in calories out wasn't a thing but you just said certain foods make you burn more calories that would fall under the co of cico or calories out just letting you know so this is like saying people mistake again they mistake tracking calories for calories in calories out calories in calories out is what is tracking calories is a tool that's like saying i saved money without a budget therefore you don't have to earn more than you spend in order to save money no you [ __ ] do a budget can help with that but you don't need to necessarily keep a budget to do that it's the same [ __ ] with tracking your calories and calories and calories out one is a tool one is physiological laws they're foods even if they're of equal caloric value so a really cool study that was published in food and nutrition research we're going to break it down and give you some answers so that you can have a good application of this spoiler alert please i know the study red subscribe button if you're new to this channel we've got new videos coming out daily okay we're the leading intermittent fasting channel one of the leading nutrition channels on youtube so i highly recommend it please hit that bell icon so you can turn on notifications although youtube is the passion of and after this video scientifically down below in the description they're a meat delivery service with grass-fed grass-finished beef they're what i utilize great prices way better than the grocery store in a lot of ways and quite honestly just good quality stuff so go ahead and check them out down below in the description thank you for supporting this channel and let's go ahead and what about your box sponsorship so the study that's published in food i did a takedown of the [ __ ] game changes if a calorie was really a couch this is my favorite is when they put [ __ ] like a video of random [ __ ] scientists doing [ __ ] in a lab it has nothing to do with [ __ ] calories in calories out um although apparently they got strawberries on the table so they're apparently assessing something in the strawberries it's like when they show csi and they like eppendorf some [ __ ] and then put in a test tube and centrifuge it and then magically they get results and it's like really i didn't know a centrifuge could give you [ __ ] dna results i was publishing nutrition research it was cool because it really wanted to break down if a calorie was really a calorie okay i wanted to measure the amount of energy that was per so again calorie people say not all calories are created equal yes they are that's like saying all dollars aren't created equal yes they are now where you invest your dollars can have differential responses on how many dollars you get back like for example uh putting dollars into a car that depreciates in value is not as good of an investment as putting dollars into say an upskilling educational course which can help you learn and get more dollars back by upskilling just like if you put a certain amount of calories from a certain type of food that you get less of a thermogenic response from compared to like unprocessed food then one is a better investment than the other but it doesn't change the fact that calories are created equal all sources of calories are not created equal produced from a given meal consumed so what they did normally in 90 seconds in different meals they took a whole food meal which in this case it was whole grain dense bread hold up hold up hold up thomas dude i'm pretty sure you don't like bread but all of a sudden you're talking about a study it's got bread in it and you're promoting this study i would like to know how the mental gymnastics work with that but anyway not exactly good but at least it's whole food for the kids okay study so whole grain dense bread with real cheddar cheese okay whole food cheddar cheese and they come yeah i know what studies talking about because i've broken it down processed white bread with processed sliced cheese okay and what they wanted to figure out here was if people consumed one food or the other did they have a stronger caloric response a thermogenic response after consuming said so again the stronger response of calories calories between the groups were completely equal okay and the macronutrients the protein the fats the carbohydrates were completely the same that's actually not different was the level of processing okay so again if you're thinking calories in versus calories out these foods are created equal they're the same calories so they're going to elicit the same response well i'll let you finish the results i destroyed your room rated the sandwiches as equally satisfying okay the reason i say this is because people are going to come to this video and they're going to try to debunk it and they're going to try to throw me under the bus and they're going to say well no the only reason one is blah blah blah is because they're not satiated well both groups said they felt equally satiated okay get that out i feel like thomas the major difference between the two was that we have a response the whole food sandwich burned 33 total calories okay to actually digest and break down the sandwich okay that was close to 20 percent 19.9 percent of its total energy value being burned okay then the processed sandwich ended up only burning 17 calories or 10.7 percent of its total caloric energy it's total value that's less than half the energy that it takes to break down a whole food sandwich to break down a regular processed sandwich yes a whopping difference 16 calories the point with this is that the processed food didn't take much energy to break down so you're not getting a thermogenic response and i know it sounds negligible you're looking at oh 33 versus 17 calories is such a negligible amount you factor this in over the course of the day with all your food if all your foods processed you are easily looking at one to 200 extra calories per day that you're not burning that's the same as consuming one to 200 extra calories because your body's not burning it and again that doesn't sound like much to you 100 calories extra a day over the course of a month that's gonna be close to a pound of fat a month that's 12 pounds of fat a year if you creep up so this is a common misconception you would be correct thomas if metabolism was static but if you overeat by a hundred cal i promise you anybody can try this overeat your calories over eat over your maintenance by 100 calories a day you might put on a couple pounds if that and then you'll plateau why uh because your body increases its energy expenditure in response to overfeeding and eventually you plateau now you probably put on a little bit of weight you're not going to put on that much weight the people like this don't understand that calories in and calories out are not independent variables they are dependent variables if you increase calories in it actually increases calories out now that's not saying it completely offsets it doesn't but as you accrue more lean mass as you increase your thermogenic response meaning your body gets more wasteful with energy the more you give it you you're not just going to capture all those calories your body's going to be more wasteful with them so if you over eat 500 calories you might put a couple of pounds on if that you're not going to put 12 pounds on i promise you try it for yourself i promise that's not gonna happen anybody out there who's ever done a quote unquote lean bulk where you try to just overeat by like 50 to 100 calories what you probably noticed was you would gain nothing nothing nothing nothing nothing and then maybe you'd put on a couple pounds as you kept increasing your calories once you got past a certain point that's because metabolism is not static it's very adaptive and if you overeat you increase energy expenditure 200 a day because you eat a lot of processed food you do the math you're creeping up on 20 pounds a year this could be a big reason why obesity is on the increase because of processed food not because we're just consuming more like some people are going but we are thomas um if you look at the uh calorie consumption i believe in the last 30 years has gone up by over 500 calories per day for uh us citizens so yeah we are eating more calories now part of that is because we are eating so much processed food because processed food is not satiating in fact kevin hall did a study where he fed people either processed food or unprocessed food and let them eat as much as they want and they found that lo and behold people eating ultra processed food ate 500 calories more per day on average because it wasn't the satiating now could this be part of that yes it could i'm not saying it can't but i'm going to explain what some of the problems were with the study and the limitations of the study after you get done rambling about it but this wouldn't be a typical thomas de lauer channel video if we didn't look at some of the biochemistry so we'll make it simple but why is this happening well it has to be somewhat speculated but the biggest things is the refinement right when you look at processed food it's refined you lose the vitamins you lose the minerals in this particular case because it was a highly starchy meal i'm going to say it probably has something to do with the b vitamins there's no evidence that b vitamins increase energy expenditure there's no evidence that any vitamins increase energy expenditure that i've ever heard of so how would a lack of vitamins change things and the lack of fiber okay without okay lack of fiber now fiber is different and i'm going to get to that fiber does increase energy expenditure or decrease energy intake depending on how you look at it because especially like insoluble fiber doesn't get absorbed and soluble fiber is only partially absorbed you get around one to four calories out of partial out of soluble fiber so it just depends on the soluble fiber and your individual gut microbiome fiber it digests easier so you have less mechanical digestion which takes calories to break it down and you also end up having less of the b vitamins that allow glucose metabolism to properly function okay there that doesn't they might have an increase in blood sugar but it's never actually so yeah you miss b vitamins in one meal and all of a sudden your blood glucose metabolism can't function no let me tell you why that whole pretext doesn't even make sense okay let's say you missed your b vitamins at one meal and it shut down glucose metabolism or caused it not to function as what thomas said that would mean you would not assimilate the glucose correctly that would actually cause you to lose weight not gain weight you'd be not capturing those calories type 1 diabetics they cannot dispose of glucose one of the ways you can diagnose it is they lose weight they lose weight quite a bit and they eat a lot because they're not absorbing glucose so again this just shows how much mr biochemistry doesn't actually understand biochemistry we're actually getting utilized by the cells because that b vitamin isn't there to allow the proper metabolism of the glucose so you just raise your blood sugar without so again he uses really nebulous terms like just metabolism in general without defining it and there's good reason for that it's because it can't without actually getting a caloric burn from it food glucose fats whatever they all cause our body heat to go up a thermogenic response it's the thermic effect of food and it's kind of like free money it's free weight loss whenever you eat you have a little bit of thermic effect so processed food doesn't get you that thermic effect as much the second piece also has to do with refinement okay but it looks at it more from a mechanic if you take something like um milled grain or something like that and you refine it and continue to refine it eventually you're going to end up with something that's quite frankly easy to digest because the refining has already digested it for lack of a better term this means it's going to absorb really easily which may sound good to some people because nutrient absorption is best but no you're not having the mechanical digestion occur but thomas you just said that you don't basically assimilate that glucose or use that glucose or metabolize that glucose but now you're talk like you're speaking out of both sides of your mouth and you don't even realize you're doing it because you don't understand the biochemistry and physiology behind it and now i say mechanical digestion isn't occurring with these refined foods no mechanical digestion is still occurring uh just because something's been refined and you've taken the fiber out of it or decreased the fiber content doesn't mean you don't still need mechanical digestion and i've seen no evidence and somebody can link me if i'm wrong i have seen no evidence thus far that refining foods actually lowers the mechanical digestion requirement compared to unrefined foods in fact you could argue that without fiber the mechanical digestion may even be more difficult and more energy expensive because without fiber you are going to have less bulk to your food that means your intestine and your actual entire gi tract is gonna have to work harder with peristalsis which is the wave like contractions of the gi tract to move that food down therefore you're not burning as many calories then the third thing we have to look at is the secondary metabolism piece okay enzyme formation see all these little things that add up the formation of enzymes building enzymes to actually break down this food and then over the long haul one could argue that if you eat a lot of processed food you start to lack the enzymes that you would need to normally break down good healthy foods okay okay so this just shows how like that claim is just absolutely asinine aside absolute [ __ ] nonsense i promised i would try to get through a video of critiquing thomas delauer without losing my [ __ ] mind and i'm at five minute at six minutes and five seconds i'm done there's no evidence that happens further just because something's refined and you remove the fiber out of it that doesn't mean that you've actually broken all the chemical bonds they're in yes you've got more sugar sugar still has chemical bonds that have to be broken down if you take protein you can argue that whey protein is very refined the research shows that whey protein elicits just as great of a thermogenic response as intact protein sources even though it requires less mechanical digestion you're not getting less enzyme formation because that protein source still has chemical bonds that need to be broken down there's no evidence that you require less enzyme formation and even then to say well that's going to lower your thermic response there's no evidence of that either yes there seems to be a slightly lower thermic response to a processed food meal compared to an unprocessed food meal there's no evidence it's because of enzyme formation once again this is this is just an example of somebody who hasn't had physiology classes hasn't had biochemistry so they say these things because they sound good they sound like they make sense but they don't have actually anything to back those claims up and i invite thomas if he has uh citations to back this up please send them to me or put them in the comments i would be happy to read those citations i don't think they exist i've never seen them maybe my knowledge is incomplete and he knows something i don't simple things in the world of like whole grains if you switch from whole grains to white bread and you eat white bread for a year well then maybe you're to lose the ability to break down the whole grains and then you wonder why when you go back to whole grains you feel bloated right well if you go back to whole grains you feel bloated because it has fiber fiber in the short term can actually bloat you because fiber pulls water into the gi tract which makes you feel full which is a great effect but also can make you feel bloated going a pound of veggies and let me know how you feel initially further again just because you've refined and taken out the fiber you still have the starch in bread that is still held together by chemical bonds that must be broken down by enzymes during digestion once again this claim is completely asinine same kind of concept because you're losing the enzyme activity which by the way takes calories to form those enzymes so we look at citation equation now again an argument that could come in is okay the white breads higher glycemic okay so the high glycemic foods are going to absorb faster and it's not apples to apples because you're looking at high glycemic foods that's my point okay so the same people are going to make that argument and say that it's oh it's high glycemic so that's not apples to apples those are the same people that are making the argument that a calorie is a calorie so you just completely just kick yourself because now you're saying that it's not equal but actually there's no problem argument you're telling me i don't even care about the glycemic index whether it's because it's high glycemic or not it is not treated the same in the body a calorie is not always a calorie but it is one more time a calorie is a unit of heat of energy literally that's like saying well the degrees on your thermometer not everyone is created equal no they [ __ ] are all calories are created equal not all sources of calories have the same impact on energy expenditure calories don't throw them away if you're looking at massive weight loss if you're looking yes the calories are still going to matter it's still your fuel tank it's still yours hey he's admitting calories back but if you're getting granular you really want to focus on what's happening in your body we're getting some look at the secondary metabolism that's occurring here so as always keep it locked here on my channel i appreciate you watching and i'll see you tomorrow as thomas de lauer videos goes this one wasn't as bad as some of the rest don't get me wrong it's still [ __ ] bad but it wasn't as bad as some of the rest i don't necessarily disagree with the advice to consume less processed foods i think that's probably generally good advice but we need to be honest about why i agree with thomas insofar as it does appear that unprocessed food produces a slightly greater thermic effective food compared to processed food i also agree that it is a good idea to get most of your calories from mostly unprocessed foods however i think it's important to be honest about why that is one satiety and that's the biggest thing two possibly a small difference in tef finally it's just good habits you want to get enough fiber enough micronutrients all that kind of stuff but let's be honest about why it's happening it's not because of [ __ ] b vitamins and it's not because you're over time stopping producing your digestive enzymes that's that's just nonsense i'm not saying you should eat processed foods because i know there are people out there who will claim that this video means i'm advocating for processed foods no i think eating a lot of processed foods is generally a bad idea because it's not satiating and you're getting a slightly lower effect of the thermic effect of food but you don't need to freak out over having some processed food if you decide that you want it and it fits in your daily caloric budget hope you enjoyed that guys i try not to freak out too much it's very triggering for me uh some of the nonsense uh but overall it appears that at least uh thomas does recognize that if he says dumb [ __ ] i'm probably going to tear it apart so he's trying not to say dumb [ __ ] i think um but he still made some claims that were pretty silly so hopefully he continues to get better and i won't have to do these videos anymore because he actually seems like a relatively nice guy even though i strongly disagree with his approach alright guys hope you enjoyed this episode of what the fitness i will catch you next week [Music] you
Channel: Dr. Layne Norton
Views: 68,238
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: biolayne, layne norton, team biolayne, funny, educational, calorie, humor, science, education, nutrition, health, lifestyle
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 0sec (1440 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 16 2020
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